Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: tbc
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies for the
absence were received from the independent member of the Standard Committee,
Ian Trigger. In his absence,
Vice-Chair Julia Hughes would chair the meeting. Julia opened the meeting by informing
the committee that the meeting would have been the acting chair’s last meeting;
he had served the committee for ten years. The committee wanted to extend their
thanks to Ian Trigger for his service to the committee. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: No declarations of
interests were raised. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: No urgent matters
had been raised with the Vice-Chair prior to the meeting. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 376 KB To receive the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting held on 3 December 2021 (copy enclosed). Minutes: The minutes of the Standards Committee
meeting held on 3 December 2021 were presented for consideration. Matters Arising –
RESOLVED that the minutes of the
Standards Committee meeting held on 3 December 2021 be confirmed as a correct
record. |
ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS To note the attendance by members of the Standards Committee at County, Town and Community Council and to receive their reports. Minutes: The Vice-chair
invited members to update the committee on any attendance at meetings. The
Committee members who were present at the meeting had nothing to share. It was a
shared consensus amongst the members due to the close proximity to the pre-election
period that they postpone any attendance at meetings until the next council was
elected. RESOLVED that the above observations and discussion
be noted. |
ETHICS AND STANDARDS TRAINING PDF 139 KB To receive a report by the Monitoring Officer regarding about the arrangements that will be made for the training of new and returning members after the Local Government Elections in May 2022 (the Elections) in respect of the Code of Conduct (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The
Monitoring Officer (MO) introduced the Ethics and Standards Training report
(previously circulated); the report detailed the arrangements that would be made
for the training of new and returning members after the Local Government
Elections in May 2022 (the Elections) in respect of the Code of Conduct. The
MO stated that one of the roles of the Standards Committee was to advise and
arrange training for Councillors and co-opted members on the Code of Conduct.
The Elections would be taking place on 5th May 2022, and it would be necessary
for every person who was elected to sign an undertaking to abide by the Code of
Conduct. Therefore it was vital that elected members would receive training as
soon as possible following the election. It
was proposed that a Code of Conduct workshop would be held for County Councillors
in the first week after the Elections. A programme of events would be provided
for members of the City, Town and Community Councils. The
MO informed the committee that following the elections in May 2017, the Welsh
Local Government Association (WLGA) produced a standard set of training
materials for use by all councils. There were intentions for a similar process
will be followed this year, and the WLGA is currently preparing, in
consultation with Monitoring Officers, a standard set of training materials for
use following the Election. However, the material had not been finalised for
release. The
MO highlighted that the Chief Executive has, as part of his vision for the
Council, established five principles that, together with the Council’s values,
will underpin the type of organisational culture that he wants to develop there
were –
The training
that was provided to members following the elections would also cover these
principles and values and would incorporate reference to the Council’s Protocol
on Member/Officer Relations. The
following points were discussed further –
RESOLVED that the Standards Committee note the
report. |
STANDARDS CONFERENCE 2022 Minutes: The report aimed to
inform the committee of the contents of the Standards Conference (SC), which
was held on the 9th February 2022. The MO clarified to
the members of the committee that the SC was usually held annually; however,
due to the pandemic and the restrictions, it was not possible to have the SC.
