Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies were received from Anne Mellor. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Gordon Hughes declared a personal interest in agenda item 13, Code of Conduct – Part 3 Local Government Act 2000 because he was the current vice chair of Corwen Town Council. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING PDF 408 KB To receive the minutes of the Standards Committee meeting held on 6 April 2023 (copy enclosed). Minutes: Minutes of the
Standards Committee held on 6 April 2023 were submitted. Accuracy – Councillor Gordon Hughes
raised that the minutes stated he was a member of Corwen Town Council; he
clarified that he was still a member of the Town Council and had not left. Matters Arising – Page 10 – members
queried whether there was an update on training which community council clerks
would receive. The Deputy Monitoring (DMO) informed the committee that training
for clerks would be held in the autumn. The committee were also told that if
they wished, as standards committee members, they could also join the training. Page 11 – the
standards committee annual report was raised, and when was it likely that the
information would be completed to be reported to the full Council, the
Monitoring Officer (MO) stated that the timescales would not allow the report
to be discussed at the July council meeting and would likely be included on the
September agenda. Page 15 –
conducting a joint meeting with city, town and
community councils (CTCCs) was raised, and any development on the matter could
be shared with the committee. The MO responded that conducting a meeting would
be difficult to accommodate; it was suggested that CTCC clerks could be
contacted to see what areas caused challenges for them, and then appropriate
assistance could be provided; it was stated that open dialogue with the clerks
would need to be conducted. The DMO stated that the Interim Head of Service
(Strategy and Performance, Corporate Programme and Projects Office, Climate
Change) was working with CTCCs; the DMO would inform members of any update on
the work, if any, at the next meeting. Page 15 – the
committee suggested that old meetings be retained on the forward work
programme; this would ensure that no items which were not discussed would not
be missed at future meetings. RESOLVED
that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2023 be received and approved
as a correct record. |
PUBLIC SERVICES OMBUDSMAN FOR WALES - 'OUR FINDINGS' PDF 123 KB To consider a report by the Monitoring Officer (copy enclosed) on the published ‘Our Findings’ page on the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales website. Additional documents: Minutes: A report was
submitted by the Monitoring Officer (MO) (previously circulated) on the latest
case summaries contained in the ‘Our Findings’ section of the Public Services
Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW) website, which had replaced the previous Code of
Conduct Casebook. A web link to the relevant section has been provided. The MO informed the
committee that there had been a case within the ‘our findings’ section of the
Ombudsman’s website; the details of the case were detailed within the
appendices of the report. The MO summarised that the matter was likely to be a
disagreement between people, there wasn’t enough evidence on either side to
warrant further investigation, and the case was not within the public interest
to continue the investigation. Members were
surprised the matter had been given any air time, as
the situation seemed self-explanatory and a waste of resources. The MO
clarified that the case was only investigated further because it was alleged
that Saundersfoot Community Council had used their station to bully someone;
however, there was no evidence to allow further investigation. RESOLVED
that the contents of the report be noted. |
ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS To note the attendance by members of the Standards Committee at County, Town and Community Council and to receive their reports. Minutes: The chair queried members of the standards committee whether
they had attended any meetings since the last meeting. Independent Member Samuel Jones (SJ) informed the committee that
he attended the Llanferres Community Council annual
meeting on the 11th of May alongside the standards committee chair. SJ told the
committee that the meeting well was run and organised by both the chair and the
clerk. During the meeting, a member of the public was co-opted to the community
council. They were informed of the training which was required of them as
community councils. Members queried what the membership of the community council
was and what the attendance percentage was at the meeting; the membership was
nine members with two current vacancies, and the meeting had over 50%
attendance. The committee members present at the community council found
out afterwards that both the clerk and the chair were married and queried
whether any declarations of interest should have been raised; officers
clarified that the matter would only need to be raised whether something
relating to the community council’s structure was being discussed. Members asked what method of giving feedback was appropriate
