Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: by video conference
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies were received by Councillor Elfed Williams. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business to be conducted at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Emrys Wynne declared a personal interest in agenda item 8 as he worked with the Eisteddfod working group. |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR To appoint a Chair for the 2022/23 municipal year. Minutes: Nominations were sought for the appointment of Chair, Councillor Huw Williams proposed Councillor Ellie Chard, which was seconded by Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts; there being no further nominations it was put to the vote and RESOLVED that Councillor
Ellie Chard be appointed Chair of the Welsh Language Steering Committee for the
current municipal year. |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIR To appoint a Vice Chair for the 2022/23 municipal year. Minutes: The Chair invited nominations for Vice Chair, Councillor Emrys Wynne proposed the item be deferred until the next meeting as no nominations were not proposed, and there were some members absent from the meeting. RESOLVED that the
appointment of vice chair be postponed until the next meeting. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: No urgent matters were raised. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting of the committee held on the 8th March 2022 (copy enclosed) Minutes: The minutes of the
Welsh Language Steering Committee held on 8 March 2022 were submitted. RESOLVED
that, subject to the above, the minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 March
2022 be received and approved as a correct record. |
WELSH LANGUAGE MONITORING REPORT PDF 122 KB To discuss and agree the contents of the annual Welsh Language Monitoring report for 2020/21. (copy attached) Additional documents: Minutes: The Team Leader – Communications introduced the Annual Welsh Language Monitoring Report (previously circulated) In accordance with the Welsh Language Standards introduced
under the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011 the Council was required to
publish an annual report by 30 June outlining the work undertaken to comply with
the requirements of the Standards between 1 April and 31 March. This report
focuses on the 6th year of the implementation of the Welsh Language Standards,
the past two years having been very different from the norm. Denbighshire
County Council was fully committed to responding positively to the Welsh
Language Standards as was reflected in its Welsh Language Strategy 2017-2022
and remains fully committed to playing its part towards the national effort to
increase the number of Welsh speakers to a million by 2050. The Council's main focus in 2021-22 was on continuing to
implement the Welsh Language Standards within the authority to ensure
compliance with the 167 Standards under the headings Service Planning, Policy
Making, Promoting and Record Keeping. To achieve this it was essential to work
closely with the Welsh Language Champions across the Authority as monitoring
staff compliance at a time when the majority of the workforce was still working
from home was challenging. We continue to support the workforce more than ever
with the implementation of the standards and our target was to double the day
to day use of Welsh. We will do this by promoting Welsh language courses for
staff to embark on their language journey or confidence building courses and
in-house activities to help staff develop and foster their Welsh language
skills. The Council was an active partner of the Welsh Language
Partnership led by Menter Iaith
Sir Ddinbych. This Forum was made up of a number of
organisations, both local and national, working towards the strategic promotion
and development of the Welsh language in Denbighshire. Denbighshire’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan to 2032
contains information about the proposed merger of the Welsh in Education
Strategic Group with the County’s Language Forum to oversee the implementation
and evaluation of the plan. Over the past year we have undertaken a great deal of key
work in promoting and facilitating the use of Welsh internally and externally
to ensure that the Language Standards are implemented. The Council held its fourth Eisteddfod between 18 February
and 1 March as part of the St David’s Day celebrations. The event was part of
the Council’s efforts to raise the profile and ensure better understanding of
the Welsh language and also to celebrate Welsh culture. It was held during a
period of considerable focus on the Welsh language with the imminent return of
the Urdd Eisteddfod to the County in May 2022. Once again this year, because of
Covid-19, the Staff Eisteddfod was held digitally. ‘Mae gen i hawl’ (I have a right)
campaign - This was a national campaign to celebrate the Welsh services offered
by Local Authorities and people’s rights to use Welsh in their dealings with
them. It was an opportunity to promote Welsh language services in Denbighshire
and to try and increase the numbers choosing to use them. The marketing
campaign talks about some of the rights the public as well Council staff have. The committee discussed the following further – · Councillor Emrys Wynne thanked the Corporate Director: Communities, the Welsh Language Officer and Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts the previous lead member for the Welsh language for their work carried out within the report. He agreed with the impact that remote working has had on socialising and communications. One of Councillor Wynne’s ambitions as lead member ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
To receive a report by the Welsh Language Officer providing the committee with an update to Members on the outcomes of the Eisteddfod and the Council’s role in the event (copy attached). Minutes: The Team Leader – Communications (TLC) introduced the report providing a follow up to the recent Eisteddfod yr Urdd (previously circulated) Eisteddfod yr Urdd returned to Denbighshire last month (30 May to 4 June) following a two year wait. The original festival was due to take place in May 2020, but was delayed due to Covid. First Eisteddfod which had Gwyl Triban and had free entry which helped that people attended. More contestants from Denbighshire from any other county in Wales. Which was a testament to the work carried out by the education department. 118,000 people attended. Marque Sir Dinbych – · Theatre · Business promoting area · Art and craft section · Countryside and Youth services which were highlighted BMX track was very busy. · A multitude of performances · Political visits throughout the week. Throughout the week the tent was very well visited, a lot of families from the Rhyl / Prestatyn area, which was a demographic which did not usually attend the Eisteddfod. Art was produced from the refugees which came to the area, which highlighted similarities between the cultures. It’s also hoped that the local economy and tourism trade
will have a lasting legacy, with more and more people visiting the county and
the wider North East Wales region. Many people visiting Denbighshire’s marquee
commented it was their first time in the county and that they would be coming
back to spend more time here. An economic impact study will be carried out by
the Urdd in the near future. The Council should also work closely with the Urdd and other community partners to identify opportunities to exploit the interest in the Urdd and to host other regular events that will maintain some of the buzz and momentum. The committee discussed the following further – · The committee were all in agreement that the Eisteddfod was a great achievement was nice to have a gathering following the challenges of Covid. The variety on the Maes and was an excellent opportunity to promote the Welsh language. The committee hoped the local economy would benefit from the Urdd. · Councillor Gill German thanked Denbighshire and Urdd staff for the Eisteddfod, the event made her want to learn the Welsh Language further. · The Corporate Director: Communities wanted to thank the team on behalf of the Council and the senior team in the Council and bringing the council closer to the community. RESOLVED that
the Welsh Language Steering Committee note the Eisteddfod yr
Urdd follow up report |
FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 152 KB To consider the Committee’s forward work programme (copy attached). Minutes: The committee’s forward work programme was presented for consideration. Members raised the following matters – ·
agreed to discuss any additional items for the committee outside of the
meeting. RESOLVED
that, subject to the above, the Committee’s Forward Work
Programme be received
and noted. |