Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
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No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Decision: There were no apologies. Minutes: There were no apologies. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 34 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Decision: No declarations of interest had been raised. Minutes: No declarations of interest had been raised. |
items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting
as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the
Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Decision: No urgent matters had been raised. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
To receive the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 23 March 2021 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 23 March 2021 be received and confirmed as a correct
record. Minutes: The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 23 March 2021
were submitted. Matters Arising –
Page 9, Item 6 Sub Regional Children’s Residential Assessment Centre – In
response to a question from Councillor Meirick Davies, the Corporate Director
Communities confirmed that an update had been provided regarding the badger
licence which she agreed to recirculate. RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 23 March 2021 be received and confirmed as a correct
record. |
QUEENS BUILDINGS RHYL - PHASE 1 PROCUREMENT PDF 43 KB To consider a joint report by Councillors Hugh Evans, Leader and Lead Member for the Economy and Corporate Governance and Julian Thompson-Hill, Leader Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet approval of the procurement strategy to appoint a main contractor for Phase 1 of the Queens Buildings Rhyl development. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet
approves the procurement strategy to appoint a main contractor for Phase 1 of
the Queens Buildings Rhyl development. Minutes: Councillors
Hugh Evans and Julian Thompson-Hill presented the joint report seeking Cabinet
approval of the procurement strategy to appoint a main contractor for Phase 1
of the Queens Buildings Rhyl development. Some
background had been provided regarding the acquisition of the site and plans
for its redevelopment (over a number of phases/stages) which was considered
critical to the regeneration and future economic success of the area. Demolition of the site was progressing well
and the next stage required a procurement process to appoint a main contractor
for phase 1 of the development. The
estimated overall cost of delivering phase 1 amounted to just under £11m and
the report related to the procurement of the construction phase only with an
estimated contract value of £4m. Details
of the cost estimates had been included in the report together with the
estimated delivery timescales in order to meet grant funding deadlines. It was proposed to utilise Lot 3 of the North
Wales Construction Partnership and authorisation to commence the procurement
using that methodology was sought with a future report back to Cabinet for
final determination on an approved contractor. Councillor
Meirick Davies reiterated the importance of preserving as much of the original
architecture/historical elements of the buildings as possible and the Leader
provided assurances in that regard with officers maintaining a watching brief. RESOLVED that Cabinet
approves the procurement strategy to appoint a main contractor for Phase 1 of
the Queens Buildings Rhyl development. |
To consider a report by Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets (copy enclosed) detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) note the budgets
set for 2020/21 and progress against the agreed budget strategy; (b) approve the establishment of a specific
reserve with the transfer of £200k to help fund work over the coming summer as
part of the Destination Management Plan (detailed in section 6.3 of the
report), and (c) approve the
establishment of a specific reserve with the transfer of £59k to help fund up
front project costs relating to the New Ways of Working Project (detailed in
section 6.4 of the report). Minutes: Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill presented the
report detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed
budget strategy as outlined below – ·
the net
revenue budget for 2020/21 was £208.302m (£198.538m in 2019/20) ·
underspend of £2.318m was forecast for service and corporate budgets ·
current risks and assumptions relating to individual service areas ·
the financial impact of coronavirus and position on claims to the Welsh
Government (WG) to date together with other WG Covid related grant funding ·
required savings and efficiencies of £4.448m agreed including corporate savings
relating to triennial actuarial review of Clwyd Pension Fund (£2m); 1% schools’
savings (£0.692m); service savings (£1.756m) ·
provided a
general update on the Capital Plan, Housing Revenue Account and Housing Capital
Plan. Cabinet was also asked to approve the
establishment of two specific reserves to help fund (1) work as part of the
Destination Management Plan, and (2) up front project costs related to the New
Ways of Working Project. Councillor Thompson-Hill referred to the
closedown of the 2020/21 accounts which might result in changes to the figures
before the final outturn report in June.