at meetings; it was stated if there were a significant issue, it would be
passed onto the Monitoring Officer (MO) or Deputy Monitoring Officer (DMO);
however, members thought a proper methodology for reporting issues was
required, and to give feedback back to the chair and clerk of city, town and community councils. The MO stated that previously officers would contact clerks
with any feedback; however, it was usually concerns raised rather than positive
remarks. The MO felt that any feedback, good or bad should be shared. The chair suggested that a generic letter could be drafted,
which could be sent to community councils once a standards committee attended,
highlighting good or bad practices. RESOLVED that the
committee note the attendance at meetings update. |
DISPENSATION REQUESTS To consider any dispensation requests received from Town/City/Community Councils or at county level. Minutes: Consideration of dispensation requests from
Town/City/Community Councils and at county level was a standing item on the
agenda. Members noted that no dispensation requests had been
received. RESOLVED that the
position be noted. |
COMPARISON OF STANDARDS COMMITTEE RECRUITMENT PANEL COMPILATION To receive a verbal update from the Interim Head of Service - Legal and Democratic Services/Deputy Monitoring Officer regarding the comparison of standards committee recruitment panel compilation. Minutes: The Deputy Monitoring
Officer (DMO) presented a verbal update regarding the Comparison of Standards
Committee Recruitment Panel Compilation across other local authorities in
Wales. The matter was
raised to see whether there was a consensus between local authorities on the
structure they had for standards committee recruitment panels. The DMO had
received correspondence from some of the surrounding local authorities. Conwy’s
structure had the chair/vice chair of the council on the panel. Anglesey had
the same structure as Denbighshire; Gwynedd had the chair of the council,
democratic services committee and standards committee
on their panel. The DMO informed
the committee that a report could be produced and taken to the full council to
see what they’re open to the change and having an independent standards
committee member on the recruitment panel, as the decision would have to be
made at Council. Members of the committee
raised the benefits an independent member could bring to a recruitment panel;
they would give an alternative viewpoint, which would be beneficial whilst
recruiting. RESOLVED
that the Standards Committee propose a report be taken to full council to seek
approval of having an independent lay member of the standards committee stand
on the recruitment panel. |
CODE OF CONDUCT TRAINING PDF 117 KB To receive a verbal update from the Interim Head of Service - Legal and Democratic Services/Deputy Monitoring Officer regarding code of conduct training and delivery for County and Town, City and Community Councils. Additional documents: Minutes: A report was
submitted by the Deputy Monitoring Officer (DMO) (previously circulated)
presenting the Member Code of Conduct – overview of training delivered; The
Standards Committee has oversight of the ethical regime within the County, and
training is an area that the Committee are keen to ensure is taken up by
elected and co-opted members. The report aimed to provide Members with an
overview of the training delivered by the Monitoring Officer since May 2022. The DMO informed
members that the training timetable was included within the appendices;
concerning County Councillor attendance, as reported at the last Standards
Committee, the Council had 100 per cent attendance. There is, however, one new
Councillor who we need to offer training, who was elected as
a result of a by-election. The DMO stated that
the Committee would note that despite offering several online opportunities and
a mix of in-person venues North, Mid and South of the County, during day and
evening times, the actual take up from Town and
Community Councils could be significantly better. The DMO informed
the committee that the capacity to deliver training on this scale continuously
over and above what has already been provided is difficult to sustain. The
Monitoring Officer and Deputy are keen to discuss with the Committee other
options, such as providing a recorded event to all Clerks to disseminate some
FAQs. For example, the Committee may wish to refer the suggestion to the
National Standards Forum and consider whether this could be a national
initiative for example. The committee
discussed the following further – ·
committee raised the form of the training, and whether a leaflet to all newly
elected members would be a cheaper and less time-consuming method of training,
it was also raised whether training which was conducted by One Voice Wales
could be carried out. ·
and members agreed that the potential recording of a training session could be
conducted, and the video then be circulated to clerks to show to city, town and community councils (CTCC) to train their
councillors. Members agreed to the suggestion of recording a training session;
however, they suggested that it would benefit from members attending to ask
relevant questions, which would enrich the training material for others. ·
