Agenda and draft minutes
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No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies
for absence were received from Councillors Melvyn Mile and Peter Evans. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The Team Leader – Places Team informed the
committee that some members may have played a part in previous discussions and
decisions in relation to the land in agenda item 5 – Land adjacent to Ysgol
Pendref, Denbigh. He stated those members needed to be satisfied that they
could approach that application with an open mind. Councillor Emrys Wynne declared a personal
interest in agenda item 6 - Land at (part
garden of) Llys Gwyn, Bryn Goodman, Ruthin as he knew some of the objectors to
the application. Councillor Julian
Thompson-Hill declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 5-
Land adjacent to Ysgol Pendref, Denbigh, as he was the Lead Member for Housing
and had initially proposed the land to be sold for housing. Councillor Brian
Jones requested further guidance regarding agenda item 5 – Land adjacent to
Ysgol Pendref, Denbigh as he had been on the Cabinet debate. Following guidance
from the Team Leader it was in his opinion he was able to make an informed
decision with an open mind. Councillor Brian
Jones declared a personal interest in agenda item 9 - Kynsal House, Vale Road,
Rhyl as he had previously been contacted by residents regarding concerns at the
site. Councillor Mark
Young confirmed that he had also been on the Cabinet debate regarding Agenda
item 5 – Land adjacent to Ysgol Pendref, Denbigh but was of the opinion he
would make a decision today with an open mind.
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent matters were raised. |
To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 9 February 2022 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the
Planning Committee held on 9 February 2022 were submitted. RESOLVED
that the minutes of
the meeting held on 9 February 2022 be approved as a correct record. Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies thanked the Clerks for making the
amendments to the previous minutes. |
received requiring determination by the Committee were submitted together with
associated documentation. Reference was also made to late supplementary
information (blue sheets) received since the publication of the agenda, which
contained additional information relating to those applications. In order to
accommodate public speaking requests, it was agreed to vary the agenda order of
applications accordingly. Additional documents: |
APPLICATION NO. 01/2021/0950/ PF - LAND ADJACENT TO YSGOL PENDREF, GWAENYNOG ROAD, DENBIGH To consider an application for the erection of 110 dwellings, construction of a new vehicular access, landscaping and associated works at Land Adjacent Ysgol Pendref, Gwaenynog Road, Denbigh (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application for
the erection of 110 dwellings, construction of a new vehicular access,
landscaping and associated works at land adjacent to Ysgol Pendref, Gwaenynog
Road, Denbigh. Councillor Julian
Thompson-Hill left the meeting for the duration of this agenda item as he had
declared a personal and prejudicial interest. Public Speakers
– Helga Viswanathan (Against) informed the committee that
the field was part of a working farm. Welsh Government agricultural land
classification map illustrated the field to be grade 3a considered best and
most versatile land. Planning Policy Wales stated that such land was a finite
resource and should be conserved for the future and should only be developed
upon if there was an overriding need. It was stressed developing the field for
a further 110 houses could not be considered as an overriding need when 550
plus houses had been agreed in Denbigh alone, which was a large proportion of
the recommended total for the whole county. The climate emergency, Brexit and
war in Europe all bring uncertainties of food supplies from oversees therefore
it was stressed the importance of conserving farm land. It was stated in 2019
Denbighshire County Council declared a climate emergency, the authority’s green
policy stated that all decisions had to be made with climate crisis and
environment in mind. Developing sites such as this proposal would release
tonnes of carbon stored deeply with the soil directly contributing to climate
change totally at odds to the declaration made be DCC. It was recently reported
that the UK only had 52% of its biodiversity left, destroying fields and
hedgerow added to its decline. The Environment Wales Act 2016 required that
public authorities must seek to maintain and enhance biodiversity, and in doing
so promote the resilience of ecosystems. It was stressed the measure set out in
the developer’s proposal of providing bird and bat boxes and the planting of
saplings would in no way mitigate the loss of the established wildlife habitat
and biodiversity on this 7-acre site. It was stated that
road safety would be affected as the entrance to the development would be
situated on a sharp bend that already had 2 junctions. It was felt that
neighbouring roads would struggle to cope with the additional road use. It was
thought the proposed 110 houses would equate to up to 300 extra vehicles. With
the combination of the agreed planning at the North Wales Hospital site, it
would potentially increase cars in Denbigh by over 1000 extra vehicles creating
the potential for added congestion in Lenton Pool. The extra traffic would lead
to an increase in noise and air pollution and would have a detrimental effect
on the health and well-being of existing residents and particularly the school
directly adjacent to the site. All planned developments combined would increase
the population of Denbigh by thousands and would put added strain on existing
doctors, dentists and other services who already have limited capacity whilst
job opportunities were also limited. The majority of houses planned for Denbigh
including the proposed development would all be in the same ward one of the
most deprived in Wales. It was also felt local residents in need of housing
would not benefit as the cost of the properties exceeded the affordability for
many residents. Further objections were stressed being the removal of hedgerow,
flood risk, loss of privacy, loss of amenity and the negative affect on the
Welsh Language. Mr Stuart Andrew (Agent) (For) confirmed he was the design and planning director of Castle Green homes. He confirmed the site was owned by Denbighshire County Council ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
At this point 11.20
am the meeting adjourned for a 10 minute break. The meeting
reconvened at 11.30 am. |
To consider
an application for the erection of 2 no. detached dwellings and associated
