Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Russell House, Rhyl
Contact: Committee Administrator
No. | Item |
SILENT REFLECTION The meeting began with a few minutes silent reflection. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: No declarations of personal or prejudicial interest had been raised. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING PDF 117 KB To receive and approve the minutes of the Denbighshire SACRE
meeting held on Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) held on 24th February, 2012 (previously circulated) were submitted. Matters Arising – Page 6 – Item No. 8 – Literacy/Numeracy within RE Competition for Schools. The Senior Learning Adviser RE ( Page 7 – Mrs. Mairwenna Lloyd confirmed letters of appreciation had been received by long serving members who had resigned from SACRE. The letters were sent thanking the individuals for their dedication and valuable service over the years. Page 8 – Item No. 9 – New Estyn Inspections and the focus on School Evaluation. Page 9 – Item No. 10 – Nomination to WASACRE Executive SLA:RE explained there were 22
Local Authorities in RESOLVED that the minutes of the SACRE meeting held on 24th February
2012 be received and approved as a correct record. |
ANALYSIS OF INSPECTION REPORTS PDF 71 KB To consider a report by the Senior Learning Adviser RE (copy enclosed) analysing the results of the recent inspections of six schools undertaken between November 2011 and March 2012. Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Learning Adviser RE ( Mairwenna Lloyd extended her
appreciation to Sylvia Harris commented on the fact that Ysgol Tir Morfa had some pupils with severe learning difficulties and a special mention of congratulations should be extended to Tir Morfa following the comments within the Report. RESOLVED that – (a)
report be received and noted; (b)
letter be sent to each of the schools informing them that their Inspection
Report had been considered, congratulating them for good features identified, and
reminding them of the services of the Senior Learning Adviser and School
Improvement Officers in relation to any areas for development or key issues
needing addressing; (c)
to request the LEA
distribute the letters to the schools involved. |
MONITORING AND SUPPORTIVE REVIEWS To receive a report by the Senior Learning Adviser RE (copy
enclosed) on the provision of Religious Education in the Minutes: The Senior Learning Adviser RE ( SLA:RE visited 2 High Schools, plus their At this juncture
(2.45pm) Councillor Arwyl Roberts left the meeting. Mairwenna Lloyd extended thanks on
behalf of SACRE to Councillor Margaret McCarroll asked for it to be noted she was extremely impressed with the work of SACRE and even though she had been a school governor for many years she had been unaware of the role of SACRE. Mairwenna Lloyd informed
Councillor McCarroll that since 2007/2008, the Councillors Bill Tasker and Margaret McCarroll stated they would report back to the Board of Governors and explain about SACRE and the excellent work they do. Cate Harmsworth wished to make it known how hard teachers work. Teachers had only 2.5 hours per week free time to deal with lesson plans etc. Teachers who attended the twilight session did so in their own time and unpaid which showed absolute dedication and commitment. RESOLVED that – (a)
report be received and noted; (b)
letters be sent to the schools with a copy of the full report as presented to
to request the LEA to
distribute the letters to the schools involved. |
receive the minutes of the last meeting of the Association held on (b) To consider the response from the Welsh Government regarding the issue of representation on SACREs by British Humanist Association Additional documents:
Minutes: 7(a) The Senior Learning Adviser RE (
Mairwenna Lloyd asked 7(b) The Senior Learning Adviser RE ( A brief discussion took place and it was agreed a Member of the BHA would be invited to SACRE to present to the Committee the reason behind becoming a Member and also what the BHA representative would bring to SACRE.
RESOLVED that – (a)
minutes of WASACRE meeting held on 30th March 2012 be received and
approved as a correct record; (b)
Senior Learning Adviser RE contact (c)
Senior Learning Adviser RE invite a Member of the British Humanist Association
to give a presentation at a forthcoming SACRE meeting as to why they want to become
a Member and what they will bring to SACRE. |
To receive a verbal report from the Senior Learning Adviser RE regarding the use of the Moodle website for schools to access RE resources. Minutes: The Senior Learning Adviser RE ( RESOLVED that the Senior
Learning Adviser for RE update the Moodle website
with relevant RE resources for schools to use. |
LITERACY/NUMERACY WITHIN RE COMPETITION FOR SCHOOLS PDF 61 KB To receive a verbal update from the Senior Learning Adviser RE regarding the competition for schools to produce resources that will include Literacy and Numeracy in Key Stage 2 and/or Key Stage 3 Religious Education. Minutes: The Senior Learning Adviser RE ( Sylvia Harris explained she was one of the Trustees of the Archbishop Rice Jones Trust which was a very small charity and the upper limit of their funding was £250. Unfortunately, this amount could not be devoted to the competition but the Trust whole heartedly supported the competition. Mairwenna Lloyd agreed to this
idea and suggested RESOLVED that – (a)
Senior Learning Adviser for RE to inform schools the extended closing date of
the competition was now October Half Term (b)
the Senior Learning
Adviser to contact Ysgol Morgan informing them of the
extended closing date and to enquire if they wished to withdraw their
application and re-apply or were they satisfied with their current application. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of Denbighshire SACRE will be held at Minutes: Next meeting to take place on Friday, 5th October, 2012 at 10.00am Venue - Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin. In closing the meeting the Chair thanked everyone for their attendance. The meeting concluded at 3.40pm |