Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by Video Conference
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor David Williams and from Nicola Stubbins, Corporate Director: Communities. David Soley, Joint Interim Head of Community Support Services, was deputising for the Corporate Director at the meeting. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Kelly Clewett declared a personal interest in business items 5 and 6 as an employee of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent matters had been drawn to the Chair’s attention. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To receive the minutes of the Partnerships Scrutiny Committee meeting held on the 15th December 2022 (Copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Partnerships Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 15 December 2022 were submitted: Accuracy: Page 8 of agenda pack: Councillor Martyn Hogg advised that the heading should read ‘Crime Statistics Analysis’ and not ‘Crime Statics Analysis’. The Committee: Resolved: that, subject
to the above amendment, the minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2022 be
received and approved as a true and correct record of the proceedings. Matters arising: Page 8, ‘Priority 3 – Local Priorities’: in response to an enquiry on whether information
had been received in relation to the ‘Ask Angela Scheme’ the Scrutiny
Co-ordinator advised that the information had been circulated as part of the ‘Information
Brief’ document circulated to all committee members earlier in the week. The Council’s Public Protection Service had
advised that as far as they were aware statistics were not collected in relation to the ‘Ask Angela Scheme’ by
the local authority or anyone else. It was primarily a scheme for individual
bars to adopt with no reporting back mechanism as far as Council officers were
aware. It was generally promoted by
organisations as a good practice initiative. |
NORTH DENBIGHSHIRE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL PROJECT To discuss with representatives from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board their plans and projected timescales for the delivery of the hospital project and associated facilities. 10.15 A.M- 11 A.M ~~~~
BREAK (11.00 A.M - 11.15 A.M) ~~~~ Additional documents: Minutes: The Lead Member for Health and Social Care,
Councillor Elen Heaton, introduced the North Denbighshire Community Hospital
Project to the Committee. The Project was to develop the Royal Alexandra
Hospital (RAH) site in Rhyl. The Lead Member expressed the importance of
the project due to the current pressures facing Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. The Project
was a vital development for Denbighshire and was of top priority. Project
Leaders were working closely with the Welsh Government along with working in
close and continuous partnership with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
(BCUHB). The Integrated Health Community (IHC),
Director of Operations thanked the Committee for being invited to the meeting
and proceeded to present a presentation which included the following details: - ·
The Capital Project was complex in provision
and delivery. · There were
opportunities for the site to include additional services such as a Minor
Injuries Unit (MIU) through the Business Case process. · Full
Business Case (FBC) was approved for BCUHB in March 2021. ·
Welsh Government confirmed in December 2021 that the project was sound and
approvable, funding now needed to be identified. ·
approved an Estates Strategy in January 2023 placing the RAH project within the
top 6 with a completed Full Business Case (FBC). ·
January 2023 the Welsh Government requested that the Health Board confirm that
the RAH was a priority and asked it to obtain support in principle from the
Regional Partnership Board (RPB). The
Health Board were compiling a response. ·
full approval for funding was given, the project would take 3 months to
mobilise and 31 months for the construction phase to complete. The IHC Director explained that for every
development there was a detailed process that needed to be followed within the
Health Board. Although this had been a lengthy process, it had given the Health
Board the opportunity to ensure that it was accurate, including several
additional services of importance to be offered at the RAH site. The approval process was explained to the
Committee as outlined below:- · Strategic
Outline Case · Outline
Business Case ·
Full Business Case- Funding could then be agreed. The IHC Director thanked the Council for
their close partnership in aiding to deliver the project and welcomed questions
from members. A discussion between Members lead to
questions being raised regarding the time that it had taken to get to this
stage of the Project, and how long it would take to secure funding from the
Welsh Government. Unfortunately, the IHC Director advised that she did not have
the information however, she reassured the Committee that there would be a
continued line of communication going forward. Councillor Martyn Hogg expressed some
concerns regarding understanding the approval process and the steps involved at
each stage. He questioned if there was a flow chart that could be given to
illustrate this and to support members’ understanding of the process. The IHC
Director confirmed that there would be a flow chart that detailed the stages of
the approval process as stated above. She continued to explain that there was a
circuitous route for each of the stages outlined which afforded for questions
to be asked. The current stage of the project was that questions had been asked
by the Welsh Government of which needed to be responded to, this would then
form part of the finalisation of the Business Case which would lead to funding
being agreed. Over the coming weeks the IHC Director was hopeful that they
would be in the position where they had responded to the Welsh Government, and
this would then facilitate the final decision to be made. Queries were raised around what ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME To consider a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (copy enclosed) seeking a review of the committee’s forward work programme and updating members on relevant issues. 12.00 P.M- 12.15 P.M Additional documents:
Minutes: The
Scrutiny Coordinator guided Members through the Scrutiny Forward Work Programme
(previously circulated). It
was explained that the Scrutiny Chairs and Vice Chairs had met on the 19th
January 2023 and they considered a number of requests for Scrutiny at that
meeting. Of the requests considered the Group asked that the Partnerships
Scrutiny Committee schedule two items onto its Forward Work Programme for May
2023. These
were: - ·
Re-ballot for the Potential Rhyl Business Improvements District ·
Quality and Condition of Registered Social Landlords Housing Stock in
Denbighshire. In
relation to the agenda for the next Partnerships Scrutiny Committee meeting due
to be held on 30 March 2023, it was noted that currently there were no items to
be discussed at that meeting. It was suggested by the Scrutiny Coordinator that
the date of the March meeting was kept in the event that any urgent matters
arose. In the event of no urgent
business being forthcoming that meeting should be cancelled. The
Scrutiny Coordinator advised that in December 2022, Cabinet had approved a New
Capital Process and supported the Terms of Reference for a new Capital Scrutiny
Group. This would be similar to the
former the Strategic Investment Group (SIG) that had been in existence during
the term of the previous Council. A
request had been received that one representative from each Scrutiny committee
should be appointed to serve on this Group.
