Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: by video conference
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hugh Irving had informed the Chair that he would be late joining the meeting, due to a prior engagement. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Ann Davies declared a personal interest agenda
item 5 as a relative worked for the Health Board. Councillor Joan Butterfield declared a personal interest in
agenda item 6 as a relative worked for Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW). |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised with the Chair. Councillor Rhys Thomas queried with the Chair why the matter
of holding pre-meetings which he had raised at the last meeting had not been
referenced as an Urgent Matter. The
Scrutiny Co-ordinator advised that items raised under ‘Under Matters’ were
defined in legislation and therefore had to conform with
the legal definition to be transacted under ‘Urgent Matters’. Councillor Thomas
was referred to item 7 on the minutes of the last meeting which referred to the
questions raised by him at the meeting and the answers given. With regards to the possibility of pre meetings being held
again. The Chair responded that in accordance with the advice given at the
previous meeting she felt that the business on the current meeting agenda did
not merit the holding of a pre-meeting of the Committee and no member had
contacted her to request a pre meeting.
However, if there was a future business agenda which required a pre
meeting one would be arranged. If a
member felt that a pre-meeting would be beneficial they should contact the
Chair as soon as possible with a request for one to be held. |
minutes of the Partnerships Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 20 May 2021
(copy attached). 10:05am – 10:15am Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the
Partnerships Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 20 May 2021 were submitted. Resolved: - that the minutes
of the Partnerships Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 20 May 2021 be approved
as a true and correct record of the proceedings. |
To receive information on the current status of the BCUHB Heart Failure Services provided in Denbighshire and across North Wales (copy attached) 10:15 – 11:00am Additional documents: Minutes: Dr Gary Francis,
Secondary Care Medical Director (Interim) introduced the joint report prepared
by Phil Gilroy and Helen
Wilkinson (previously circulated) which provided information on the current
status of the Betsi Cadwaladr
University Health Board (BCUHB) Heart Failure Services provided in Denbighshire
and across North Wales. Dr Francis
explained that historically some aspects of BCUHB Heart Failure Services had
been subject to temporary funding streams; this had caused some uncertainty for
the public around the future provision of these services and had resulted in
the request for the Services’ future viability and the potential impact of
their withdrawal on the Council’s social care services to be examined by
Scrutiny. Dr Francis confirmed that the
Health Board had secured funding for heart failure services from April 2020 for
the foreseeable future. BCUHB fully
recognised the value of the Heart Failure Services across North Wales, and
would continue to support the development of them with no plans to reduce the
current provision. The Health Board
recognised the key role fulfilled by community based health services in
supporting health and well-being across the region, and viewed them as an
integral part of their service delivery.
It also acknowledged the need to sufficiently fund such services and
provide them with short to medium term assurances that funding would be
provided. The Committee
discussed the following points in more detail – ·
The challenges
posed by community based caring, it was queried whether more information could
be shared with carers when patients were discharged from hospitals. BCUHB
acknowledged the challenges in delivering care in the community. It was currently working on improvements with
community care and was keen to hear from carers on how services could be
improved. ·
The Health Board acknowledged that there were
some instances of delayed hospital discharges, but it was working hard to
address any delays but the utmost priority would be to ensure the safety and
well-being of the patient/individual concerned. ·
amount of funding available for the Heart Failure Service was queried and how
long would the funding be available. BCUHB representatives stated that the
funding would be available as long as the services provided met the needs of
the community and were the best solutions available to deliver those services
in a viable way. Medical advancements
may in future require service provision and delivery methods to be reviewed and
amended. The Chair thanked representatives from BCUHB for
attending. She confirmed that t the
details provided in the report and communicated by Health Board representatives
at the meeting had alleviated concerns which were previously raised when the
matter was requested to be scrutinised. The Committee: Resolved: - subject to the above observations to receive the
information provided and (i)
welcome the reassurances given by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health
Board in relation to current and medium term funding for Heart Failure Services
in Denbighshire; and (ii) the Health Board’s recognition of the
importance of community based health services and the need to adequately fund
and support them. |
ANNUAL REPORT ON SAFEGUARDING ADULTS IN DENBIGHSHIRE 1ST APRIL 2020 - 31ST MARCH 2021 PDF 230 KB To consider a report by the Team Manager Safeguarding Operational Services (copy attached) which seeks the Committee to review the Council’s progress in relation to local safeguarding arrangements and practices during the above period, and their impact on vulnerable adults in the county. 11:15am – 12:00pm Additional documents: Minutes: The Lead Member for
Well-being and Independence and the Head of Community Support Services,
presented the report (previously circulated) which aimed to provide members
with an overview of the impact of Local Safeguarding arrangements and
practice. The report also sought the
Committee to review progress in this key area of work over the last twelve
months through examination of the data submitted by the Local Authority to the
