Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin
Contact: Committee Administrator (KEJ) Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Decision: Councillor David Simmons Minutes: Councillor David Simmons Councillors Joan Butterfield and Huw Williams advised that
they would be leaving early to attend a meeting of the Appointments Panel. |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR To appoint a Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. Decision: RESOLVED that Councillor Cefyn Williams be appointed
Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. Minutes: Nominations were sought for the position of Chair
of the Licensing Committee for 2016/17. Councillor Bill Cowie proposed, seconded by
Councillor Arwel Roberts that Councillor Cefyn Williams be appointed
Chair. Councillor Hugh Irving proposed,
seconded by Councillor Merfyn Parry that Councillor Huw Williams be appointed
Chair. Upon being put to the vote it was
– RESOLVED that Councillor
Cefyn Williams be appointed Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing
year. |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE CHAIR To appoint a Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. Decision: RESOLVED that Councillor Huw Williams be
appointed Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. Minutes: The Chair invited nominations for Vice Chair of the
Licensing Committee for 2016/17. Councillor Hugh Irving proposed, seconded by
Councillor Pete Prendergast that Councillor Huw Williams be appointed Vice
Chair. It was subsequently – RESOLVED that Councillor Huw Williams be
appointed Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 58 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Decision: No declarations of personal or prejudicial
interest had been raised. Minutes: No declarations of personal or prejudicial
interest had been raised. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Decision: No urgent matters had been raised. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 128 KB To receive the – (a) minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 9 March 2016 (copy enclosed), and (b) minutes of the Special Licensing Committee held on 24 March 2016 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meetings held on 9 March 2016 and 24 March 2016 be received and
confirmed as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 9 March 2016
and Special Licensing Committee held on 24 March 2016 were submitted. RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meetings held on 9 March 2016 and 24 March 2016 be received and confirmed
as a correct record.
[At this juncture Councillor Huw Williams left the meeting.] At this point it was agreed to vary the order of the agenda in order to accommodate individuals attending for particular items. |
that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public
be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds
that it would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in
Paragraphs 12 and 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
REVIEW OF A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE AND PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES - DRIVER NO. 15/1124/TXJDR To consider a confidential report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) seeking members’ review of a licence to drive hackney carriage and private hire vehicles in respect of Driver No. 15/1124/TXJDR. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that consideration
of the suitability of Driver No. 15/1124/TXJDR to hold a hackney carriage and
private hire vehicle drivers licence be deferred to a
special meeting of the Licensing Committee to be convened as soon as
practicable. Minutes: A confidential report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (previously circulated) was submitted seeking a review of a licence to drive hackney carriage and private hire vehicles in respect of Driver No. 15/1124/TXJDR. The Solicitor read out an adjournment request on behalf of the Driver concerned due to the late receipt of the necessary documentation and given that his representative had been unable to attend. In the interests of natural justice members decided to grant the adjournment request. There was some debate on whether to defer the matter to the committee’s next meeting or to convene a special meeting to hear the case. Upon being put to the vote it was – RESOLVED that consideration
of the suitability of Driver No. 15/1124/TXJDR to hold a hackney carriage and
private hire vehicle drivers licence be deferred to a
special meeting of the Licensing Committee to be convened as soon as
practicable. [At this juncture Councillor Joan Butterfield left the meeting.] |
To consider a confidential report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) seeking members’ determination of an application from Applicant No. 16/0374/TXJDR. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that the application for a hackney carriage and
private hire vehicle driver’s licence from Applicant
No. 16/0374/TXJDR be granted with a formal warning as to his future conduct. Minutes: A confidential report by the Head of Planning
and Public Protection (previously circulated) was submitted upon – (i) an application having been received from Applicant No. 16/0374/TXJDR for a licence to drive hackney carriage and private hire vehicles; (i) officers having not been in a position to grant the application in light of the convictions revealed following an enhanced disclosure to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) relating to offences committed between 1986 and 2007, most of which had not been disclosed by the Applicant; (ii) the Council’s current policy with regard to the relevance of convictions, and (iii) the Applicant having been invited to attend the meeting in support of his application and to answer members’ questions thereon. The Applicant confirmed he had received the
report and committee procedures. The Licensing Officer introduced the report
and detailed the facts of the case. The Applicant explained his reasoning for
non-disclosure of historical convictions with no intention to mislead. He provided some context to those convictions
and expressed deep remorse over his past.
