Agenda and draft minutes

Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: the Board Room, Optic Centre, St. Asaph LL17 0JD

No. Item




Andy Jones – National Probation Service

Gary Doherty – Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Judith Greenhalgh – Denbighshire County Council

Rebecca Masters – Public Health Wales

Wendy Jones – Community and Voluntary Support Conwy




To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2017 (copy enclosed).


The minutes of the Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board meeting held on 30 November 2017 were submitted.


Matters Arising –


Page 8 – Denbighshire County Council Corporate Plan – it was noted that Graham Boase, DCC was in attendance to provide an overview of the Regional Growth Bid.


Page 8 – Brexit Implications – it was noted that Sioned Rees, Welsh Government would be following up on the funding element.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2017 be received and approved as a correct record.




(a)  BCUHB Letter – Membership changes (copy enclosed)

(b)  Nomination for National Safeguarding Team telephone interview (copy enclosed)

9.30 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Additional documents:


(a) BCUHB Letter – Membership Changes


A letter (previously circulated) had been received from Gary Doherty, Chief Executive BCUHB advising that BCUHB’s membership on the PSB was changing.  Iwan Davies, CCBC explained that the Health Board had two statutory members which included the Chair and Chief Executive of the Board or person(s) nominated by them.  The Chairman continued to delegate his place to Bethan Jones, Area Director and Gary Doherty intended to attend future meetings himself.


(b) Nomination for National Safeguarding Team Telephone Interview


Background information on the National Safeguarding Team was provided together with a script for telephone interviews with stakeholder organisations (previously circulated).  Officers felt that PSB should be given the opportunity to consider whether or not to take part in the survey.  Members wished to support that work and be interviewed but it was considered too early in the process and it was agreed to take up the matter again once the priorities had been developed in greater detail and it was RESOLVED accordingly.




To approve the PSB Well-being Plan (copy enclosed) and its publication on the website – report by the Chair.

9.45 a.m. – 9.50 a.m.

Additional documents:


A report was submitted (previously circulated) providing members with feedback from the executive boards of the statutory partners in relation to the Conwy and Denbighshire’s Well-being Plan 2018 – 2023 and seeking approval of the summary and technical version of the Plan and its publication on the website.


The Chair confirmed that the Plan had been through the governance systems of partner organisations and had been agreed by all PSB member organisations.  A number of queries had been raised by National Resources Wales (NRW) which had been included within the feedback documentation and Siân Williams provided further information in that regard.  NRW had raised concern that detail was lacking in terms of what would be done to meet the objectives but had been reassured that the next stage was to work up that detail.  During debate she elaborated upon the forensic approach taken by NRW’s board to consider all 19 PSB Well-being Plans and provided an overview of the outcome.  With regard to PSB Plans the feedback from members was that whilst there were differences in terms of presentation, there were no significant difference in the key themes and aspirations of PSBs across Wales.  The need to embed the Plan within partner organisations was raised as a key issue and ensuring engagement across authorities and partners, and members considered how the Plan would complement other plans and strategies within their organisations.  It was agreed that a progress report be submitted to the September meeting and that a further discussion take place on how partners were embedding the Plan within their organisations and influencing actions.


The Chair acknowledged the significant work which had been undertaken in producing the Plan and thanked all those involved.




(a)       the summary and technical version of the Conwy and Denbighshire Well-being Plan 2018 – 2023 (detailed at Appendix A and B to the report) be approved;


(b)       publication of the Well-being Plan on the Conwy and Denbighshire PSB website also be approved, and


(c)        a progress report be submitted to the September meeting and a further discussion take place on how the Plan was being embedded within partner organisations.




To receive a verbal report from Graham Boase, Corporate Director Economy and Public Realm (DCC).

9.50 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.


Graham Boase, Corporate Director Economy and Public Realm, Denbighshire County Council delivered a power point presentation on the Regional Growth Bid.


Members were advised of the role of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board and work to develop a Growth Bid for North Wales for national investment from UK and Welsh Governments and potential for devolved powers.  Details were also provided of the Shadow Growth Board including membership and governance arrangements together with the decision making process which would be as inclusive as possible within the confines of the legislation.  A Regional Programme Office would be established to deliver projects.


