Agenda and draft minutes

Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Confrence Room 1a, County Hall, Ruthin

No. Item




Apologies were received by Councillor Tony Flynn.





Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business to be conducted at this meeting.



No declarations of interest were raised.





Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972.



There were no urgent matters.




MINUTES pdf icon PDF 273 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on the 2 July 2018 (copy enclosed).



The minutes of Welsh Language Steering Committee held on 2nd July 2018 were submitted:


Page 1 – Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies raised that his presence wasn’t noted.


RESOLVED - that the minutes of the previous meeting held on 2nd July 2018 be approved as a correct record.





To consider a report by the Team Leader - Communications & Campaign Management  to update the Committee on the work of the language champions within the authority (copy enclosed)




The Team Leader- Communications and Campaign Management (CCM) presented the report on the Welsh Language Champions (WLC)


The CCM introduced three Welsh Language Champions and the departments they represented -


·         Margaret Watkins - Communities Support

·         Bethan Parry - Facilities, Assists and Housing Service.

·         Eleri Williams - Planning and Public Protection.


The Corporate Director: Communities (CDC) informed the committee that becoming a WLC was all voluntary. The work they carried out was in addition to their daily work, and praised them for going above and beyond their duties.


The WLC outlined some of the work that they’ve carried out for the Council –


·         The normalisation of the Welsh language in the offices, by using bilingual lanyards, badges, and posters.

·         Promotion of the Welsh language and mapping out the abilities of the workforce. Encouraging staff to partake Welsh courses, sharing materials which could assist in mentoring learners.

·         The framework ‘More than just words’ were implemented internally and with care partners this included –

Ø  Promoting dignity and respect with the user being central.

Ø  Introduction of the ‘active offer’ principle.

Ø  Assure the quality of the care (language needs)

Ø  Maintaining professional standards – communication would be key.

Ø  Meeting the language needs of the most vulnerable users of society


Following the presentation these questions were raised -


·         The committee praised the work that the WLC have carried out, but queried how confident was the Council that managers could implement Welsh language standards in the workplace. In response the WLC stated they would check their departments to ensure the standards were carried out.

·         Requirement of Welsh speakers was raised as a concern by the committee.

·         The committee suggested that each Council meeting should be started in the medium of Welsh.

·         The committee agreed that many staff could converse in Welsh but confidence was an issue. The CCM responded stating that a questionnaire would be circulated soon to get a better idea of the abilities of the staff within the Council. The CCM reassured the Committee when a clearer image would be known then the issue of confidence could be dealt with appropriately.

·         The large discrepancy between the amount of WLC’s and Staff in the Council was raised, and whether more WLC’s would be needed to the large amount of staff. In response the committee was reassured that there were many members of staff who assisted with the Welsh Language standard who weren’t WLC’s.


The chair praised all of the hard work that has currently been carried out by the WLC.


RESOLVED – That the committee agree the recommendation and approve the proposed programme for 2019.





To consider a report by the Lead Officer - Community Wellbeing to explain the work that is going on with young people to promote the Welsh language in the County (copy enclosed).




The Lead Officer: Community Wellbeing (RE) and the Denbighshire Development Officer, Urdd (LE) presented the report on the Joint Working between Denbighshire Youth Service and the Urdd.


Both officers showed the committee a presentation which highlighted several areas which the Council and the Urdd have worked together in the 8 year partnership:


·         Joint Welsh Language Youth Worker

·         Annual Self-Assessment

·         Annual Service Level Agreement

·         Regular monitoring and planning meetings between Youth Service and the Regional Director for the Urdd.


Within the presentation several key areas were also raised, the highlights for young people between the ages of 11-25:


·         Co-ordinated Provision

·         4247 Young People engaged

·         1970 in direct contact with Clubs

·         45 Young People volunteering

·         45 registered on Urdd Youth Forum


LE raised activities which were held:


·         Volunteering was a success with encouraging young people to volunteer which could lead to employment.

·         Competitions were highlighted which gave Young people the opportunity to develop skills and confidence through competing at the Eisteddfod and through competitive sports.


RE outlined some services which has provisions in the medium of Welsh within the Council:


·         Family Information Service – information service for parents which was fully bilingual.

·         Sports Leaders accreditation offered through the medium of Welsh – joint delivery by DCC and Urdd staff


Following the introduction to Youth Services and the Urdd the following queries were raised by members:


·         The Urdd was praised with its work with young people especially with sports, it was raised that the Urdd work closely with students in Universities especially in South Wales. It was queried whether the Universities in North Wales work closely with the Urdd. In response LE informed members that the Urdd do work closely with the Universities and colleges in North Wales and encourage young people to volunteer.

·         Another members raised that the Council work closely with the Colleges and Universities in the North, and attend Career Days, but advised the Council needs to do more to attract young people who have left the area back, especially with Youth Services.


All members praised the report and the presentations.


RESOLVED – Members note the content of the report.





To receive a presentation  by the Team Leader - Communications & Campaign Management  on the role of the new language Centre at Ysgol Glan Clwyd.




The Lead Member for Education, Children and Young People (HHR) presented a presentation in regards with the Ysgol Glan Clwyd Language Centre.


The committee was made aware that Denbighshire had applied for a grant to develop a language centre, the Council’s grant was the most successful in Wales. The amount of £1.8 million would be granted to create the centre. The Committee were also informed that an additional £500k would be available.


The centre would be available to for all Denbighshire residents from the age of 3 and above


Following the brief introduction the following items were raised during the discussion:


·         Due to the site being in St. Asaph, members from the North and South of the County queried whether the site would be beneficial for the areas they represented. It was raised that the Council had a good public transport system and people would be able to attend, also transport links could be discussed at a later date.

·         Members queried whether the site was connected with Glan Clwyd School, HHR responded by stating that the Welsh Language Centre shared a site with the school. Both sites would run separately.


The chair informed the committee that the officer who was meant to report on the item couldn’t attend the meeting. The item was agreed to be reported on fully in the next meeting.


RESOLVED – The committee note the content of the report, and agree for a full report to be brought to the next meeting.





To consider the Committee’s forward work programme (copy attached).



The chair queried with the committee whether they wanted to add anything to the Forward work programme.


It was raised why the naming of streets wasn’t discussed during the meeting, the chair informed the member that the item was on the forward work programme and would be brought to a future meeting. In response it was raised that the item could be taken to Scrutiny rather than the Welsh Language Steering Committee, it was agreed that the item on Street naming be taken to Scrutiny Chairs and vice chairs.


The chair suggested that the business section of the Welsh Language Standards be discussed in the next meeting.


The Welsh language officer suggested that Menter Iaith could be invited to the next meeting to discuss the work they carry out in the County.


The Committee agreed to include the discussion on the Business section on the Forward Work Programme, and also the possibility of inviting Menter Iaith.


RESOLVED That subject to the above, the forward work programme be
