Agenda and draft minutes
Contact: Committee Administrator 01824 706715 Email:
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No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies received
from Councillors Emrys Wynne, Julian Thompson-Hill and Gwyneth Kensler Councillor Merfyn
Parry, apologised to the chair for being late to the committee as he was suffering
from technical issues. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent matters. |
To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 13th January 2021 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 13 January
2021 were submitted. Matters of accuracy – Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies highlighted some translation errors within the minutes. He also raised how he felt that his points he raised at the previous meeting were not conveyed fairly within the minutes for application number 31/2020/0338 - Land Adjoining Marllwyn, Groesffordd Marli. He asked if the following points could be noted – (i) "Reference was made to the Local Development Plan attracting residents in to the Towns and killing Rural Villages." (ii) “A better opportunity and arrangement for rural locals to access affordable housing was called for in the New Local Development Plan” RESOLVED
that the minutes of
the meeting held on 13 January
2021 be received and confirmed
as a correct record. |
APPLICATION NO.02/2020/0811- 73A ERW GOCH, RUTHIN To consider an application for the erection of a detached dwelling, construction of a new vehicular access and associated works at Land at (Part Garden of) 73A Erw Goch, Ruthin, LL15 1RS (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the
erection of a detached dwelling, construction of a new vehicular access and
associated works at 73A Erw Goch, Ruthin. Officers informed members of the late representation
within the blue sheets. Having regard to the Tree Consultant’s comments the
applicant’s agent had requested more time to deal with the issues raised.
Therefore, Officers requested the
application be deferred to allow the applicants to address the issue of
impact on trees more adequately Proposal – Councillor Merfyn Parry proposed
the application be deferred for the reasons explained by the Planning Officer
above, seconded by Councillor Alan James. Vote – For – 13 Abstain – 0 Against – 1 RESOLVED that the application for Land at rear of 73A
Erw Goch, Ruthin be deferred to a future meeting. |
APPLICATION NO. 02/2020/0989 - FORMER WYNNSTAY STORES, PARK ROAD, RUTHIN To consider an application for the variation of condition no. 7 of planning permission code no. 02/2020/0251 to allow the use of noise generating machinery between 0800 - 17.30 Monday to Friday and 08.00 - 12.30 on Saturdays at Former Wynnstay Stores, Park Road, Ruthin (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the
variation of condition number 7 of planning permission code no. 02/2020/0251 to
allow the use of noise generating machinery between 0800 - 17.30 Monday to
Friday and 08.00 - 12.30 on Saturdays at the Former Wynnstay Stores, Park Road,
Ruthin. Public Speakers – Gail Banks (Against) – The public speaker outlined the reasons for
her objection to the application for the removal of condition 7 which included
the following reasons:
Mike Hall (For) – The public speaker
for the application outlined the applicant’s business history and employment
opportunities. The operations within the yard were summarised. The speaker advised
that the yard did not have fixed plant or machinery and was not used for
manufacturing. Noise was made from moving materials/plant around the storage
yard, unloading/loading materials, the occasional use of hand tools for cutting
materials and/or preparing materials for site, and the recycling of materials
to reduce waste and environmental impact. The Committee was advised that the
noise made was minimal and infrequent, and nothing that would be deemed
excessive or unreasonable for any business on this site. He reported that both
the Planning Office and the Public Protection Office had been to the site and
thought the level and timing of the noise was reasonable. It was reported
that the site has been a commercial site for over 50 years, with all previous
businesses making considerably more noise than now. The speaker outlined the
previous operations undertaken on the site and how the site had been left empty
for two years. During that period, there had of course been no noise generated
and nearby residents may have become accustomed to that position. The speaker acknowledged that on taking over the site there had been an initial few months of greater levels of noise as the site was being prepared but that the company had worked with the local authority in order to minimise noise and the impact on ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
APPLICATION NO. 03/2020/0909 - LAND PART GARDEN OF 15 MAES BACHE, LLANGOLLEN To consider an application for the erection of 1 no.
dwelling, construction of a new vehicular access and associated works at Land at (Part of garden) 15 Maes Bache, Llangollen (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the
erection of 1 no. dwelling, construction of a new vehicular access and
associated works at land part garden of 15 Maes Bache, Llangollen. Having regard to the late representation
from Natural Resources Wales, officers requested that the application be
deferred to allow the applicants to address the issue of impact on the River
Dee Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Proposal – Councillor Melvyn Mile proposed the
application be deferred given the late representations from Natural Resources
Wales and for the applicant to address the issue of impact in respect of SAC,
seconded by Councillor Alan James. Vote – For – 16 Abstain – 0 Against – 0 RESOLVED that the application for land
part garden of 15 Maes Bache, Llangollen be
deferred to a future meeting. |
APPLICATION NO. 43/2020/0907 - BRIGADOON, 2 TALTON COURT, PRESTATYN To consider an application for the proposed erection of
first floor extension and associated works at Brigadoon
2, Talton Court, Prestatyn, LL19 9HF (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the erection of a first floor extension and associated works at
Brigadoon 2, Talton Court, Prestatyn,
LL19 9HF (previously circulated). Public Speaker – Susan Brown (For) – The public speaker
in favour of the application reported on her family’s connections with the area.
