Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
Contact: Committee Administrator (KEJ) Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Decision: Councillor Joan Butterfield – Personal Interest – Agenda Item 7 Minutes: |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR To appoint a Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Councillor Bobby Feeley be appointed Chair of
the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. Minutes: Nominations were sought for Chair of the Licensing
Committee for 2024/25. Councillor Andrea
Tomlin proposed, seconded by Councillor Hugh Irving, that Councillor Bobby
Feeley be appointed Chair. There were no
further nominations. RESOLVED that Councillor Bobby Feeley be appointed Chair of
the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE CHAIR To appoint a Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Councillor Hugh Irving be
appointed Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. Minutes: The Chair invited nominations for Vice Chair of the
Licensing Committee for 2024/25.
Councillor Brian Jones proposed, seconded by Councillor Andrea Tomlin,
that Councillor Hugh Irving be appointed Vice Chair. There were no further nominations. RESOLVED that Councillor Hugh Irving be
appointed Vice Chair of the Licensing Committee for the ensuing year. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To receive the minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 5 March 2024 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 5 March 2024 be received and confirmed as a correct
record. Minutes: The minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 5 March 2024
were submitted. Matters Arising – Page 6: Licensing Committee Forward
Work Programme 2024 – Councillor Andrea Tomlin thanked officers for the
training session on Special Procedures (skin piercing) held on 22 March 2024
which she had found extremely informative and useful in her role as a committee
member. RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 5 March 2024 be received and confirmed as a correct
record. |
HACKNEY CARRIAGE VEHICLES TABLE OF FARES AND CHARGES To consider a report by the Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services (copy enclosed) updating members on the review of the current tariff charges for hackney carriage vehicles (taxis) and proposed Table of Fares for public consultation. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED, by majority vote, that the Licensing Committee – (a) retain the current table of fares, and (b) officers be instructed to prepare a report
for the Licensing Committee to review the position in twelve months’ time. Minutes: The Public Protection Business Manager submitted a report (previously
circulated) updating members on the review of the current tariffs for hackney carriage
vehicles (taxis) and proposed Table of Fares for public consultation. The current tariff had been subject to an ongoing review since
mid-2023. A public consultation on
proposals to increase the tariff had provided a mixed response and in December
2023 the Licensing Committee had resolved to retain the current tariff pending
the development of a fare calculator.
Since then, there had been little response from the licensed trade to
assist in the population of the fare calculator and where gaps in data had been
identified, other data had been replied upon to produce the fare calculator and
methodology, which had been set out in the report together with the tariff
produced and a comparison table of North Wales authorities. Members were asked to consider the report detail, including the impact
on both the taxi trade and taxi users as a result of an increase in the fares,
and to either (1) retain the current table of fares, or (2) increase the tariff
in line with the fare calculator, subject to statutory consultation. If members supported a tariff increase and no
objections were received following consultation the increase could be
implemented but any objections received would need to be brought back before
the Committee. Any final tariff would be
subject to a Lead Member Delegated Decision. During debate members thanked officers for the comprehensive report and
noted the measured and robust methodology used in developing the fare
calculator. Members carefully considered
the report and options available to them and raised various questions with
officers during their deliberations.
Particular reference was made to the apparent lack of appetite from the
taxi trade for an increase in the fares and the impact on taxi users in the
current financial climate. There was
some mention as to the timing and frequency of fare reviews and whether or not
a regular incremental approach to fare increases would avoid a large hike in
fees after a longer period. It was noted
that the tariff set the maximum fare permitted and a lesser fee could be
charged. The merits of undertaking a
wide ranging consultation on the proposed fare increase and considering those
views before making a final decision was also discussed. Officers responded to members’ questions and comments as follows – ·
consultations with the taxi trade had provided a mixed response for and against
fare increases and there had been no barrage of requests for a fare increase ·
level of new licensed drivers remained consistent with previous years and the
number of licensed drivers remained relatively constant ·
fare calculator provided a means of calculating the average cost of operating a
taxi business; the proposed increase was based on a detailed methodology ·
on the tariff produced as detailed in the report which provided the maximum
fare which could be charged and would result in an increase from the current
fare of £6.00 to a proposed fare of £6.94 based on a 2 mile journey ·
the proposed
tariff would result in Denbighshire having the most expensive taxi fares of all
North Wales local authorities and mid-table position in the national league
table of taxi fares ·
methodology used by other North Wales local authorities to calculate tariffs
was unknown and those authorities last reviewed their fares between 1 – 4 years
previously with one authority not having increased their fares since 2010 · detailed the extensive consultation, in addition to statutory requirements, if that option was approved which would include significant engagement with ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
