Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Russell House, Rhyl
No. | Item |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 12 December 2018 (copy attached). Minutes: The minutes of the Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services
Board held on 12 December 2018 were submitted for approval. Helen Wilkinson (Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council
(DVSC)) stated that Debbie Neale had attended the Board meeting on her behalf. She clarified that DVSC were leading on the
Dementia training within Denbighshire and not Conwy. She confirmed she would pick up minor
inaccuracies with the PSB Development Officer following the meeting. RESOLVED that,
subject to the above, the minutes of the Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services
Board meeting held on 12 December 2018 be approved as a correct record. |
MATTERS ARISING · Joint Scrutiny Committee (verbal update by Hannah Edwards (Conwy County Borough Council)) 1.30 p.m. – 1.40 p.m. Minutes: Update on PSB Joint
Scrutiny Arrangements: It was confirmed a Conwy and Denbighshire Joint PSB Scrutiny had been established. A training session had taken place in February 2019. The Scrutiny Committee membership would contain 8 elected members from Conwy and 8 from Denbighshire. The first meeting was to take place on 21 May 2019 and Councillors had requested that the Chair of PSB attend the meeting. |
CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR NOMINATIONS To receive nominations to appoint a Chair and Vice Chair to commence the role from June 2019 onwards. 1.40 p.m. – 1.50 p.m. Minutes: The Chair introduced the Chair and Vice Chair nominations. He stated that neither the current Chair or himself as Vice Chair intended to carry on in the roles. He therefore sought nominations for both Chair and Vice Chair to the Board. It was proposed and seconded for Sian Williams of Natural Resources Wales to become Chair. Sian accepted the role but suggested a further NRW representative be appointed to the Board during her term as Chair. It was proposed and seconded for Judith Greenhalgh, Chief Executive of Denbighshire County Council to become Vice Chair. In relation to attending the inaugural joint scrutiny committee meeting, members agreed it would be beneficial for the new Chair and Vice Chair to attend, support by the current Chair and Vice Chair (if diaries permit). RESOLVED that: (i) Sian Williams of Natural Resources Wales become Chair of the Public Services Board from June 2019 onwards (ii) Judith Greenhalgh of Denbighshire County Council become Vice Chair of the Public Services Board from June 2019 onwards. |
At this juncture,
there was a change in the order of Agenda Items. |
CONWY & DENBIGHSHIRE PSB DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT 2018/2019 To receive and approve the draft annual report for consideration at the inaugural joint PSB scrutiny committee in May 2019. This item will also include an update on the priorities, review of PSB membership and discussion on future priorities (copy attached). Fran Lewis and Hannah Edwards (Conwy County Borough Council) 2.40 p.m. – 3.10 p.m. Minutes: The Corporate Performance and Improvement Manager (CCBC),
Fran Lewis, introduced the draft annual report (previously circulated). The report was produced to give a brief overview of what had
been achieved since the PSB well-being plan had been published in April
2018. It was essential to ensure that
the PSB were accountable to the public and could reflect on where they were
making a difference in line with the five ways of working, together with
outlining the future direction. It was explained that the draft annual report would be
presented to the joint Scrutiny Committee in May prior to being re-presented at
the June PSB for final approval. General discussion took place and the following points were
raised: ·
Membership of the Board was considered as part
of the work moving forward. It was suggested representatives from Snowdonia
National Park may be invited to join the Board, as well as representatives from
housing and regeneration. It was stated
that if a representative from the National Park were to be invited then also a
representative from the AONB should be included. The Board were informed that Town and
Community Councils have also requested to have a representative on the
Board. Concerns were raised that the
membership could become too large for the Board to have an effective delivery
model. Members agreed to formally review
membership at the next meeting. ·
The swapping of lead roles for the priority
areas - some members felt it would be an appropriate time for Board members who
were experts in their field to now deliver the appropriate priority. Agreed that NRW will lead on the environment
priority and Public Health Wales / Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to lead on the mental
well-being priority. Community
empowerment priority to remain with Denbighshire County Council and supported
by DVSC and CVSC. ·
It was stated that being an open Board for the
public had not come through strongly enough within the report. ·
It was suggested that direction for the next 12
months be included within the report. ·
Helen Wilkinson (DVSC) requested to edit the
dementia element of the community resilience priority.
