Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
POINT OF NOTICE The Leader welcomed Councillor
Diane King to her first Cabinet meeting as Lead Member for Education, Children
and Families. Councillor King responded
that she was passionate about education and would look to make a positive
impact. Additional documents: |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Decision: There were no apologies. Minutes: There were no
apologies. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: |
items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting
as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the
Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Decision: No urgent matters had been raised. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
To receive the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 25 June 2024 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 25 June
2024 were submitted. Matters Arising –
Page 11: Item 6 Long Term Plan for Towns: Rhyl – in response to a question from
Councillor Brian Jones, the Leader provided an update on the item confirming
that the inaugural meeting of the Rhyl Town Board had been held the previous day
which had been extremely positive, and work would be ongoing to undertake the
required actions by the 1 November deadline.
There may be greater flexibility over the deadline given the change in
the UK Government. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 25
June 2024 be received and confirmed as a correct record. |
REPLACEMENT OF THE SOCIAL CARE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM To consider a joint report (which includes a confidential appendix) by Councillors Julie Matthews, Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Corporate Strategy, Policy and Equalities, Elen Heaton, Lead Member for Health and Social Care, and Diane King, Lead Member for Education, Children and Families (copy enclosed) seeking approval of the Business Case and participation in the national Connecting Care Programme. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) approves the Business Case attached at
Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 (Part 2) to the report; (b) gives retrospective ratification to: · Denbighshire’s
participation in the national Connecting Care programme
as set out in paragraph 4.2 of the report, and · Denbighshire commencing the
procurement phase on a non-binding basis as set out in paragraph 4.4 of the report; (c) requires officers to bring a further
report at the conclusion of the procurement process to consider contract
award. It was anticipated this would be
December/January. Minutes: Some background was
provided regarding the national programme to enable integrated health and
social care service delivery in Wales via a single digital solution and the
reasoning behind the proposed move away from the original contract with PARIS
to participate in the new national programme for a social care and health
shared care record system. Details were
provided on the procurement approach and timescales involved, including the
urgent decision taken with the support of Lead Members to commence the
procurement process, with the request for retrospective ratification by
Cabinet. Following conclusion of the
procurement process a further report would be submitted to Cabinet to consider
the contract award. The Corporate
Director: Social Services and Education was in attendance for the item together
with the Business Partners ICT and Digital Services to answer any technical
questions. The officers responded to
questions raised as follows – ·
justified the substantial cost of the proposal
in the difficult financial climate given that the current system was coming to
its end of life and would not be supported going forward. Having considered options for its replacement
the preferred option to be part of the national process would enable cost
benefits, supported regional working, and access to as yet undetermined Welsh
Government funding ·
with regard to the Risk Register RCC5: Risk of
non-Welsh Language compliance, assurances were provided that the specification
for the national programme would require web portals to meet Welsh Language
requirements ·
all options considered had been detailed in the
business case and there was a clear need to procure a new IT system to replace
PARIS either in the current year or in the near future. It was emphasised that no commitment had been
made at this stage and once the procurement process had been completed it was
proposed to submit a further report to Cabinet to consider the actual costs and
any contract award which was likely to be in December/January · the software provider for PARIS would not be providing developmental and technological support for the social services element of the system going forward and as a consequence the current system was coming to the end of its useful life. RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) approves the Business Case attached at
Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 (Part 2) to the report; (b) gives retrospective ratification to: · Denbighshire’s participation
in the national Connecting Care programme as set out in paragraph 4.2 of the
report, and · Denbighshire commencing the
procurement phase on a non-binding basis as set out in paragraph 4.4 of the
report; (c) requires officers to bring a further
report at the conclusion of the procurement process to consider contract
award. It was anticipated this would be
December/January. |
CLWYD WEST LEVELLING UP FUND (LUF) PROJECTS: ST. PETER'S SQUARE AND CAE DDOL PARK To consider a report by Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for the Environment and Transport (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet approval of the next phase of the two Clwyd West Levelling Up Fund projects in Ruthin. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) notes the position of the
approved Clwyd West Levelling Up projects in Ruthin; (b) approves the next phase of
the project, commencement of the detailed design, and (c) confirms that it has read,
understood and taken account of the Wellbeing Impact
Assessment as set out in Appendix 1 to the report as part of its consideration. Minutes: Councillor
Barry Mellor presented the report seeking Cabinet approval of the next phase of
the two Clwyd West Levelling Up Fund projects in Ruthin – public realm
improvements to St. Peter’s Square and Cae Ddol Park. The
projects had been approved within the Council’s application for funding under
round two of the UK Government Levelling Up Fund (LUF). Details of the contracted outputs and what
each scheme was projected to deliver had been detailed in the report together with
progress to date. The Traffic and
Transportation Manager provided an overview of the report content including
work to date on projects and details of the comprehensive consultation and
engagement undertaken, including Ruthin Town Council and Ruthin Member Area
Group, and the responses and findings of the wider public consultation. Whilst there
was broad support for both projects, Cabinet’s attention was drawn to the
concerns identified for each scheme and proposed action to allay those
concerns. In terms of governance, a
Stakeholder Group had been established together with a Project Board. Main
areas of debate focused on the following – · Cabinet
welcomed the investment in Ruthin, recognising the improvements the projects
would bring and benefits to the local area.
