Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
Contact: Committee Administrator 01824 706715 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: No apologies were received. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR To appoint a Chair of the Planning Committee for the 2022/2023 municipal year. Additional documents: Minutes: Nominations were
sought for the position of Chair of the Planning Committee for 2022/23. Councillor Gwyneth
Ellis proposed Councillor Mark Young be appointed as chair for the 2022/2023
municipal year, seconded by Councillor Merfyn Parry. Councillor Pete
Prendergast proposed Councillor Alan James be appointed for the position of
chair for the 2022/2023 municipal year, seconded by Councillor Brian Blakeley. Vote – Councillor Mark
Young – 10 Councillor Alan
James – 7 There was one
abstention. RESOLVED
that Councillor Mark Young be appointed Chair of the Planning Committee for the
ensuing year. |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIR To appoint a Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee for the 2022/2023 municipal year. Additional documents: Minutes: Nominations were
sought for the position of Vice-Chair of the Vice-Chair of the Planning
Committee for the 2022/2023 municipal year. Councillor Terry
Mendies proposed that Councillor Peter Scott be appointed Vice-Chair of the
Planning Committee for the 2022/2023 municipal year, seconded by James Elson. Councillor Win
Mullen-James proposed Councillor Alan James be appointed Vice-Chair of the
Planning Committee for the 2022/2023 municipal year, seconded by Councillor
Pete Prendergast/ Vote – Councillor Peter
Scott – 9 Councillor Alan
James – 8 There was one
abstention. RESOLVED that
Councillor Peter Scott be appointed Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee for
the ensuing year. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 20 April 2022 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the
Planning Committee held on 20 April 2021 were submitted. Matters arising – Councillor Merfyn
Parry raised that at the previous Planning Meeting, writing a letter to the trunk
road agency was discussed as their procedures could lead to delays with the
planning applications, and wondered why the matter was not being addressed in
the committee. In response, the Planning Officer responded that the issue was
agreed to be discussed once the new planning committee was in place; he agreed
to discuss the matter with Councillor Parry and formulate a letter. RESOLVED
that the minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2021 be approved as a correct
record. |
APPLICATION NO. 10/2021/0091 - DEIO UCHAF, BRYNEGLWYS, CORWEN To consider an application for Variation of condition no. 2 of planning permission code no. 10/2019/0443 to allow minor material amendments to the approved scheme at Land and Barn at Deio Uchaf, Bryneglwys, Corwen (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the Variation of condition no. 2 of planning permission code no.
10/2019/0443 to allow minor material amendments to the approved scheme. Public Speaker – Mr Craig Donellan
(For) thanked the committee for the opportunity to speak regarding the application.
The change of layout block of the stables needed to be done for health and
safety reasons. The stable was designed to accommodate the typography; however,
the new stable was the same size as the previously accepted application. Mr
Donellan stated that the gate into the land had been moved back 10 feet into
the site to allow easier access. However, highways had no concerns regarding
the original entrance way. The gates had no impact on drivers due to
visibility. The applicant had conformed to all the conditions on the
applications. There were no
buildings overlooking the site, and the pre-approved lighting was only on when
required. The applicant had been transparent through the process, responding to
complaints raised. General Debate – Councillor Huw
Hilditch-Roberts spoke on behalf of the local member Councillor Hugh Evans, who
could not be present. Councillor Hugh Evans felt that the application had
disregarded the dark skies policy, and there had been no regard to the tree
cutting policy either. He added that it would be beneficial to maintain
enforcement at the site. Responding to
queries from the committee, the planning officer (PO) indicated that personal
information regarding public opinion was kept private in this matter and was
not the standard procedure. However, in this case, it was deemed best to keep
the information confidential. Councillor Jon
Harland queried how many trees had been felled with the application; the PO
responded that no trees had been felled for the current application; however,
works had been carried out at the site previously. Councillor Huw
Hilditch-Roberts queried the wording within the highway report; the matter was
confusing; he sought clarity on whether highway officers thought the
application was acceptable or unacceptable from a highway point of view. The PO
responded, stating that highway officers deemed the application satisfactory. Proposal – Councillor Peter Scott proposed the application be granted in
accordance with officer recommendation, seconded by Councillor Merfyn Parry. Vote – Grant – 17 Abstain – 0 Refuse – 0 RESOLVED
that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations as
detailed within the report and supplementary papers |
APPLICATION NO. 43/2022/0051 - LAND ADJACENT TO ALEXANDRA DRIVE, PRESTATYN To consider an application for the details of Construction Method Statement & Highway Works submitted in
accordance with condition 4 and 5 of Planning Permission 43/2020/0521/PF at Land
Adjacent to Alexandra Drive, Prestatyn (copy
attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted
for the details of the Construction Method Statement, and Highway Works
submitted in accordance with conditions 4 and 5 of Planning Permission
43/2020/0521/PF at Land Adjacent to Alexandra Drive, Prestatyn. Public Speaker – Mr Stuart Andrews (for)
thanked the chair for the opportunity to speak. He spoke on the already
approved application. As was explained within the report, the discussion was
related to the proposed construction plan and highway work. The plan being put
to members had been agreed to be completely acceptable, including a
communication plan to be implemented, which would include writing to affected
Councillors ahead of any works, and with key elements of the project.
