Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: by video conference
Contact: Committee Administrator 01824 706715 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Merfyn Parry declared a personal and prejudicial
interest in agenda item 6 – Land Opposite Bryntirion Cottage, Bodfari because
he owned the site and had submitted the application. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 10 February 2021 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The
minutes of the Planning Committee held on 10 February 2021 were submitted. RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 10 February 2020 be approved as a correct record. |
APPLICATIONS FOR PERMISSION FOR DEVELOPMENT (ITEMS 5 - 8) - Applications received requiring determination by the
committee were submitted together
with associated documentation. Reference
was also made to late supplementary information (blue sheets) received since
publication of the agenda which contained additional information relating to
those applications. In order to accommodate public speaking requests it was
agreed to vary the agenda order of applications accordingly. Additional documents: |
APPLICATION NO. 03/2020/0909/PF - LAND AT (PART OF GARDEN) 15 MAES BACHE, LLANGOLLEN PDF 6 KB To consider an application for the erection of 1 no. dwelling, construction of a new vehicular access and
associated works at land at (part of garden) 15 Maes Bache, Llangollen (copy
attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the erection of 1 no.
dwelling, construction of a new vehicular access and associated works at land
at (part of garden) 15 Maes Bache, Llangollen.
[The application had been deferred from the last meeting] Public Speaker – Bob Dewey (agent) (For) – advised the application met all standard requirements and
was not a tandem/backland development but had its own independent access and
highway frontage. He disputed that a
precedent would be set citing previous planning consents for housing
development on the same hillside which had been acceptable in AONB terms, and
referred to reliance on an outdated planning appeal decision as
inappropriate. The dwelling was small
and well designed specifically tailored to the topography of the site and would
not harm the beauty of the area.
Llangollen Town Council and CADW had no objections with CADW confirming
the proposal would not impact on the World Heritage Site. Concerns regarding privacy, lightspill and
noise were also dismissed with neighbours supportive of the proposal. General Debate – Councillor Melvyn Mile (Local Member)
described the application site and its surroundings from various vantage points
in the area. He referred to the siting
of the concrete reservoir and high density housing development and impact on
the landscape with no concerns raised in terms of the AONB. The proposed development would hardly be
visible with its roofline below the rear fence of the property and trees behind
it. He disagreed with the AONB Joint
Committee’s view and officer opinion that the proposal did not respect the character
of development in the immediate vicinity or openness of the area. Having visited the application site and with
regard to the scale and design of the proposal, Councillor Mile did not
consider potential overlooking to be a concern, it had not been an issue at the
planning appeal in 2007, and the trees and shrubbery (which had not been shown
on the illustrations) obscured the premises.
He also did not consider lightspill to be an issue given the size of the
dwelling with two other properties above it which stood further out. At the appeal in 2007 the Planning Inspector
raised concern over the rural lane access which had changed since then
following other developments. Finally he
highlighted the disparity between the views of the AONB JC, NRW and CADW in
terms of the impact on visual amenity on the same application. The Chair had received an email from Councillor
Graham Timms (Local Member) who had been unable to attend the meeting. Councillor Timms disagreed with officer
opinion that the development would cause unacceptable harm to the character and
appearance of the landscape, believing the effect would not be noticed as it
would fall naturally within the visual boundary created by Maes Bache. He also referred to the large number of
houses nearby and supported the use of the land within the development boundary
of Llangollen. Councillor Timms believed
that using appropriate land within the boundary to benefit residents’ access to
services and shops in the town centre was preferable to using the surrounding
green spaces to support housing demands. Councillor Mark Young sought clarity with
regard to the development boundary in relation to the application site and the
position of properties above that site which had been granted planning
permission despite having a greater visual impact. Councillor Brian Jones considered that
Councillor Mile had made a compelling case to grant the application based on
his local knowledge of the area. The Planning Officer responded to the issues
raised during debate as follows – · confirmed that the application site was located within the ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
APPLICATION NO. 22/2020/1022/PF - LAND ADJACENT TO BRYN TEG, GELLIFOR, RUTHIN PDF 6 KB To consider an application for the erection of 2 no. dwellings, construction of a new vehicular access
and associated works (resubmission) at land adjacent to Bryn Teg, Gellifor,
Ruthin (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the erection of 2 no.
dwellings, construction of a new vehicular access and associated works
(resubmission) at land adjacent to Bryn Teg, Gellifor, Ruthin. Public Speaker – Robert Jones (agent) (For) – provided some background to the resubmission of the
application which was subsequently being revised when the original application
was determined and the refusal notice issued.