were informed of the training costs of the One Voice training; the cost for the
code of conduct training would be roughly £35 per councillor. ·
committee suggested that the CTCC clerks could note all those who had conducted
the training, and then any material could be aimed at those who hadn’t. Members
were reminded that the training was mandatory, and the concern was that if the
matter became too detailed that some members would not want to conduct the
training. Other members of the committee suggested that there was a need for
the training; however, they indicated that a less is more approach with members
and allow the matter to happen naturally with either e-learning, videos or
leaflets, as long as training was received and the
duty of the council was carried out. ·
Monitoring Officer stated that the best way to conduct the training was by face
to face; however, the resources to maintain the form of training were unviable;
recording a meeting and circulating the material would alleviate the resource
concern. The DMO then suggested recording the next training session would be
carried out, then seeing if that could be distributed further. RESOLVED
that the Standards Committee note the content of the report. |
GROUP LEADERS REPORTS TO STANDARDS COMMITTEE PDF 135 KB To receive a report (copy enclosed) by the Interim Head of Legal and Democratic Services to provide Members with an overview of the training delivered by the Monitoring Officer since May 2022. Minutes: A report was
submitted by the Deputy Monitoring Officer (DMO) (previously circulated) report
related to the new duty placed upon political group leaders to promote ethical
behaviour and to provide the Standards Committee with the opportunity to
consider the information received from Group Leaders who report annually to the
Standards’ Committee. Standards Committee
will be aware of the provisions of section 62 of the Local Government and
Elections (Wales) Act 2021 provide a new duty for the leaders of political
groups to take reasonable steps to promote and maintain high standards of
conduct for their members. The Committee was
previously advised that the Welsh Government produced draft statutory guidance
for group leaders and standards committees before the election and sought
views. Members discussed
the following further – ·
The committee
felt that the matter was a good exercise however thought that the questions
within the guidance leaned towards generic responses, and there needed to be
further discussion to get answers which would cause debate; members agreed;
however, felt that the process was an excellent first step. ·
suggested organising another meeting between the Standard Committee members and
the group leaders to discuss the work required with group leaders; then,
feedback from the session could be collected, collated
and included with the annual standards committee report. This could highlight
the ongoing work between the group leaders and the standards committee. ·
members agreed with the ongoing work with group leaders, they highlighted that
it could add to the already significant workload of the group leaders. Members raised concerns that one Group Leader report had not
been received and that the Committee could not confirm that all reasonable
steps had been taken by all leaders. RESOLVED, that: 3.1 The Committee
would await further information on the national approach after the pan Wales
Standards Forum had met. 3.2 That the Committee
agreed that an informal meeting with Group Leaders collectively would be of
benefit. |
FORMAL RESPONSE TO THE WELSH GOVERNMENT CONSULTATION ON THE PENN REVIEW PDF 115 KB To receive a report (copy enclosed) from the Monitoring Officer in respect of the Welsh Government’s review of the Ethical Framework in Wales. Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring
Officer (MO) submitted a report (previously circulated) presenting the
standards committee of the Council’s response to the consultation. The Committee has
been kept updated regarding the review of the Ethical Framework in Wales – the
‘Penn Review’ - which commenced in 2021; such framework has remained
essentially unchanged for twenty years. Members would recall from previous
reports that the initial phase of the review found that the framework was fit
for purpose but that some areas may benefit from future amendments. The Standards
Committee received a presentation at its last meeting to provide their views on
the consultation questions. Group Leaders are being consulted between the
writing of this report and this Committee meeting due to the shortness of the
time supplied to respond. Group Leaders' views would be shared with the
Committee at the meeting. The recommendations
were as follows – ·
Q1 –
Group leaders agreed to include all protected characteristics within the code
of conduct. ·
–Group leaders agreed with the express legal provision to enable the APW to
protect the anonymity of witnesses. ·
Q4 –
Members agreed with the proposed appeals procedure changes, which would
streamline the timescales. ·
Q5 – it
was agreed that the APW should have express power to summon witnesses; however,
they felt that the matter would be difficult to enforce. ·
Q6 –
the group leaders disagreed with any changes to the appeal referring process.
