Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
Contact: Committee Administrator 01824 706715 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from
Councillors Gwyneth Ellis, Justine Evans, Merfyn Parry and Arwel Roberts. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Cheryl Williams declared a personal interest
in agenda item 6 as she was known to the applicant. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents:
Minutes: An application for a Tree Preservation Order
(TPO) had been received and had been circulated to members as a supplement. The
Chair stated that the item would be discussed at the end of the meeting. |
To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 9 October 2024 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee
meeting held on the 9 October 2024 were submitted. Matters of accuracy – Declarations of Interest paragraph – the
apologies text had been duplicated under the declarations of interest item. It
should read – ‘none’. Page 9 – Land at Midnant Farm Gronant
Road, Prestatyn should read ‘officers had given weight to the housing need in
Prestatyn following a previous site being accepted for dwellings outside the
LDP and not ‘the Chair stated that there was a residential housing need in the
area as the site had been accepted for dwelling outside the LDP’. No matters arising were raised. It was – RESOLVED: that
subject to the above, the minutes of the meeting held on the 9 October be received
and approved as a true and correct record of the proceedings. |
APPLICATION NO. 47/2023/0838 - EGLWYS MC, TREMEIRCHION To consider an application for the Conversion of chapel to form dwelling including the demolition and rebuilding of vestry building and erection of single storey extension, formation of vehicular access, parking area and associated works (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An
application was submitted for the conversion of chapel to form dwelling
including the demolition and rebuilding of vestry building and erection of
single storey extension, formation of vehicular access, parking area and
associated works. Public Speaker – Nigel Heckman (for) had submitted an application for the change of use of Tremeirchion
Chapel. Mr Heckman and his wife were long standing residents of Tremeirchion,
were not property developers and were wanting to create a residential property
for their own use. Currently
the property had a planning category of D1 use, which meant the applicant could
utilise the property as a day nursey or creche along with many other uses
without bringing an application to the Planning Committee. The applicant’s
submittal of change of use to a residential property would have a significant
decrease in the impact on highways and the environment. During
the past 12 months, since the application was submitted to the Planning
Department, many objections had been received. Meetings had been held with the
Highways Officer and the plans had been amended to accommodate Officer
recommendations. No objections had been received with regards to the visual
impact of the property from the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The drainage systems on the proposed plans
had been given the approval from Natural Resources Wales and previous plans had
been amended to the approval of the Ecology Officer and a license would be
obtained from Natural Resources Wales to protect the bats, birds and other
species. Objections
had been received regarding the property shading a neighbouring property. The
plans submitted met planning and building regulations, and the vestry gable
wall would be retained in addition to a 3ft roadside wall to offer further
protection to the neighbour. Taking
all the points raised above and the significant changes made to the planning
application over the past 12 months the applicant asked the Planning Committee
to vote in favour of the planning application. Public Speaker – Bethan Owens (against) Thanked the Committee for allowing her to
speak at the meeting against the planning application. Attention
was drawn to the application submitted on the 4 November 2023 and the
inaccuracies it contained. In the
Design and Access Statement from the 29 May 2024 some inaccuracies within the
location plan and the block plan stated that drainage would be via a new
domestic waste suage plant however, this information did not correspond to the
latest submitted information. It was understood that under Welsh Planning Law,
applications were considered invalid if they contained missing or inaccurate
information and were discounted until the accuracies were corrected. No Impact
Statement had been provided with regards to how the applicant would limit any
disruption to residents and road users during the clearance of construction
phases. There were strong objections to numerous points which formed part of
the material planning considerations. It was
unfortunate that there was no desire to retain the building for use as a
community hub. The application would overshadow and overlook Ty Capel with
total loss of amenity. The appearance, character and scale of the property were
not in keeping with the local area and it was a major overdevelopment of what
was a seemingly small site. The
Committee were urged to refuse the application due to the vast inaccuracies and
changes to the planning application. General debate – The Principal Planning Officer highlighted the additional information received in the late representations. In relation to questions raised about drainage, it was confirmed that the submitted site layout plan, when read in conjunction with the drainage plan showed the existing ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
APPLICATION NO. 45/2024/1019 - 1 WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL, LL18 1AY To consider an application for the change of use from shop (use class A1) to a hot food takeaway/restaurant (use class A3) and installation of new shop front (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An
application was submitted for the change of use from shop (use class A1) to a
hot food takeaway/ restaurant (use class A3) and installation of new shop
front. General debate – Councillor
Alan James understood that concerns had been raised regarding the highway in
front of the retail unit however, the building had been vacant for a long time
and would inevitability start to deteriorate. Retail and the use of highstreets
had changed over recent years and the application for the change of use was a
way of revitalising and bringing the property back into use. Councillor Alan
James proposed that the application be GRANTED in accordance with Officer
recommendations. Councillor
Gareth Sandilands stated that he was aware of the location of the retail unit
and had concerns about the busy highway and illegal parking causing limited
visibility to passing vehicles. It was also raised that there was an
intensification of takeaway outlets in the immediate area. Councillor
Ellie Chard further expressed her concerns regarding the highway and the
location of the property. The
Development Manager explained that parking was available around the town centre
and any illegal parking was a matter for the Police. The Planning Team had
received an increase in applications for the changes of the use of empty former
retail properties in town centres and there was a need for balance when
considering these applications. The Chair
referred to the concerns raised by the Health Board regarding the proliferation
of hot food usage and the impact on the wellbeing and health of a community.
