Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Michelle Blakeley-Walker. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair, Councillor Huw Williams declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 6, the Car park Investment Plan 2024/29 due to being in dispute over a Denbighshire car parking matter. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no urgent matters. |
To receive the minutes of the Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 12 December 2024 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on the 12th
December 2024 were submitted. Matters arising-
Item 5 (page 7)- the Scrutiny Co-ordinator advised that the Principal
Planning Compliance Officer role had been re-advertised and the team were
waiting for authorisation to fulfil the Compliance Officer role. RESOLVED- that the minutes of the meeting held on the
12th December 2024 be approved as a true and correct record of the
REVIEW OF TROLLIBOCS RECYCLING SERVICE AND ASSOCIATED WASTE COLLECTION FUNCTIONS To consider a report by the Head of Highways and Environmental Service (copy attached) on the progress made to date in delivering the revised service following the additional resources provided; and process followed to implement the changes/introduction of the end of lanes collection. Additional documents: Minutes: The Lead Member for Environment and Transport introduced the report (previously circulated) and reminded the Committee that the report was an update following Cabinet’s decision on 1st October 2024 - to allocate additional resources to the roll out of the new waste system. In addition, the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs Group had received a proposal to scrutinise the decision to change collection of waste in some areas to End of Lane collection. The Lead Member acknowledged that there were still improvements to be made to the service, but progress had been made since the initial roll out in June. The Head of Highways and Environmental Service advised that the paper predominately concerned Cabinet’s decision to approve a further £1.299 million to the Service, which was achieved through grants and capital borrowing. It was advised that the Service were still awaiting confirmation from Welsh Government regarding their potential funding contribution. Disregarding the extreme bouts of weather the County had experienced in the initial weeks of the year, the Service had stabilised and become more consistent, and things were improving on a weekly basis. Regarding the introduction of End of Lane collection, 36 properties out of 47000 across the County had been identified and those residents notified. Some residents had raised concerns over the change to their service, but the Authority had the authorisation to implement those changes under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Properties were assessed under the proper protocols and procedures before notifying residents of the change. Feedback had been received that the relevant policy was ambiguous, the Head of Service advised that the policy was under review. The Head of Service also acknowledged that members were not made aware of these letters sent to residents and advised that it would be a learning point moving forward. Members queried whether the additional hire costs of further vehicles were factored in the initial financial plan. Officers advised that the hire costs were being absorbed under the revenue/operating cost to run the Service. Every effort was being made to off hire the temporary vehicles as soon as possible. Responding to the Committee’s questions officers advised:
It was anticipated that in the next couple of weeks normal service would be resumed for residents to notify off missed collections through the Contact Centre or direct online.
Other considerations needed to be given to the topography, risk assessments to staff and dimension of vehicles being used.
CAR PARK INVESTMENT PLAN 2024 - 2029 To receive an update report by the Traffic, Parking and Road Safety Manager (copy attached) to review the last 12 months progress of the Investment Plan. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Vice-chair, Councillor Karen Edwards took over chairing
responsibilities for the item. The Lead Member for Environment and Transport introduced the
report (previously circulated) whose purpose was to provide an update on the
progress of the Car Park Investment Plan. The Traffic and Transportation Manager provided an update on
the progress of work in year 1 which included:
Once plans reached the feasibility stage the potential sites
would be presented to the relevant Member Area Groups.
The Car Park Investment Plan included proposals for Year 2, which is financial year 2025-26. There was change to the
programme with the addition of the proposed resurfacing of the car park in
Meliden, introduced as a precursor to potentially implementing parking charges. Responding to members questions officers advised:
Members were reminded that an update report on car park
charges was being presented to Performance Scrutiny Committee on 13th
March. RESOLVED- That the Car Park Investment Plan 2024-2029
be noted. |
DENBIGHSHIRE'S HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY ACTION PLAN To consider a report by the Senior Officer - Strategy Planning and Housing (copy attached) on the progress made in delivering the revised Strategy and Action Plan. Additional documents: Minutes: The Lead Member for Housing and Communities introduced the
report (previously circulated). The themes in the report related to providing
more homes and affordable housing; to alleviate homelessness and improve the
quality of social housing. The Head of Housing & Communities Service reminded the
Committee that the report had been approved by full Council in 2020. The
Council were taking a One Council approach to addressing homelessness with many
services working together to achieve the ambitions towards housing across the
County. It was acknowledged that the report was very detailed. The Committee
were asked to submit a scrutiny proposal for any particular area in the report
that they would like to consider in more depth. Responding to members questions officers responded:
It was usually in the Authority’s interest to purchase,
particularly if the residence is half of a semi detached property or an
apartment in a block of flats already owned by the Authority, as it made the
management of the wider building more economical.
RESOLVED- that the Housing & Homelessness Strategy
Action Plan be received and approved by the Committee. |
COUNCIL HOUSING DISPOSAL PROCESS To consider a report by the Lead Officer – Community Housing (copy attached) on the process for disposal of council housing. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Lead Member for Housing and Communities introduced the
report (previously circulated), explaining the reasons behind the decision to
dispose of a council house within the housing portfolio. It was noted that such
instances were very rare. Lead Officer – Community Housing explained that whilst the
Service were reluctant to dispose of property in their portfolio, if the
property was in an area with low demand for housing or required significant
investment to bring it up to Welsh Housing Quality Standards it made economical
sense to sell it. The decision to sell a property was only made once all the
options to keep it had be exhausted. Referring to appendix 2 of the report the Committee heard
that the process could often be long and showed the various steps taken from
identifying the property as surplus to requirements through to completion of
the sale. Local Members were included in the process invited to view a property
declared surplus in their ward. All properties being considered for disposal (appendix 3)
were surveyed to establish the best open market value. Once the decision had
been made to sell the property the process needed to be completed efficiently
as the Authority were responsible for the empty homes’ council tax. Where condition of properties were deemed uneconomical to
bring up to Welsh Housing Quality Standards it was usually due to lack of
modern facilities within. There was a balance to be met between the Authority’s
duty to provide safe homes – e.g. gas appliance inspection and maintenance –
and the willingness of the tenant for the Authority to have access to make
other alterations they may not want. Income generated from the disposal of a property, the
capital receipt, was re-invested into potential purchase of more housing stock
in higher demand areas. The Committee thanked officers for their report and approved
the process undertaken to dispose of uneconomical properties to re-invest in
the purchase of housing in areas of higher demand. RESOLVED- that the Council Housing Disposal Process
report be received by the committee. |
SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME To consider a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (copy enclosed) seeking a review of the committee’s forward work programme and updating members on relevant issues. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Scrutiny Co-ordinator introduced the forward work
programme that could be seen in appendix 1.a. The Committee were advised that due to a clerical error the
agenda in the pack for Communities Scrutiny Committee on 27th March
was not showing the report on Rhyl Regeneration Programme and Governance. The
oversight had been corrected. The Scrutiny Coordinator confirmed that the item
was still to be discussed at march’s meeting. The agenda for 27th March had 4 items on it,
three of them to be substantial in detail. The Committee were asked to defer
the item on Emergency Heating Provision to the following meeting (15th
May) to accommodate the other items’ full consideration. RESOLVED- that subject to the above changes, the
forward work programme be agreed. |
FEEDBACK FROM COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES To receive any updates from Committee representatives on various Council Boards and Groups Additional documents: Minutes: There was no feedback received. The meeting concluded at 12:30 pm. |