To re-establish the conference, it was agreed that a remote conference would be
held, organised by the North Wales local authorities. The conference was held
via Zoom on 9th February 2022. The conference's theme was the Independent
Review of the Ethical Framework in Wales, commissioned by the Welsh Government
(WG) and conducted by Richard Penn. The MO informed the
committee that over 100 delegates from across Wales attended the SC, which was
chaired by Julia Hughes in her capacity as Chair of Flintshire County Council’s
Standards Committee. A representative
from WG, Lisa James, Deputy Director of Local Government Democracy, presented
to the conference in respect of the potential changes to the ethical framework
that may be considered as a result of the review by Richard Penn. Alongside the
presentation from Lisa James, there were presentations from the Public Services
Ombudsman for Wales, Nick Bennett, Paul Egan of One Voice Wales, and Einir
Young, Chair of Gwynedd County Council’s Standards Committee. They all gave
their reflections on the review. The MO stated that
the overall conclusion of the conference was that the review of the framework
had been welcome, as had the finding that a significant overhaul of the
framework was not required. Delegates expressed their gratitude that the
framework had been maintained in Wales and their wish that it should continue
with some minor amendments. While there was overwhelming support for the
principle of local resolution, particularly in response to the large number of
complaints emanating from town and community councils, there were some concerns
expressed about the resources required for monitoring officers to be able to
deal with the volume of complaints if they were expected to try and resolve all
such complaints. The acting chair Julia
Hughes who chaired the SC, agreed with the MO that the SC was beneficial to all
who attended. The committee
discussed the following in further detail - ·
good practice was raised by the committee and whether good practices could be
shared amongst all Councils across Wales. The MO clarified that there was a
consensus among delegates that the current good practice identified in the form
of the North and Mid Wales Standards Forum should be extended to become an All
Wales Standards Forum. ·
The committee
queried the Democracy handbook, and whether it could be brought to a future
meeting to allow it to be discussed by the committee, the MO stated the
handbook was currently in draft format and could be brought to a future meeting
once it was available. ·
Penn Review was queried and whether elected members were asked to contribute to
the review. The MO responded that they were not included in the review, which
was an oversight; however, the matter was being looked into. ·
recording of meetings was raised, and members queried how long the recordings
(webcasts) were available. The MO stated that the recordings of meetings were
available on the website for six months following the meeting. RESOLVED
that members note the report regarding the Standards Conference. |
PROCESS FOR RECRUITING INDEPENDENT MEMBERS OF STANDARDS COMMITTEE PDF 125 KB To receive a report by the Monitoring Officer regarding the process for recruiting independent members
of Standards Committees (copy enclosed). Minutes: The Monitoring officer (MO) introduced the
Process for Recruiting Independent Members of Standards Committee report
(previously circulated). The report aimed to inform the Committee of the
requirement to recruit independent members of the Standards Committee and the
process by which this must be done The Standards Committees (Wales) Regulations
2001 set out provisions regarding the size and composition of standards
committees. Standards committees must have no less than five members and no more
than nine. The Chair of the Committee, an independent
member, was approaching the end of his second term of office, which was due to
expire in May 2022. It would therefore be necessary for the Council to set in
motion a recruitment process for an independent member. The Regulations require
that the vacancy be advertised in at least two newspapers circulating in the
area. The Council must establish a panel of no more than five people, including
at least one community councillor and one lay member. The MO stated that in previous recruitment
exercises Council has been asked to nominate three county councillors to sit on
the panel in addition to the lay member and community councillor. The Panel
would interview applicants and make a recommendation to Council. The council
would be asked to appoint the recommended candidate. The Community Council representative on the
Committee was appointed for a first term in February 2018. A Community Council
representative’s term of office must end at the local government election
following their appointment. A Community Council representative could serve a
second term if they remain a city, town or community councillor. Before a
community council representative may be reappointed, it was a requirement that
the Council consults city, town and community councils in its area. This was a
process that could be considered following the local government elections. The current Community Council representative
Gordon Hughes, informed the committee and the MO whether he was to be
re-elected as a town councillor; he would still like to be a member of the
committee. RESOLVED that the Standards Committee
notes the contents of the report. |
STANDARDS COMMITTEE FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 192 KB To consider the Standards Committee Forward Work Programme (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The
Monitoring Officer (MO) introduced the Standards Committee Forward Work Programme
(previously circulated). ·
2022 – Code of Conduct of employees. ·
2022 – The democracy handbook could be brought to the June meeting, however,
the MO stated that this could be delayed until September 2022. ·
2022 – review of the training and uptake for newly elected members. RESOLVED
that subject to the above, the Standards Committee’s forward
work programme be
approved. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Standards Committee is scheduled for the 17th June. Minutes: The date of
the next Standards Committee meeting was confirmed for Friday 17th 10:00am. |
CODE OF CONDUCT - PART 3 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000 To consider a confidential report by the Monitoring Officer (copy
enclosed) providing an overview of complaints against members lodged with the Public
Services Ombudsman for Minutes: The
Monitoring Officer (MO) presented the confidential report (previously
circulated) to provide Members with an overview of complaints lodged with the
Public Services Ombudsman for Wales since 1st January 2018. The MO
reported on the ongoing complaints submitted, giving outline details of the nature
of the complaints made and the actions taken by the Public Services Ombudsman
for Wales. RESOLVED that the Standards Committee notes the
contents of the report. |