Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider an application for details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 20 no. residential units submitted in accordance with condition 1 on outline planning permission ref 43/2015/1241/PO (Phase 1 reserved matters application); details of the range of house sizes and types submitted in accordance with condition 10 and details of finished floor levels of 20 no. dwellings submitted partly in accordance with condition 11 at land adjacent to Magistrates Court, Victoria Road, Prestatyn (copy attached).



[Councillor Emrys Wynne declared a personal interest in this item because he was a Justice of the Peace]


An application was submitted for details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 20 no. residential units submitted in accordance with condition 1 on outline planning permission ref 43/2015/1241/PO (Phase 1 reserved matters application); details of the range of house sizes and types submitted in accordance with condition 10 and details of finished floor levels of 20 no. dwellings submitted partly in accordance with condition 11 at land adjacent to Magistrates Court, Victoria Road, Prestatyn.


Public Speaker –


Mr. W. Gill (For) – explained a condition imposed on the outline permission on site density equated to twenty residential units and details of the type and size of those units were provided.  The apartments’ height had since been lowered to two storey.  The developer had made a significant financial contribution in lieu of providing on-site open space.  Highlighted additional technical requirements due to the site being in a flood zone.


General Debate – Councillor Tony Flynn (Local Member) highlighted two areas of concern (1) flats out of keeping with area, and (2) loss of green open space.  Whilst appreciating the desire to maximise the value of the site for residential development Councillor Flynn stressed the value of the existing green open space for children to play and he appealed for steps to be taken to retain that provision.  Councillor Rachel Flynn (Local Member) raised concerns regarding infrastructure and impact on local schools and doctors surgeries.  She also queried whether the commuted sum payment provided in lieu of open space could be used for children’s facilities and sought assurances that the wellbeing of residents would be safeguarded against the disruption caused by the development.


In response to the issues raised the Development Manager –


·         advised that the outline permission established the acceptability of the development, including the residential density element, and the current application involved details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale

·         emphasised that the green open space referred to had not been designated as such in the Local Development Plan and a financial contribution to public open space in the area would be forthcoming and ring fenced to benefit local facilities

·         explained that the issue of infrastructure had already been examined when assessing the principle of the development

·         advised that a construction and environmental management plan was required, to be agreed with the Local Member, which would enable the development to be undertaken with minimum disruption and disturbance to residents

·         referred to the type of housing and layout, vehicular access and parking, and the scale of the development which had been lowered to two storey, which was in keeping with other two storey properties in the area.


Councillor Bob Murray queried whether the commuted sum payment in lieu of open space could be used to purchase part of the site for that purpose which had previously been identified for retail use.  Concerns were also raised regarding the ridge heights of the development in comparison with other properties in the area and assurances were sought regarding ensuring compliance with quality standards and design specifications.  In response members were advised that –


·         there would be another reserved matters application coming forward in terms of the retail units element approved as part of the original outline consent

·         it would not be possible to use the commuted sum payment to purchase land as there was strict criteria in terms of how that payment could be spent.  It was suggested that discussions between members and Property Services could be held outside of the meeting in terms of land acquisition but it would not be part of this planning process and it would be unrealistic to expect land with outline consent for retail development to be an affordable acquisition for open space

·         it was not possible to confirm the precise pitches on the roofs of the dwellings but revisions had been made and the height had been reduced in response to concerns raised – a measurement in terms of the actual ground floor to the ridge height had been provided which officers considered acceptable given the surrounding design of properties in the locality and the delivery of housing in a potential flood risk area

·         assurances were provided that the design quality standards in terms of the size of the units would be strictly controlled to ensure they would be met.


Proposal – Councillor Tony Thomas proposed the officer recommendation to grant the application, seconded by Councillor Peter Scott.



GRANT – 16




RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations as stipulated within the report.


At this juncture (11.20 a.m.) the meeting adjourned for a refreshment break.


Supporting documents: