Agenda item

Agenda item


1.    To discuss with both organisations their visions for Denbighshire residents, how they intend to deliver their visions and improve outcomes for service-users, the reasons behind the decision to relocate DWP services to Flint and the result of the impact assessments undertaken to inform that decision; and

2.    To discuss with DWP the new Work and Health Programme and how the Council can be involved with this programme for the benefit of the County’s residents


The Strategic Planning Team Manager introduced her report (previously circulated) which informed the Committee on the background to the relocation of Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) commissioned services to help unemployed people into work from Rhyl to Flint. She explained that the DWP had commissioned Rehab Jobfit to deliver these services on its behalf, they had in turn subcontracted the work to PeoplePlus.  The contract for delivering the current programme of services was due to expire at the end of March 2017.  From April 2017 the DWP was planning to deliver a new Work and Health Programme, the contract for this Programme was yet to be awarded. 


Mr John Bisby (Regional Manager, North and Mid-Wales for DWP), and Mr Joel Payne (Regional Manager North and South Wales, PeoplePlus) and Mr Brett Smith (PeoplePlus Manager, Flint) were welcomed by the Chair to the meeting.   The PeoplePlus’ Regional Manager explained with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation the reasons behind the organisation’s decision to relocate part of its work from Rhyl to Flint. He emphasised that it still operated an outreach service in Rhyl for the purpose of providing employment support and skills training. 


PeoplePlus’ services success in getting more people into work meant that fewer individuals were being referred to it at its Rhyl base.  Anyone in the area being referred were redirected to the Flint office, where more services were available.  Those who were directed to Flint would be reimbursed their travelling costs and staff would work with them in a bid to assist them to access services and the jobs market. 


The Regional Manager explained that a number of ‘myths’ had arisen following the announcement of the decision to relocate services from Rhyl to Flint, emphasising that people who were unable to travel to Flint would be seen at the Rhyl outreach office, which was now located in the centre of the town attached to the ‘Rhyl Hub’.  Members were also advised that whilst the organisation had to vacate its previous premises in Rhyl earlier than originally anticipated it had consulted at length with both the landlord and staff on relocating to another site in the town for some considerable time at it felt that the premises was not ‘fit for purpose’. 


The Regional Manager provided details:


·         of the organisation’s customer base in the Rhyl area (including their feedback on the changes following the relocation of the majority of services to Flint, which was generally positive); and

·         of the statistics on total job conversion rates and performance against set targets (the majority of which had been met or exceeded)


The DWP’s Regional Manager then outlined the transformation that his service was currently undergoing as part of the introduction of the new ‘Work and Health Programme’, which would be ‘going live’ in April 2017.  This programme had a less restrictive approach and would focus on the needs of the individual and the employer. 


The emphasis of the new service would be to assist and support people into work, working with them and with employers on the skills required in an ever evolving jobs market.  He explained that from the end of March 2017 DWP would cease to refer people to PeoplePlus for work programme services, but would however continue to support existing customers accessing PeoplePlus services.


In response to members’ questions representatives from both organisations:


·         emphasised that they were always willing to listen and help individuals who contacted them;

·         PeoplePlus assisted individuals access training, qualifications, information and support to set-up social enterprises etc.  It also worked with other public services such as GPs etc. on problems such as obesity, other agencies to help get people back into work e.g. innovative job application methods, money for work clothing etc. and securing sustainable work opportunities for people;

·         PeoplePlus agreed to provide statistics on the reduction in people who now required their services, including information on the types of employment secured.  They also offered to provide members with a monthly Newsletter detailing current projects and statistics, which the Committee accepted;

·         gave an overview of the work with which the DWP was involved in relation to the Anglesey Energy Island project, via the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, with a view to maximising the benefits for the entire North Wales area of the proposed Wylfa B nuclear power station by developing long-term career opportunities in the power industry and supporting supply industries;

·         confirmed that discussions were also underway between DWP and Denbighshire County Council officers with a view to developing a similar approach to the Wylfa B approach for skills and career opportunities for Denbighshire based companies; and

·         services were available through the medium of Welsh across North Wales.


At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair thanked representatives from both organisations for attending the meeting and for clarifying their positions; for clearing up the misconceptions in the community about the impact of the relocation of services from Rhyl to Flint and for reassuring the Council and residents that their services were available to all residents who needed and wanted to access them.  He also suggested to both organisation that, if in future the press were not reporting the full facts of any decisions, they may want to contact the Council with a view to ensuring that residents were provided with the entire facts.  Members:


RESOLVED - that the Committee receive the presentation and based on the above information that a press release be issued to clarify any misconceptions in the community.


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