Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Russell House, Rhyl
Contact: Committee Administrator (KEJ)
No. | Item |
POINT OF NOTICE The Chair agreed to vary the order of the agenda to accommodate individuals attending for particular items. |
APOLOGIES Decision: Councillors Joan Butterfield, Bill Cowie, Richard Davies,
Hugh Irving, Win Mullen-James and Pete Prendergast Minutes: Councillors Joan Butterfield, Bill Cowie, Richard Davies, Hugh Irving, Win Mullen-James and Pete Prendergast |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 58 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Decision: Councillor Barry Mellor declared a personal and
prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 11 – Review of a Licence to Drive Hackney
Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles. Minutes: Councillor Barry Mellor declared a personal and
prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 11 – Review of a Licence to Drive Hackney
Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles because he knew the driver subject of the
review. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Decision: No urgent matters had been raised. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 124 KB To receive the minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 2 December 2015 (copy enclosed). Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 2 December 2015 be received and confirmed as a correct
record. Minutes: The minutes of the Licensing Committee held on
2 December 2015 were submitted. RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 2 December 2015 be received and confirmed as a correct
record. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it would involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12 and 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
DISPENSATION FROM REQUIREMENT TO DISPLAY PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLE LICENCE PLATES To consider a confidential report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) seeking members’ determination of a request for dispensation from the requirement to display licence plates on a private hire vehicle. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that the request
for dispensation from the requirement to display the private hire vehicle plate
and door stickers be approved subject to the conditions as detailed in Appendix
C to the report. Minutes: A confidential report by the Head of Planning and
Public Protection (previously circulated) was submitted upon – (i)
an application for dispensation from the
requirement to display licence plates on a Private
Hire Vehicle; (ii)
the Council’s powers to grant a proprietor
dispensation from displaying the licence plate taking
into account the executive nature of the work along with the quality of the
vehicle involved and where the vehicle would be operated; (iii)
the applicant having provided full details of
both the vehicle and nature of the business (Appendix B to the report); (iv)
other determining factors requiring
consideration together with the Council’s draft policy when considering such
requests (Appendix A to the report) and suggested conditions for consideration
(Appendix C to the report) should members be minded to grant the dispensation
request. The Licensing Officer
provided a summary of the report and application. The Applicant
elaborated upon the operation and nature of his business and reasoning behind
his request for dispensation in order to meet the needs of his clients and
enable him to compete with rival businesses.
He provided two written endorsements from existing clients in support of
his business and particular provision for unmarked but licensed vehicles. In response to questions from members the
Applicant argued that he was best placed to choose a vehicle to meet the needs
and expectations of his clients and he provided a discrete professional
executive travel service. Officers
confirmed that if members were minded to grant the application the relevant
terms and conditions would apply in line with other licensed private hire
vehicles subject to the requirement to display a licence
plate and door stickers. It was also
confirmed that the Council’s current policy was to licence
vehicles up to five years old unless the vehicle was in exceptional condition
although that policy was currently under review. The committee
adjourned to consider the case and it was – RESOLVED that the request
for dispensation from the requirement to display the private hire vehicle plate
and door stickers be approved subject to the conditions as detailed in Appendix
C to the report. The reasons for the
Licensing Committee’s decision were as follows – Having considered the
report and submission of the Applicant there was some debate as to whether the
vehicle specification met the exemption requirements in terms of luxurious
quality with mixed views in that regard.
Members were satisfied that the nature of the work met the criteria for
exemption in this case and overall it was agreed that the quality of the
vehicle also met the criteria in terms of specification taking into account the
needs of the Applicant’s clients and bespoke service provided. Consequently it was agreed that the
application be granted. The conditions
had been imposed in order to aid regulation and enforcement. As an aside reference
had been made to the draft policy for dealing with requests for exemptions to display
private hire licence plates and door stickers. It was noted that the policy would be
submitted to full Council for approval and it was suggested that more
flexibility be applied in terms of vehicle specification taking into account
some clients’ needs for discretion and anonymity. The committee’s
decision and reasons therefore were conveyed to the Applicant. |
To consider a confidential report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) seeking members’ review of a licence to drive hackney carriage and private hire vehicles in respect of Driver No. 15/1123/TXJDR. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that the hackney carriage and private hire vehicle
driver’s licence issued to Driver No.