She reported that her family’s need for home working and currently home
schooling underlined some of the reasons for the application. The speaker advised
that the applicants had worked closely with the planning officer on the
application and the scheme has been carefully designed to make the most of the
positioning of the existing house. In respects of
concerns over the street scene she reported that there were a large number of
nearby properties in Prestatyn which had already
undergone similar developments and would have a similar visual impact, which
had been granted planning permission. The speaker outlined the neighbours’
support and objections to the proposal, with objections having been raised that
related to being overlooked. The committee was advised of the measures taken by
the applicants to amend the proposals to mitigate concerns of being overlooked. General Discussion
– Councillor Tina Jones spoke on behalf of
Julian Thompson-Hill (local Member) who was unable to attend the meeting. She
reported that Councillor Thompson-Hill thought an element of overlooking was
common due to the topography of Prestatyn. However,
the development would increase the prospect of being overlooked from Talton Court to the properties below, and would impact on
the visual amenities of those residents. Councillor Jones reported that had
Councillor Thompson-Hill been present he would likely have proposed the
application be refused. Councillor Paul Penlington reported that he
knew the area well and understood the building was on a hill and overlooked
other properties. However, he understood that the only objections were from
properties 50 metres away. Proposal
– Councillor Paul
Penlington proposed the application be granted in accordance with officer
recommendations, seconded by Councillor Peter Evans. Vote – For – 16 Abstain – 0 Against – 0 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and
supplementary papers. |
APPLICATION NO. 45/2020/0897 - LAND AT REAR OF 2 ELM GROVE, RHYL To consider an application for the erection of 1 no. dwelling, detached garage, means of access and
associated works at Land at rear of 2, Elm Grove, Rhyl LL18 3PE (copy attached) Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the erection of one dwelling, a detached garage, means of access
and associated works at land to the rear of 2 Elm Grove Rhyl LL18 3PE. Public Speakers – Gordon Milton (Against) – The public speaker
against the application advised members of his family’s connection to the area
and their medically-proven need to avoid disruption and anxiety which they
anticipated would be inevitable should the application be granted. Indeed, the
speaker advised that the prospect of the development had itself caused the
family significant problems. The speaker also
advised members of the practical problems associated with the application which
included negative impacts on flooding and sewers, privacy, use of the family
garden and the loss of light. Jared Hughes (For) – The public speaker
for the application reported that the applicants had worked with the planning
officer to address the concerns raised by the objectors, as far as was
reasonably practicable. In particular, the application had been designed to
meet the local authority’s requirements in respect of wildlife and
biodiversity; reasonable distances between properties and the prevention of
loss of privacy through the design of windows. The speaker
informed members that outline permission had been granted on the site and that
formed the basis for this application. If granted, the development would be the
family home. General Discussion
- Councillor Tony Thomas (local member)
reported that this proposal was to erect a dwelling on a site with an existing
planning permission. He commented that there were no objections from highway
officers and there was adequate distance from the existing buildings.