works at land (part garden of) Llys Gwyn Bryn Goodman,
Ruthin, LL15 1EL (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application for
the erection of 2 no. detached dwellings and associated works at land at (part
garden of) Llys Gwyn, Bryn Goodman, Ruthin. Public Speakers
– Mr
Robert Jones (Agent) (FOR), informed the committee he was a qualified
architect registered with the ARB and a member of the RIBA with over 16 years’
experience in the industry. He confirmed he had led the design development of
the application. He stated in 2021 an application was submitted to the LPA for
the erection of 2 residential properties to the rear of Llys Gwyn, Bryn Goodman
following a positive pre-application in2019. The proposal followed the approval
of two residential properties to the rear of Pennant in January 2020. He stated
this proposal which had also included a subsequent application for an
extension, was almost identical to the previous applications in respect of the
siting, layout, scale, design, character, materials and aspect. The application
presented had been prepared in line with the local planning policy and
supplementary guidance. The application had been supported by the LPA with the
recommendation to grant. It was stressed interfacing distances to neighbouring
properties had been exceeded to not affect the visual amenities of local
residents. Properties directly West to the site would be in excess of 32 metres,
significantly exceeding the minimum requirement identified in the SPG. This
condition was typical for 12 out of the 14 properties adjoining the trunk road
to the West of the site. At each of the locations the eastern most properties
would be elevated above the western following the local typography of the area.
The speaker noted officers were of the opinion that the scheme was acceptable
and would not result in unacceptable overlooking or overbearing impact of the
neighbouring properties. It was also noted that no objections had been received
from the internal consultation process. General Debate – Councillor Christine Marston informed
members that at the site visit, members reviewed the geography and topography
of the site, the impact on the surrounding neighbours and the access on to Bryn
Goodman. Attendees explored the site and were allowed access to a neighbour’s
property to ascertain any visual impact. Councillor Marston felt the site visit
was very beneficial to those in attendance. Councillor Peter Scott was also in
attendance at the site visit and concurred with Councillor Marston’s views. Councillor Emrys Wynne (Local Member) confirmed he was also at the site visit. He stated he felt it was important for members to view the site. He informed members that one question that arose at the visit had been in regard to the status of the supporting wall at the rear of the land. Councillor Wynne made reference to the planning permission granted to the neighbouring property stating a main difference being that development did not overlook into any neighbouring properties. Members at the site visit asked for confirmation on the accuracy of the property levels within the report. He informed members that a number of trees had already been removed from the area, prior to the application being presented to members. He confirmed the proposed new builds would be higher than existing properties and certainly would impact visually the neighbours. A number of windows would overlook nearby properties and affect the privacy of the neighbours. He raised concern that the skyline would be changed from trees to housing and would be less visually attractive. Councillor Wynne requested if members were in favour of the application that a condition be imposed to include fencing to ascertain a certain level of privacy. Councillor Emrys Wynne proposed to refuse the application against officer ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
APPLICATION NO. 45/2021/0516/ PF - KYNSAL HOUSE, VALE ROAD, RHYL, LL18 2PG To consider an application
for the change of use of land and
ancillary buildings to form residential Traveller site for 6 caravans, with the
existing dwelling Kynsal House retained for owners / managers accommodation;
including formation of internal pathways and parking, landscaping and
associated works at Kynsal House, Vale Road, Rhyl, LL18 2PG (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the change
of use of land and ancillary buildings to form residential Traveller site for 6
caravans, with existing dwelling Kynsal House retained for owners / managers
accommodation; including formation of internal pathways and parking,
landscaping and associated works at Kynsal House, Vale Road, Rhyl. Public Speaker – Mr Scott Drummond (Against) confirmed the concerns he
wished to put forward were regarding the site uses. He provided objections on
behalf of some residents local to the site including the proposed plan did not
offer suitable turning space for large vehicles. The plan was an over
intensification of the site. Access to and from the site from Vale Road is and
would be a danger to existing businesses and pedestrians. He stressed in his
opinion that the change of use of the land to form residential gypsy and
traveller site, in close proximity to existing residential properties would
give rise to the potential for increased activity on site. Which was in
conflict with the criteria within the Local Development Plan policy BSC10 which
required proposals for sites not to be detrimental to the amenity of occupiers
of adjacent properties. It was his opinion that the size and location of the
site proposed, the size of caravans proposed and including car parking and
nearby buildings would have an adverse impact on the health and wellbeing of
the occupants. The same considerations that would be expected to be considered
should an applicant submit an application for a building on the plot. He
informed members the application should be a retrospective application as two
static caravans had been on site since 2019, with no planning permission. He
also raised the removal of trees, shrubbery and hedges had taken place and a
dropped curb installed all without planning permission. Since 2019 when the
development was first established, no attempt to engage with the immediate
community had taken place, with any concerns or engagement by local residents
ignored or challenged by the occupants. He informed members some local
residents had experienced anti-social behaviour, including noise and light
pollution. It was felt that the many vehicles and noise produced at the site
were from business activities and not purely residential. General Debate –
The Chair informed members a site visit had taken place at the site on Friday 4th
March. Councillor Christine Marston had been in attendance at the site visit.