Whilst there was general local support for the projects, there was a
need to respond to concerns raised and minimise the impact on businesses and
residents during the improvement works, and the importance of continual, timely
communication was further discussed · St.
Peter’s Square – whilst the majority of consultation responses were in favour
of the proposals steps would be taken to mitigate and address the concerns
raised which included sharing the feedback from the consultation and continuing
the engagement process with businesses and residents; concerns regarding
parking could be addressed at the Traffic Order consultation stage with the
opportunity to make amendments to parking restrictions, and concerns regarding
loss of trade would be addressed with similar arrangements to the recent public
realm improvement project in Llangollen and business liaison role undertaken by
the contractor to work closely with local businesses to ensure disruption was
minimised and issues were identified and addressed as soon as possible · Cae
Ddol Play Park – Councillor Emrys Wynne advised that questions had been raised
over the timing of the work to install the new accessible play park over the
summer and explained that the Shared Prosperity Funding for the project had to
be spent by the end of the year and it would have been unwise to delay that
work. He highlighted the excellent
facilities being installed which would fit in with the overall masterplan for
Cae Ddol and benefit children and their families in the area · Cae
Ddol Toilet Block – early discussions were ongoing with Ruthin Town Council
regarding the possibility of them taking over management of the toilet
facilities if they were refurbished through LUF funding; local members would be
kept informed of progress via the Stakeholder Group and Project Board. Councillor Gwyneth Ellis reported on a
similar arrangement with Corwen Town Council and advocated a meeting between
the Town Councils to discuss the arrangement which worked well in Corwen. Councillor Brian Jones was concerned about
the public perception of investment in toilet facilities when their future was
in doubt. Officers confirmed there would
be no investment without assurance of future provision and a pragmatic approach
needed to be taken to link the review of public conveniences and discussions on
LUF funding and investment in facilities · officers agreed to respond to questions raised by Councillor Bobby Feeley outside of the meeting once the position was known as to who would replace former MP David ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
UK GOVERNMENT LEVELLING UP FUNDING AWARD (ROUND 3) - VALE OF CLWYD CONSTITUENCY To consider a report by Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader and Lead Member for Economic Growth and Tackling Deprivation (copy enclosed) informing Cabinet of the urgent decision taken to accept the Grant award offer from the UK Government under Round 3 of the Levelling Up Fund. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) endorse the urgent
decision taken by the Corporate Director: Environment and Economy in
consultation with the Leader/Lead Member and Deputy Leader to accept the Grant
award offer from UK Government of £19,973,282 under Round 3 of the Levelling Up
Fund; (b) confirms it has understood
the report and the changes that have been made to the Vale of Clwyd Levelling Up Fund application as a part of the UK
Government’s Round 3 funding award process and accepts the Round 3 Grant Award
for the Vale of Clwyd constituency, and (c) confirms that it has read,
understood and taken account of the Wellbeing Impact
Assessment as set out in Appendix 2 to the report as part of its consideration. Minutes: Councillor Jason McLellan
presented the report informing Cabinet of the urgent decision taken by the Corporate
Director Environment and Economy in consultation with the Leader/Lead Member
and Deputy Leader to accept the Grant award offer from UK Government of
£19,973,282 under Round 3 of the Levelling Up Fund (LUF). Some background was provided to
the LUF including the outcome of LUF bidding Rounds 1 and 2, and the offer from
UK Government of a provisional LUF award under Round 3 of just under £20m in
November 2023 based on previous appraisal of applications submitted under Round
2. Following a review of the
application, the Council had made three amendments to reflect the changes in
circumstances since its submission in August 2022 which related to the removal
of projects which had since secured alternative funding, replacement of the
council’s match funding contribution of £1.9m with secured Growth Deal funding,
and adjustment of projects to reflect the impact of inflation. The value of LUF for the area remained the
same. Cabinet accepted the reasoning behind the urgent decision taken and noted the changes made to the funding application following the recent review. Councillor Julie Matthews reiterated the importance of communication and engagement with the public on the projects and benefits as a result and queried future plans in that regard. The Corporate Director Economy and the Environment explained the lack of detail in particular projects at the time of submission with some more advanced than others and work was ongoing to make those aspirations fit the budget available. He provided assurances regarding communication and engagement going forward, particularly given the funding had now been secured. Councillor Emrys Wynne referred to the reference to the Welsh Language in the Wellbeing Impact Assessment and sought a change to the wording to strengthen that reference to read as follows “Bi-lingual interpretation boards shall be used to provide information…”. The Corporate Director agreed to change the wording to provide that clarity. Councillor Brian Jones raised a number of questions and concerns regarding the