The Growth Bid had been divided into three key themes – connected, resilient and SMART.  Projects were currently being refined and Graham Boase elaborated upon each of the 12 strategic interventions under the following headings – (1) Sites and Premises (Employment); (2) Housing Enabler; (3) Access to Energy; (4&5) Technology and Innovation Resource Hub; (6) Business Growth Fund; (7) Skills and Employment Hub; (8) Skills and Employment Fund; (9) Skills Academies; (10) Digital Connectivity; (11) Regional Transport Fund; (12) Regional Transport Body.


The total aspirational funding required was £343m capital investment and £55.4m revenue to support the delivery up to 2035.  If that level of investment was secured it would lever in £1bn from the private sector into North Wales which would have a significant impact on the economy.


The Leaders of Conwy and Denbighshire gave their own perspective on the Growth Bid as did other partners highlighting both risks to be managed in terms of local infrastructure to cope with additional demand; impact on service providers and not creating further inequalities in communities, together with opportunities and synergy with the PSB Well-being Plan, particularly in terms of housing, health, education and improving the quality of life for residents.  It was considered that all partners had a role to play given the range of cross cutting themes and reference was made to the importance of the third sector, including social community and business enterprises.  It was also felt that further engagement with public sector partners would help to support the actions and social infrastructure and that there would be merit in broadening public sector representation on the Board.  Councillor Hugh Evans referred to the details of the Shared Prosperity Fund to reduce inequalities and felt that more should be done to influence that debate.


Graham Boase agreed to feedback members’ views and to arrange for the presentation together with a summary sheet of existing projects to be circulated.


RESOLVED that, subject to members’ comments above, the presentation on the Regional Growth Bid be received and noted.




(a)  People – Mental Well-being

(b)  Community – Community Empowerment

(c)  Place – Environmental Resilience (copy enclosed) – Iwan Davies/Teresa Owen

(d)  Consequential Review of PSB Membership (verbal report by the Chair)

10.30 a.m. – 11.15 a.m.

Additional documents:


An update on progress with priorities was provided as follows –


(a) People – Mental Well-being


Siân Williams, NRW advised that the Sub-Group had not yet managed to meet and she would report back to the next meeting.


(b) Community – Community Empowerment


Nicola Kneale, DCC reported that Community and Voluntary Support Conwy and Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council were leading on this priority.  A meeting had been held to discuss and identify those areas on which to focus which included housing, employment opportunities and sustainable infrastructure and there was much in the Growth Bid which would contribute.  A session would be arranged to look at collaboration opportunities and add value.


(c) Place – Environmental Resilience


Iwan Davies, CCBC referred to the notes of the meeting held (previously circulated) and advised as to the next steps to take up the approaches identified.


Members noted that work to support the priority areas was still at a very early stage and the Chair asked for a further progress report for the September meeting with more detail on impacts and outcomes.


(d) Consequential Review of PSB Membership


The Chair reminded members that it had initially been agreed to keep the membership of PSB small and possibly widen membership dependent on the priority areas.  She asked members to let her know if they considered it would be strategically beneficial to widen that membership.


RESOLVED that the progress with priorities be noted and a further update be provided for the September meeting.




The Chair will lead on this item (correspondence enclosed).

11.15 a.m. – 11.35 a.m.


A letter from the Chair of the North Wales Regional Partnership Board (NWRPB) to Chairs of Public Services Boards (PSB) was submitted (previously circulated) seeking further discussion on the best way forward in developing strong working relationships between the NWRPB and PSBs.


The Chair sought members’ views on the proposals as set out in the report, specifically the basic principle that “Public Services Boards take responsibility for actions and the execution of health and care developments locally, the North Wales Regional Partnership Board takes responsibility for setting strategic principles at regional level”.  Whilst members had some sympathy with the proposals and supported better links to work more collaboratively it was felt that, given the different legislation governing the work of both Boards the PSB would be unable to meet their statutory obligations if it worked to the principle as proposed.  It was also felt that the role of the PSB in delivering the local Well-being Plan had not been made clear within the report with no reference to local priorities.  It was agreed to respond to the letter on that basis and also to invite the NWRPB to present their regional priorities to a future meeting of the PSB.


RESOLVED that a response to the letter from NWRPB be submitted detailing members’ views on the proposals as referred to above and extending an invitation for them to attend a future PSB meeting to present their regional priorities.




To consider a report by Councillor Hugh Evans, Leader DCC on the grant made available from Welsh Government to the North Wales region (copy enclosed).

11.35 a.m. – 11.45 a.m.