Councillor Marston concluded the visit had been to establish the setting and
character of the area, the proximity of the neighbours and the access at the
site and neighbouring properties. Councillor Pete Prendergast (Local Member) urged planning committee members to object to the planning application. He stated since 2019 all hedging and shrubbery had been removed and a drop curb installed to gain access to the site, two static caravans had been installed on the land and all done without any planning permission from the authority. He confirmed the vehicular access off Knowlsley Avenue had been blocked up by fencing but the dropped kerb remained. He informed the committee that to date all local businesses and residents had all been subject to anti-social behaviour and had raised concerns about light and noise pollution. Councillor Pete Prendergast proposed the application be refused against officer recommendations for the following reasons, the siting of six static caravans and the occupied house on the site would be over intensification of the site. The proposed layout of the site did not conform with model 2008 standards for adequate turning space to accommodate large vehicles such as ambulances and fire engines. Access to the site, via ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
application for the Erection of proposed
extension to provide annexe accommodation at Graianrhyd Farm House, Llanarmon
Yn Ial, Mold
(copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application for
the erection of proposed extension to provide annexe accommodation at
Graianrhyd Farm House, Llanarmon Yn Ial, Mold. The Chair referred
members to the additional information included in the supplementary papers. General Debate –
Councillor Martyn Holland
(Local Member) urged members to support the application. He explained the
application was to allow a family to accommodate older relatives. The original
application had been amended following planning officer’s guidance. The
proposal site did not overlook any other properties with no immediate
neighbours and was not located within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Proposal – Councillor Emrys Wynne proposed that the
application be granted in accordance with officer recommendations as set out in
the report, seconded by Councillor Christine Marston. VOTE: FOR – 15 AGAINST – 0 ABSTAIN – 0 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within their report. |
application for the alterations and
extension to existing outbuilding to form annex accommodation ancillary to
existing dwelling and associated works at 1
Llwyn Mesen, Meliden, Prestatyn (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for alterations
and extension to existing outbuilding to form annex accommodation ancillary to
existing dwelling and associated works at 1 Llwyn Mesen, Meliden, Prestatyn. The Chair explained the reason the
application had been presented to the committee was due to the applicant being
Councillor Peter Evans. Proposal – Councillor Merfyn Parry stated the
application presented was a straightforward application and proposed that the
application be granted in accordance with officer recommendations as set out in
the report, seconded by Councillor Bob Murray. VOTE: FOR – 15 AGAINST – 0 ABSTAIN – 0 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within their report. |
The Chair offered
thanks and best wishes on behalf of the committee to the Legal Officer – Tim
Dillon. He explained this was the last committee meeting that Tim would be
attending before leaving the authority. He wished him well in his new position
and thanked him for his work during his time working for Denbighshire County
report seeking members response to the statutory
pre-application consultation on the proposed HyNet
North West Carbon Dioxide Pipeline (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair introduced the Hynet
North West carbon dioxide pipeline- nationally significant infrastructure
project report (previously circulated). It was explained to members the report
was presented to committee for members agreement not to submit formal
observations in response to the pre-application consultation on behalf of
Denbighshire County Council. The Chair guided members through the reasons for
this recommendation. Councillor Brian Jones informed the
members he had involved in discussions regarding this project. He urged members
to monitor the process of the project. Councillor Mark Young proposed the
recommendation included in the report that; ‘Denbighshire County Council, as
neighbouring authority does not wish to make any observations on the proposed
carbon dioxide pipeline PEIR at this time, however the Council reserves the
right to comment on the proposal at application stage, and to make
representations on other component parts of the HyNet North West Project.’ This proposal was seconded by
Councillor Peter Scott. All members were in agreement with
the proposed recommendation. RESOLVED that the planning committee agree for the
wording detailed above, be approved as the response to the pre-application
The meeting concluded at 13.10 p.m. Additional documents: |