Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: the Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and via Video Conference
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
The Lead Member for Education, Children and Families offered on behalf of members her congratulations to Councillor Kelly Clewett who had won a prestigious award and was named Chwarae Teg Womeninspire Women in Health and Social Care Champion. She thanked Councillor Clewett for her dedication and hard work in the Social Care sector especially during the Covid Pandemic. All members offered congratulations with a round of applause. |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors David Williams and Huw Williams. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest raised. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair provided members with details of events he or the Vice Chair had attended since May 2022. Reference was made to the following: · The first event attended by the Chair had been the Urdd Eisteddfod. · Attendance at an Advocacy event at the end of June was noted. · School visits had taken place during the month of July. · An excellent ceremony had taken place in Rhyl for the Lifeboat renaming. · Five remembrance events where attended in remembrance of the late Queen Elizabeth II (a 30 second silence in remembrance was observed). The Chair thanked the Vice Chair for attending events when he was unavailable. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting of County Council held on 19 July 2022 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of Full
Council held on 19 July 2022 were submitted. Accuracy – No
matters were raised. Matters arising – Page 11 (item 8 –Committee
Timetable) – Councillor Gareth Sandilands asked for an update regarding the
timing of meetings. The Corporate Director- Governance and Business confirmed a
report was presented to the Democratic Service committee the end of September which
provided details of a survey that was due to ascertain members
preference to timings of meetings. RESOLVED
that the minutes of
Full Council held on 19 July 2022 be confirmed as a correct record. |
DENBIGHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL'S CORPORATE PLAN 2022 - 2027 To receive a report by the Joint Interim Head of Business Improvement and Modernisation (copy attached) to approve the final draft of the Corporate Plan 2022 – 2027. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Lead Member for Corporate Strategy, Policy and Equalities, introduced the Corporate Plan 2022-2027 report (previously circulated). Thanks was given to all those that had been
involved in shaping the proposed new Corporate Plan. A wide and varied amount
of consultation had taken place. Thanks was extended to all political groups
for the positive and constructive comments to help refine the plan. It was a
statutory requirement that Local Authorities publish Well-being Objectives,
Equality Objectives, and identify areas for Organisational Improvement. Denbighshire’s
Corporate Plan 2022-27 served
all of those functions. The draft plan outlined the priorities and
vision of what Cabinet with the support of Council aimed to achieve over the
next five years. The key pledges which the Local Authority
were committed to, to achieve in the Plan are organised by themes. They were
important because they either: ·
significant capital / revenue funding, e.g. roads and new schools (but not
everything requires extra funding); ·
significant cultural / organisational change, e.g. to become a Denbighshire of
Thriving Welsh Language and Culture, and/or ·
impact across the whole county, e.g. establishment of an electric vehicle
charging infrastructure. The Corporate Plan was an important
document to demonstrate a collective vision that we all work towards together.
The plan focused on enhancing the wellbeing of Denbighshire communities and
residents by creating good conditions within the community. It also focused on
the quality of services offered to those that required support. The plan had been separated in to nine key themes each of which would be allocated to a Cabinet member to oversee. Each theme described objectives that we aim to deliver over the next five years. The priorities outlined in the Corporate Plan had been arrived at via a thorough and clear process of evidence-gathering and analysis and in-depth consultation with communities. The Corporate Plan did not and was not intended to represent
all Council business. A lot of important work took place outside the scope of
the plan. The plan is intended to be flexible with any changes required
reported to Council. During discussion, the following issues were raised: ·
If the plan is agreed,
research to establish the work that would be required to deliver each of the
pledges would take place. At that stage officers and the Lead member would be
able to establish what was deliverable and when given resource, time and
funding that is available. ·
During the time to
develop the draft Corporate Plan, the financial position had deteriorated. The
financial outlook for the next two years had changed from the being of the
year. A finance update was due to be presented at the next Council Workshop
which would provide detail of the changes. Correspondence with members with
changes and saving plans regarding the budget would take place as soon as the
budget figures were made available. ·
A number of the
projects included in the plan, had already been or in the process of being
approved and included in the budget. ·
As an authority,
borrowing for investment purposes was not authorised. ·
Active travel and the use
of foot paths and cycle paths were encouraged under theme 5 of the plan. ·
It was about 1300
responded during the phases of consultation. Work to encourage participation
had taken place. Quality of conversation was a focus when engaging with the
public. It was confirmed an offline version of correspondence was offered for
those that wished to respond. The importance of talking to the public was
included in theme 9. · The title of the 21st century school scheme had been renamed as Welsh Government Sustainable Communities for Learning ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
At this
juncture (11.32 a.m.) there was a 15 minute comfort break. The meeting reconvened at 11.48 am. |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR OF THE DEMOCRATIC SERVICES COMMITTEE To receive a report by the Democratic Services Manager (copy attached) to appoint the Chair of Democratic Services Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Nominations were sought for a member to be appointed as the Chair of Democratic Services Committee. The Monitoring Officer confirmed the Chair of the committee could not be a member of a political party represented on Cabinet. Councillor Peter Scott nominated, seconded by Councillor Julie Matthews, Councillor Martyn Hogg be appointed as the Chair of Democratic Services committee for the 2022/23 municipal year. There were no other nominations. Members RESOLVED that Councillor
Martyn Hogg be appointed as the Chair of Democratic Services Committee for the municipal
year 2022/23.
