Agenda item
To consider a report by the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services (copy attached) to seek Council approval to recruit to the role of Chief Executive and to agree the approach to be taken in the recruitment process.
At this juncture, the Chief Executive left the Council Chamber.
The Leader, Councillor Hugh Evans introduced the Chief Executive Recruitment Report (previously circulated).
Councillor Evans explained it was the role of the Council to appoint a Head of Paid Services for Denbighshire and having the right Chief Executive was key to the delivery of Denbighshire’s reputation, the right culture of decision making, support and development of staff to perform to their potential, and secure officers to make the right decisions. He stressed to Members that this was one of the most important decisions they would be making to attract the best applicants to be Chief Executive of Denbighshire.
The Deputy Leader, Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill confirmed to Members he had served as the Chair of the Remuneration Panel for Denbighshire who were a politically balanced group of Members. The Remuneration Panel had met on 7 November 2017 to consider a proposed remuneration package for the new Chief Executive which was now recommended to Council for approval.
The proposed salary package provided a three point incremental grade with the current Performance Related Pay (PRP) arrangements being removed. Incremental progression would be awarded based on completion of relevant service.
Overall the package would provide a three year saving of £35,548 against the current total salary (including PRP). Part of the process required the proposal to be considered by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRP). The IRP had met on 16 November 2017 to consider the proposal put forward and were in full agreement to the changes proposed.
The HR Services Manager explained the recruitment process to Members.
In accordance with the Standing Orders (Wales) Amended Regulations 2014, there was a requirement for posts with salaries of more than £100k, and which were for the duration of 12 months or more, to be advertised externally.
Part of the process would be for a Special Appointments Panel to be set up. The Panel would comprise of 7 politically balanced members, chaired by the Leader and include a maximum of 2 other Cabinet Members.
The Chief Executive Recruitment campaign would be managed internally by the HR Services Manager with an external specialist used to undertake an executive search, and support the shortlisting, assessment and appointment process. The anticipated costs for the external specialist would be in the region of £14,000 - £20,000. This would include the cost of media advertisements, potential specialist testing and assessment preparation and analysis. The process for selecting the external specialist would be undertaken via a formal tender. The timescales for the process were included within the report.
During discussion, the following points were raised:
· Plaid Cymru Group expressed their concern at the salary offered within the report due to the fact that there would be a future of austerity and cuts, council tax increases and 12% of workers earning less than the “real living wage”.
Members of the Conservative Group expressed
their concern that the salary recommended within the report was not enough to
encourage the calibre of applicant required to see the Council through the
difficult years ahead.
It was stated that the best candidate for the
job with the skills to keep Denbighshire a high performing Local Authority was
the priority and if the appointee was a Welsh speaker it would be a bonus but
the Council had flourished during the past 10 years with a non-Welsh speaking
Chief Executive who had made sure there had been investment in the Welsh
Councillor Mabon ap Gwynfor proposed an amendment
to the recommendation of a starting salary of £117k with increments to £119k
and £121k, seconded by Councillor Emrys Wynne.
It was confirmed
that if the vote was in favour of the amendment, the proposed salary would need
to be resubmitted to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales for their
approval which would delay the application process and appointment of a new
Chief Executive.
At this juncture,
Councillor Emrys Wynne requested a Recorded Vote, which was supported by 8
members of the Plaid Cymru Group.
A recorded vote took place as follows:
In Favour of starting spot salary of £117k with incremental rises to £119k and £121k:
Councillors Mabon ap Gwynfor, Meirick Lloyd Davies, Huw Jones, Paul Penlington, Arwel Roberts, Glen Swingler, Rhys Thomas and Emrys Wynne.
Total Number of 8 Members voted in favour of the starting spot salary of £117k.
Councillors Joan Butterfield, Ellie Chard, Ann Davies Gareth Lloyd Davies, Hugh Evans, Bobby Feeley, Tony Flynn, Rachel Flynn, Huw Hilditch-Roberts, Hugh Irving, Alan James, Tina Jones, Pat Jones, Richard Mainon, Christine Marston, Barry Mellor, Bob Murray, Anton Sampson, Peter Scott, Tony Thomas, Julian Thompson-Hill, Graham Timms, Joe Welch, Huw Williams and Mark Young.
Total Number of 25 Members voted against the starting spot salary of £117k.
Abstain – 0
Therefore, the amendment put forward by the Councillor Mabon ap Gwynfor for the Chief Executive starting spot salary to be £117k was defeated.
The Head of Legal,
HR & Democratic Services confirmed that the vote would take place for the
recommendations within the report.
At this juncture,
Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies requested individual votes for each
3.1 – That Council
agree to recruit a new Chief Executive
In favour – 31
Abstain – 0
Against – 2
3.2 – that Council
agree to the proposed remuneration package
In favour – 25
Abstain – 0
Against – 8
3.3 – that Council
agree the recruitment pack
In favour – 26
Abstain – 1
Against – 5
3.4 – that Council
agree the recruitment process
In favour – 29
Abstain – 0
Against – 4
At this juncture,
Councillor Graham Timms expressed his displeasure that only 33 members were
present to take part in the vote for the Chief Executive Recruitment Package
which was so important for the County.
3.1 Council agree to recruit a new Chief
3.2 Council agree the proposed remuneration
3.3 Council agree the recruitment pack
3.4 Council agree the recruitment process.
Supporting documents:
- 05.12.17 CE Recruitment Report, item 8. PDF 130 KB
- Appendix A - Chief Executive Recruitment Process, item 8. PDF 446 KB
- APPENDIX B - Recruitment pack for Chief Executive, item 8. PDF 898 KB