Referred to the reasons for refusal based on scale, design, form,
massing and material and provided an overview of how those concerns had since
been addressed and the work undertaken in that regard. General Debate – The Chair drew members’ attention to the
additional information on the supplementary papers (blue sheets) and officer
recommendation for an additional condition (no.10) in the interest of
residential amenity. Proposal – Councillor Merfyn Parry proposed the officer
recommendation to grant the application, seconded by Councillor Ann Davies. VOTE: GRANT – 20 REFUSE – 0 ABSTAIN – 0 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations as detailed
within the report and supplementary papers. |
APPLICATION NO. 28/2020/1024/PF - MOUNT VIEW, BRYN Y GARN ROAD, HENLLAN, DENBIGH PDF 6 KB To consider an application for demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling, detached garage, amendments to existing access, landscaping and associated works at Mount View, Bryn y Garn Road, Henllan, Denbigh (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for demolition of an existing
dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling, detached garage, amendments to
existing access, landscaping and associated works at Mount View, Bryn y Garn
Road, Henllan. Public Speakers – Mrs Pritchard (Against) – objected to the proposed development in terms of its
size and scale being significantly larger than the current dwelling which would
have an adverse impact on neighbouring property and street scene. Argued that
the proposed dwelling would be overbearing and its protrusion would cause an
unsightly view, casting shadows and restricting light on her adjacent
bungalow. It also compromised the local
green agenda and there was potential contamination from landfill. Raised concerns over noise, dust, vibration,
disturbance etc. arising from the development and possibility the property was
built on rock further exacerbating those issues and potential damage. Mr Arwyn Jones (For) – explained his family
circumstances and reasoning behind the application to provide a home large
enough for his family within the locality.
There was no intention to cause upset and he reported upon the hard work
to minimise concerns and compromises made in that regard such as moving windows
to respect privacy and lowering the house.
The property was not excessive and was in character with the existing
property and the current footprint would not increase dramatically. All concerns raised by Henllan
Community Council had been resolved and all necessary requirements satisfied to
build the family home. General Debate – Members
carefully considered the report together with the cases put forward by the two
speakers on this application and sought further clarification on a number of
issues raised, in particular with regard to the ground conditions including
potential contamination and land composition which might affect the development
together with residential amenity concerns such as overbearing, overshadowing
and loss of light. Councillor Merfyn
Parry noted the actions of the applicant to address the issues raised and being
familiar with the location he considered it unlikely that there would be
contamination from the former landfill site.
He proposed that the application be granted, seconded by Councillor
Peter Evans. The
Development Control Manager responded to questions/comments as follows – ·
clarified that there was an
existing property on the site which was in the development boundary and the
application was for a replacement dwelling ·
relevant building regulations
would need to be followed to carry out the development and checks made on
ground conditions as part of that process ·
an additional condition had
been proposed (detailed in the supplementary papers) requiring a Construction
Method Statement outlining how the development would proceed which would help
address some of the concerns raised around the control of noise, dust and
disturbance etc. during construction ·
an additional condition
(detailed in the supplementary papers) had also been proposed to ensure the
risks associated with previously unsuspected contamination at the site were
dealt with as appropriate ·
officers did not consider the
proposals would have an unacceptable impact on visual or residential amenity
and all other relevant planning considerations were being addressed and
relevant planning conditions imposed where necessary ·
the proposal needed to be
assessed as it was submitted and it would not be possible to impose a condition
to move the dwelling to set it back in line with the adjacent bungalow as a
means of addressing concerns in terms of overbearing ·
reiterated that officers had
assessed the impact on neighbouring properties of the
dwelling in relation to light, including reference to the 45 degree guide as
detailed in the Residential Development Supplementary Planning Guidance, and
did not consider there to be a negative impact · confirmed that the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
APPLICATION NO. 18/2020/1050/PF - LAND OPPOSITE BRYNTIRION COTTAGE, BODFARI, DENBIGH PDF 6 KB To consider an application for the construction of a new vehicular access and erection of a replacement shed at
land opposite Bryntirion Cottage, Bodfari, Denbigh (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for construction of a new
vehicular access and erection of a replacement shed at land opposite Bryntirion
Cottage, Bodfari. The application had been submitted by a County Councillor
(Councillor Merfyn Parry) and therefore required determination by the
committee. The officer recommendation
was to grant the application. Proposal – Councillor Gwyneth Kensler proposed the
officer recommendation to grant the application, seconded by Councillor Ann
Davies. VOTE: GRANT – 19 REFUSE – 0 ABSTAIN – 0 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED in accordance with officer recommendations as detailed
within the report. The meeting concluded at 10.50 a.m. |