Communication with Councillor Gareth Sandilands had already taken place to
assist with implementing the communication plan. Mr Andrews
highlighted there were no objections from highway officers to the plan, the
approval of the report would allow 102 properties to be built in Prestatyn, and
these would be energy efficient. There would be various styles of houses to
enable all residents to benefit from the project. The scheme was an ample
provision of affordable housing in Denbighshire. General Debate – Councillor Gareth
Sandilands was supportive of the application; the applicant was very
forthcoming with communication; it would bring much-needed housing to
Denbighshire. The applicant was happy to hold meetings with the public to
discuss the matter further. Councillor Andrea
Tomlin highlighted concern regarding the route by which the goods would be
transported to the site, as it would be going through a residential area. There
was an alternative route which could be taken using a farm track. The planning
officer responded to the concerns by highlighting that the contractors could
use the route within the report as it was a public highway and could be used by
anyone. However, there were time slots for construction vehicles that would
mitigate residents' impacts. Proposed – Councillor Win Mullen-James proposed the application be granted in
accordance with officer recommendation, seconded by Councillor Peter Scott. VOTE – Grant – 15 Abstain – 1 Refuse – 1 RESOLVED
that permission be GRANTED in accordance
with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and supplementary
papers. |
APPLICATION NO. 44/2022/0130 - THE RISE, RHYL ROAD, RHUDDLAN, RHYL To consider an application for the erection of 4 no. dwellings together with access road and associated works
at Land at (Part garden of) The Rise, Rhyl Road Rhuddlan, Rhyl (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the erection of 4 no. dwellings together with access road and
associated works at Land at (Part garden of) The Rise Rhyl Road Rhuddlan Rhyl. Public Speaker – Roberts Jones (For)
– thanked the committee for allowing him to speak. The application followed the
refusal of an outline planning application by the committee in August 2021. Mr
Jones highlighted that the application in front of members today and the
outline application were identical in design and content; the outline
application was refused for two reasons which were impact on the surrounding
buildings alongside highway safety. Following the
refusal, an appeal was submitted, and in November 2021 the appeal was
dismissed. Mr Jones thought it was vital to draw reference to the planning
inspectorates’ findings after considering all the evidence before him,
concluding in favour of the appellant that there would be no detrimental
impacts on public amenities and highways. Ultimately the appeal failed. This
was due to triggers with open space contributions and affordable housing.
Therefore the reasons for refusal which were highlighted before were not
appropriate and would be unreasonable reasons for refusal. General Debate – Councillor Peter
Scott (on behalf of the local member Ann Davies) highlighted concerns with the
width of the entry road as it was not wide enough for emergency vehicles, and
there would be overdevelopment of the area. The planning officer highlighted
that the concerns raised by Councillor Davies were addressed within the report.
