Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Virtual
Contact: 01824 712589 Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS, APOLOGIES AND DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Minutes: The meeting was opened by the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB Officer and
Ranger Service Manager, Howard Sutcliffe. The Places Team Leader and Solicitor, Clare
Lord suggested everyone attending the meeting introduced themselves for the
minute taker to note the attendance at the meeting in the minutes. Apologies were received from Councillor
Win Mullen-James (DCC), Councillor Hugh Jones (WCBC) and Andy Worthington (AONB
Partnership Chair). |
ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR (CL) Minutes: Nominations were sought for the election
of Chair and Vice-Chair of the Clwydian Range and Dee
Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Joint Committee. Councillor Emrys Wynne nominated David
Hughes for the role of Chair, and this was seconded by David Healy. David Hughes nominated Nigel Williams for
the role of Vice-Chair and this was seconded by David
Healy. There being no further nominations it was: RESOLVED: that
David Hughes be appointed as Chair and Nigel Williams be appointed as
Vice-Chair of the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area
of Outstanding Natural Beauty Joint Committee. |
DRAFT MINUTES OF THE AONB JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON THE 17 NOVEMBER 2023 PDF 343 KB To consider the minutes (copy attached) of the previous meeting of the AONB Joint Committee held on 17 November 2023 (HS). Minutes: The minutes of the Clwydian
Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Joint Committee held on
17 November 2023 were submitted. Accuracy – Page 5 (minutes) – Huw Jones to be amended
to Hugh Jones. Page 8 (minutes) – Moel
Fammau to be amended to Moel
Famau. Matters arising – No matters arising were raised. RESOLVED: that,
subject to the above, the minutes of the meeting held on the 17 November 2023
be received and approved as a true and correct record of the proceedings. |
DRAFT MINUTES OF THE AONB PARTNERSHIP MEETING HELD ON 26 JANUARY 2024 PDF 732 KB To note the minutes (copy attached) of the AONB Partnership meeting held on 26 January 2024 (HS). Minutes: The draft minutes of the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural
Beauty Partnership meeting held on 26 January 2024 were received for
information. The AONB Officer highlighted the following
points from the minutes- A presentation was received at the meeting
addressing Inclusion, Diversity and Governance to work towards diversifying the
AONB Partnership Membership. Work to improve the toilet block and car
park had now been completed at Horseshoe Falls to improve traffic and visitor
flow. Clwyd West – Levelling Up Fund -
Loggerheads had plans being commissioned to alleviate flooding on the site. Architects were currently working on
designs to create a visitor Hub at Moel Famau to help manage visitors. RESOLVED: that
the minutes of the AONB Partnership meeting held on the 26 January 2024 be
noted. |
MINUTES FROM THE PICTURESQUE LANDSCAPES STEERING GROUP MEETING HELD ON 23 JANUARY 2024 PDF 633 KB To consider the minutes (copy attached) of the Picturesque Landscapes meeting held on 23 January 2024 (DS). Minutes: The draft minutes of Our Picturesque
Landscape Partnership meeting held on 23 January 2024 were received for
information. The AONB Area manager highlighted the
following from the minutes- Wenffrwd’s key
link path to the canal was a challenging piece of engineering and this work had
now been completed. Llangollen Museum was to hold its final
exhibition displaying OPL work from the end of January and the Ebenezer Chapel
in Cefn Mawr had expressed
an interest in the exhibition for Spring/Summer 2024. RESOLVED: that
the meetings of the Picturesque Landscapes Steering Group meeting held on the
23 January 2024 be noted. |
PRESENTATION AND REPORT ON THE DRAFT SUSTAINABLE TOURISM STRATEGY 2023-2028 PDF 698 KB To consider the draft Sustainable Tourism Strategy report 2023-2028 (copy attached) (CL) Minutes: The Area
of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Sustainable Development Officer guided
Members through a presentation on the Draft Sustainable Tourism Strategy
2023-2028. The
Strategy outlined a long-term vision for Sustainable Tourism within the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB. The
vision recognised – ·
the increasing
number of people participating in outdoor recreation which was placing
increasing pressure on fragile and precious ecosystems ·
the global and
regional challenges arising from climate and nature emergencies ·
the challenges
facing the industry arising from the cost of living
crisis and tourism trends post Covid 19 ·
the proposed
National Park status for an area including the CRDV AONB The
2023-2028 Sustainable Tourism Strategy was the third plan developed since 2015.