Remove reference to the Future Generation Commissioners
priorities. ·
To ensure the report outlined the difference the
Board was making, it was suggested that a diagram be included to show where the
pathway was leading and what we wanted to achieve (if possible for this round
of reporting). At this juncture, Sian Williams (NRW) informed members that
a regional approach to Climate Change is being pursued. This approach will be useful to learn from
each other and to ensure work was not duplicated. Through this approach there will also be an
opportunity to make comparisons with other PSBs. She confirmed she would bring back plans,
ideas and information on the work currently being carried out in Gwynedd and
Anglesey PSB on climate change to a future Board meeting. The Chair confirmed the requested changes would be made to
the draft annual report and the amended version would be circulated to Board
Members for their comment. Owing to
timescales, a deadline would be set for any Board amendments, prior to the report
being submitted to Scrutiny Committees. RESOLVED that (i) the Conwy
& Denbighshire PSB Draft Annual Report 2018/2019 be amended prior to
circulation to Board Members and submission to Scrutiny. (ii) membership is reviewed formally at the
next meeting. (iii) NRW will lead on the environment resilience priority and Public ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
BETSI CADWALADR UNIVERSITY HEALTH BOARD 3 YEAR PLAN 2019/22 To receive and respond to the draft 3 year plan for BCU (copy attached) Gary Doherty (Chief Executive, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board) 1.50 p.m. – 2.10 p.m. Minutes: The Chief Executive, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB), Gary Doherty,
introduced the report (previously circulated) for the three
year plan for 2019/2022, which was a work in progress document. The report explained the way BCUHB worked and what the key
priorities were. The three priority areas
were: ·
Improving Health and Reducing Health
Inequalities ·
Care closer to Home, and ·
Excellent Hospital Care The Chief Executive stated that some key areas were in need
of improvement. For example
the IT system would require a standard version across all three acute
sites. Outpatients department required
additional work to ensure it ran more efficiently. Focussing on the first 1000 days of life was
a pathway to new model of care. Changes
in mental health and to assure community wellbeing rather than waiting until in
crisis. He explained further that the Regional Leaders Board had
been looking at public health together with education to make a
difference. The carbon footprint of BCUHB would also be included within
the three year plan through various avenues. The three year plan
was to be presented to the Health Board within the week and feedback from that
Board meeting could be presented at a future PSB meeting. It was requested that three
year plan update be linked in to the three priorities of the PSB. The Chief Executive of BCUHB agreed to this. RESOLVED that the
BCUHB Three Year Plan 2019/2022 be noted and an update be presented at a future
PSB meeting. |
LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CONWY AND DENBIGHSHIRE To receive a verbal report from James Harland (CBCC) and Angela Loftus (DCC) on the Local Development Plans and respond to the consultation. 2.10 p.m. – 2.40 p.m. Minutes: The Strategic Planning Policy Manager (CCBC), James Harland
and the Strategic Planning & Housing Manager (DCC), Angela Loftus gave a
verbal presentation on the respective Local Development Plans and response to
the consultations. James Harland (CCBC) – explained it was a 3½ year
process. There was a joint protocol
between CCBC and DCC. A six week engagement had taken place and the three key
elements which had been taken into account were as follows: (i)
Growth Deal (ii)
Affordable Housing requirement, and (iii)
Infrastructure was key.
Negotiations were taking place with service providers and meetings were
also taking place with education and health. Planning to take it through Conwy’s democracy in June /
July. Angela Loftus (DCC) – confirmed engagement with CCBC had
taken place. The timetable for DCC was
similar to CCBC. Similar issues had been
encountered. Looking at settlements
within the county and what services were in place. Focussing on meeting local needs and
undertaking wellbeing impact assessments.