There would be a legal agreement for £55k for affordable housing and £5k for
open spaces, the application would not be released until the agreement was
signed. Proposal – Councillor Merfyn Parry proposed that the application be granted in
accordance with officer recommendations as set out in the report, seconded by
Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts. VOTE: FOR – 15 AGAINST – 0 ABSTAIN – 2 RESOLVED
that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within their report. |
APPLICATION NO. 15/2021/1028 - SALEM CHAPEL, ERYRYS, MOLD To consider an application for the conversion of chapel to
form a holiday let accommodation unit and associated works at Salem Chapel, Eryrys, Mold (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the conversion of the chapel to form a holiday let accommodation
unit and associated works at Salem Chapel, Eryrys, Mold. General Debate – Councillor Terry
Mendies (local member) was aware of Salem Chapel and thought that the proposed
application would be beneficial to Eryrys by bringing an unused tired building
back into use. The application would change the building into an asset for the
village, which would help the local economy by having footfall to the local
pub. Members queried
whether there could be an amendment made to the application in respect of
parking on the site. Officers clarified that the current use of the building
would allow multiple people to park at the location; the highway officers had
no concerns with the parking arrangements proposed with the application. Proposed – Councillor Terry Mendies proposed the application be granted in
accordance with officer recommendations, seconded by Merfyn Parry. VOTE – GRANT – 15 ABSTAIN – 0 REFUSE – 0 RESOLVED
that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and
supplementary papers |
APPLICATION NO. 16/2022/0335 - PLAS ISA MANOR, LLANBEDR DYFFRYN CLWYD, RUTHIN To consider an application Erection of extension to side of dwelling to form ground floor garage with bedroom above at Plas Isa Manor, Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd, Ruthin (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the erection of an extension to the side of the dwelling to form
a ground floor garage with a bedroom above at Plas
Isa Manor, Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd, Ruthin. At this juncture,
the Planning Officer introduced the Conservation officer, who would assist with
any queries relating to the application. Councillor Merfyn
Parry spoke on behalf of the local member, Councillor Huw Williams, who could
not be present; the local member agreed with the application, as were the
officers. Proposal – Councillor Merfyn Parry proposed the application be granted in
accordance with officer recommendation, seconded by Councillor Peter Scott. The conservation
officer clarified that officers recommended the application be granted as the
proposed application had good designs, and there were no detrimental impacts on
other residents. VOTE – Grant – 16 Abstain – 0 Refuse – 0 RESOLVED
that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and
supplementary papers. |
APPLICATION NO. 16/2022/0336 - PLAS ISA MANOR, LLANBEDR DYFFRYN CLWYD, RUTHIN To consider an application for the erection of extension to side of dwelling to form ground floor garage with
bedroom above (Listed Building Application) at Plas Isa Manor, Llanbedr Dyffryn
Clwyd, Ruthin (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the Erection of extension to side of dwelling to form ground
floor garage with bedroom above (Listed Building Application). The planning
officers clarified to the committee that the application was similar to the previous
application; however, they would need to be taken separately as this
application was a listed building application. Proposal Councillor Peter Scott proposed the application be granted in accordance
with officer recommendation, seconded by Councillor Merfyn Parry. VOTE – Grant – 16 Abstain – 0 Refuse – 0 RESOLVED
that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and
supplementary papers. |
APPLICATION NO. 45/2021/0738 - 7 LLYS WALSH, RHYL To consider an retrospective application for the change of
use of dwelling (Use Class C3) to form a house of multiple occupancy (Use Class
C4) for 4 people at 7 Llys Walsh, Rhyl (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: A retrospective
application was submitted for a change of use of dwelling (Use Class C3) to form a
house of multiple occupancy (HMO) (Use Class C4) for four people at 7 Llys Walsh Rhyl. At this juncture,
the chair and officers agreed to take the 7 Llys
Walsh Rhyl, 1 Lon Taylor Rhyl and 3 Lon Taylor Rhyl at once as all three
applications were all for the same change of use for the dwellings. Councillor Brian
Blakeley highlighted an error with the reports as it stated Councillor Cheryl
Williams and himself as the local members, which was incorrect. The local
members were Councillors Win Mullen-James and Michelle Walker. Councillor Win
Mullen-James (local member) raised concern with the applications and the use of
HMOs as it was against planning policy BSE 7. Planning officers interjected
that the application was for Class C4 of HMO, a smaller class of HMO and was
allowed within policy. Councillor Joan
Butterfield outlined concerns with the retrospective nature of the application.