The Applicant referred to his current personal circumstances and
responsibilities and how his life had changed.
References were provided attesting to his good character and he gave
further assurances to members regarding both his current and future
conduct. The Applicant responded to
members’ questions regarding the nature of his convictions, his current
lifestyle and changed circumstances and his employment history. In making his final statement he reiterated
how much his life had changed over the last decade in testament to his current
good character. The committee adjourned to consider the
application and it was – RESOLVED that the application for a hackney carriage and
private hire vehicle driver’s licence from Applicant
No. 16/0374/TXJDR be granted with a formal warning as to his future conduct. The reasons for the Licensing Committee’s decision were as follows – Members had taken into account that the
convictions were largely historical and accepted the explanation provided by
the Applicant with regard to those convictions.
Members had also found the Applicant to be genuine in his remorse over
his past and in response to their questions.
It was considered that the Applicant had demonstrated, both through his
address to the committee and his written references, that he had a changed
lifestyle and was of good character.
Consequently the Applicant was found to be a fit and proper person to
hold a licence.
However, given those historical convictions it was also considered
appropriate for the Applicant to be issued with a warning as to his future
conduct. The committee’s decision and reasons
therefore were conveyed to the Applicant. At this juncture (10.25 a.m.) the meeting adjourned for a refreshment break. |
APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE AND PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES - APPLICANT NO. 15/1446/TXJDR To consider a confidential report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) seeking members’ determination of an application from Applicant No. 15/1446/TXJDR. Decision: RESOLVED that the application for a hackney carriage and
private hire vehicle driver’s licence from Applicant
No. 15/1446/TXJDR be refused. Minutes: A confidential report by the Head of Planning
and Public Protection (previously circulated) was submitted upon – (i) an application having been received from Applicant No. 15/1446/TXJDR for a licence to drive hackney carriage and private hire vehicles; (ii) officers having refused the application under delegated powers after taking into account the convictions disclosed and the Council’s conviction policy; (iii) the Applicant having subsequently appealed against officers’ decision to the Magistrates Court following which an agreement was reached that the appeal would cease and the application be referred to the Licensing Committee for determination; (iv) detailed the convictions revealed following the enhanced disclosure to the Disclosure and Barring Service together with the Council’s policy with regard to the relevance of convictions, and (v) the Applicant having been invited to the meeting in support of his application and to answer members’ questions thereon. The Applicant was in attendance at the meeting accompanied by his Legal Representatives who confirmed receipt of the report and committee procedures. The Licensing Officer introduced the report and detailed the facts of the case. The Applicant’s Legal Representative highlighted some factual inaccuracies in the report and provided some background to the application and how it had appeared before the Licensing Committee for determination, including reference to the proceedings at the Magistrates Court on appeal. In presenting the Applicant’s case she referred to his previously unblemished record as a licensed driver and his competency when dealing with the public. The matter for consideration related to the most recent conviction and the Legal Representative elaborated upon the circumstances of that offence and its context within the Council’s licensing policy with regard to the relevance of convictions. She also argued that, whilst serious, the conviction in this case did not impact on the safety of the public when considering whether the Applicant was fit and proper to hold a licence. She added that the licensing regime was not designed to punish again and the Applicant had already paid his penalty to society in that regard. Members’ attention was drawn to the written references provided (circulated at the meeting) attesting to the Applicant’s character and demonstrating his trustworthiness. In conclusion it was submitted that the Applicant had made a terrible mistake which he had paid for and wished to return to his profession as a licensed driver. The Applicant and his Legal Representative responded to members’ questions regarding the circumstances of the case and subsequent conviction together with the Applicant’s association with others involved in criminal activity. The Applicant also responded to assurances sought by the committee regarding his future conduct given the nature and seriousness of the offence. In making a final statement the Applicant explained how the conviction had devastated his life and of his desire to return as a licensed driver. The committee adjourned to consider the
application and it was – RESOLVED that the application for a hackney carriage and
private hire vehicle driver’s licence from Applicant
No. 15/1446/TXJDR be refused. The reasons for the Licensing Committee’s decision were as follows – Members had listened very carefully to all the submissions in this case and answers to questions and carefully considered the references provided. The committee was clear that the purpose of their decision was to deal with the licensing issue and not to inflict further punishment on the Applicant as a result of the offence committed. It was accepted that the Applicant had not been in further trouble and had no further convictions since his release. However, the committee’s overriding consideration was safety of the public and under the law must not grant a licence ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
REVIEW OF A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE AND PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES - DRIVER NO. 15/1567/TXJDR To consider a confidential report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) seeking members’ review of a licence to drive hackney carriage and private hire vehicles in respect of Driver No. 15/1567/TXJDR. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that a formal warning be issued to Driver No.