timescale for completing the projects listed in the report, the lack of project detail and costing, the merits of individual projects, the timeliness of public consultation at an appropriate stage in the process, and any potential impact on the funding award as a result of the change in the UK Government. The Leader and Corporate Director responded to the issues raised as follows – · there had been a name change of the government department from Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to Housing, Communities and Local Government and some general guidance on the way levelling up would work in future was awaited. However, there had been no indication that the funding award would be withdrawn, and work was progressing on delivering the projects · reference was made to the inaugural meeting of the Rhyl Town Board with the long term plan for Rhyl very much part of the levelling up agenda and indications were that there would be an extension to the current timescale for completing projects with no substantial changes going forward; the importance of communication and engagement with the public and business community had also been discussed and was considered vitally important by all concerned · the Leader had met with Gill German, MP and Becky Gittins, MP on a number of issues and had outlined concerns in terms of the timescales of the LU agenda · the report related to the process of accepting the funding award and therefore did not include the individual project detail. However, it would be possible to bring forward another report specifically on the project detail or hold a ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
UPDATE TO MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL STRATEGY AND PLAN FOR 2025/26 - 2027/28 To consider a report by Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet approval of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Medium Term Financial Plan, including the use of reserves. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) notes the feedback from
Governance and Audit Committee and Performance Scrutiny Committee included in
Appendix 1 to the report, and (b) approves the Medium Term
Financial Strategy and Medium Term Financial Plan included at Appendices 2 and
3 to the report, including the use of reserves as outlined in paragraph 4.6 of
the report. Minutes: Councillor Gwyneth Ellis presented
the report seeking Cabinet approval of the Medium Term Financial Strategy
(MTPS) and Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) for 2025/26 – 2027/28, including
the use of reserves. The Head of Finance and Audit took
members through the report which included – ·
feedback from the Governance and Audit Committee
and Performance Scrutiny Committee on the first iteration of the MTFS and MTFP
(Appendix 1 to the report) ·
the high-level MTFP which included broad
estimates of known pressures along with the impact of estimated increases in
Council Tax and funding from Welsh Government with a range of assumptions to
provide a low, medium, and high estimate of each cost pressure (Appendix 2 to
the report), and ·
the second iteration of the MTFS compiled with
data as at early July setting out the scale of financial challenge facing the council
outlining financial issues (Appendix 3 to the report), with key points
highlighted in the cover report along with updates made to the MTFS highlighted
in yellow and the use of reserves. Councillor Ellis thanked the
Governance and Audit Committee and Performance Scrutiny Committee for their
valuable feedback on the MTFS and MTFP which had been given full
consideration. The second iteration of
the savings tracker had been submitted to the Governance and Audit Committee
the previous week and had been generally well received with no further
feedback. The Leader highlighted the
importance of all members keeping abreast of financial developments. RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) notes the feedback from
Governance and Audit Committee and Performance Scrutiny Committee included in
Appendix 1 to the report, and (b) approves the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Medium Term Financial
Plan included at Appendices 2 and 3 to the report, including the use of
reserves as outlined in paragraph 4.6 of the report. |
To consider a report by Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet note the
budgets set for 2024/25 and progress against the agreed strategy. Minutes: A
summary of the Council’s financial position was provided as follows – ·
the net revenue budget for 2024/25 was £271.021m
(£250.793m in 2023/24) ·
detailed service savings and efficiencies for the
2024/25 budget (£10.384m) and progress in delivering savings approved with
ongoing tracking/monitoring ·
the current position relating to corporate
budgets and individual service areas together with schools, the Housing Revenue
Account and Treasury Management. Councillor
Ellis drew particular attention to the savings tracker developed to monitor
savings being delivered which remained a work in progress. The Head of Finance and Audit added that the
savings tracker would be submitted to Cabinet on a quarterly basis going
forward in order to keep abreast of progress throughout the year. Councillor
Rhys Thomas raised a number of questions regarding the savings tracker and also
asked whether it would be possible to obtain the current budgetary position
directly from individual services on a monthly basis. The Lead Member and Head of Service responded
to the issues raised, confirming the Governance and Audit Committee feedback
under the previous item had requested the savings tracker which had already
been in development and gave confidence in the process. The savings tracker was still in early
development and further work would be carried out to develop the system and
provide more detail as the year progressed.