There would be six meetings a year and the representative would be
expected to report back to the Committee after they had attended the meeting.
Therefore, it was requested that one representative and one substitute
representative be nominated, chosen, and agreed by the Committee. The
Chair welcomed nominations from the Committee. Councillor Peter Scott was nominated to be the representative for Partnerships Scrutiny Committee with Councillor Joan Butterfield being nominated as his substitute. Both these nominations were seconded and Members voted in favour of the appointments. At the conclusion of the discussion. The Committee: Resolved: (i)
subject to the inclusion of a progress
report on the North Denbighshire Community Hospital/Royal Alexandra Hospital
Development Project for the September 2023 meeting, to confirm its forward work
programme as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report; (ii)
if, nearer the date of its next scheduled
meeting on 30 March 2023 no business had come forward to warrant the holding of
the meeting, it was to be cancelled; and (iii)
to appoint Councillor Peter Scott to serve
as its representative on the Capital Scrutiny Group (CSG), with Councillor Joan
Butterfield to serve as his substitute. At this juncture the Committee
adjourned for a break and resumed its business at 11.10am |
PARTNERSHIP WORKING IN RELATION TO MENTAL HEALTH A discussion with representatives from Denbighshire County Council’s
Social Services, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and North Wales Police
on their partnership working arrangements in relation to Mental Health matters. 11.15 A.M- 12.00 P.M
Additional documents: Minutes: The
Lead Member introduced the Partnership Working in relation to Mental Health
business item to the Committee. It was stated that the Council, BCUHB and North
Wales Police (NWP) were all regularly working partnership in this particular
area. The
Joint Interim Head of Community Support Services explained to the Committee
that the three organisations worked in partnership together and gave a brief
outline of the role of the Council within the partnership. He
explained that the three organisations worked together in a variety of
situations and primarily they work within the statutory functions in which they
had to deliver. This mainly included issues around the Mental Health Act and
the Mental Capacity Act. This involved working with people who had mental
health difficulties and required intervention, this regularly required all
three partners to work together. The
following example was given: - If
a member of the community needed their mental health assessing, Social Workers
and Doctors would be involved in the assessment and would visit the resident.
If the resident was in a specific area in which they were difficult to reach,
the Local Authority would make contact with the Magistrates Court to obtain a
warrant in which North Wales Police would be asked to assist. The Police had
powers under the Mental Health Act, meaning that they could detain individuals
who appeared to have Mental Health difficulties. The Police would liaise with the
Local Authority and the Health Board and then the three organisations would
work together to ensure that that person received the assessment, support, and
care that they needed. He
continued to explain that there were Community Mental Teams, and these were
primarily Health Board and Local Authority employees. They worked with people
who had been referred to the Mental Health Service and needed ongoing care and
support. The
Head of Operations and Service Delivery Central (BCUHB) explained the work of
the Health Board in the partnership. There were integrated teams predominately
all working together. The Health Board had statutory obligations to deliver
under the Mental Health Act, Social Services and Well-being Act. The Health
Board had a dedicated Criminal Justice Liaison Service which supported 999
calls by giving support and direction should there be any mental health
requirements. Co-located Health Board Teams were also based within the Local
Authority. The
Head of Operations continued by stating that there were significant increases
in Mental Health Referrals during and since the COVID pandemic. There were
continued issues with recruiting and retaining staff which had an impact on the
services which could be provided, and the workforce already in place.
Discussions to address this were ongoing. The
Health Board was looking at other services available to help people without the
need for them to be referred to Statutory Services. Recently the 111 Press 2
service was launched, currently operating 7 days per week 8.30am-11pm. This
Service was going to become a 24-hour service in the future and was available
to all members of the Community who required support. If any of the calls
received to this service were deemed as urgent then an ambulance or the Police
would be dispatched. The Health Board utilises co-working and deemed it vital
to the successful of the partnership. The
Head of Operations stated that it was crucial that the partnership work between
the Local Authority, Health Board and North Wales Police continued. The
Chair thanked The Head of Operations for her presentation. Detective
Sergeant, Vicki Keegans, explained the role of North
Wales Police within the Working Partnership and her role within the Protecting
Vulnerable Persons Unit. The Detective Sergeant reiterated that ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
FEEDBACK FROM COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES To receive any updates from Committee representatives on various Council Boards and Groups Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
Meeting concluded at 11.50am Additional documents: |