He guided Cabinet through the various elements of the report including
WG funding sources with approximately £7.4 received to date against expenditure
claims and receipt of the Quarter 4 loss of income claim totalling
approximately £11.2m for the year together with the impact on the projected underspend
from the last month. Service movements were also highlighted, with the largest
movements relating to Highways, Facilities and Environmental Services and
Finance and Property. The Head of
Finance also highlighted the increased uncertainty during this time in the
financial year with various funding streams which needed to be properly
accounted for which may change the financial position between now and the final
outturn. The following issues were raised during the
ensuing debate – ·
was made to previous discussions regarding the reasoning behind some of the
disallowed elements of claims and there was a process whereby the detail of
those claims could be discussed with WG departments; some of those originally
disallowed elements had since been allowed in more recent claims as WG had
carried out further work into individual elements and/or further funding had
become available ·
there was
no prospect of any claw back of grant funding from specific expenditure and
loss of income that had been assessed as and when those claims had been
processed; however as with all grants there would be a process of audit and
elements may be identified as part of that process ·
there was a current projected overspend of just over £2.3m, it was largely due
to delayed expenditure not spent within the 2020/21 financial year as a result
of Covid-19. There were calls for the
reasoning behind the projected overspend to be made clearer, and whilst it was
accepted that ‘underspend’ was the correct technical term for funding not spent
in the allocated financial year, it was agreed that further clarity be provided
in future reports. The final outturn
report would include more detail and also proposals that services be permitted
to carry forward their underspends for specific purposes. It was an open and transparent process for
Cabinet to consider whether or not to approve the carry forward of service
underspends into the next financial year · the Leader was supportive of establishing a reserve to help fund work as part of the Destination Management Plan, particularly given the anticipated influx of visitors to the county, highlighting the need to invest in keeping towns clean and tidy and in managing the visitor experience into countryside locations. Councillor Brian Jones agreed ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
CABINET FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 276 KB To receive the enclosed Cabinet Forward Work Programme and note the contents.
Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet’s
forward work programme be noted. Minutes: The Cabinet forward work programme was
presented for consideration and members noted an additional item for May
seeking Cabinet approval to tender the Reactive Maintenance Framework for
Schools and Non-Schools Properties. RESOLVED that Cabinet’s
forward work programme be noted. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act
1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following item
of business on the grounds that it would involve the likely disclosure of
exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the
Act. Additional documents: |
PHASE 1 ENABLING WORKS - COLOMENDY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE EXPANSION INCLUDING DCC WASTE TRANSFER STATION - CONTRACT AWARD To consider a confidential report by Councillor Brian Jones, Lead Member for Waste, Transport and the Environment (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet approval of the contract award for delivery of Phase 1 of the extension of the Colomendy Industrial Estate. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) approve the award of a Contract for the
Phase 1 Enabling Works – Colomendy Industrial Estate
Expansion including DCC Waste Transfer Station to the named Contractor as
recommended within the report and as per the Contract Award Recommendation
Report (Appendix 1 to the report), and (b) confirms that it
has read, understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment
(Appendix 3 to the report) as part of its consideration. Minutes: Councillor Brian Jones presented the
confidential report seeking Cabinet approval of the contract award for delivery
of Phase 1 of the extension of the Colomendy
Industrial Estate Expansion including DCC Waste Transfer Station. Details of the processes undertaken during the
procurement exercise had been detailed within the report including the price
and quality rating and estimated value leading to the selection of the
preferred contractor. Councillor Jones
referred to the collaborative approach and benefits that would bring both in
terms of generating employment in the area and in delivering high quality
facilities for the council. He also paid
tribute to the Project Manager and his team for the work carried out. The Head of Highways and Environmental
Services and Lead Member for Finance further elaborated upon the cost benefits
to the council and the process of cost recovery from the consortium and also
the intention for the new Waste Transfer Station to include environmentally
friendly technologies to reduce carbon footprint. Cabinet welcomed the partnership working
between the public and private sector and benefits it would bring to the
area. Having considered the detail of
the report Cabinet was satisfied with the outcome of the procurement process
and recommendations. The Leader also
thanked officers for the hard work carried out. RESOLVED that Cabinet – (a) approve the award of a Contract for the
Phase 1 Enabling Works – Colomendy Industrial Estate
Expansion including DCC Waste Transfer Station to the named Contractor as
recommended within the report and as per the Contract Award Recommendation
Report (Appendix 1 to the report), and (b) confirms that it
has read, understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment
(Appendix 3 to the report) as part of its consideration. Prior
to the close of the meeting, and at the request of the Leader, the Corporate
Director Communities provided an overview of the current situation with regard
to Covid-19. There was generally an
improving picture across Wales with no major outbreaks. Denbighshire had only recorded five positive
cases over the last five days with a seven day rolling average of 5.2 cases per
100,000 population against the overall Wales average of 12.2 per 100,000
population. At national level
discussions were ongoing around a potential third peak albeit was not expected
to result in the same number of people requiring urgent hospital care or
potentially dying as a result of Covid-19 due to the role out of the
vaccination programme. The
meeting concluded at 11.10 hrs. |