Welsh Government Data Unit. Despite the
pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions placed upon
individuals and organisations by the crisis the Council’s performance in
relation to safeguarding adults had remained strong, with improvements being
realised in a number of areas, such as performance against the Welsh Government
performance indicator on enquiries completed within 7 working days. Overall there has been a significant
reduction (40%) in numbers of safeguarding reports received in comparison to
the same period the previous year. However there has been an increase in the
number of telephone calls to the Safeguarding team to discuss safeguarding
issues. This provided some reassurance
that it remained very much in focus for providers and other agencies despite
the reduction in the number of reports Although fewer reports have been received
during the 2020-21 year, the Council had not seen an increase in cases needing
to progress to strategy meetings, which appeared to be following the trends of
recent years. Section 126 enquiries had become more embedded in safeguarding
practice across all agencies and the Council continued to see only those more
serious allegations of abuse or neglect progressing through to strategy
meetings. The preventative actions towards reducing further risk of harm
continued to be at the forefront of the enquiry stage, with the emphasis on the
individual’s personal outcomes being at the centre of the safeguarding process. The Council had continued to maintain its
performance in relation The to the Welsh Government
performance indicator, with 99% of enquires completed within the 7 working day
timescale for 2020/2021. The Committee
discussed the following points in more detail – ·
whether data was
available for the number of proven safeguarding complaints, as it was only the
number of alleged incidents that were referenced within the report. Due to technical connection issues, officers
agreed to provide the data to members in writing, they also confirmed that the
data on the number of substantiated allegations would be included in future
Safeguarding reports. ·
was provided that there had been a 40% reduction in people choosing to reside
in care homes during the Coronavirus pandemic.
However, there had been a significant increase in the number of
enquiries received by the Single Point of Access (SPoA)
Service during the same period. ·
of CCTV equipment in residents’ care home bedrooms would be a matter of
personal choice for the individual or his/her family. The Council could not install CCTV
surveillance equipment in people’s private rooms. ·
of care and safeguarding were two separate matters. Whilst there may be concerns regarding the quality
of care in an establishment that in itself may not meet the criteria or
statutory threshold to instigate a Safeguarding investigation. ·
individual had the right to raise safeguarding issues and these could be raised
with a number of different individuals or organisations. They would all eventually be examined by the
Council’s Corporate Safeguarding Panel. · The provision of an Annual Safeguarding Adults Report was a statutory requirement for all local authorities in Wales. It was a way of providing assurances to residents that the safety of the county’s vulnerable residents was regarded as a priority and to provide assurances that all allegations or ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
SCRUTINY WORK PROGRAMME PDF 153 KB To consider a report by the Scrutiny Coordinator (copy enclosed) seeking a review of the committee’s forward work programme and updating members on relevant issues. 12:00pm – 12:15pm Additional documents:
Minutes: The Scrutiny Coordinator submitted a report
(previously circulated) seeking members’ review of the Committee’s work
programme and provided an update on relevant issues. ·
Confirmation was still awaited from the Health
Board on when its representatives would be in a position to attend a meeting to
discuss its plans for services in Denbighshire.
The Health Board was awaiting further information from the Welsh Government
in relation to the North Denbighshire Community Hospital project. ·
September 2021 meeting - the Community Safety Partnership’s Annual Report would
be available for scrutiny. In addition,
Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council (DVSC) had a newly appointed Chief
Executive who had indicated that he would welcome the opportunity to discuss
with the Committee his vision and plans for DVSC along with any future working
opportunities with the Council. ·
Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-Chairs Group (SCVCG) had indicated that it wished the
Committee to discuss National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) and their potential
impact on the viability of town centre retail.
Further information was currently being sourced in relation to this
topic before it would be scheduled into the Committee’s forward work programme. The Committee: Resolved: - subject to the above comments and inclusions to
confirm the Committee’s forward work programme. |
updates from Committee representatives on various Council Boards and Groups 12:15pm – 12:25pm Additional documents: Minutes: The following Committee representatives on various Boards
and Groups, provided an update on recent meetings which they had attended: ·
Councillor Jeanette Chamberlain-Jones had
attended the Communities and Customers Service challenge meeting where concerns
on the quality of Denbighshire’s housing stock had been raised. Officers had agreed to investigate the
concerns and address them. They had also
advised that due to COVID-19 restrictions Housing Officers had been unable to
undertake routine inspection visits to the housing stock. ·
Councillor Hugh Irving and Councillor Melvyn
Mile had attended the Business Improvement and Modernisation service challenge
meeting. They confirmed that they would
send a list of the findings to the Scrutiny Co-ordinator for circulation. ·
Councillor Irving had also attended the Queen’s
Building Project Working Group. Due to
the sensitive nature of the matters discussed he would query at a future
meeting what information he could share with other committees. . The Committee: Resolved: to receive and note the information updates received
from Committee representatives on various Boards and Groups. Meeting concluded at 11.25am |