Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: the Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin
Contact: Committee Administrator 01824 706715 Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Additional documents: |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 59 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts declared a personal interest in item 5 Councillor Huw Williams declared a personal interest in item 6 |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 18 February, 2015 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday 18 February, 2015, were submitted. Councillor Cheryl Williams stated her apologies were not included in the minutes for the meeting. Councillor Paul Penlington stated that Planning Committee did not agree to adopt the Ty Nant Development Brief (Item 12) but agreed for the consultation to commence. RESOLVED that subject to the above, the minutes of the meeting held on 18 February,
2015, be approved as a correct record. |
APPLICATIONS FOR PERMISSION FOR DEVELOPMENT (ITEMS 5 - 8) Applications received requiring determination by the Committee were submitted together with associated documentation. Reference was also made to late supplementary information (blue sheets) received since publication of the agenda which related to particular applications. In order to accommodate public speaking requests, it was agreed to vary the agenda order of applications accordingly. Additional documents: |
To consider an application for Redevelopment of former
hospital site by way of demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6
social housing units with associated access and parking provision; and
development of ancillary car park opposite by the erection of 6 social housing
units with associated access and parking provision at Llangollen Community
Hospital and Car Park, Abbey Road, Llangollen (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the redevelopment of former hospital site by way of demolition of existing buildings and erection of 6 social housing units with associated access and parking provision; and development of ancillary car park opposite by the erection of 6 social housing units with associated access and parking provision at Llangollen Community Hospital and Car Park, Abbey Road, Llangollen. Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts declared a personal interest. Public Speakers – Mr Martin Crumpton (Against) had been unable to attend the Planning Committee meeting due to ill health but had forwarded a statement which the Principal Solicitor – Planning and Highways (PS-P&H), read to the Committee. The statement set out the reasons why Mr Crumpton was against the prospective re-development of the hospital and car park site. Mr Bryn Davies (For) – gave a brief background together with reasons why he was in favour of the application. Mr Davies explained he represented Grwys Cynefin who would be working in partnership with Denbighshire County Council and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) for the re-development of the hospital and car park site, if the application was granted. Ward Member, Councillor Stuart Davies, confirmed as the hospital had been closed by BCUHB, he would be in favour of the re-development of the site to provide affordable housing for the local people of Llangollen. Ward Member, Councillor Rhys Hughes, explained he would be in favour of the re-development of the hospital site but would be against the development of the car park. General Debate – the Principal Planning Officer (PPO)
clarified to members that Highway Officers had requested additional conditions
to be included if the application were to be granted. In response to
issues raised, there was a detailed debate. It was confirmed by the PPO
that even though the application submitted involved two separate parcels of
land, it could be accepted as one application. It had been the applicants choice to submit the application in that
manner. It was clarified that if the application were to be refused on
one element then the whole application would fall. It was acknowledged that parking
was an issue in Llangollen but the car park concerned had been for use by the
visitors to the hospital. The materials for the development could be
agreed through conditions on any permission.
PS-P&H confirmed that the correct ownership certificate had been
submitted by the applicants. Proposal – Councillor Stuart Davies proposed granting the application as the re-development would meet the needs of the young people of Llangollen. Seconded by Councillor Bob Murray. Proposal - Councillor Rhys Hughes proposed refusing the application (against officer recommendation) as the development of the car park site would cause additional parking problems in Llangollen. Seconded by Councillor Alice Jones. VOTE: GRANT - 19 ABSTAIN - 1 REFUSE - 5 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED
for the redevelopment of former hospital site by way of demolition of existing
buildings and erection of 6 social housing units with associated access and
parking provision; and development of ancillary car park opposite by the
erection of 6 social housing units and associated access and parking provision.