Most members did not recognise the benefit of the APW referring appeal
decisions back to the Standards Committee, particularly given the same
Committee would be reviewing the same case and would likely prolong the overall
process for the appellant. However, one member felt there could be some
flexibility given that every case differed. One member considered there to be
value in referring the matter back to the Standards Committee to reflect on the
merits of the reasons given to reconsider their decision and retain local
control and responsibility. ·
Q8 -
members agreed that the requirement to provide not less than seven days’ notice
of the postponement of a hearing should not be retained to provide greater
flexibility. However, reasonable notice should be given. ·
Q9 –
the group leaders agreed there should be a broader range of powers available to
the APW, with the current ones being too restrictive. ·
Q10b –
there were no comments on the process. ·
Q11 – it
was felt that concerning the operation of APW and disclosure, the Committee
supported a requirement to make available unused material held by the Public
Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW) and MOs in the interests of natural
justice. ·
Q12 –
the group leaders agreed to the need to raise awareness of the Ethical
Standards Framework and to work with others as appropriate in that regard. ·
Q13 -
whilst noting there were merits to advertising for lay members in the local
newspaper, it was agreed that it should not be a mandatory requirement provided
a variety of other means were used to reach a broad and diverse audience. ·
Q14b –
relating to a lifelong ban on former council employees being removed, they felt
that the ban should be lifted; however, a 12-month grace period between
employment and appointment for most employees and a longer period for those
formerly holding statutory or politically restricted posts. ·
Q15 -
agreed the lifelong ban on serving as an independent member on the Standards
Committee of the Council to which a councillor was elected should be removed,
with most members agreeing one council term would be a suitable grace period. · Q16 – regarding Standards committees’ powers to summon witnesses, the group leaders felt that ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
STANDARDS COMMITTEE FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 198 KB To consider the Standards Committee Forward Work Programme (copy attached). Minutes: The Standards
Committee Forward Work Programme was presented for consideration, and members
discussed the following – ·
Deputy Monitoring Officer (DMO) suggested that members would report on visits
to other meetings at every other meeting. ·
Standards Committee’ Annual Report was raised, and whether the early stages
could be discussed at the committee in December 2023. ·
Joint Committees were raised, and the possibility of having standard committee
representatives; on the joint committee, the Monitoring Officer presented there
was some legislation to be organised; however, the matter could be discussed at
the September meeting. RESOLVED
that, subject to the above, the Standards Committee’s Forward Work Programme be
agreed. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Standards Committee is scheduled for 10:00 am 15 September 2023. Minutes: Members
noted that the Standards Committee’s next meeting had been scheduled for 10.00
am on Friday 15 September 2023. EXCLUSION
OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972,
the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of
business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt
information as defined in Paragraphs 12 and 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the
Local Government Act 1972. |
CODE OF CONDUCT - PART 3 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000 To consider a confidential report by the Monitoring Officer (copy
enclosed) providing an overview of complaints against members lodged with the Public
Services Ombudsman for Additional documents:
Minutes: The Monitoring Officer
(MO) submitted a confidential report (previously circulated) providing an
overview of complaints against members lodged with the Public Services
Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW) since 1 April 2022. The MO provided a
summary of each of the seven complaints lodged, which had not been
investigated, together with the reasons therefore.
Given the change in reporting arrangements it was noted there may be complaints
lodged with the PSOW which would not be known until a decision had been made as
to whether or not the complaint would be investigated.
RESOLVED that the report be received and noted. |