Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Nant Hall Road, Prestatyn LL19 9LG
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF NEW VICE-CHAIR - FROM THE LEA REPRESENTATIVES To nominate and elect a Vice-Chair for 2013 – 2015 from the LEA Representatives. Minutes: In accordance with Denbighshire SACRE’s constitution, nominations had been invited for the appointment of Vice-Chair from the LEA representatives. Councillor Arwel Roberts was nominated and seconded as Vice-Chair. RESOLVED that Councillor Arwel Roberts be appointed
as Vice-Chair of SACRE. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: No declarations of personal or prejudicial interest had been raised. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised for consideration. |
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING PDF 145 KB To receive and approve the minutes of the Denbighshire SACRE meeting held on 11 October 2013 (copy enclosed) and to consider any matters arising. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) held on 11 October 2013 (previously circulated) were submitted. Matters Arising – Page 9, Item No. 9 Estyn Report on Religious Education in Secondary Schools. The short GCSE course was worth half a GCSE and schools tended to opt for the course as it could be carried out in the time set aside to cover the legal requirement for RE. The short course covered two religions during the study. The full GCSE course had been proven to be the most popular between the two courses. Page 10, Item No. 9 – the Systems Leader for GwE (SL) confirmed a letter had been sent to Denbighshire’s Head of Education as requested in the previous meeting, but to date, no response had been received. RESOLVED that the minutes of the SACRE meeting held on 11 October 2013 be
received and approved as a correct record. |
ANALYSIS OF INSPECTION REPORTS PDF 70 KB To receive a report by the Systems Leader for GwE (copy enclosed) providing an analysis of recent Estyn Inspection Reports for two schools undertaken in October 2013. Additional documents: Minutes: The Systems Leader for GwE (SL) submitted a report (previously circulated) analysing the results of the recent Estyn Inspections in terms of RE provision and collective worship in two schools in October 2013. Inspections had been carried out at Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog and Ysgol Trefnant Voluntary Aided Church in Wales Primary School. The SL provided Members with a brief resume of the findings relating to each school and Members were pleased to note the positive comments. The issue of school links to churches had been raised by SACRE Members. It was agreed a Survey would be sent out to all schools requesting information such as: · How many pupils see a Minister and how often? · How many pupils have been inside a church or chapel? An introductory letter would also accompany the survey explaining information needed to be collated to improve links with the community and to develop guidance. RESOLVED that – (a) The report be received and noted. (b) A letter be sent to each of the schools informing
them that their Inspection Report had been considered, congratulating them for
good features identified. (c) To request the Local Authority to distribute
the letters to the schools involved. |
EXAMINATION RESULTS 2013 PDF 60 KB To receive a report by the Systems Leader for GwE (copy enclosed) providing the detailed results for examinations at GCSE and Advanced Level Religious Studies for the year 2011 and 2012 together with an analysis of the differences and trends. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Systems Leader for GwE (SL) submitted the Examination Results 2013 Report (previously circulated). The report contained the detailed results for examinations at GCSE and Advance Level Religious Studies for the year 2012 and 2013, together with an analysis of the differences and trends. The report was for Members to be able to exercise their functions in relation to their statutory duty to monitor provision for RE in schools, and to be fully informed as to results for the year. The national results for the RE short course had not been published on completion of the report. Therefore, comparison figures could not be included. It had been agreed by SACRE Members that a letter be sent to the Welsh Government expressing concern regarding the late publication of statistics. It was clarified that A* - G were classed as qualification grades. Schools and the Local Authority were using “Fischer Family Trust” to be able to further analyse the data within and across schools. RESOLVED that subject to the above, the report be received and noted. |
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION QUALITY MARK (REQM) PDF 71 KB To receive a presentation by the Systems Leader for GwE (copy enclosed) regarding the Religious Eduction Quality Mark appropriate for Wales. Additional documents: Minutes: The Systems Leader for GwE (SL) submitted a presentation (previously circulated) which had been shown to WASACRE previously. The Religious Education Quality Mark (REQM) would be available to all schools as a way of good practice to be validated. Recently, the materials had been adapted and translated so it could be accessed by schools in Wales. It had been discussed and agreed that the criteria be promoted amongst schools. The criteria would be freely available to download from the REQM website in both Welsh and English. Questionnaires were also available from the website. It would promote good practice to work through the criteria even if not taking on the Quality Mark itself. The SL confirmed he would be contacting all schools to promote the REQM. The Chair and Committee Members offered their thanks to the SL for all his hard work regarding the REQM. RESOLVED that the presentation be received and noted. |
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION QUALITY MARK (REQM) ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PDF 635 KB To receive documents by the Systems Leader for GwE (copy enclosed) to raise awareness of the REQM assessment criteria to support the monitoring of standards of RE in local schools. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Systems Leader for GwE (SL) submitted a report (previously circulated) for Members to be aware of the practices that make a good RE Department. The Religious Education Quality Mark would be available to all schools as a way of validating good practice. Recently, material had been adapted and translated so that it could be accessed by schools in Wales. WASACRE recommended that the materials be used by SACRE’s to support, monitor and identify good practice in RE. RESOLVED that SACRE recommend to local schools the use of the REQM awarding
criteria as a basis. |
WALES ASSOCIATION OF SACRE (WASCRE) PDF 82 KB (a) To receive the draft minutes of the meeting of the Association held on 10 October 2013 in Cardiff (copy enclosed) (Minutes to be translated once agreed as a true record at next WASACRE meeting) (b) To agree attendance at the next WASACRE meeting in Merthyr Tydfil and to discuss nominations for the Executive Committee (copy enclosed) Additional documents:
Minutes: (a) Minutes of the Wales Association of SACRE (WASACRE) meeting, Cardiff, 10 October 2013 (previously circulated) were submitted for Members information. RESOLVED that minutes of WASACRE held on 10 October 2013 be
received and noted. (b) WASACRE meeting 27 March 2014 in Caerphilly. Members discussed attendance at the next meeting and considered the candidates for the Executive Committee and it was – RESOLVED that: ·
Gavin Craigen attend the next WASACRE meeting on 27 March 2014 ·
Phil Lord
and Gavin Craigan were already members of the
Executive Committee. Mr Dominic Oakes requested it be noted within the minutes that he could not be nominated on to the Executive Committee as there were no funds available for payment of loss of income, due to him being self-employed. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To be confirmed Minutes: To be confirmed. |
Meeting concluded at
12.10 p.m. |