It was also highlighted that the Council had tried avoiding using HMOs. There
were concerns with housing people in HMOs as it was classed as substandard
accommodation. There were also concerns raised as the health board did not have
any forward planning with housing for their staff hence the need for HMOs. Councillor
Butterfield was worried that a precedent would be set across the County by
allowing HMOs once again. Proposal - Councillor Gareth Sandilands proposed that the application be
granted in accordance with officer recommendations as set out in the report,
seconded by Councillor Win Mullen James. Councillor Brian
Blakeley, as the homeless champion in Rhyl, highlighted concerns with the
amount of homelessness issues people housed in hotels; it causes distress for
people in the Rhyl area. The planning
officer responded by informing the committee that Cartrefi
Conwy purchased the properties on the open market. These were not tied to
affordable housing, and there were no restrictions in place for the houses. If
the application were refused, it would not mean the houses would not be open
for people on the housing waiting list. He understood the concerns; there would
need to be arguments about the impacts, the condition on planning application
would only be for five years, and an assessment of the effect could be made at
the end of that period. Members queried
whether only health workers could use the houses. Officers stated that it would
be a condition on the application. Some committee
members highlighted that the health board were trying to house professionals
professionally. A question was asked whether a homeowner would also be able
rent some rooms. The planning officers stated it was something which could be
done, and if multiple rooms were rented, then it would become an HMO. The
planning officer reiterated how he understood the concerns raised by members;
however, highlighted that if the application was refused, nothing stopped Cartrefi Conwy from renting to three people; the
application before members gave the Council some control over the situation. Proposal – Councillor Brian Blakeley proposed the application be refused on the
grounds of loss of housing for residents, seconded by Councillor Andrea Tomlin. Councillor Gareth
Sandilands withdraw his original proposal of approval for the application. The housing was for
the workers for the health board and not for their family members, The vote was taken
on block for – Agenda item 13
Application No. 45/2021/0738/ Pc - 7 Llys Walsh, Rhyl Agenda item 14
Application No. 45/2021/0739/ Pc - 1 Lon Taylor, Rhyl Agenda item 15 Application No. 45/2021/0740/ Pc - 3 Lon Taylor, Rhyl ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
APPLICATION NO. 45/2021/0739 - 1 LON TAYLOR, RHYL To consider a retrospective application for the change of use of dwelling (Use Class C3) to form a house of multiple occupancy (Use Class C4) for 4 people at 1 Lon Taylor, Rhyl (copy attached) Additional documents: Minutes: A retrospective application was submitted for the change of
use of dwelling (Use Class C3) to form a house of multiple occupancy (Use Class
C4) for four people at 1 Lon Taylor Rhyl VOTE: FOR – 3 AGAINST – 11 ABSTAIN –2 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer Recommendations as detailed in the report,
including the conditions set out in the report |
APPLICATION NO. 45/2021/0740 - 3 LON TAYLOR, RHYL To consider a retrospective application for the change of use of dwelling (Use Class C3) to form a house of multiple occupancy (Use Class C4) for 4 people at 3 Lon Taylor, Rhyl (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: A retrospective application was submitted for the change of use
of dwelling (Use Class C3) to form a house of multiple occupancy (Use Class C4)
for four people at 3 Lon Taylor Rhyl. VOTE: FOR – 3 AGAINST – 11 ABSTAIN –2 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer Recommendations as detailed in the report, including
the conditions set out in the report |
To provide members with information regarding a recent planning appeal decision received from the Planning and Environment Decisions on behalf of the Welsh Ministers for two planning applications for development at Mindale Farm, Meliden (copy attached). Additional documents:
Minutes: The planning officer informed members that the item provided
members with information on a recent planning appeal decision received from the
Planning and Environment Decisions on behalf of the Welsh Ministers for two
planning applications for development at Mindale
Farm, Meliden. The matters had been to appeal, the applicant had lost
however there were costs against the Council. Members were informed that the
costs figures would be shared with members once they were known. RESOLVED that the
Planning Committee note the Planning Appeal Decisions – Mindale
Farm, Prestatyn. |