Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: by video conference
Contact: Committee Administrator Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Jennie
Downes, Leah Crimes, Susan Williams, Jennifer Harding-Richards and Councillors
Gill German and Delyth Jones. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Ellie Chard declared a Personal
Interest in agenda item 7 as she was a governor at Ysgol Tir Morfa. Councillor Emrys Wynne declared a Personal
Interest in agenda item 7 as he was a governor at Ysgol Bryhyffryd and Ysgol
Borthyn. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: No items of an urgent nature had been
raised with the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting. |
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING To receive and approve the minutes of the Denbighshire SACRE meeting held on 22 February 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the Standing Advisory
Council for Religious Education meeting held on the 22 February 2024 were
submitted. It was: RESOLVED: that
the minutes of the meeting held on the 22 February 2024 be received and
approved as a true and correct record of the proceedings. |
WELSH NATIONAL CENTRE FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION To receive a presentation about the work of the Welsh
National Centre for Religious Education from Dr Joshua Andrews. Minutes: Dr Joshua
Andrews from Bangor University guided Members through a presentation on the
Welsh National Centre for Religious Education. The
Centre was relaunched in 2022 with the mission to offer free academic expertise
and pedagogical support for the teaching of religious education. The centre
focused on Philosophy, Religion and Ethics with a target audience of Teachers
and students from Primary School and PGCE level courses. The centre
offered key activities including – ·
Workshops ·
sessions ·
(continuing Professional Development) events. Members were given information on the
accomplishments of the centre within the last 12 months which included – ·
Boxes: 10 religion- specific
artifact boxes for teaching major world religions were created and were
available for loan to schools. ·
Revision Sessions: An in-house
A-Level revision session for students in Anglesey and Gwynedd was organised
including sessions for students in Carmarthenshire at Sir Gar College. ·
Training: CPD training was provided
for teachers on teaching Buddhism and Hinduism. ·
Sessions: Online sessions were
hosted from October 2023 to January 2024 for GCSE and A-Level students and
teachers, exploring the relevance of Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion in
contemporary society. ·
School: An online Summer School
was conducted in July 2023 with 15 lectures being provided to introduce
students to university level topics in Philosophy, Ethics and Religion. ·
Pedagogy: A panel was hosted on the
Holocaust pedagogy and an online talk from a Holocaust survivor for secondary
schools was held. Members were informed of ongoing
projects including revision sessions, the National Launch of revision guides,
Peace Lessons and CPD events. Information was given on the New
Projects the centre had begun which included – ·
GCSE Revision
Videos: A series of short GCSE revision videos titled ` A Topic in Ten` would
cover different aspects of the WJEC GCSE syllabus. ·
Podcast: A podcast on A-Level Philosophy of Religious and Ethics was being
developed, focusing on the WJEC A-Level syllabus and featured discussions with
academics. ·
Knowledge Enhancement Courses: Online Courses aimed at PGCE students were being
developed. These were also available to all teachers to enhance subject
knowledge. The Chair thanked Dr Andrews for his
presentation and questions were welcomed from members. Members sought clarity on children from
different backgrounds being integrated with different religions when they first
started High School. Dr Andrews explained that each school had a syllabus that
was devised locally which would incorporate the religious beliefs within the
community. Many schools had requested sessions from the Welsh National Centre
for Religious Education on specific topics. Members discussed the Summer School
that was held and questioned whether different sessions could be held over
numerous weeks in the Summer Holidays. Dr Andrews explained that the Summer
School was completely free to attend, sessions were held online to enable a
greater attendance. Additional sessions could be a possibility, and this would
be taken to the Board for further discussion and consideration. Members expressed their appreciation to
Dr Andrews for the valuable resources the centre offered, particularly the
artifact boxes and questioned if there was a website in which schools could
request to loan them from. Dr Andrews stated that there was a website and that
the artifact boxes were loaned to schools using rota system. Members questioned if the use of the
resources offered from the centre could also be offered to colleagues in
Primary Schools. Dr Andrews welcomed the idea and would take the idea to the
next Board meeting for consideration. Dr Andrews thanked members for their
comments and feedback. The Chair thanked Dr Andrews for his presentation and for attending the meeting and welcomed working in partnership ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
To receive a presentation about RE Hubs from Jennifer
Harding-Richards Wales - RE Hubs Lead. Minutes: Unfortunately,
Jennifer Harding gave her apologies for the meeting. An agenda item on RE Hubs
would be brought to the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education in
Autumn 2024. RESOLVED: that the
agenda, item RE Hubs be deferred to the Standing Advisory Council for Religious
Education meeting in Autumn 2024. |
ANALYSIS OF INSPECTION REPORTS To receive the analysis of recent Estyn Inspection Reports. Additional documents: Minutes: The RE
Advisor gave a brief overview of the Analysis of Inspection Reports for
Denbighshire SACRE. The
analysis was for inspection reports published between 7 June 2023 and 1 May
2024. With Members
reading the reports prior to the meeting the RE Advisor asked for any questions
or comments relating to them. Members
commented that the inspection reports were very positive, and it was pleasing
to read encouraging comments on Well-Being and Attitudes to Learning and Care,
Support and Guidance. RESOLVED: that the
Analysis of Inspection Reports be received and noted. |
To receive the minutes of the last meeting of the Association on 5 March
2024 and to receive a verbal update on the WASACRE conference 13 June 2024. Minutes: The
representative for Religious Denominations was unable to attend the meeting.
Councillor Ellie Chard gave a brief update on their behalf. The Conference Day held at Wrexham University on June 13 2024 provided a great networking opportunity for all those
involved in RVE. An inspirational address was given by Professor Graham
Donaldson, who spoke about the scale of educational reform, this was necessary
in response to new and growing expectations around the purpose of education.
The discussion centred on the needs of a rapidly changing society and new
conceptions of knowledge. Looking to a world where artificial intelligence
dominates and a more fluid and global job market. Digital skills continue to
progress rapidly and there was a real need for learners to be equipped with the
integral skills of creativity and critical thinking needed to adapt and evolve
new lifelong learning. There was an address by the Cabinet Secretary for Education,
Lynne Neagle and also from the Bishop of Llandaff, who
held the CinW portfolio for Education both gave
strong support to WASACRE. The workshops and seminars were available before the
conference day, on the day and would continue online into September, exploring
planning of critical, objective pluralistic RVE from Early Years to primary
& into secondary settings. On Conference Day teachers from across Wales gave insight
into the journey they had been making in RVE and there were many examples of
creative pedagogy shared. The WASACRE AGM was held at the end of the Conference Day.
Thanks were given to the hard work of all involved in organising the
conference, and the host LA Wrexham. The next WASACRE Executive meeting was scheduled for the 2
October 2024 with the new Chair Revd Edward J Evans. RESOLVED: that the
WASACRE update be noted. |
DATE OF DENBIGHSHIRE'S NEXT MEETINGS Autumn 2024 - 15 October 2024. Minutes: The next
meeting of Denbighshire SACRE would be held on 15 October 2024. Meeting concluded at 11.10am |