Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
Contact: Committee Administrator 01824 706715 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Gwyneth Ellis and Elfed Williams. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Alan James declared a personal
interest in item 7 as he had met the agent representing the application
previously. Councillor Merfyn Parry declared a
personal and prejudicial interest in item 8 as he works directly with applicant
submitting the application. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No items of an urgent nature had been raised
with the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting. |
To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 22 May 2024 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee
meeting held on the 22 May 2024 were submitted. It was: Accuracy – Councillor Karen Edwards submitted her apologies
for the previous meeting however, these were not noted on the minutes. The minutes from the Planning Committee
meeting held on the 22 May 2024 to include apologies from Councillor Karen
Edwards. No matters arising were raised. It was: RESOLVED: that,
subject to the above, the minutes of the meeting held on the 22 May 2024 be
received and approved as a true and correct record of the proceedings. |
APPLICATION NO: 15/2021/0318 - LAND ADJACENT ERW GOED, LLANARMON YN IAI, MOLD To consider an application for the details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 12 dwellings
submitted in accordance with condition 1 of outline permission code no.
15/2013/1080 (Reserved Matters application) (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An
application was submitted for the details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 12 dwellings submitted in accordance
with condition 1 of outline permission code no. 15/2013/1080 (Reserved Matters
application). Public Speaker – Richard
Jones (for) the proposed sustainable housing scheme consisted of six, three
bedroomed four, four bedroomed and two, five bedroomed family homes. The site
was located within the Llanarmon Yn IaI settlement boundary, was allocated with the Local
Development Plan and had development permission for
0.6 hectares of land for residential purposes. The
application was supported by all statutory consultees including National
Resources Wales (NRW) and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Joint
Committee on sensitive design matters such as, the appearance of the proposed
access and materials, new tree planting, planting of hedgerows at site
boundaries and all external lighting was to conform with the Dark Skies
initiative. The scheme had been amended due to responses from neighbouring
properties as requested by Planning Officers and included revised boundary
fencing treatments, new planting of specific trees and hedges and the proposed
heights of the properties had been lowered. After 18
months of proactive liaison and sampling with with
NRW and Welsh Water a Phosphate permit being issued. The construction of the
scheme would commence shortly after determination to assist with much needed
general needs housing. The application was in line with the Planning
Departments PPW12 Ecology Policy. General Debate – The
Principal Planning Officer reminded members that this was a Reserved Matters
application and was focused on the appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale
of the 12 proposed dwellings. The Local
Member, Councillor Terry Mendies stated that this was an historical application
that complied with planning regulations and added that if the dwellings were
built in line with the proposed plans, he could see no objections from the
local community. Proposal – Councillor
Alan James proposed that the application be granted in accordance with officer
recommendation, SECONDED by Councillor Karen Edwards. Vote – For – 16 Against – 0 Abstain – 0 RESOLVED: that the application be GRANTED in
accordance with the officer recommendation. |
To consider an application for the Land adjacent to Church Yard Entrance fronting Church Street Rhuddlan (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An
application was submitted for the land adjacent to Church Yard Entrance
fronting Church Street, Rhuddlan. Public Speaker – Pete Lloyd
(for) considerable thought and care had been given to the scale, position,
size, plan, roof shape and materials of the dwelling to ensure that views
across the site would be retained. The reduced scale and formation of the roof
opened the space across the church gates. During the course of the application the proposals had been further refined and Planning
officers were thanked for their assistance with this. Following a site visit,
further revisions to the materials had been made, adding more stone and reducing the height of the sleeper boundaries.
