Agenda and draft minutes
No. | Item |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: None. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 358 KB To receive the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting held on 21 September 2018 (copy enclosed). Minutes: The minutes of the
Standards Committee held on 21 September 2018 were submitted: Page 7 (Present) –
Should read as ‘Councillor’ in the singular form. Page 7 (Item 4 -
third paragraph) – Should be ‘where’ not ‘were Page 9 (Item 8 –
first bullet point) – The order of wording should read ‘These tribunals are
responsible’ Page 10 (item 8 –
third paragraph) – paragraph does not read well. A capital had been missing
from the beginning of the sentence. Page 10 (item 8 –
fourth paragraph) – the word ‘Committee’s’ had been misspelt Page 11 (item 9 –
third bullet point) – incorrect spacing between wording. Matters Arising: Page 11 – FWP – The Monitoring Officer (MO) confirmed he had contacted
the Clerk of Llanbedr Community Council regarding a further application for a
dispensation to the Standards Committee. It was concluded at the time that the
Community Council did not require any further dispensations. The MO stated the
responsibility lay with the Community Council to request further dispensations.
It was agreed that the MO write to the Clerk of the Community Council to
clarify the requirements and responsibilities regarding dispensation requests. Members requested that an additional letter be circulated to all City, Town
and Community Councils with the procedure for dispensations including a copy of
the application form. RESOLVED that, ·
to the above, the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2018 be received
and approved as a correct record; · a letter be sent to Llanbedr to highlight the procedure requirements for dispensations [The MO to action] and · a letter be circulated to all City, Town and Community Councils to provide guidance for dispensations, including a copy of an application form. [The MO to action.] |
A REVIEW OF ATTENDANCES AT TOWN, CITY AND COMMUNITY COUNCILS To receive a verbal report by Lisa Jones, Legal Services Manager on attendances at Town, City and Community Councils. Minutes: The Legal Service
Manager (LSM) gave a verbal update on attendance at City, Town and Community
Councils from representatives from the Standards Committee. The LSM gave a
brief background to the reason for Standards members’ attendance at community
council meetings. Visits had taken place at community councils since 2013. The
LSM provided members with a list of community councils that had not been
visited since 2013. Members concluded that those that had not been visited
should be made a priority to attend. The Monitoring Officer explained that
there was no legal restriction in place to prevent county or community
councillors attending a different community council meeting. The Monitoring
Officer confirmed that if the county councillors knew in advance which
community meetings they planned to visit, communication prior to the meeting to
ensure agreement of the visit could be established. The LSM confirmed
that a script for Standards members to provide to community meetings could be
circulated to members prior to attendance at a meeting [LSM to action]. Members agreed from the list of non-visited
councils to attend a meeting by June 2019. The Chair confirmed an agenda item
at the June 2019 meeting to revisit attendance at meetings would be included. RESOLVED that, ·
the Standards Committee note the verbal
update provided by the Legal Service Manager; ·
members agreed to attend the non-visited
community council meetings by June 2019 and ·
update on attendance at City, Town and Community Councils be added to the
forward work programme for June 2019. |
PUBLIC SERVICES OMBUDSMAN FOR WALES - ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2017/18 PDF 113 KB To consider a report by the Monitoring Officer (copy
enclosed) on the
2017/18 Annual Report and Accounts of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring
Officer (MO) presented a report (previously circulated) to provide details of
the Annual Report of the Ombudsman for 2017/18. The Ombudsman provided members
with background information of the role of the Ombudsman. The MO confirmed
that the number of Code of Conduct complaints during the period covered by the
report had risen by 14%. The report had illustrated a decline in complaints in
respect of Unitary Authorities and an increase in complaints in respect of
City, Town and Community Councils. The MO confirmed Code of Conduct training
had been provided for both County and Community Councillors. Confirmation was
provided that none of the fully completed investigations detailed in the report
had been referred to Standards Committees. 3 investigations had been referred
to the Adjudication Panel for Wales. The MO highlighted
that, during the period, 2 complaints had been received against County
Councillors and 2 complaints against Community Councillors. It was emphasised
that none of the four complaints had been investigated. During debate the
following concerns were discussed in more detail – ·
high level of complaints against the disclosure and registration of interests,
highlighted the importance of declaring an interest if required. ·
