Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Via video conference
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: None. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business to be conducted at this meeting. Minutes: None. |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR To appoint a Chair for the 2023/24 municipal year. Minutes: The Corporate Director: Governance and Business; sought nominations for the position of chair. Councillor Ann Davies proposed that Councillor Ellie Chard be appointed as chair, seconded by Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts. Councillor Chard thanked members for the proposal however stated she did not want the position of chair. Councillor Emrys Wynne proposed that Councillor Arwel Roberts be appointed as chair, seconded by Councillor Ellie Chard. As There were no
other proposals, therefore Arwel Roberts was appointed as chair, all present
agreed RESOLVED that Councillor Arwel Roberts be
nominated as chair for the municipal year. |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIR To appoint a Vice Chair for the 2023/24 municipal year. Minutes: The chair queried with the committee whether they had any
nominations for the position of vice chair for the municipal year. Councillor Arwel Roberts proposed that Councillor Ellie Chard
be appointed as vice chair, seconded by Councillor Cheryl Williams. There were no other proposals, therefore
Ellie Chard was appointed as vice-chair, all present agreed. RESOLVED Councillor Ellie Chard be
appointed as a vice chair for the municipal year. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: None. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on the 23 March 2023 (copy attached) Minutes: The minutes of the Welsh Language Steering
Committee held on 15 March 2023 were submitted RESOLVED that subject to the above, the minutes of
the previous meeting held on 15 March 2023 be received and approved as a
correct record. |
WELSH LANGUAGE COMMISSIONER REPORT 22-23 PDF 130 KB To receive a report detailing the results of the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Monitoring Report (copy attached) Additional documents: Minutes: Prior to allowing officers to introduce the report Councillor Arwel Roberts wanted to thank the previous Welsh Language officer who had since left the Council and all the hard work and dedication she put into her role, and the Council would sorely miss her, all members agreed and wished the officer all the best in her future endeavours. The Team Leader - Communications & Campaign Management presented the Welsh language commissioner report 22-23 (previously circulated) the report sought to provide an update on compliance checks carried out by the Welsh Language Commissioner. The results of the report were overall good
report, and the good practices were continuing. The targets which were set
these had been met by the previous Welsh Language Officer, there has been
self-assessment documents set to allow people to achieve their own language
skills. The recommendations which were set by the commissioner
were as followed – ·
1 - If you receive any correspondence in Welsh from a person, you must reply in
Welsh (if a reply was required), unless the person has said that there is no
need to reply in Welsh. During the surveys it was found that the Authority did
not fully comply with this standard. A Welsh response to an email was not
received on 1/3 occasions. A response in Welsh was received after indicating
this to the relevant officer. ·
Standard 136 - When you assess the needs for a
new job or vacancy, you must assess the need for skills in the Welsh language,
and categorize it as a job when one or more of the following apply – a) skills
in the Welsh language are essential. b) that
it is necessary to learn skills in the Welsh language when someone is appointed
to the post. c) skills
in the Welsh language are desirable; or d) skills
in the Welsh language are not necessary. ·
During the surveys it was found that some jobs
continue to use "empathy for the Welsh language" and "show
awareness of the Welsh language and Welsh culture in the work
environment". Members were reassured again that these findings
had been dealt with by the previous Welsh Language Officer. Members discussed the following further – ·
restated how they would miss the previous Welsh Language officer, and stated
they wish another officer would be in post as soon as possible to ensure the
great work was carried forward. ·
committee thanked officers for the report, they stated that there needed to be continued
support for those who are learning the language in the Council, the authority
needed to maintain the nurturing environment for the Welsh language for the
staff and also to ensure the Language standards were
met and maintained. ·
highlighted that officers who could speak the Welsh language were using it more
in meetings which was good to see, and they encouraged it carry on. RESOLVED that the Committee note the content of the Welsh
Language Commissioner Report 22-23. |
WELSH LANGUAGE COMMISSIONER ASSURANCE REPORT 2022-23- RAISING THE BAR PDF 239 KB To receive an information report regarding the Welsh Language Commissioner Assurance Report 2022-23 (copy attached) Minutes: The Team Leader - Communications & Campaign Management introduced the Welsh Language Commissioner Assurance Report 2022-23- Raising the Bar (previously circulated). Members were informed the report was for information purposes; however the committee were made aware the biggest challenge facing the Council was the requirement of Welsh speaking staff, and the Welsh language services of the Council required an increase, and the work which was planned by the previous Welsh Language Officer would hopefully allow this occur whether the be followed. Members thanked officers for the report, it was suggested that the needs to be comfortable with the Welsh language and the Council needed to raise confidence with Welsh speakers to allow people to use the Language more often. RESOLVED that the Welsh Language Steering Group
note the content of the Welsh Language Commissioner Assurance Report 2022-23-
Raising the Bar. |
FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 165 KB To consider the Committee’s forward work programme (copy attached). Minutes: The committee’s forward work programme was presented for consideration. The Corporate Director: Governance and Business apologised for the empty Forward work programme, he would work with the Team Leader - Communications & Campaign Management would work together to populate the forward work programme, however, he was happy to have any suggestions by the committee. The committee discussed the following further – ·
The committee suggested a potential update on both
the on the Eisteddfod both international and Urdd, and whether there were any
updates, Councillor Emrys Wynne highlighted the committee that, Denbighshire were
keen to host the Eisteddfod in North of the County and wanted to keep the
organisers aware of this. ·
The committee proposed an update on the number
of Welsh speaker staff in the Council. RESOLVED that, subject to the above, the Committee’s Forward
Work Programme be received and noted. The meeting concluded at 10:40am |