This was a sustainable form of development that had resolved in full, all
previous concerns and benefitted from significant material considerations that
favoured the planning balance to grant permission for the application. Site meeting – Friday 14
June at 10am Members
who attended the site visit were invited to address the Planning Committee. Councillor
Ann Davies stated that the site meeting was beneficial and many of her concerns
were addressed, particularly the building materials being used, and this was
now noted within the revised plans. Councillor
Arwel Roberts stated that it was important to protect the entrance to the
church. He also expressed his desire that this dwelling would not be used as a
holiday home in the future. Two conditions to the application being submitted
were raised – ·
Work to
commence between 9am – 5pm only. ·
Work was
stopped when there was a service at the church such as a wedding. The Development Management and Building
Control Manager explained that in the addendum report circulated by officers
prior to the meeting, a number of amended and
additional conditions had been recommended, one specifically relating to the
potential use of the dwelling in the future. There was a condition on the stone
boundary wall, to ensure that it was maintained and a condition on a
construction method statement being submitted to the Planning Team prior to the
start of construction. Therefore, no additional conditions on the proposal were
needed and the Lead Member was thanked for the issues that he raised. General
Debate – Members
highlighted potential constraints being put on the contractor by only allowing
work to be conducted between 9am- 5pm. It was stated that many contractors in
the area were onsite from 7.30am onwards and this condition may increase the
costs and the time the construction took to be completed. The
Development Management and Building Control Manager referred to the condition
that stated a construction statement was to be submitted to officers prior to
the commencement of any work. Once the construction statement had been
received, officers would liaise with local members. Proposal –
Councillor Arwel Roberts proposed the application be granted in accordance with
officer recommendation, SECONDED by Councillor Andrea Tomlin. Vote – For – 16 Against – 0 Abstain – 0 RESOLVED: that the application be GRANTED in
accordance with the officer recommendation. |
APPLICATION NO. 03/2024/0102/ PF - CEIRIOG, BIRCH HILL, LLANGOLLEN, LL20 8LN To consider an application for the Subdivision of existing dwelling to form one ground floor flat and one
flat on the second and third floors including retrospective extension of
parking area (copy
attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An
application was submitted for the subdivision of existing dwelling to form one
ground floor flat and one flat on the second and third floors including
retrospective extension of parking area. Local Member
Councillor Karen Edwards expressed her concerns regarding parking on Birch Hill
and stated that concerns had been raised by residents. However, the application
now included two additional parking spaces and bicycle storage. After
discussions with officers raising her concerns involving the property being
used as a holiday let in the future, it was requested that an additional
condition relating to this be added to the proposal. It was noted that an
additional condition to address this point was recommended by officers in the
addendum report circulated by officers prior to the meeting. Proposal – Councillor
Karen Edwards proposed the application be granted in accordance with officer
recommendation, SECONDED by Councillor Merfyn Parry. Vote – For – 16 Against – 0 Abstain – 0 RESOLVED: that the application be GRANTED in
accordance with the officer recommendation. |
APPLICATION NO: 47/2023/0796/ PS - BIOGEN WAEN, HOLYWELL ROAD, RHUALLT, ST ASAPH To consider an application for Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 47/2012/1120 to include "the anaerobic digestion of food waste and/or non-waste crops" (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the
variation of condition 3 of planning permission code no. 47/2012/1120 to
include “the anaerobic digestion of food waste and/or non-waste crops”. Councillor Merfyn Parry left the meeting
after declaring a personal and prejudicial interest in this agenda item. The Senior Minerals and Waste Planning
Officer gave a brief background to the application. This was an application to allow greater variance in feedstock to fuel
an Anaerobic Digester developed and contractor to deal with residual food waste
collected by Conwy, Denbighshire and Flintshire Local Authorities. The plant became operational in 2014 and the basic Concept was – Putrescible food waste was brought to site, it was macerated, broken
down anaerobically by microorganisms where the gas was extracted and used to
fuel a generator to produce in the region of 1MW of electricity annually. The
material left over still contained the nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous
and potassium which was then utilised by local farmers to spread on land as
manure. This application was to vary the feedstock to allow for the processing
of non-waste crops e.g. grasses, rye, maize in addition to food waste within
the facility. It was stressed that this was not an application to increase the
capacity of the plant. It was purely an application to vary and process more
consistent feedstock. The site was regulated and controlled by way of planning conditions and
Environmental Permit. As part of the planning process objections were received in relation to
possible negative effects the feedstock variance would have on Farming, The
Welsh language and Culture locally, the lack of landscaping, effects on local
amenity by way of noise and odour and highway impacts. Some of these concerns were material and others immaterial to the
application process however, had been addressed within the report presented to
committee. General Debate – Members highlighted that the site
currently used 80% of its capacity and this application would allow for the
remaining 20% capacity to be used. Members added that the cereal and the maize
being brought to the site would only be from a small radius in the locality
which assisted in keeping the Cabon Footprint of the operation low. Councillor Chris Evans expressed his
concerns regarding the surrounding farmland and that the proposal did not
adhere to the first planning application that was granted in 2013, regarding
the landscaping of the area and questioned the commitment of the contractor
that this would be adhered to going forward. The
Development Management and Building Control Manager explained that they were
aware of some concerns around the original consent and the compliance with the
planning conditions. This matter was dealt with under the Planning Compliance
process, and this would be looked at. At this present time, he was not aware of
any significant complaints that had been submitted recently in regard to
landscaping however, officers had passed this onto the Planning Compliance Team
to investigate. This would not prevent the planning application being granted
as it related to a different condition within the plan. There were planning
conditions that limited the use of the plant which were dealt with by
environmental permits and regulations. If any further concerns were raised
there were processes in place to investigate them. Proposal
Councillor Alan James proposed the application be granted in accordance with
officer recommendation, SECONDED by Councillor Delyth Jones. Vote –
For –
15 Against
– 0 Abstain
– 0 RESOLVED: that the
application be GRANTED in accordance with the officer recommendation. Meeting concluded at 10.20am |