Also undertaking health impact assessments which will be part of the
consultation. There was a high level of
need for affordable housing, but it was unlikely that need would be met. It was important to maximise affordable
housing. A major challenge was how to keep young people within the
region. It was requested that affordable
housing be kept on the agenda. It was
confirmed that from a viability point of view, both CCBC and DCC were working
together to assist RSL’s (Registered Social Landlords). RESOLVED that the
update from James Harland and Angela Loftus be noted. |
NORTH WALES PSB SUPPORT GRANT To receive a verbal update on the 2018/2019 North Wales PSB Support Grant and consider the subsequent 2019/2020 funding application. Nicola Kneale (Denbighshire County Council) 3.10 p.m. – 3.20 p.m. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Strategic Planning & Performance Manager (DCC) introduced the report (previously circulated) to inform the Board about the Welsh Government (WG) grant available to the North Wales region in 2019/2020 and how the fund had been allocated across the four criteria set out within the appendix to the report. The funding had been made available to support Public Services Boards to meet their commitments in relation to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. It was specifically to assist with the development of well-being plans, and the ongoing development and maintenance of assessments of local well-being. RESOLVED that: (i) PSB members note the report and support the 2019/2020 funding application. (ii) Regular updates on grant expenditure are provided to the Board. |
CONWY & DENBIGHSHIRE VOLUNTARY SERVICES COUNCIL To receive a verbal report from Wendy Jones (CVSC) and Helen Wilkinson (DVSC) to discuss what support PSB can offer to the third sector. 3.20 p.m. – 3.40 p.m. Minutes: The Chief Executive of Denbighshire Voluntary Services
Council, Helen Wilkinson, and the Chief Officer, Community and Voluntary
Support Conwy, Wendy Jones gave a verbal report on what support PSB could offer
to the third sector. Both voluntary sectors had previously given presentations to
the PSB. The presentations had raised
awareness of the work involved but it was agreed to re-circulate the
presentations to all members. The voluntary sectors were funded by Welsh Government and
payments from various partners. They
encouraged members to consider their sectors for co-production work. CVSC planned training delivery on data
protection and safeguarding. It was
also confirmed that co-production workshops were to take place the following
week. RESOLVED that the
PSB note the contents of the verbal report and the two presentations be
re-circulated to all members for information. |
LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES TO RURAL COMMUNITIES (WALES AUDIT OFFICE REVIEW) To receive the review and respond to recommendation 2 within the report (copy attached). Fran Lewis (Conwy County Borough Council) 3.40 p.m. – 3.55 p.m. Minutes: The Corporate Performance and Improvement Manager (CCBC)
introduced the report (previously circulated). The review assessed how local government directly provided
services to rural communities and how councils worked with others. Based on the findings of the audit, the Auditor General had
concluded that councils were not yet finding sustainable ways to help rural
communities overcome the challenges faced and there was a need for them to
think and act differently. Part of the report reviewed how councils and their partners
planned to support and sustain their rural communities in the future through
the work of PSBs. The WAO recommendations for PSBs were as follows: WAO recommend that PSB public services partners responded
more effectively to the challenges faced by rural communities by: ·
Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their
different rural communities using the Welsh Governments Rural Proofing Tool and
identify and agree the local and strategic actions needed to support community
sustainability; and ·
Ensuring the Local Well-Being Plan sets out a
more optimistic and ambitious vision for “place” with joint priorities co-produced
by partners and with citizens to address agreed changes. PSB needed to look at the WG Rural Proofing Tool which could
be applied to any decision. It was
agreed that the rural proofing tool be applied to the three priorities. It was agreed that work was taking place but there was a
resource shortfall to address issues in the rural area. Views were expressed that the report was thought to be
premature and a lot of work would be taking place in this area in the
future. In response to the recommendations,
it was suggested referencing the work taking place with the LDPs, the North
Wales Growth Bid and the Rural Development Plan programmes operating in Conwy
and Denbighshire. It was agreed to draft a response to the recommendations
including reference to the above areas of work. RESOLVED that: (i) the report
be noted and a response be drawn up to the recommendations. (ii) the rural
proofing tool be applied to the three priority areas. |
FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME The Chair will lead on this item. 3.55 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Minutes: The PSBs Forward
Work Programme (FWP) (previously circulated) was presented for consideration.
Members confirmed the agenda and reports due at the next PSB meeting in June
2019 as follows: ·
of the 2018/2019 PSB annual report ·
Wales Growth Bid Update ·
approach to climate change report ·
1000 Days update ·
– Dementia Friendly project ·
Scenario Planning ·
on Flexible Funding Programme ·
on the PSB Priorities ·
Exempt Item – Development of PSB risk
register and leadership challenges discussion. RESOLVED that,
the work programme be approved. |
The meeting concluded
at 3.45 p.m. |