The Development Manager stated that officers could not isolate the change of
use of this building having a significant negative impact that would justify
refusing the application. Councillor
Andrea Tomlin further raised concerns regarding the location and the highway
and stated that granting the application would further exacerbate the traffic
problems that existed already. Councillor
Huw Hilditch-Roberts questioned if an alternative use for the property under
its current A1 category use, for example a Chemist could be opened and there
would be no planning conditions for this. The Development Manager stated that
there were many retail options available under the current A1 category use and
Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts was correct in stating that no planning
conditions would be needed. This would raise the same concerns around vehicles
using the highway. Councillor
Terry Mendies stated that the Committee should not focus on the possible
concerns/ issues in the future. The application was for the change of use of a
property and that should be considered on its own merits. Councillor Terry
Mendies SECONDED that the application be Granted in accordance with Officer
recommendations. Vote – For – 6 Against –
8 Abstain –
to grant the planning application in accordance with the officer recommendations. Councillor
Andrea Tomlin PROPOSED that the application be refused due to highway safety
concerns. Councillor
Ellie Chard SECONDED that the application be refused and added a reason for
refusal due to the proliferation of A3 class uses potentially being damaging to
the health of the community. The Committee
took a vote on the reasons proposed for the refusal of the application. Vote – For – 3 Against –
9 Abstain –
Not to refuse the planning application for the two reasons put forward by
Councillor Andrea Tomlin and Councillor Ellie Chard. Councillor
Andrea Tomlin PROPOSED that the application be refused on the grounds of
highway safety concerns only based on the close proximity of the premises to a
busy road junction, SECONDED by Councillor Chris Evans. Vote – For – 11 Against ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
APPLICATION NO. 24/2023/0566 - LAND AT BRO FAIR, STATION ROAD, RHEWL To consider an application for the erection of stable, formation of hardstanding and access road, landscaping
and associated works (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An
application was submitted for the erection of stable, formation of hardstanding
and access road, landscaping and associated works. No questions
were raised by the Chair or members of the Planning Committee. Proposal – Councillor
Karen Edwards proposed that the application be GRANTED in accordance with
officer recommendations SECONDED by Councillor Delyth Jones. Vote – For – 15 Against –
0 Abstain –
0 RESOLVED: that the
application be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations. |
Principal Planning Officer explained to members that on the 15
May 2024 the Council had made a provisional Tree Preservation Order, named the
Denbighshire County Council (Town of Ruthin) Tree Preservation Order NO:
4(2024) Land between The Rectory and Brackendene, Llanbedr DC (TPO 4(2024)).
The Council’s Tree Officer had carried out an assessment of the tree and
submitted a request that the European Larch (Larix decidua) (T1) be covered by
a TPO as the tree meet the relevant criteria and warranted protection. The Tree
Officer submitted a completed Tree Evaluation Method for Preservation Orders
(TEMPO) which confirmed that the tree had habitat importance and was in
immediate threat from development. The Councils Tree Officer considered that
the value of the tree contributed to the character of the area which warranted
it being protected. By placing a TPO on the tree it highlighted to all
interested parties that it was protected and affords greater control over the
tree in the future. Councillor
Terry Mendies questioned if TPO 4(2024) would have an impact on the developer’s
plans for the area of land near the tree. The Principal Planning Officer stated
that TPO 4(2024) would not impede the Housing Development application
previously granted for the area of land. Proposal - Councillor
Alan James proposed that TPO 4(2024) be CONFIRMED in accordance with Officer
recommendations, SECONDED by Councillor Karen Edwards. Vote – For – 15 Against –
0 Abstain -
0 RESOLVED: that The
Denbighshire County Council (Town of Ruthin) Tree Preservation Order No:
4(2024) Land between The Rectory and Brackendene, Llanbedr DC is
CONFIRMED without modification to afford the single European Larch (Larix
decidua) (T1) continued protection in accordance with Officer recommendations. Meeting concluded at 11.20am |