Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
Contact: Committee Administrator 01824 706715 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from
Councillors Chris Evans, Delyth Jones, Raj Metri, Arwel Roberts and Cheryl
Williams. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from
Councillors Chris Evans, Delyth Jones, Raj Metri, Arwel Roberts and Cheryl
Williams. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No items of an urgent nature had been raised
with the Chair prior to the commencement of the meeting. |
To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 4 September 2024 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee
meeting held on the 4 September 2024 were submitted. No matters relating to the accuracy of the
minutes were raised. Matters arising – North Wales Hospital – The Chair requested
an update regarding public engagement on a previous application: the North
Wales Hospital site. The Principal Planning Officer stated that the team had
been in close contact with the applicants and things were moving forward with a
Section 106. Once the Section 106 had been completed and finalised officers
would decide how to update the public and Members. RESOLVED: that
subject to the above, the minutes of the meeting held on the 4 September be
received and approved as a true and correct record of the proceedings. |
application for the variation of condition no. 2
of planning permission code no.
43/2023/0071 to vary the list of approved plans to include amendments to
housetypes and layout (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the
variation of condition no.2 of Planning Permission code no. 43/2023/0071 to
vary the list of approved plans to include amendments to housetypes
and layout. Public Speaker – Stuart
Andrew: Design and Planning Director: Castle Green (applicant) (for) - The site in question was allocated for
housing by Denbighshire County Council in its LDP in 2013. The allocation was
for 65 dwellings, however the scheme was only for 45 homes, which was
considered a suitable number for a site of this size. 10% of the dwellings
already approved to be built would be affordable in accordance with the
Council’s adopted Policy. Planning permission for the site was granted by the Committee late last
year, and this application was to make minor amendments to part of the site to
allow a surface water drainage scheme that would better comply with SuDs Standards. At the time of the previous application,
the applicant was unable to access the site fully to obtain some ground
investigation information which was required to finalise the surface water
drainage strategy for the site. That additional survey work was able to be
completed following the original granting of planning permission, and the
investigation done proved that the storage of surface water proposed would be
better done in a different place within the development boundaries. This had
then led to the second application for a material amendment to the original
planning permission, the main aim of which was to relocate the public open
space proposed, within which storage cells for surface water would be buried,
to better suit a final version of the surface water drainage design. The mix of housing proposed, amount of affordable housing and public
open space, and the financial contributions of over £155,000 offered as part of
the original scheme were all completely unchanged. The applicant was aware from the Planning Officer that at the time of thes Committees visit to the site last week, concerns were
raised over its current condition. It was stressed that the applicant did not
own the site at present, as the applicant required the aforementioned detailed
drainage strategy to be agreed prior to taking ownership. The applicant had no
part in the partial clearance of the site carried out over recent weeks,
although they were aware that this had been done by the former tenant farmer,
with the permission of the current landowner. The applicant shared the concerns over the state the site had currently
been left in, and if permission was granted, it had been arranged with the
landowner that a licence would immediately be put in place with them to allow
access the site, to properly secure and clear it in advance of the applicant
taking ownership of the land fully at the end of this month. Work to develop
the site would then commence as soon as possible thereafter. The material amendment to the original planning permission had of course
been subject to a full planning consultation, and all statutory consultees and
Council Officers involved had confirmed that they had no objections to the
approval of the scheme. It was therefore recommended by Planning Officers that
consent for this amendment to the original planning permission be granted. General Debate – The Principal Planning Officer clarified due to land ownership and access issues the applicant was unable to undertake the correct surveys to ensure that the drainage system worked. Now that access had been gained, the surveys had now been completed and the application related to the changes in the layout in the proposal. The key changes in the layout were on ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
APPLICATION NO. 02/2024/1010: OLD CHAPEL RHOS STREET RUTHIN To consider an application for the change of use of part of depot to café, installation of access ramp and
associated works (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An
application was submitted for the change of use of part of depot to café
installation of access ramp and associated works. Public Speaker – Catherine Howatson
(applicant) (for) – The application was to open a Coffee Shop based on a
similar working pattern of other high street brands, supplying a range of
quality coffee-based beverages and food. Food would be sourced and made locally
off site. The goal
was to create a safe and welcoming place for customers, especially the youth of
the surrounding schools. The building
was originally built to bring people together and it was the ambition of the
applicant to bring the building back in use for the enjoyment of the community.