In 2015 the impact on the AONB’s natural environment had been noted to be
relatively limited however, there had been some degree of erosion and pressure
on habitats from overuse in a few locations at certain times. In 2019 an impact
appraisal was conducted to gather the thoughts of personnel who worked in AONB
areas on the impact of tourism within AONB areas. Consolidating responses
together, it was felt that without sustainability at its core, the
growth of tourism in a region could have serious impacts on people’s
lifestyles, natural habitats and wildlife, historic sites
and essential resources such as water and energy; without careful planning,
negative impacts could quickly prevail as tourism grows. This could eventually
degrade the destination and lead to the destruction of its assets. The Draft Sustainable Tourism Strategy had
a process to implement the Sustainable Tourism Vision and Action Plan which
included the approach, the incorporation of the 9 goals of the vision and
commitment. The 9 goals within the Sustainable Tourism
Strategy were – · Biodiversity · Communities
and Culture · Visitor
Management · Business
Support · Carbon
Footprint · Waste · Mitigation
and Adaptation · Communicating
with visitors · Monitoring
and Evaluation In January 2024 a meeting was
held to prioritise the goals within the Action Plan. The
AONB Sustainable Development Officer further explained each goal within the
strategy to the Committee and the responses received back from personnel
concerning each goal. The AONB Sustainable
Development Officer stated the Clwydian Range &
Dee Valley AONB Sustainable Tourism Vision for 2050 recognised that the
communities/culture, landscape and environment of the Clwydian
Range and Dee Valley AONB were central to the tourism offer of the region and
defined how the management and delivery of tourism can promote and provide
experiences of the uniqueness and beauty of the area whilst also protecting and
enhancing its special qualities. The Chair thanked the AONB Sustainable
Development Officer for their detailed presentation and question were welcomed
from members. Members commented on the photograph of
litter in AONB areas in the presentation and stated that this was an issue for
the Local Authority. Members suggested encouraging the public to take their
litter home with them and referenced the waste collection methods within
different countries involving underground bins with increased capacity. Members highlighted the challenge of
reducing the Carbon Footprint of visitors and referred to sustainable
transport, in particular buses and questioned what plans were in place if there
were too many visitors to an area at one time. The AONB Sustainable Development
Officer stated that the Carbon Footprint of visitors was monitored, and she
would gather the information and report back to the Committee at a future
meeting. RESOLVED: that the
Committee adopt the Sustainable Tourism Vision and Action Plan for the AONB
covering the year 2023-208. |
UPDATE ON NORTHEAST WALES NATIONAL PARK DESIGNATION PROJECT To receive a very update from NRW Programme Manager, Ash Pierce on the Northeast Wales National Park Designation Project (NRW). Minutes: The
Designated Landscapes Programme Team Leader (DLPTL) provided a presentation
which included information on the following points: - ·
Overview ·
Assessments ·
Engagement ·
Next Steps ·
Advisory Group
changes Members were given a brief overview of
the key elements of the Special Qualities Report, Forces for Change Report and
the Management Options Report which were relevant to the Northeast Wales
National Park Designation Project. Details were given on the engagement
strategy that had been conducted within the surrounding areas of the proposed
new National Park and 949 responses had been received, generally portraying a
positive and optimistic feeling towards the National Park. The
majority of responses received were from local residents. A table of
common concerns was presented to the Committee with tranquillity and
sustainability of the area and the impacts on public services being the areas
of most concern. Going forward, the next steps for the
Northeast Wales National Park Designation Project included a report to be
produced on the engagement period and Impact Assessment and Benefits Analysis
being conducted, with public consultation taking place in Autumn 2024. The Chair thanked the DLPTL for their
detailed presentation and questions were welcomed form Members. Members sought clarity on the
Management Advisory Group and questioned if this was to include Members. The
DLPTL explained that currently this Group was an Operational Level Group and
did not include Members at this stage. Members discussed the confusion within
communities and for many Members regarding the difference between the AONB and
a National Park and expressed the need to further educate the public and
members on the difference. The DLPTL explained that workshops on the National
Park for all Members were planned in the future and further frequent updates
would be provided as the project continued. The Chair thanked the DLPTL for their
presentation and for attending the meeting. RESOLVED: that the
update on the Northeast Wales National Park Designation Project be noted. |
