Agenda item

Agenda item


To consider a report by the Strategic Planning and Performance Officer (copy attached) on the Council’s Draft Annual Performance Review for 2015-16.



The Lead Member for Finance, Corporate Plan and Performance introduced the Annual Performance Report (previously circulated) for Members to approve the draft 2015/16 Annual Performance Review, subject to agreed changes to enable translation and publication prior to 31 October 2016.


The draft report contained a summary of progress for each corporate priority, highlighting key successes or challenges encountered during the year.  It also summarised the performance of corporate projects, corporate risks, comparable indicators (National Strategic Indicators – NSIs), (Performance Accountability Measures - PAMs), and key findings from external regulators.  In addition, the report contained summary information regarding work undertaken in relation to diversity and equality, the Welsh Language Standards, as well as partnership and collaborative activity.


The Head of Business Improvement & Modernisation explained that the Council’s Corporate Plan 2012-17 set the strategic direction for the Council and its priorities for the five year period.  Details of the Council’s intention to deliver the priorities had been set out in the annual service plans and the Corporate Plan Annual Delivery document.


The draft report had been developed by the Strategic Planning Team, in consultation with other council services.  The performance information contained within the document had been provided by services, and had been drawn from the Verto Performance Management system.  Consultation had taken place with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Cabinet prior to being submitted to County Council for approval.


During discussion, the following issues were raised:

·       Low response to the Residents Survey.  Approximately 750 responses were received which was less than 1% of the county’s population.  A report was to be presented at Scrutiny in January 2017, to look at how to address this.

·       Affordable Housing – a report had been presented to Scrutiny to bring empty properties into the housing market, and buying back ex-council properties.  The council were in the first year of a 5 year housing strategy plan.  As part of the housing strategy the council did attend regular meetings with Registered Social Landlords. There were no plans for a full scale development of new build council houses. A report was to be presented to Council Briefing in the New Year.

·       BT Broadband was an ongoing issue.  As Members were aware, BT Broadband had been discussed at Scrutiny recently.  BT had provided a list of “Not” spots but there was a concern by Members that businesses would move out of areas where superfast Broadband was not available.  An update from BT on the progress of installation of superfast Broadband was requested.

·       Support for businesses - Communication with local businesses was raised, as notifications sent out by the council containing information of local events were not reaching all businesses.  It was clarified that businesses need to be registered with the council in order to obtain information.  Members were encouraged to speak to businesses to urge them to register.

·       Rhyl had been raised as a regeneration priority.  The funding made available for regeneration came from both the Welsh Government and the private sector.

·       Mental Health patients requiring inpatient treatment could occasionally be transferred as far as Glasgow due to the bed shortage in Denbighshire. It was a nationwide problem and the Health Boards together with Social Services were working extremely hard to find a solution to this problem.  It was also confirmed that there would be a report to Partnerships Scrutiny Committee on this issue in early spring 2017.

·       Re-assurance was requested for items marked “red” to be improved and how this was to be attained.

·       The rate of older people (aged 65 or over) supported in the community per 1,000 population and aged 65 or over at 31 March – performance remained in the bottom quartile.  This indicator did not take into account Denbighshire’s ambition to meet people’s need through reablement and community services rather than managed care.  Good performance should be low in this indicator.  Denbighshire’s performance had, therefore, improved in relation to both our, and Wales’ ambition to reduce formal support to individuals and should, therefore, be seen as being in the top quartile.

·       Condition of the roads within Denbighshire – it was confirmed that each Member Area Group were given the opportunity to feed into the Network Management system but unfortunately there were financial constraints which meant not all roads could be kept in and “excellent” condition.

·       Communities First – Statement from the Welsh Government the day following Council would announce the financial settlement.  Thereafter clarification regarding Communities First would be sought.


The Lead Member for Social Care, Adult & Children’s Services offered her gratitude to the work the Adults & Children’s Department carried out in constantly striving to improve safe guarding.


The Leader expressed his gratitude to the Lead Member for Finance, Corporate Plan and Performance for presenting the report.  He stated it was imperative that a robust Corporate Plan was in place.


The Leader also offered congratulations to everyone with the Council for being one of the highest performing councils in Wales.


RESOLVED that subject to any agreed changes, Members approve the draft 2015/16 Annual Performance Report to enable translation and publication before 31 October 2016.




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