It was
anticipated that many customers would be on foot however, there was a car park
to the side of the building and a public car park 40 metres away. The
business was to be family run and the opening hours would be 8am-5pm to
accommodate school children offering eat in and takeaway options. Local
member, Councillor Bobby Feeley welcomed the application and the Chapel being
brought back into use in the community. Local
member Huw Hilditch- Roberts also welcomed the building being brought back into
use and commented that it would be an asset and safe place for school children
in the area. Proposal – Councillor
Huw Hilditch-Roberts proposed that the application be GRANTED in accordance
with officer recommendations SECONDED by Councillor Terry Mendies. Vote – For – 16 Against
-0 Abstain –
0 RESOLVED: that the
application be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations. |
APPLICATION NO: 21/2021/1157: CAMP ALYN, TAFARN Y GELYN, LLANFERRES To consider an application for the erection of 4 no. timber framed holiday units and associated works (copy
attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An
application was submitted for the erection of 4 no. timber framed holiday units
and associated works. No
questions were raised by the Chair or members of the Planning Committee. Proposal – Councillor Huw
Hilditch-Robers proposed that the application be GRANTED in accordance with
officer recommendations SECONDED by Councillor Merfyn Parry. Vote – For – 16 Against –
0 Abstain
-0 RESOLVED: that the
application be GRANTED in accordance with Officer recommendations. |
APPLICATION NO: 41/2024/0115 THE WARREN, BODFARI, DENBIGH To consider an application for the erection of a rural dwelling, installation of a septic tank and associated works (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An
application was submitted for the erection of a rural dwelling, installation of
a septic tank and associated works. No
questions were raised by the Chair or members of the Planning Committee Proposal – Councillor
Terry Mendies proposed that the application was GRANTED in accordance with
officer recommendations, SECONDED by Councillor Andrea Tomlin. Vote – For – 16 Against –
0 Abstain –
0 RESOLVED: that the
application be GRANTED in accordance with Officer recommendations. |
APPLICATION NO: 46/2024/1200 GREEN GATES CWTTIR LANE, ST ASAPH To consider an application for the demolition of existing buildings, change of use of land from agricultural land to a new nature reserve and habitat creation comprising of the restoration of existing ponds, the creation of new ponds, the creation of a wetland area adjacent to two small watercourses and creation of woodland and grassland habitat areas, construction of a permissive pathway and engineering works to create a raised viewing area together with associated works (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: To
consider an application for the demolition of existing building, change of use
of land from agricultural land to a new nature reserve and habitat creation
comprising of the restoration of existing ponds, the creation of new ponds, the
creation of a wetland area adjacent to two small watercourses and creation of
woodland and grassland habitat areas, construction of a permissive pathway and
engineering works to create a raised viewing area together with associated
works. The
Principal Planning Officer, Sarah Stubbs explained that the site was allocated
in the LDP for employment use and the application was for the change of use of
land. The application was for the creation of a nature reserve and was
important for crested newts. No
questions were raised by the Chair or members of the Planning Committee. Proposal – Councillor
Gareth Sandilands proposed that the application be GRANTED in accordance with
officer recommendations SECONDED by Councillor James Elson. Vote – For – 16 Against –
0 Abstain –
0 RESOLVED: that
the application be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations. |
INFORMATION REPORT - Denbighshire County Council Local Development Plan 2006 – 2021, Annual Monitoring Report 2024 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: Members
were presented the information report, Denbighshire County Council Local
Development Plan 2006-2021: Annual Monitoring Report 2024. RESOLVED: that the
Planning Committee note the Denbighshire County Council Local Development Plan
2006-2021: Annual Monitoring Report 2024. Meeting concluded
at 10.20am |