NATIONAL LANDSCAPE REBRAND PRESENTATION AND REPORT PDF 256 KB To consider a report (copy attached) on the National Landscape Rebrand (HS). Additional documents: Minutes: The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB Officer and
Ranger Service Manager provided the Committee with an overview of
the National Landscape Rebrand report. Over several years two national reports,
the Marston Review (Wales) and the Glover Review (England) had looked at how
all aspects of AONBs could be improved including their future direction. One of
the major opportunities was a refresh in the name, direction
and branding. Both reports suggested a change in the
name for AONBs to National Landscapes. On 22nd November 2023, AONBs,
primarily in England became National Landscapes. For many years the acronym
AONB had been mispronounced, misunderstood and had
remained in the background of designations. AONB/National Landscape Teams had been at
the forefront of delivering natural solutions to the main challenges facing the
nation for many years. The new brand underscores their commitment to redoubling
their efforts and engaging with a wider audience. The rebrand marked the next
step in fully realising the National Landscapes vision, to be the leading
exemplars of how thriving, diverse communities can work with and for nature in
the UK: restoring ecosystems, providing food, storing carbon to mitigate the
effects of climate change, safeguarding against drought and flooding, whilst
also nurturing people’s health and well-being. The AONB Area Manager and Team Leader
guided members through a presentation providing further information including –
· Introduction
and objectives of the rebrand · How
the brand was developed ·
Introduction to the brand identity Each National Landscape had worked with
Nice and Serious to develop a new logo that reflected their landscape or one of
its iconic species. There was now a suite of 39 logos (including the National
Landscapes Association logo) which made a patchwork representing the whole
family. The Committee were shown images of the 39 logos and the reason for
their different colours were explained. The Chair thanked the AONB Area Manager
for their presentation and the The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB Officer and
Ranger Service Manager for his report and comments were welcomed from the
Committee. Members raised concerns regarding the costings of the rebrand and also referred to the plans for a new National Park which
would mean a further rebrand in the near future. The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB Officer
and Ranger Service Manager reassured members that this the costings would be
well managed. RESOLVED:
that the Joint Committee adopts the rebranding of AONB areas to the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley National Landscapes and
becomes The National Landscape Joint Committee. |
JOINT COMMITTEE ANNUAL RETURN UPDATE REPORT (STANDING ITEM) PDF 227 KB To consider the Joint Committee Annual Return Update report (copy attached) (SG and PO) Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Finance and Property, Steve
Gadd (SG) gave a brief update on the Joint Committee Annual Return report to
the Committee. The report gave details of the AONB’s
projected revenue budget outturn position for 2023/2024. The projected overall
position was a contribution from the revenue reserve of c.£20K, slightly less
than anticipated when the budget was set. The report had been audited and signed off
and a letter from the Auditors Team would be brought to the next meeting of the
Committee. Resolved: that
the AONB Joint Committee Outturn Accounts 2023/2024 be noted. |
FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME (STANDING ITEM) PDF 414 KB To consider the Forward Work Programme (copy attached) from the AONB Officer (HS). Minutes: HS presented the forward work programme
and gave a verbal update on progress on the items listed highlighting: · A new
one-year offer had been received from Natural Resources Wales for funding,
unfortunately this had reduced from a three year
offer. · Consultation
had been held regarding the AONB Management Plan, NRW had commissioned Land Use
Consultants to re-write the guidance for National Landscapes Management Plans. · The
Local Authority Legal Agreement had been reviewed in January 2024. It was
agreed that there would be no need for reviews of the Joint Committee Legal
Agreement however, it would need to be sent to Wrexham and Flintshire Councils. · AONB
Champions had requesting involvement in all aspects of the Committees work and
an increase in open and broad meetings had been held to facilitate this. · Dark
Skies initiatives including the changing of lights had had a major impact in
Llangollen and aided the reduction in electricity costs. Members discussed the impact of sewage
spillages into rivers and seas and asked if it was relevant for it to be
included on the Forward Work Programme. Following a
discussion, it was agreed that representatives for Dwr
Cymru and the Dee Life Project would be contacted to advise if they would
attend a future meeting of the Committee. RESOLVED: that
the Forward Work Programme be noted. |
FUTURE MEETING DATES For information, the next meeting date of the AONB Joint Committee is 21 June 2024. Minutes: The next
meeting on the AONB Joint Committee is scheduled for 21 June 2024. RESOLVED: that the
future meeting date be noted. Meeting concluded at 11.55am |