Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: by video conference
Contact: Committee Administrator Email:
No. | Item |
SILENT REFLECTION The meeting began with a few minutes’ silent reflection. |
POINT OF NOTICE Susan Williams was welcomed as a new member on the Advisory Council representing teacher associations and all present were introduced. |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Leah Crimes, Jennie Downes and Tania Ap Siôn James Brown, Principal Education Manager |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Ellie Chard declared a personal interest because
she was a School Governor at Ysgol Tir Morfa. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING PDF 220 KB To receive and approve the minutes of the
Denbighshire SACRE meeting held on 19 October 2022 (copy enclosed). Minutes: The minutes of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious
Education (SACRE) meeting held on 19 October 2022 (previously circulated) were
submitted. Matters Arising – Page 8 – Item 7 SACRE Draft Annual Report 2020/21 – The second newsletter had been distributed to schools and it was also available on the local Denbighshire RVE teachers’ network. RESOLVED that the minutes of
the SACRE meeting held on 19 October 2022 be received and approved as a correct
record. |
To receive a presentation regarding the Religion, Values and Ethics Guidance. Minutes: The RE Adviser gave a
presentation on the Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) Guidance and training
material that teachers could use to help understand and plan an appropriate RVE
curriculum based on the Denbighshire Agreed Syllabus. Training had been provided
to Conwy teachers during the autumn term which had
been well received and the intention was to record a similar session for
subsequent distribution to Denbighshire teachers. Areas covered in the
comprehensive presentation included – ·
the use of imagery,
with many jigsaw pieces representing the different pieces to be fixed together
to represent the curriculum in its entirety ·
use of the four
purposes as a starting point – ambitious and capable learners; enterprising and
creative contributors; ethical, informed citizens; healthy and confident
individuals and how they related to the RVE ·
links to the
Humanities Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE)
accessed via Hwb and further guidance, including
Section 5 Designing your curriculum and specific consideration for this area,
encouraging a holistic approach to learning ·
legal status of the
RVE guidance which Denbighshire had agreed as its Agreed Sylllabus. RVE was a mandatory element of the subject
and a compulsory part of the Curriculum for Wales and links to other support
areas on Hwb ·
main aspects covering
the inclusion of both religious and non-religious philosophical convictions;
children not allowed to be removed from RVE; have regard and language changes,
and teaching having to reflect that religious traditions in Wales were in the
main Christian while taking account of other principal religions represented in
Wales, and that a range of non-religious philosophical convictions were held in
Wales ·
the Denbighshire’s
Supporting Guidance for RVE made available to schools covered RVE Disciplines,
Spiritual Development, RVE and four purposes, RVE Concepts, RVE lens, and
Learner Progression and Learning Journeys in RVE ·
facilitated a wordle activity as a means of provoking thought and debate ·
the common aims and
objectives of RE according to RE Policies ·
commonality between
the Humanities AoLE and illustrations relating to the
meaning of the Statements of What Matter ·
RVE Disciplines
including religious studies, philosophy, theology, sociology, psychology and
anthropology and big questions with examples which would be useful to
incorporate into the guidance ·
RVE Concepts and how
they appeared in the Agreed Syllabus together with a number of key themes to
consider as part of that curriculum ·
RVE Lenses and how
they appeared in the Agreed Syllabus together with a summary of the seven
lenses and connected ‘it’s about’ statements ·
examples of the RVE
Learning Journeys including expectation and progression ·
concepts of the
Agreed Syllabus cross-referenced with the concepts identified in the Humanities
AoLE What Matters Statements and Descriptions of
Learning ·
concepts identified
in the Agreed Syllabus but not referenced in the Statements of What Matters or
Descriptions of Learning ·
Spiritual development
frameworks and examples ·
further details of
activities and resources which could be utilised. Members thanked the RE
Adviser for his interesting and informative presentation. There was some debate on the significant changes to the teaching of the subject area in order to provide an up to date curriculum, fit for modern society, and to reflect the different cultures and beliefs within a democratic society. Mention was made of comparisons between the past and the present, and the changing values and beliefs of different cultures and generations over time. There was some discussion on wider high profile issues in the media relating to same sex marriages and gender identity, and also how children were supported in schools. The RE Adviser referred to Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) as a mandatory element of the new curriculum in schools ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
To receive the minutes of the last meeting of the Association held on 16 November 2022 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The draft minutes of the Wales Association of SACREs
(WASACRE) held via Microsoft Teams on 16 November 2022 (previously circulated)
were submitted. Members’ attention was drawn to the following – · Professional Learning Modules – the first 5 modules of Welsh Government resources were still awaited but they had been through the quality assurance process. Whilst there was disappointment with the delay, the quality of the resources was very high and would be invaluable to schools. It was expected that the resources would soon be published and could be considered by SACRE at a future meeting. In response to a question from Councillor Emrys Wynne, the RE Adviser confirmed that, although the question had been raised regarding the potential to release the English versions ahead of the Welsh versions, it had been made clear that such practice was against both Welsh Government and WASACRE policy, ergo both versions would be released simultaneously. · Estyn Update – a report had been shared on areas within the current inspection framework which referred to aspects of RVE. Estyn had re-commenced school visits and the inspection reports on those schools covered in the previous two terms would be brought to SACRE’s next meeting in June 2023, and the RE Adviser would also deliver a presentation on Estyn’s RVE inspection framework. RESOLVED that minutes of WASACRE
held on 16 November 2022 be received. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS · Summer – 15 June 2023 · Autumn – 17 October 2023 Minutes: The dates of future SACRE meetings in 2023 had been
confirmed as follows – 15 June (Thursday) and 17 October (Tuesday) The meeting concluded at 11.45 am. |