Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Conference Room 1a, County Hall, Ruthin
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: No Members
declared any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be
considered at the meeting. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: No Members declared any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at the meeting. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: No items were
raised which in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting
as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of
the Local Government Act, 1972. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 106 KB To receive and approve the minutes of the Democratic Services Committee meeting held on 14 November 2013 (copy attached). Minutes: The minutes of the Democratic
Services Committee meeting held on the 14th November, 2013 were
submitted. Matters arising:- The Democratic Services
Manager referred to Business Items in the Forward Work Programme and explained
that there had been no indication as to when the Designated Persons Order would
be made. The Committee were informed
that as a result of feedback from members revised templates would be circulated
incorporating clearer guidance and details on the type of the information to be
included in the report. Confirmation was provided that Members were not obliged
to provide an Annual Report. 7. Webcasting of Council Meetings – In response
to a question from Councillor W.L. Cowie, the
Democratic Services Manager provided details of the funding arrangements. He explained that the webcasting of Council
meetings was not a legal requirement and the Council would need to make a
decision on whether or not to enter into a further contract following the
initial two year period. 9. Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales
Draft Annual Report – The Democratic Services Manager informed the Committee
that the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Draft Annual Report had not
yet been published. In response to a question from
Councillor A. Roberts, the Democratic Services Manager confirmed that
representations made “that Vice-Chairs of Scrutiny
Committees should be in receipt of an additional payment for holding the post
of Vice-Chair” had
been forwarded to the Independent Remuneration Panel
and a response was awaited. The Democratic Services
Manager confirmed that identification of the Chair and Vice Chair of the
respective Committees would be included on future agendas. RESOLVED
– that, subject to the above, the minutes of the Democratic Services Committee
held on the 14th November, 2013 be confirmed as a correct record. |
WEBCASTING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS PDF 45 KB To receive a report by the Democratic Services Manager (copy
enclosed) which provides an updated
position statement on the progress towards the webcasting of certain meetings
in 2014. Minutes: A copy of a report by the Democratic Services Manager (DSM), which provided an updated position
statement on the progress towards the webcasting of certain meetings in 2014, had
been circulated with the papers for the meeting. The DSM reported
that the installation of webcasting equipment and software had started in
December and was completed yesterday with the final application of broadband to
the two ADSL lines expected on Saturday. The DSM informed the Committee that
written details of a protocol, which would provide guidance in respect of
webcasting, would be circulated to all Members.
He also explained that consideration had been afforded to providing a
brief presentation to Members at the Council Briefing meeting on the 19th
February, 2014 and members indicated their consent. The Council
intended to webcast approximately 60 hours a year of meetings of Council and the
Planning Committee, which would be webcast from the Council Chamber, County
Hall. In response to questions from
Members regarding the webcasting of additional meetings such as Cabinet and
Scrutiny Committees, the DSM explained that the Webcasting services had been
procured using the WG’s £40,000 grant for a two-year period, and any decision
to extend or renew the contract would be made by Members. Members were advised that the Welsh
Government had very recently informed local authorities that the grant funding
could be carried forward into 2014 / 2015 which would allow the Council
adequate time to implement webcasting arrangements. The introduction and
operation of the arrangements would result in additional officer time being
assigned to the meetings which were webcast.
The impact was currently not certain, but it was expected that the
webcasting arrangements would be delivered within existing resources. Some resource implications could be
experienced for the ICT service though the external supplier would be expected
to provide support as part of the contract. With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation the Head of Legal
and Democratic Services (HLDS) provided details of the webcasting system and
outlined its capabilities. The following responses were provided to questions and
issues raised by Members:- -
At present there was no funding available to
reposition the red microphone buttons on the desks in the Council Chamber. However, this could be considered at a future
date if sufficient funding was made available to re-design the Chamber. -
It was confirmed by the DSM that written minutes
would be produced for meetings which had been webcast. -
The HLDS informed Members that the service
providers had produced statistics which indicated a higher level of public
engagement when Council meetings had been webcast. -
Details were provided of the social media and
communication functions of webcasting
which could be utilised by the Council to improve engagement with the public
and service users -
In response to a question from Members, the HLDS
agreed to consult with the service provider on issues relating to copyright. -
It was suggested by the Chair that webcasting
could be utilised for education purposes in promoting the work of the County
Council and engaging the interest of the younger generation. Following further discussion, it was:- RESOLVED – that the Democratic Services Committee endorses the arrangements and progress in respect of the webcasting of meetings in
2014. |
To receive a report by the Democratic Services Manager (copy
enclosed) which provides information
and requests decisions on Committee-related issues. Additional documents:
Minutes: A copy of a report by the Democratic Services Manager (DSM), containing information and requests
decisions on Committee-related issues, had been circulated with the
papers for the meeting. The draft timetable for meetings
in 2014/15, Appendix 1, was presented for the Democratic Services Committee for
consideration and full Council would be asked to consider and approve a
timetable. Members were advised that the draft timetable had been developed in
consultation with various officers who were associated with the various
committees. The DSM referred to the committee-by-committee explanation in the
appendix of the factors that had affected the dates and cycles which made up
the timetable. The DSM reported
that in 2013 some Members had suggested extending the timetable to cover a
longer period, and he asked for the Committee’s views on this matter. It was explained by
the DSM that there was a requirement for the Council to consider, at least
annually, how the membership of its Committees related to the political balance
of the Groups. Changes to Committee
membership and the strength of the political groups had resulted in not all
Committees being politically balanced, as indicated in Appendix 2. Members were advised that the changes in May
to the civic posts of chair and vice chair of the Council would affect the
membership and political balance of some committees. Details pertaining
to the appointment of Chairs of Scrutiny Committees had been incorporated in
the report. During the ensuing
discussion Councillor M.Ll. Davies suggested that the
timetable be extended to cover a two year period. An amendment to the recommendation in the
report was proposed by Councillor W.L. Cowie, and
seconded by Councillor P.W. Owen, that due to the significance of the issue of
the timetabling of meetings, the views of County Council be sought regarding
this matter. On being put to the vote
the amendment was carried. Following further discussion,
it was:- RESOLVED – that the Democratic Services Committee:- (a)
receives and notes the contents
of the draft committee timetable, and (b)
agrees that the views of County Council be sought in respect of
extending the timetable over two or more years. |
FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME To receive a verbal update by the Democratic Services Manager. Minutes: The DSM introduced the report
and explained that the following Business Items remained on the Committee’s
Forward Work Programme:- (i)
Designated Persons Order
- to be considered following the receipt of further information and
guidance from Welsh Government. (ii)
Final Report of the Independent
Remuneration Panel for Wales
- To be included in the Forward
Work Programme. RESOLVED – that the position be noted. Meeting ended at 11.05 a.m. |