Additional highway conditions to be imposed on the granting of the
application at Llangollen Community Hospital and Car Park, Abbey Road,
Llangollen. |
APPLICATION NO. 10/2014/1168/PFT - HAFOTTY WEN, CORWEN PDF 6 KB To consider an application for Erection of a single wind turbine of up to 250kw output, maximum blade tip
height 48m, and associated development comprising construction of access track,
hardstanding, borrow pit, grid connection and switchroom at Hafotty Wen, Corwen
(copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the erection of a single wind turbine of up to 250kw output, maximum blade tip height 48m, and associated development comprising construction of access track, hardstanding, borrow pit, grid connection and switchroom at Hafotty Wen, Corwen. Councillor Huw Williams declared a personal interest. Public Speaker – Mr John Brookes (Against) – gave reasons why he was against the application and expressed concerns regarding noise due to the scale of the blades. Also, the turbine, if installed, would be the first one of its type in the country. The impact on the neighbouring properties due to the scale of the proposal was a major concern. Mrs Sian Wynne Jones (For) – gave reasons for the granting of the application. Mrs Wynne Jones also explained she had lived in the area all her life and would be securing a future for her family and children to live a proper Welsh family life. At this juncture, the Development Manager referred members to the blue sheet which showed additional support from Arwel Rhys Davies to make 3 representations and not 2. General Debate - the fact the distance of the turbine would be less than the guideline set by the Welsh Government was raised. The guideline was 500m and the application was 480m. The Development Manager confirmed he had not been aware of any previous applications being granted which had been less than 500m. The noise output of the turbine, yet to be used in this country, would be monitored when installed and a condition relating to future noise monitoring would be included, if the application were to be granted. The reasons for the officer recommendation to refuse had been due to the impact on the landscape. Proposed - Councillor Stuart Davies proposed to grant the application (against officer recommendation) on the grounds of diversification and the installation of the turbine would not be detrimental to the landscape. Seconded by Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts. It was confirmed that the vote would be “to bring suggested planning conditions back to the Planning Committee for approval if granted”. VOTE: GRANT - 12 ABSTAIN - 2 REFUSE - 11 RESOLVED that the
application be GRANTED (contrary to
Officer recommendation) to bring suggested planning conditions back to the
Planning Committee for approval for the erection of a single wind turbine of up
to 250kw output, maximum blade tip height 48m, and associated development
comprising construction of access track, hardstanding,
borrow pit, grid connection and switchroom at Hafotty Wen, Corwen. The reason for the resolution being contrary to the
recommendation of the Planning Officer, was that having due regard to the
landscape / visual and residential amenity issues, due weight should be
attached to the diversification merits of the proposals, and in this instance
were considered to justify the grant of permission. |
APPLICATION NO. 28/2014/1204/PF - TY COCH FARMHOUSE, TY COCH STREET, HENLLAN, DENBIGH PDF 82 KB To consider an application for Demolition of existing agricultural centre buildings
and erection of 15 dwellings, alterations to existing vehicular access and
associated car parking (renewal of planning permission code no. 28/2008/0578)
at Ty Coch Farmhouse, Ty Coch Street, Henllan, Denbigh (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the demolition of existing agricultural centre buildings and erection of 15 dwellings, alterations to existing vehicular access and associated car parking (renewal of planning permission code no. 28/2008/0578) at Ty Coch Farmhouse, Ty Coch Street, Henllan, Denbigh. Proposal – Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies proposed granting of the application. Seconded by Councillor Huw Williams. VOTE: GRANT - 24 ABSTAIN - 0 REFUSE - 0 RESOLVED that permission
be GRANTED for the demolition of
existing agricultural centre buildings and erection of 15 dwellings,
alterations to existing vehicular access and associated car parking (renewal of
planning permission code no. 28/2008/0578) at Ty Coch
Farmhouse, Ty Coch Street, Henllan,
Denbigh. |
APPLICATION NO. 43/2015/0031/ PF - 51 HIGH STREET, PRESTATYN PDF 6 KB To consider an application for Change of use of ground floor from Class A1 retail use to Class A3 hot
food takeaway. Installation of new
shopfront and associated external alterations at 51 High Street, Prestatyn
(copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: An application was submitted for the change of use of ground floor from Class A1 retail use to Class A3 hot food takeaway. Installation of new shopfront and associated external alterations at 51 High Street, Prestatyn. Proposal – Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill proposed granting of the application. Seconded by Councillor Bob Murray. VOTE: GRANT - 24 ABSTAIN - 0 REFUSE - 0 RESOLVED that permission be GRANTED
for the change of use of ground floor from Class A1 retail use to Class A3 hot
food takeawy. Installation
of new shopfront and associated external alterations
at 51 High Street, Prestatyn. |
ADVERTISEMENTS SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING GUIDANCE - ADOPTION OF FINAL DOCUMENT PDF 87 KB To consider a report by the Senior Planning Officer (copy attached) for Members to approve the adoption of the final Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on Advertisements, for use in the determination of planning applications. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Development Planning and Policy Manager (DP&PM) presented a report (previously circulated) for members to adopt the final Supplementary Planning Guidance on Advertisements for use in the determination of planning applications. A consultation of 11 weeks had been carried out. Four responses had been received but no major issues had been raised. Councillor Huw Hilditch-Roberts raised a point of order as the recommendations following the Scrutiny Committee meeting which had been held the previous week had not been received. Councillor Hilditch-Roberts, therefore requested the item be deferred until a full discussion could take place following receipt of the Scrutiny recommendations. Therefore, a vote took place as follows: DEFER - 22 NOT TO DEFER - 1 RESOLVED that the
Advertisements Supplementary Planning Guidance document be deferred until
recommendations from Scrutiny Committee are received. |
for Members to approve the adoption of the final Supplementary Planning
Guidance (SPG) on “Conservation Areas” in line with proposed amendments for the
determination of future planning applications and appeals. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Development Planning and Policy Manager presented a report (previously circulated) for members to adopt the final Supplementary Planning Guidance on Conservation Areas for use in the determination of future planning applications and appeals. A consultation of 11 weeks had been carried out. Four responses had been received but no major issues had been raised. Proposal – Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies proposed to agree the adoption of the “Conservation Areas” Supplementary Planning Guidance. Seconded by Councillor Arwel Roberts. VOTE: IN FAVOUR - 21 ABSTAIN - 0 AGAINST - 1 RESOLVED that the
“Conservation Areas” Supplementary Planning Guidance be adopted. |
"LISTED BUILDINGS" SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING GUIDANCE - ADOPTION OF FINAL DOCUMENT PDF 99 KB To consider a report by the Planning Officer (copy attached)
for Members to approve the adoption of the final Supplementary Planning
Guidance (SPG) on “Listed Buildings” in line with proposed amendments for the
determination of future planning applications and appeals. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Development Planning and Policy Manager presented a report (previously circulated) for members to adopt the final Supplementary Planning Guidance on Listed Buildings for use in the determination of future planning applications and appeals. A consultation of 11 weeks had been carried out. Six responses had been received with minor changes. Proposal - Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill proposed to agree the adoption of the “Listed Buildings” Supplementary Planning Guidance. Seconded by Councillor Meirick Lloyd Davies. VOTE: IN FAVOUR - 21 ABSTAIN - 0 AGAINST - 1 RESOLVED that the “Listed Buildings” Supplementary Planning Guidance be adopted. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS At this juncture, the Chair asked Members if there was any other business: Ø Councillor Merfyn Parry requested an update report regarding Pool Park at the next Planning Committee; Ø Councillor Rhys Hughes requested an update report regarding the North Wales Hospital Ø Councillor Joan Butterfield informed members the new park in Rhyl West would be opening in a week and encouraged members to visit. The Head of Planning and Public Protection confirmed there would be “for information” reports submitted, regarding both Pool Park and the North Wales Hospital, at the next Planning Committee meeting taking place on 15 April 2015. Additional documents: |
The Chair took the opportunity to thank the Planning Officers, Legal Officer and support staff for their work. END OF MEETING 12:10 P.M. |