15/1567/TXJDR as to his future conduct. Minutes: A confidential report by the Head of Planning
and Public Protection (previously circulated) was submitted upon – (i) the suitability of Driver No. 15/1567/TXJDR to hold a licence to drive hackney carriage and private hire vehicles following prosecutions brought by a neighbouring local authority relating to hackney carriage offences; (i) details of the circumstances of the case having been provided including the outcome of the prosecution (a summary of facts together with associated witness statement had been attached to the report); (ii) the Driver having previously appeared before the Licensing Committee on 24 September 2014 and the outcome of that case, and (iii) the Driver having been invited to attend the meeting in support of his licence review and to answer members’ questions thereon. The Driver was in attendance at the meeting
together with his Legal Representative and confirmed he had received the report
and committee procedures. The Community Safety Enforcement Officer
detailed the facts of the case. The Driver’s Legal Representative elaborated
upon the circumstances of the case and resultant outcome following attendance
at the Magistrates Court. The Driver had
pleaded guilty to the outstanding offence and had been penalised. He was a long serving taxi driver and deeply
regretted the incident. Written references
had been provided (circulated at the meeting) attesting to his good
character. Given the circumstances of
this particular case the Legal Representative argued that the Driver remained a
fit and proper person to hold a licence. In response to members’ questions the Driver
elaborated upon the circumstances surrounding the incident. In making a final statement the Legal
Representative added that it was clear that there had been no deliberate intent
on the Driver’s part and argued that the conviction did not warrant suspension
or revocation. The committee adjourned to consider the case
and it was – RESOLVED that a formal warning be issued to Driver No.
15/1567/TXJDR as to his future conduct. The reasons for the Licensing Committee’s decision were as follows – Members considered the report and mitigation put forward by the Driver and his response to questions. The committee accepted the Driver’s version of events and found him to be genuine in his remorse over the incident. However, given the nature of the conviction it was considered appropriate to issue a formal warning. The committee’s decision and reasons therefore were conveyed to the Driver and his Legal Representative. At this juncture (1.10 p.m.) the committee adjourned for a refreshment break. |
To consider a confidential report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) seeking members’ determination of an application for a Private Hire Vehicle Licence. Decision: RESOLVED that
the application for a Private Hire Vehicle Licence be
granted. Minutes: A confidential report by the Head of Planning
and Public Protection (previously circulated) was submitted upon – (i) an application having been received for a Private Hire Vehicle Licence; (i) officers having not been in a position to grant the application as the vehicle presented for licensing did not comply with the specification as detailed in the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Conditions, and (ii) the Applicant having been invited to attend the meeting in support of his application and to present the vehicle for members’ inspection. The Applicant was in attendance and confirmed he had received the report and committee procedures. The Licensing Officer presented the report and the committee was asked to
consider whether it would be appropriate to depart from the Council’s policy
concerning vehicle specifications in order to grant the application as applied
for. The
Applicant advised that the vehicle in question had a very low mileage given its
age and was in outstanding condition. Following
a vote the meeting was adjourned to enable members to view the vehicle
presented for licensing. Upon resuming
the proceedings the Applicant responded to questions regarding the merits of
licensing the vehicle given its immaculate condition and that it was wheelchair
accessible. It was noted that the
vehicle was not suitable for licensing as a hackney carriage given the
clearance measurements between seats but private hire was an option. In response to concerns regarding the
vehicle’s structural condition the Fleet Compliance Engineer advised that
licensed vehicles required a basic MOT test and Compliance test every six
months and should be appropriately maintained.