15/1123/TXJDR be revoked on the grounds
of public safety with immediate effect. Minutes: A confidential report by the Head of Planning
and Public Protection (previously circulated) was submitted upon – (i) the suitability of Driver No. 15/1123/TXJDR to hold a licence to drive hackney carriage and private hire vehicles following accrual of 20 penalty points under the Council’s penalty point scheme for presenting a licensed vehicle for test in an unsafe and dangerous condition; (ii) details of the defects noted following presentation of the vehicle for a Compliance/MOT test had been included within the report together with associated witness statements and documentation, and (iii) the Driver having been invited to attend the meeting in support of his licence review and to answer members’ questions thereon. The Enforcement Officer introduced the report
and detailed the facts of the case. In
cases where 20 or more penalty points had been accrued in a 24 month period the
matter was referred to committee for review. The Driver submitted a written response in
support of his case advising that he took passenger safety seriously and would
not knowingly drive passengers in a vehicle that was in a dangerous
condition. The vehicle had been in for
repair immediately prior to its submission for MOT/Compliance and some of the
failures had been disputed. As far as
the Driver was aware the vehicle had been in good condition except for an issue
with the brakes. He had been a taxi
driver for some considerable time without previous complaint. Members took the opportunity to question the
Driver regarding the circumstances of the case including the general condition
of the vehicle and its maintenance regime which led to the presentation of the
vehicle in a dangerous condition and him knowingly driving an unfit vehicle. In response to questions the Driver
reiterated that he had submitted the vehicle for repair a week prior to the
inspection and work had been carried out with that in mind. There was dust both inside and outside the
vehicle from the repair work which he attempted to clean in the limited time
available. He had driven directly from
the garage to the testing station which was when he had noticed an issue with
the brakes and did not recall being advised at the time of failure that the
vehicle was unsafe to drive. He had
driven the vehicle from the testing station with a view to getting it
repaired. The Driver assured the
committee that he checked the vehicle on a daily basis and it was regularly
serviced every three months. In making a final statement the Driver
advised that he considered himself a good driver and was willing to take on
suggestions from the committee with regard to a future vehicle maintenance
regime in light of the current failings. The committee adjourned to consider the case
and it was – RESOLVED that the hackney carriage and private hire vehicle
driver’s licence issued to Driver No. 15/1123/TXJDR be revoked on the grounds of public safety with
immediate effect. The reasons for the
Licensing Committee’s decision were as follows – During deliberations members carefully considered the evidence presented and the Driver’s submissions in support of his licence review. The committee did not consider the Driver’s version of events credible because he would have known the vehicle was in a filthy state, in addition to the dust from the repair work, because some were clearly visible and there were many other signs that it was not maintained properly. By his own admission the Driver presented the vehicle for inspection knowing that there was an issue with the brakes and the committee felt it was clear that he did not ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
REVIEW OF A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE AND PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES - DRIVER NO. 15/0427/TXJDR To consider a confidential report by the Head of Planning
and Public Protection (copy enclosed) seeking members’ review of a licence to
drive hackney carriage and private hire vehicles in respect of Driver No.
15/0427/TXJDR. Additional documents:
Decision: It was agreed that a special meeting of the
Licensing Committee be convened as soon as practicable in order to consider the
licence review. Minutes: Councillor Barry Mellor declared a personal and
prejudicial interest in this item because he knew the Driver subject of the
review and therefore could not adjudicate in this case. As a result the committee was inquorate and unable
to proceed to hear the case. It was agreed that a special meeting of the
Licensing Committee be convened as soon as practicable to consider the licence
review. |
OPEN SESSION Upon completion of the above business the meeting resumed in open session. |
PROPOSED SCRAP METAL DEALERS POLICY PDF 50 KB To consider a report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) presenting the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 – Statement of Licensing Policy for consideration and approval for consultation. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that – (a) the Scrap Metal
Dealers Act 2013 – Statement of Licensing Policy as detailed in Appendix A to
the report be endorsed; (b) a suitable period of consultation be
undertaken to those licensed by Denbighshire under the remit of the Scrap Metal
Dealers At 2013, North Wales Police, British Transport Police, Natural Resource
Wales and Industry Associations be approved, and (c) to authorise officers that where any
relevant responses received as a result of the consultation are considered and
where relevant the policy is amended accordingly before presenting to Cabinet. Minutes: The Licensing Officer submitted a report by the
Head of Planning and Public Protection (previously circulated) presenting the
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 – Statement of Licensing Policy for consideration
and approval for consultation. The Council had previously approved the
application process along with delegation of power and fees for licences
required under the Scrap Metal Dealers Act.
