Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Conference Room 1a, County Hall, Ruthin LL15 1YN
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Joe Welch and
Councillor Joan Butterfield. |
DECLARATION OF INTEREST PDF 211 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: No declarations of interests were raised. |
URGENT ITEMS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: No urgent items. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 296 KB To receive the minutes of the Democratic Services Committee
meeting held on 20 October, 2017 (copy attached). Minutes: The minutes of the Democratic Services Committee held on the
20 October 2017 were submitted. RESOLVED - That the minutes of the Democratic Services Committee’s
meeting held on the 20 October 2017 be confirmed as a correct record. |
INDEPENDENT REMUNERATION PANEL FOR WALES ANNUAL REPORT 2018 / 19 PDF 319 KB To receive a report (copy attached) by the Democratic Services Manager to advise of the Panel’s determinations for 2018 / 19 in respect of payments to members and co-opted members and to consider the Panel’s recommendations specifically to the Democratic Services Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager (DSM) introduced the
Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual report 2018 / 19 (previously
circulated). The DSM stated that the panel had decided to provide an
increment of £200 a year to the basic salary for each councillor. It was also
stated that there would be no change to the senior or civic salary levels from
last year. However, the Panel has removed the two-tier payment options for
Cabinet members and committee chairs. Members discussed the role of the Panel and its aim of
contributing to enhance diversity in local government. Setting appropriate
salaries able to attract a more diverse and representative range of people to
stand for election to local government being one of the Panel’s key actions. With many county councillors also serving on their local city,
town or community councils (CTCC) a number of members voiced concerns that the
Panel’s decisions relating to payments by CTCCs could put pressure on their
finances. RESOLVED – That the Democratic Services Committee note the content of
the report. |
MEMBER TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT To consider a verbal report by the Democratic services
manager to review training and development provision and participation for
members. Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager (DSM) presented a verbal
report on member training, development, provision and participation. The DSM stated that the purpose of the report was to have
the opinion of the members of the Democratic Services Committee on the training
they had received and what future training should be offered to members. The DSM stated that training could be carried out either
internally by officers or with external facilitation. The following points were raised in the discussion following
the DSM’s introduction: ·
Members requested that individual records of the
training undertaken by members be kept. ·
Data protection was raised and whether any
training would be available for members. The head of Legal, HR and Democratic
Services reported that the Legal Services Manager and the Business Information
Team Manager were developing training for members in regards to the GDPR. ·
A query was raised about whether community
councils could have training from Denbighshire County Council. The Head of
Legal, HR and Democratic Services advised that training for community
councillors on the code of conduct was available RESOLVED - That the Democratic Service Committee recommends that a
record of training for individual members be maintain. |
FUTURE SCRUTINY OF THE PUBLIC SERVICES BOARD PDF 234 KB To consider a report by the Scrutiny
Coordinator (copy enclosed) on an update on the Scrutiny of the Public Services Board. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Scrutiny Coordinator (SC)
presented the report to facilitate a discussion on potential effective,
sustainable future scrutiny arrangements for the Public Services Board (PSB)
whilst ensuring compliance with statutory requirements (previously circulated). The SC informed the committee that there were three options
proposed on how to move forward with scrutiny of the Public Services Board. ·
Continue with current arrangements of utilising
the separate local authority Scrutiny Committees to oversee each Council’s
aspects of work for the Joint PSB. ·
Develop a dedicated joint Conwy and Denbighshire
PSB Scrutiny committee. ·
Hold informal joint meeting of both Scrutiny
committees. The issues raised by Members included: ·
The Council’s Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs
Group and the PSB had considered the potential Scrutiny arrangements and both
favoured the establishment of a formal joint Scrutiny committee for the PSB. ·
The likely effect the Welsh Government’s green
paper on local government might have. In respect of any local authority
reorganisation Conwy and Denbighshire would likely be merged together covering
the same area as the existing PSB. ·
The Committee agreed that establishing a formal
joint Scrutiny committee with Conwy was the best option for scrutinising the
cross-county strategic PSB. RESOLVED – That the Committee supports the
establishment of a formal joint Scrutiny between Denbighshire and Conwy to scrutinise
the Conwy and Denbighshire Public Services Board. |
DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL'S SCRUTINY COMMITTEES 2017/18 PDF 217 KB To consider the draft report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (copy enclosed) on the proposed arrangements for compiling the Annual Report of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees. Minutes: The Scrutiny Coordinator (SC) presented a report to seek the members’ views on the proposed arrangements for the production of the Draft Annual Report of
the Council’s Scrutiny Committees for 2017/18. The SC told asked
whether there were any suggestions or any additional information it would like
to see included in the Annual Report to be presented to Annual Council in May
2018. The SC informed
members that a questionnaire had been circulated to all councillors, co-opted
members and officers who regularly engaged with Scrutiny. A total of 60
questionnaires had been issued with 15 returned. In response to the
questionnaire members raised the following issues. A suggestion was made
about how the low response rate from councillors could have been partly due to
difficulties some members had experienced in completing the questionnaire
online or because surveys circulated by email could be quickly lost amongst the
large volume of email messages received by members. RESOLVED – That the
Committee supports the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Council’s
Scrutiny function and the participation of members and relevant officers in the
evaluation exercise. |
ELECTORAL REVIEW OF DENBIGHSHIRE PDF 109 KB To consider a report (copy enclosed) by the Democratic Services Manager on the implications of proposals submitted to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission. Additional documents: Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager (DSM) introduced the report
into the Electoral Review of Denbighshire. The DSM summarised the criteria being used by the Local
Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales’ review of Denbighshire. The review
aimed to improve electoral parity throughout the county by harmonising the
number of constituents represented by each councillor though the Commission
felt that the overall size of the Council (i.e. the number of councillors) was
appropriate subject to any minor alterations to improve electoral parity at
ward level. The Commission had provided a colour-coded map of the county
based on the existing variance on electoral representation with wards coloured
orange or hatched orange the wards with the greatest variance (either too few
or too many electors per councillor) and therefore of most concern. Members were advised that transfers of areas between
Denbighshire and any of its neighbouring authorities would not be permitted
under the rules of the review so that any changes to the ward boundaries would
be contained within the county boundary. In response to a question the DSM confirmed that the Welsh
Government’s current proposals on reorganising local government could affect
the current electoral boundary review. RESOLVED - That the Committee endorses the recommendations and summary
of the Member Working Group. |
FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 272 KB To consider the Committee’s Forward Work Programme (copy enclosed). Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager introduced the Forward Work
Programme and the following items were agreed:
RESOLVED – That, subject to the above amendments, the forward work
programme be approved. The meeting concluded at 11:38. |