The Applicant provided assurances regarding the vehicle maintenance
regime. Members were reminded that each
application must be treated on its own merits. At this juncture the committee adjourned to
consider the application and it was – RESOLVED that
the application for a Private Hire Vehicle Licence be
granted. The reasons for the Licensing Committee’s
decision were as follows – Members considered the vehicle to be in
exceptional condition and appropriate for licensing and resolved to grant the licence. The committee’s decision and reasons therefore
were conveyed to the Applicant. |
OPEN SESSION Upon completion of the above business the meeting resumed in open session. |
PROPOSED HACKNEY CARRIAGE AND PRIVATE HIRE POLICY PDF 57 KB To consider a report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) informing members of the result of the consultation on the proposed Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Policy. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that – (a) the proposed
policy be amended to reflect the changes as discussed and agreed during the
meeting, and (b) officers be
instructed to carry out further consultation with interested parties and to
take account of any representations received in the final version of the policy
that will be presented at a future meeting of the County Council. Minutes: The Licensing Officer submitted a report by the
Head of Planning and Public Protection (previously circulated) informing
members of the result of the consultation on the proposed Hackney Carriage and
Private Hire Vehicle Policy. Details of the eight week consultation period
had been provided together with representations received; the majority of
responses had been positive with few areas of contention. Taking into account the consultation responses
a number of options had been proposed for members to consider further which had
been detailed in Appendix D to the main report. Members discussed each of those areas of the
policy as follows – (1) Hackney
Carriage Colour Stipulation Councillor Hugh Irving fully supported the
proposal to impose a colour stipulation advising that such an approach worked
well in other countries and improved the whole street scene. Taking into account the reservations
expressed regarding a black colour stipulation he suggested that an alternative
colour be considered. During debate
there was little support from other members to impose a colour requirement,
particularly given the cost of implementing such a condition and whether that
cost should fall to the local authority or hackney carriage proprietor. It was considered that money would be better
spent ensuring passenger safety including vehicle maintenance. Upon being put to the vote it was agreed that
the proposed colour stipulation for hackney carriages be removed. (2) Age
of Licensed Vehicles new to fleet Given the onset of new technology and extended
warranties provided for vehicles it was agreed to support the proposal to
increase the age limit for new to fleet vehicles for hackney carriage purposes
to 5 years (in line with private hire vehicles). (3) Maximum
age of Licensed Vehicles on fleet The merits of imposing a maximum age limit was
considered. In light of the regular MOT
and Compliance Testing regime for licensed vehicles it was agreed to retain the
proposal for a 10 year age limit for hackney carriage vehicles and 12 year age
limit for private hire vehicles. (4) Trailers Members agreed there was merit in allowing
trailers for private hire vehicles, particularly for transporting luggage
during airport runs when the fare had been pre-booked and the need for a
trailer was known. However the use of
trailers by hackney carriages was considered inappropriate on a taxi rank. The issue of training drivers was also
discussed and it was agreed to consider accepting trailers for private hire
vehicles only and also to consider whether relevant training would be required
for those drivers currently exempt from the need to pass the DVLA driver
trailer entitlement. (5) Wheelchair
accessible Members noted that most wheelchair accessible
taxis were purpose built and whilst noting the merits of stipulating wheelchair
accessible as a condition, overall members felt that such a requirement would
be too restrictive. Consequently it was
agreed not to support a proposal for all hackney carriage vehicles to be
wheelchair accessible. The Licensing Officer drew members’ attention
to late representations received in response to the vehicle policy review which
had been circulated to members the previous day. Members agreed that those late representations
be dealt with as part of the next consultation phase. The Passenger Transport Manager referred to
his written representations and highlighted that any changes to the existing
policy could impact on the school transport budget. RESOLVED that – (a) the proposed
policy be amended to reflect the changes as discussed and agreed during the
meeting, and (b) officers be instructed to carry out further consultation with interested parties and to take account of any representations received in the final version of the policy that will be presented ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
LICENSING COMMITTEE FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 8 KB To consider a report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) presenting the committee’s forward work programme for approval. Decision: RESOLVED that the Licensing Committee’s work programme
be approved. Minutes: A report by the Head of Planning and Public
Protection was submitted (previously circulated) on the Licensing Committee’s
future work programme for 2016. RESOLVED that the Licensing Committee’s work programme
be approved. The meeting concluded at 2.45 p.m. |