Additional documents:


Councillor Hugh Evans, DCC presented a report (previously circulated) on the grant made available from Welsh Government to the North Wales region in 2018-19 and how the funds had been allocated across the criteria set out by Welsh Government.


The funding was offered on a health board footprint and it was disappointing to note that the total grant awarded to North Wales Public Services Boards amounted to £83,117 with the funding being paid at the end of the funding period.  Progress reports would be provided to Welsh Government on a quarterly basis.


The Chair felt it would be useful to gain an understanding of different grants and bid regimes in place and agreed that if a project was identified which would have a significant impact on the area it was important to know what possible funding streams were available.  She asked that the information be linked to the information on Welsh European Funding when it became available.




(a)       the PSB members have read and understood the report, and in particular taken note of the amounts available and the criteria that applies, and


(b)       that PSB members have opportunity to suggest areas of work that may be progressed with the available support funding.  Spend against the grant can be a standing agenda item at PSB so that updates can be provided, and consideration given to areas that would benefit from investment.




To receive a verbal report from Superintendent Sian Beck.

11.45 a.m. – 12.05 p.m.


Superintendent Siân Beck, North Wales Police delivered a power point presentation on the strategic priorities of North Wales Police, detailing the demand on resources and objectives set by the Police and Crime Commissioner.


During the presentation members were advised of the following –


·         the different elements of violent crime and anti-social behaviour which required a partnership approach to resolve

·         the increase in recorded crime which was due to better crime recording

·         differentials between high and low complexity crimes with the crime types increasing being complex crimes requiring additional resources

·         reported upon 12 homicides between July 2016 and September 2017

·         detailed the Police and Crime Plan Priorities together with how the Police would be responding to those priority areas – Domestic Abuse; Modern Slavery; Organised Crime; Secual Abuse and Delivering Safer Neighbourhoods

·         under the Organised Crime priority highlighted ‘County Lines’ as a larger issue than drugs which cut across a number of other thematic areas and crime types

·         engagement with the public and partners, including the use of social media.


Superintendent Beck clarified a number of issues in response to questions and members discussed those areas in which a partnership approach would prove beneficial.  Members were particularly interested in ‘County Lines’ where it was felt that partners could have a positive impact, particularly in relation to front line staff who would be best placed to identify specific features and help safeguard victims.  Superintendent Beck confirmed that ‘County Lines’ was a huge threat and an officer had been identified to deliver the ‘County Lines’ presentation with a view to raising awareness of the issues involved and support a multi-agency approach.  The Chair encouraged partners to raise awareness of the issue within their organisations and receive the ‘County Lines’ presentation.  It was agreed that the relevant information be circulated to all partners.  Some discussion also focused on the changes to the recruitment of police officers with a new three tier system of entry and partners discussed the challenges of recruitment within their individual sectors and importance of succession planning.


The Chair thanked Superintendent Beck for her informative presentation.


RESOLVED that the presentation on the strategic priorities of the North Wales Police be received and noted.




To receive a verbal report from the Chair.

12.05 p.m. – 12.25 p.m.


The Chair led the discussion on organisational risks given that PSB meetings were now held in public and highlighted the need to consider where there were matters for consideration in closed session.  Members agreed to set aside approximately one hour at the June meeting to discuss, in closed session, risks and pressures on their organisations and to consider the impact on partners and any unintended consequences, and where possible identify multi agency solutions.  It was RESOLVED ACCORDINGLY.




The Chair will lead on this item.

12.25 p.m. – 12.30 p.m.


A copy of the PSB forward work programme was presented and the following matters were discussed –


·         Megan Vickers reported that a need for better collaboration around public engagement had been identified and an initial meeting had been arranged across Conwy and Denbighshire to further consider the issue.  It was agreed that the details of the meeting be circulated to members and that the matter be reported to a future meeting of the PSB

·         reference was made to the development of a joint scrutiny arrangement to support the PSB and timescales were discussed – given its importance the Chair hoped to have a clear proposal for the June meeting

·         it was agreed to remove ‘Mental Health presentation’ and ‘Green Dragon Award’ from future items on the work programme

·         Partnership Landscape Update – the Chair highlighted the need to be clear on the governance and decision making around some of the partnerships and it was agreed to keep that item on the work programme

·         reference was made to the green paper on local government reorgansiation and whilst it was agreed that all partner organisations needed to be aware of the proposals it was agreed not to respond as a PSB to that general consultation.


RESOLVED that, subject to the above, the work programme be approved.







Meeting concluded at 12.40 p.m.