Agenda and draft minutes
No. | Item |
DECLARATION OF INTEREST PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillors Rachel Flynn, Hugh Irving, Alan James, Graham Timms, Gwyneth Kensler, Christine Marston, Joan Butterfield and Joe Welch declared a personal interest in agenda item 5 – Independent Remuneration panel for Wales’ draft annual report 2018/19. |
URGENT ITEMS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: No urgent items. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 242 KB To receive the minutes of the Democratic Services Committee meeting held on 31 March, 2017 (copy attached). Minutes: The minutes of the Democratic Services Committee held on the 31 March 2017 were submitted. RESOLVED, that the minutes
of the Democratic Services Committee’s meeting held on the 31 March 2017 be
confirmed as a correct record. |
INDEPENDENT REMUNERATION PANEL FOR WALES' DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2018/19 PDF 277 KB To consider a report by the Democratic Service Manager (copy enclosed) on the draft version of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’ Annual Report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Democratic Service Manager (DSM) introduced the
Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual repot 2018/19 (previously
circulated). The Panel was required to produce an annual report setting
out the levels at which members were paid for various duties and
responsibilities for the municipal year. The draft report was presented to the
Committee for comments. The Panel have decided to propose an increase the basic
annual allowance for members to £13,600 for the 2018 / 2019 municipal year. Members’ views were sought on the Draft annual report and
the committee response to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’
consultation exercise. During discussion, the following points were raised: Ø
Phone support- rural areas had difficulty
receiving mobile signal so had to rely on landline telephones. Members noted
that there was a variety of widely available packages for both mobile phones
and landlines which enabled free calls or text messages sufficient for use by
members on Council and constituency business at no additional costs to members.
The Committee therefore felt that mobile phones supplied by Denbighshire County
Council were not required. Ø
Increase to Town/City and Community councillors’
allowance – Many small community councils had a small budget. Members felt that
an increase to allowance would in some cases represent a large portion of some
small councils’ precepts and add pressure to local councils. However, the Committee
acknowledged that this should be a matter for the town and community councils. Ø
Training provided to members- Members discussed
training led by external and internal officers, benefits from receiving both
types of training was observed. Training was seen as a vital element for County
Councillors. Ø
Difference of opinion was observed from members
with regard to the Panel’s proposed increase in the basic salary for members. In response to the committee’s discussion, the DSM informed
members that a reply to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’ draft
report and consultation would be formed to include the key points raised.
Included in this would be the Committee’s difference of opinion with the Panel
regarding the provision of telephone support by the Council and the mixed views
within the Committee with regard to the increase in the basic salaries. The
final Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales report would be published in
early 2018 with a report presented to Council. RESOLVED that the Democratic
Service Committee: (a) Notes the draft determinations in the
Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales’ draft annual report for the 2018-2019
municipal year; (b) Informs the Panel as part of its
consultation on the draft determinations of the Committee’s views on the
appropriate level of Council provided telephony provision for members as
outlined in the minutes above; and (c) Informs the Panel of the views expressed by
the Committee in relation to the proposed increase in the basic salary level.
FUTURE SCRUTINY OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD PDF 220 KB To consider a report by the Democratic Service Manager (copy enclosed) on the statutory requirements relating to local authority scrutiny of the Public Service Board. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Democratic Service Manager (DSM) introduced the report
(previously circulated). The DSM informed the Committee that a version of this report
was presented to the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group on the 12 October.
Members of the Group had expressed a range of opinions on the merits of forming
a Joint Scrutiny Committee with Conwy County Borough Council to scrutinise the
Public Service Board (PSB). The DSM explained the report was to discuss the
opinions of members prior to developing proposals to establish a joint scrutiny
committee. He advised that establishing a joint committee would be a decision
for full Council. The Head of HR, Legal and Democratic Services informed
members the joint committee would be an agreement reached between both
Denbighshire and Conwy. Members raised the following queries during discussion: Ø
Attendance at PSB meetings - members were
informed that the next PSB meeting would be open to the public following a
decision by the PSB in September to hold open meetings and allow access to all
non-confidential PSB meeting documents. The Chair encouraged members to attend
if available. Ø
Size of the Committee - the DSM explained that
the size of a joint scrutiny committee would be an issue to be agreed between
Denbighshire and Conwy. Ø
Timescale - Members were concerned that a
decision would have to be made swiftly. The DSM ensured members that there was
no timescale and no duty to agree to a joint Committee. The Council was
currently complying with statutory requirements for scrutinising the PSB. The DSM enquired if members felt more investigation would be
beneficial. Work would be done towards a proposal to report to full Council if
the proposal appeared to have the support of the elected members. An update
report would be presented at the March meeting of Democratic Services. The Chair thanked the DSM and scrutiny co-ordinator for the
report and explanation to members concerns. RESOLVED that the
Democratic Service Committee: (a) Receives the report, notes its contents and
endorses the undertaking of further exploratory work on establishing a joint
scrutiny committee; and (b) An update report be included in the Forward
Work Programme to be presented to the Committee at the March 2018 meeting.
ELECTORAL REFORM CONSULTATION PDF 109 KB To receive an information report by the Democratic Service Manager (copy enclosed) on the Welsh Government’s recent consultation electoral reform. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services (HLHRDS)
guided members through the report (previously circulated). The HLHRDS explained to members the Wales Act 2017
provisions on electoral and registration matters that were due to come into
force in 2018. During discussion the following points were raised: Ø
Method of voting - ideas put forward to change
the way individuals could vote including electronic voting. Electronic voting
was discussed as work was being done to look at in the future. Members
discussed the importance of keeping the integrity of the vote a priority. Ø
The requirement for ID to be shown when voting -
concerns were raised that this may cause a decline in the number of individuals
voting as some may not have a valid form of identification. The HLHRDS informed
the Committee a trial introduction of requesting ID would be conducted in
England in 2018. Ø
Automatic registration to vote at the age of 16
- It was felt that at the age of 16 when individuals received their National
Insurance number, automatic registration simultaneously to vote would be advantageous. The Chair thanked the HLHRDS for providing detailed
information regarding the Electoral Reform Consultation. RESOLVED that, the
Democratic Service Committee receive the Electoral Reform Consultation report
and note its contents.
FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 272 KB To consider the Committee’s Forward Work Programme (copy enclosed). Minutes: The
Democratic Services Manager introduced the Forward Work Programme. He informed Members
if they needed items adding to the Forward Work Programme, to contact him
directly. RESOLVED that Members noted the Forward Work Programme. |
The meeting concluded at 12:15p.m. |