Members were advised of a collaborative approach with other Welsh
authorities in preparing a draft policy which aimed to assist officers with
enforcement and ensure consistency in dealing with applications. The policy would also provide guidance to new
applicants, existing licence holders and the public as to how the Act would be
administered and enforced. Following
consultation with relevant parties a final report would be presented to Cabinet
for adoption (not Full Council as referred to in the report). Officers confirmed that itinerant traders
would also require a licence. RESOLVED that – (a) the Scrap Metal
Dealers Act 2013 – Statement of Licensing Policy as detailed in Appendix A to
the report be endorsed; (b) a suitable period of consultation be
undertaken to those licensed by Denbighshire under the remit of the Scrap Metal
Dealers At 2013, North Wales Police, British Transport Police, Natural Resource
Wales and Industry Associations be approved, and (c) to authorise officers that where any
relevant responses received as a result of the consultation are considered and
where relevant the policy is amended accordingly before presenting to Cabinet. |
CONSIDERATION OF TRAINING FOR LICENSED DRIVERS PDF 54 KB To consider a report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) regarding the introduction of mandatory safeguarding awareness training for licensed drivers and operators. Decision: RESOLVED that – (a) officers be instructed to introduce
mandatory safeguarding awareness training for all licensed Denbighshire hackney
carriage and private hire drivers and operators during 2016, and (b) officers be
instructed to prepare a proposal for formal training for licensed drivers and
operators. Minutes: The Public Protection Business Manager
submitted a report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (previously
circulated) recommending mandatory safeguarding awareness training for licensed
drivers following a number of recent high profile safeguarding issues around
the country particularly relating to child sexual exploitation and links with
local authority licensed vehicles. Specific reference was made to the findings of
Professor Alexis Jay’s inquiry into child exploitation in Rotherham 1997 – 2013
which highlighted the prominent role of taxi drivers directly linked to
children who were being abused. A
training scheme for licensed drivers in Conwy had been introduced in September
2015 and community safety partners also encouraged this approach in
Denbighshire. Members welcomed the introduction of a
mandatory training scheme to help identify exploitation and safeguarding issues
and asked that the training also be extended to private hire operators. It was noted that some drivers licensed by
other authorities also operated within Denbighshire but the Council had no
remit over their training provisions.
However it was acknowledged that the Council may exercise some control
when awarding school contracts to out of county operators. Officers agreed to liaise with school
transport colleagues with a view to making safeguarding training for licensed
drivers operating in Denbighshire a mandatory condition within future school
contracts. In considering the training
format officers advised that a standard training package subsequently tailored
for Denbighshire would be used and would involve a number of events across the
county. Members were also keen to see
the development of formal training, such as BTEC or equivalent for licensed
drivers. RESOLVED that – (a) officers be instructed to introduce
mandatory safeguarding awareness training for all licensed Denbighshire hackney
carriage and private hire drivers and operators during 2016, and (b) officers be
instructed to prepare a proposal for formal training for licensed drivers and
operators. |
REVIEW OF CURRENT PENALTY POINTS POLICY AND PROCEDURE PDF 15 KB To consider a report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) presenting an amended Penalty Points Policy and Procedure for approval. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that – (a) the revised
Penalty Point Policy and Procedure detailed in Appendix A to the report be
approved to replace the existing 2014 Penalty Point Scheme, and (b) the scheme be
implemented with immediate effect. Minutes: The Public Protection Business Manager submitted
a report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (previously circulated)
presented an amended Penalty Point Policy and Procedure for approval following
formal consultation. The document detailed how the Council dealt
with minor breaches in respect of taxi licensing and included a number of
revisions as approved by the Licensing Committee in September 2015. No representations had been received during
the consultation period and no further amendment had been made to the scheme. Officers responded to questions regarding
enforcement of the policy and confirmed the Council currently had two Licensing
Enforcement Officers. Councillor Stuart
Davies raised concerns regarding cross border hiring but officers confirmed
that the practice was lawful. Any
concerns regarding the licensing of those vehicles must be addressed with the
relevant licensing authority. It was
also noted that the number of penalty points for smoking in a licensed vehicle
had increased to 10 points and if proven a fixed penalty notice would also be
issued. RESOLVED that – (a) the revised
Penalty Point Policy and Procedure detailed in Appendix A to the report be
approved to replace the existing 2014 Penalty Point Scheme, and (b) the scheme be
implemented with immediate effect. |
LICENSING COMMITTEE FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 9 KB To consider a report by the Head of Planning and Public Protection (copy enclosed) presenting the committee’s forward work programme for approval. Decision: RESOLVED that the Licensing Committee’s work programme
be approved. Minutes: A report by the Head of Planning and Public
Protection was submitted (previously circulated) on the Licensing Committee’s
future work programme for 2016. The only change since the last meeting was slippage
on the Sex Establishment Policy review which had been rescheduled from March to
December 2016. RESOLVED that the Licensing Committee’s work programme be approved. The meeting concluded at 11.45 a.m. |