REVIEW OF LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FOR WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE VEHICLES To consider a report by the Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services (copy enclosed) seeking members’ review of the existing requirements for wheelchair accessible vehicles licensed by the Council. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that members note
the contents of the report and authorise officers to instigate a consultation
exercise with all interested parties on the following options and report back
to a future meeting on the results of the consultation – (a) make no amendments to the current licensing
requirements for WAVs meaning that they were licensed on the same basis as a
“regular” vehicle; (b) consider removing the current age
requirements for WAVs and replacing it with all WAVs must meet Euro 6 emission
standards with an additional compliance test per year once the vehicle reached
12 years old and each year it was licensed thereafter, i.e., 3 tests a year at
4 monthly intervals; (c) consider (b) above without any additional
compliance testing, and (d) consider that all new applications for a Hackney
Carriage Vehicle Licence be wheelchair accessible. Minutes: The Senior Licensing Officer submitted a report
(previously circulated) seeking members’ review of the existing requirements for
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs) licensed by the Council. Licensing Committee had approved the existing
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Policy in December 2016 which
included an age restriction that all new to fleet vehicles must be a maximum of
5 years old and any vehicle reaching 12 years old must be removed. Following a number of extensions, the age
restriction would finally come into effect on 1 July 2024. WAVs were required to meet the same standards
as any other vehicle, but the costs associated with WAVs were much higher. Given the impact of the age limit on the
availability of WAVs, Denbighshire School Transport supported a review of the
requirements and a small number of the taxi trade had also requested a review
to make it more affordable to licence WAVs. Reference was made to the Department for Transport
best practice guidance and relevance of the Welsh Government’s white paper on
taxi reform together with details on age and emissions of vehicles and licensed
WAVs in Denbighshire. Given the need to
address the shortage of WAVs, members were asked to consider whether it would
be appropriate to remove the age restrictions for WAVs and introduce a minimum
emissions requirement and whether additional vehicle testing be imposed as a
result. Officers recommended a
consultation exercise with on the following options with a report back to a
future meeting on the consultation results – (a)
make no amendments to the current licensing requirements for WAVs
meaning that they were licensed on the same basis as a “regular” vehicle (c)
consider (b) above without any additional compliance testing Members stressed the need to ensure that the
current high standards for licensed vehicles were maintained and that no action
should be taken which would compromise those standards. There was also some concern that not all
vehicles would be subject to the same licensing criteria. However, the importance of addressing the
current shortage of wheelchair accessible provision was acknowledged, and
consideration was given to the options set out in the report as a means of
encouraging more WAVs to the fleet to meet that demand, particularly for school
transport where the needs of learners were not currently being met. In terms of maintaining safety standards
officers explained that the proposed removal of the age limit and requirement
to meet Euro 6 emission standards could be coupled with a more rigorous testing
regime for those vehicles The Chair believed a case had been made to consider whether a different high standard should be applied to WAVs given the shortage of those types of vehicles and costs associated with them, and she considered it would be useful to go out to consultation on the options and to consider those responses before a final decision was made. Councillor Andrea Tomlin felt that, rather than making changes to the existing policy standards, more should be done to seek suggestions on other ways of addressing the current shortage of WAVs. Officers confirmed that a free text box would be included in any consultation and those suggestions could be encouraged as part of that process. ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
LICENSING COMMITTEE FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME 2024/25 To consider a report by the Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services (copy enclosed) on the priorities of the Licensing Section together with a revised forward work programme. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that – (a) the contents of the report be noted, and (b) the forward work programme for 2024/25 as
detailed in Appendix A to the report be approved. Minutes: The priorities of the Licensing
Section reflected the duty placed on the authority in relation to its
responsibilities for the licensing function and the effective regulation,
control and enforcement of licensees, and the authority’s commitment to safer
communities and the development of the economy.
The work programme had been drafted taking into account policies
relevant to the Licensing Committee and policy review dates along with any
potential legislative changes being proposed by Welsh and Central
Government. Due to significant changes
to the staffing structure in the Licensing Section, which would impact on
existing staff workloads, the priorities of reviewing some of the planned
policies had been rescheduled. Councillor Andrea Tomlin sought
further information on the impact of the staff changes and structure within
Licensing Team. The Solicitor confirmed
it would be appropriate to discuss the matter outside of the meeting given that
any discussion would likely identify particular individuals within the team. RESOLVED that – (a) the contents of the report be noted, and (b) the forward work programme for 2024/25 as
detailed in Appendix A to the report be approved. At this point the
Chair advised that the Public Protection Business Manager (PPMB) was attending
his last meeting of the Licensing Committee before his retirement, and on
behalf of the Committee she thanked him for all his hard work over the years
and wished him well for the future. The
PPMB thanked members for their support and guidance and conveyed his best
wishes for the future. The meeting concluded at 10.50 am. |