Ombudsman can look at a range of incidents and build a course of conduct to be
presented as evidence if needed. ·
increase in complaints received illustrated a positive indication that the
public had shown concern and interest. The MO confirmed
that training for City, Town and Community Councillors would be looked into in
2019. RESOLVED that the Standards Committee note the
information contained within the Public Ombudsman for Wales’ Annual Report for
ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS To note the attendance by members of the Standards Committee at County, Town and Community Council and to receive their reports. Minutes: Independent member
Julia Hughes (JH) had attended at Trefnant Community
Council on Wednesday 21 November 2018. JH
had found the meeting to be very pleasant. The meeting had been well attended,
the Chair led the meeting well with support from the Clerk. All members
participated in the meeting when appropriate. All areas of discussion had been
addressed. Members declared interests and left the building at appropriate
junctures when agenda items were discussed. It was concluded that the meeting
had been conducted well. From the discussion
JH asked if any training had been provided to City, Town and Community Councils
around data protection and the new GDPR legislation. The Legal Service Manager
confirmed that a training session on the new GDPR procedures had been provided
to City, Town and Community Council Clerks. A briefing note had been circulated
to all data controllers for information. The briefing note had included contact
details if additional support was needed. RESOLVED that the attendance be noted and the
attendance report updated to reflect the visit by Julia Hughes. |
To consider a
report by the Monitoring Officer (copy attached) about the procedure adopted by
the Council for the conduct of hearings by the Standards Committee of
allegations of a breach of the Code of Conduct. Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer (MO) introduced the report (previously
circulated) on the suggested amendments
to the procedure adopted by Council for the conduct of hearings by the
Standards Committee of allegations of a breach of the Code of Conduct. The MO guided members through the report and made reference to the
highlighted amendments to the procedure. Members stated the report had been very informative and helpful. The
procedure and amendments were clear and fair. During the discussion the Chair
asked if following Brexit, the Human Rights legislation would be affected. The
MO confirmed that the legislation was different to European Union Legislation
and would continue following Brexit. The MO confirmed that following approval from the Standards Committee, a
report would be presented to Council for consideration. The Chair thanked the MO for the transparent report and explanations in
response to member’s questions. RESOLVED that,
the Standards Committee note the amendments
to the procedure as set out in Appendix 1 to the report and recommends the
amendments to Council for incorporation into the Constitution. |
STANDARDS COMMITTEE FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 14 KB To consider the Standards Committee Forward Work Programme (copy attached). Minutes: The Standards
Committee Forward Work Programme was presented for consideration and members
agreed the following addition:- ·
of attendances at Town, City and Community Councils- 07 June 2019. ·
Review of the Standards Committee (2 year report) - 15 March 2019. The Monitoring
Officer confirmed that he would circulate any information and dates of training
for members to attend. RESOLVED
that, subject to the above amendments, the Standards Committee’s Forward Work
Programme be agreed. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Standards Committee is scheduled for 10.00 a.m. on the 15 March 2019 in Conference Room 1B, County Hall, Ruthin. Minutes: The Monitoring
Officer informed members that the date of the next Standards meeting had been
scheduled for 15 March 2019. He confirmed the proposed date would have to be
amended and a new date would be confirmed with members once agreed.
that under Section
100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from
the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it would
involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12
and 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
CODE OF CONDUCT - PART 3 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000 To consider a confidential report by the Monitoring Officer (copy
enclosed) providing an overview of complaints against members lodged with the Public
Services Ombudsman for Minutes: The Monitoring
Officer presented the confidential report (previously circulated) to provide
Members with an overview of complaints lodged with the Public Services
Ombudsman for Wales since 1 April 2014. The MO provided
some context and explanation of the background on the complaints confirmation
that further updates would be reported to the Committee. Members requested
that a line to indicate previously discussed complaints and new complaints be
added to the table for clarity. RESOLVED
that, the Standards Committee, subject to the above, receive and note the
contents of the report.
The meeting concluded at 12:10 p.m. |