Councillor Thomas also advised that the proposed development was in line with
the corporate plan aim to provide homes for young families. Proposal – Councillor Christine Marston proposed the application be granted in
accordance with officer recommendations, seconded by Councillor Peter Scott. Vote – For – 15 Abstain – 1 Against – 0 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and
supplementary papers. |
APPLICATION NO. 03/2020/0472 - PENGWERN HALL, LLANGOLLEN To consider an application for the construction of a slurry
lagoon and associated works at Pengwern Hall, Pengwern,
Llangollen, LL20 8AW (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the construction of a slurry lagoon and associated works at Pengwern Hall, Llangollen. General Discussion
– Councillor Melvyn Mile (local member)
reported that the town council wanted to raise awareness of how close the
development was to two schools and to residential properties. He advised that
there had been no objections from any external bodies and he would support the
application as long as appropriate conditions were in place. Proposal
- Councillor Melvyn Mile
proposed the application be granted in accordance with officer recommendations,
seconded by Councillor Alan James. Vote – For – 15 Abstain – 1 Against – 0 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and
supplementary papers. |
APPLICATION NO. 10/2020/0642- LAND AT BROOKLYN, BRYNEGLWYS, CORWEN To consider an application for the Variation of Conditions 2 and 3 of outline planning permission
10/2017/0330 to allow extension of time for submission of reserved matters and
date of commencement of development at Land at Brooklyn, Bryneglwys, Corwen (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the
variation of conditions 2 and 3 of outline planning permission 10/2017/0330 to
allow an extension of time for the submission of reserved matters and the date
of commencement of development at Brooklyn, Bryneglwys,
Corwen. Having regard to the late representation from
Natural Resources Wales, Officers request the application be deferred to allow
the applicants to address the issue of impact of the development on the River
Dee Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Proposal Councillor Brian Jones proposed a
deferral given the late representation from Natural Resources Wales and for the
applicants to address the issue of impact of the development in respect of SAC,
seconded by Councillor Bob Murray. Vote – For – 16 Abstain – 0 Against – 0 RESOLVED that the application for Land
at Brooklyn, Bryneglwys, Corwen
be deferred to a future meeting |
APPLICATION NO. 42/2020/0903 - LAND ADJACENT TO CARTREFLE, FFORDD FFYNNON, DYSERTH, RHYL To consider an application for the development of 0.12ha of land by the erection of 2 no. detached dwelling (outline application - all matters reserved) at Land Adjacent to Cartrefle, Ffordd Ffynnon, Dyserth, Rhyl, LL18 6HH (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the development
of 0.12 hectares of land by the erection of 2 detached dwellings (outline
application - all matters reserved) at land adjacent to Cartrefle,
Ffordd Ffynnon, Dyserth, Rhyl. General
Debate – The chair
informed the committee that the local member Councillor David Williams could
not attend the meeting. However, he had sent a statement outlining that he had
assessed the objections raised to the application and was content for the
committee to determine the application on the information contained within the
report. Had he attended, Councillor Williams would have a declared a personal
interest as he had a property in the vicinity of the application site. Proposal – Councillor Bob Murray proposed the
application be granted in accordance with officer recommendation, seconded by
Councillor Merfyn Parry. Vote – For – 16 Abstain – 0 Against – 0 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in
accordance with officer recommendations as detailed within the report and
supplementary papers. |
APPLICATION NO. 47/2020/0271 - LAND PART GARDEN OF GLANRAFON, RHUALLT, ST ASAPH To consider an application for the Erection of one dwelling, formation of a new vehicular access, installation of a septic tank and associated works at Land at (part garden of) Glanrafon, Rhuallt, St Asaph, LL17 0TD (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the erection of one dwelling, formation of a new vehicular
access, installation of a septic tank and associated works on land at (part
garden of) Glanrafon Rhuallt
St Asaph. General Discussion
– Councillor
Christine Marston (local member) informed the committee that Glanrafon was a three story grade 2 listed building, and
the application was for development in the garden. The application was being
discussed due to concerns raised by the Tremeirchion,
Cwm, and Waen Community Councils on the impact it
would have on Glanrafon and highway safety. Members were advised
that there had been applications proposed for two affordable dwellings at the
site in May 2013. Those had been withdrawn due to several reservations raised
by the conservation officer whilst highway officers also has concerns about the
impact on the highways and visibility. Members were informed that the proposed
development would have an overbearing impact on Glanrafon
because although the proposed development had only two stories, the ridge
height would be higher than Glanarfon. Proposal Councillor Christine Marston proposed the
application be refused contrary to officer recommendations in line with
Technical Advice Notes 14 and 18 and given concerns about the impact on listed
building and highways safety, seconded by Councillor Peter Scott. Councillor Ann Davies felt strongly that
listed buildings should be protected, and queried whether CADW had made any
comments with the application. Officers advised that CADW would not normally
comment on a planning application at this stage but the Council’s Conservation
officer had felt the development was acceptable. Proposal
Councillor Paul Penlington
proposed the application be granted in accordance with officer recommendations,
seconded Councillor Alan James. Alongside the proposal it was suggested that
harmonising the floor levels between the listed building and the new
development could be beneficial. Vote – For – 4 Abstain – 0 Against – 12 RESOLVED that permission be REFUSED contrary
to officer recommendations as detailed within the report. |
APPLICATION NO. 47/2020/0272 - LAND PART GARDEN OF GLANRAFON, RHUALLT, ST ASAPH To consider an application for the Removal of part of wall
to form access (Listed Building Application) at Land
at (part garden of) Glanrafon, Rhuallt, St
Asaph (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was
submitted for the removal of part of a wall to form access (Listed Building
Application) at land that formed part of the garden of Glanrafon,
Rhuallt, St Asaph Proposal Councillor Christine Marston proposed the application be refused as it impacted on the visual amenities of the
listed building, seconded by Councillor Peter Scott. Vote – For – 4 Abstain – 0 Against – 10 RESOLVED that permission be REFUSED contrary
to officer recommendations as detailed within the report. |