The Head of Finance explained that each Head of Service had a finance
link, and she would look into the possibility of them also working with Lead
Members with a view to obtaining the monthly budget position for their
individual portfolio areas. Councillors
Bobby Feeley and Terry Mendies queried the cost implications arising from the
implementation of the new recycling and waste collection service and the
financial position going forward.
Officers advised that an update on the financial implications
surrounding the roll out of the new waste model was currently being prepared
and would be circulated to members in the next few days. The additional resources deployed in the
implementation phase were viewed as ‘one off’ costs that would not reoccur
which would be followed by a transitional phase to business as usual during
which there would be a gradual reduction in the additional resource. The long term position was as yet unknown and
any recurring revenue costs to ensure a sustainable service going forward and
subsequent implications on the service budget would need to be considered at
the appropriate time. It was clarified
that the new service had not been about delivering a saving but reducing the
existing pressure and overspend being incurred by the previous service with
rising costs each year. The Lead Member
for Finance provided assurances that she was challenging officers about the
financial position, and it was now possible to track costs on a regular
basis. The impact on the assumed £500k
service cost reduction as a result of the new model was unknown at this stage;
that figure had not been included in the savings tracker as it related to new
savings identified since the previous budget. RESOLVED that Cabinet note the
budgets set for 2024/25 and progress against the agreed strategy. |
CABINET FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME To receive the enclosed Cabinet Forward Work Programme and note the contents.
Additional documents: Decision: Minutes: The Cabinet forward work
programme was presented for consideration. The Corporate Director Governance and Business
advised that the item on Corporate Joint Committee Governance Arrangements
scheduled for September may be delayed pending receipt of the report detail
from Gwynedd County Council as lead authority for dissemination to all local
authorities in North Wales. RESOLVED that Cabinet’s forward work programme be noted. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act
1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items
of business on the grounds that it would involve the likely disclosure of
exempt information as defined in paragraphs 12 and 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A
of the Act. Additional documents: |
HOUSING SUPPORT GRANT (HSG) SUPPORT SERVICES To consider a confidential report by Councillor Rhys Thomas, Lead Member for Housing and Communities (copy enclosed) relating to a number of Housing Support Grant Services. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) approves the procurement
of the “Keep My Home” Contract with an increased value of £185k totaling £685k per
annum, and to agree to extend the current three contracts to September 2025
whilst the procurement takes place and ensure that provision of service is
maintained. In addition, Cabinet also
agrees to a variation of the current Wallich contract to provide a pilot
mediation service during the extension period to September 2025. The proposal was for a 3-year contract with
the option to extend for an additional 2 years, Commissioning Form (Appendix 1
to the report); (b) approve the issuing of an
open tender for the “Refuge and Floating Support Service” Contract currently
provided by Domestic Abuse Safety Unit North Wales. The proposal was for a recommissioned service
for 5 years plus the option to extend for an additional 2 years; (c) agree to combine the
current 3 externally delivered “Mental Health Floating Support Service”
projects which were currently contracted to 31 October 2024 into one central
project and incorporate the service into the existing mental health and
well-being team (as detailed in Appendix 5 to the report), and to waive the
call-in facility to avoid the risk of not being able to give the required 3
months’ notice on 31 July to the current contract providers, and (d) confirms that it has read,
understood, and taken account of the Wellbeing Impact Assessments as set out in
Appendices 2 and 4 to the report as part of its consideration. Minutes: Councillor Rhys Thomas presented
the confidential report which provided information relating to a number of
Housing Support Grant Services and recommended actions. Cabinet was provided with
information in relation to – ·
the revised proposal for a new holistic, housing
related support project ‘Keep My Home’ designed to support people living in
Denbighshire to sustain their accommodation and prevent homelessness ·
proposals for the future of the Supported
Housing (Refuge and Floating Support) contract, which offered a needs led,
person-centred support to domestic abuse survivors and their households, and ·
proposals to streamline available provision
regarding the Housing Support Grant (HSG) Mental Health Floating Support
Provision. The Head of Adult Social Care and
Homelessness and Service Manager – Homelessness Service also attended for this
item. All three projects would be wholly
funded from the Denbighshire Housing Support Grant, provided by the Welsh
Government. Further details of each
support service were provided together with the reasoning behind the report
recommendations. In respect of the
decision relating to the Mental Health Floating Support Service, approval was
sought for the call-in facility to be waived given the tight timescales
involved in progressing the recommendation. Cabinet discussed the contents of
the report and its recommendations and raised a number of questions with the
Lead Member and officers in that regard.
Officers explained the reasoning behind the decision for an external contract
in respect of the Keep My Home project given the amount of HSG funding and
specialisms/flexibility required with a number of organisations working
together which would also reduce management costs and ensure better value with
that approach. The Mental Health Support
Service was a smaller service with less risk in bringing the service in-house
given the value of the contract was much lower and the intention was to enhance
the existing in-house provision. RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) approves the procurement
of the “Keep My Home” Contract with an increased value of £185k totaling £685k
per annum, and to agree to extend the current three contracts to September 2025
whilst the procurement takes place and ensure that provision of service is
maintained. In addition, Cabinet also
agrees to a variation of the current Wallich contract
to provide a pilot mediation service during the extension period to September
2025. The proposal was for a 3-year
contract with the option to extend for an additional 2 years, Commissioning
Form (Appendix 1 to the report); (b) approve the issuing of an
open tender for the “Refuge and Floating Support Service” Contract currently
provided by Domestic Abuse Safety Unit North Wales. The proposal was for a recommissioned service
for 5 years plus the option to extend for an additional 2 years; (c) agree to combine the current
3 externally delivered “Mental Health Floating Support Service” projects which
were currently contracted to 31 October 2024 into one central project and
incorporate the service into the existing mental health and well-being team (as
detailed in Appendix 5 to the report), and to waive the call-in facility to
avoid the risk of not being able to give the required 3 months’ notice on 31
July to the current contract providers, and (d) confirms that it has read,
understood, and taken account of the Wellbeing Impact Assessments as set out in
Appendices 2 and 4 to the report as part of its consideration. |
PANEL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (PPA) ARRANGEMENTS - APPOINTMENT OF PANEL To consider a confidential report by Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet approval of the selected Peers in order to establish the Performance Assessment Panel. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) considered the Peers for
the Panel Performance Assessment: namely for the Senior Officer Peer, the
Senior Elected Member Peer, and Independent Chair and the two Peers from the
wider public, private or voluntary sectors, and (b) approves the selected Peers
in order for the Panel to be established. Minutes: Councillor Gwyneth Ellis presented
the confidential report seeking Cabinet’s approval of the selected Peers in
order to establish the Performance Assessment Panel. The Strategic Planning and Performance Officer and Joseph Lewis, Improvement Officer from the Welsh Local Government Association were also in attendance. The Council was required to make arrangements to appoint a Panel to assess the extent to which it was meeting its performance requirements. Following a scoping exercise which had been through the relevant democratic processes, the report included four candidates who had been selected for specific roles based on the agreed scope and balance of geographies and diversity. Following publication of the report a fifth candidate had also been put forward for consideration and thanks were conveyed to the Improvement Officer on his work overall and in that regard and also to the Strategic Planning and Performance Officer for her support. Having considered the views of Councillor Emrys Wynne, Councillor Gwyneth Ellis had been pleased to include a fifth candidate for consideration who was a Welsh speaker from North Wales who understood the complexity of the system. Consequently, she proposed an amendment to the recommendation to include the fifth candidate for the wider public, private, or voluntary sector for approval. Cabinet considered the Peers for the Panel Performance Assessment and fully supported the recommendations. Councillor Emrys Wynne had been particularly pleased to note the submission of an additional Peer as circulated to members. RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) considered the Peers for
the Panel Performance Assessment: namely for the Senior Officer Peer, the
Senior Elected Member Peer, and Independent Chair and the two Peers from the
wider public, private or voluntary sectors, and (b) approves the selected
Peers in order for the Panel to be established. The meeting concluded at 12.20 pm. |