APPOINTMENT OF LAY MEMBER TO THE STANDARDS COMMITTEE To receive a report by the Deputy Monitoring Officer (copy attached) to appoint for one year term of office, a Lay Member to the Councils’ Standards Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer introduced the report (previously circulated), reminding members that an open recruitment process had taken place to recruit lay members to the Standards Committee. Council had previously nominated a Standards committee special appointments panel. The panel included County Councillors Bobby Feeley, Peter Scott and Arwel Roberts along with Community Councillor Gordon Hughes and independent representative Noela Jones, to interview prospective lay members for the one vacant position on the Council’s Standards Committee. The panel made a recommendation to Full Council for the appointment of Mr Samuel Jones be appointed to the Council’s Standards Committee. Councillor Arwel Roberts proposed Mr Samuel Jones be appointed as a lay member to the Standards Committee, seconded by Councillor Peter Scott. All members were in agreement. It was therefor; RESOLVED that Mr Samuel Jones be appointed as a Lay Member to Denbighshire’s
Standards Committee.
At this juncture it was agreed to vary the order of the agenda. |
NORTH WALES MARKET STABILITY REPORT - DRAFT REPORT 2022 To receive a report by Ann Lloyd/ Rhiain Morrlle (copy attached) to seek Council’s approval of the North Wales Market Stability Report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Lead member for Health and Social Care introduced the North Wales Market Stability report (previously circulated) along with the Lead Member for Education, Children and Families. The Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 introduced
a new duty on local authorities and health boards to develop a joint assessment
of the sufficiency and sustainability of the social care market. The report had
been produced by the North Wales Regional Partnership
Board and took into account the findings from the North Wales Population Needs
Assessment 2022. The report assessed the sufficiency of care and
support in meeting the needs and demand for social care, as set out in the
population needs assessment and the stability of the market for regulated
services. The aim of the report was to assist the region to
effectively commission and support providers of health and social care services
to meet the demands of the population. The report would form the base for
future plans and decisions. The report was approved by Performance Scrutiny on
14 July 2022. Illustrated within the report was the challenges
faced by social care across not only Denbighshire but all Wales. Denbighshire
services would continue to work hard to offer support for individuals, families
and children where needed. The Interim Head of Community Support Services confirmed Denbighshire County Council had significant input as a local authority in the creation of the report. During discussion, the following issues were raised: ·
Bwythyn y Ddol was a multi-disciplinary
team working with children across Denbighshire and Conwy. The aim of the team
is to provide intensive intervention for children on the edge of care, with a
view to supporting the family as a whole. An assessment centre was also being
built to offer support and rest bite to families and young people. It will
allow children to remain local during the family support. ·
Individuals are
assessed in hospitals at different times, it is sometimes before an individual
is due to be discharged. Close working with health colleagues to enable
individuals to go home at the earliest convenience continued. The correct care
package or establishment for each individual needed to be established before
they are discharged from hospital. ·
District nurses do
receive training to administer I.V in the community, it was stressed it was
only a certain type of antibiotic was allowed to be provided from district
nurses. ·
Concerns around
recruitment and retention were an ongoing issue. It was stressed it was a
national concern and not just Denbighshire. A number of initiative ways to
encourage individuals to join the social care team. ·
working with the health board to establish any social care needs continued to
take place when individuals leave hospital. PROPOSED by
Councillor Bobby Feeley, SECONDED by Councillor Brian Blakely. RESOLVED
that: ·
Members approve the North Wales Market
Stability Report 2022 and ·
Members confirm they have read, understood
and taken account of the Equalities Impact Assessment as part of its
consideration. |
COUNTY COUNCIL FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME To consider the Council’s forward work programme (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Corporate Director – Governance and Business introduced the Council Forward Work
Programme together with the Council Workshop Forward Work Programme (previously
circulated). It was
confirmed that Central Rhyl and Prestatyn Coastal defence
schemes, the results from Member survey regarding timing of meetings and the
approval of the petition scheme would be presented at the December 2022
meeting. Members were
reminded that the Council Workshop was scheduled for the 24th
October to discuss the SLT review. Code of
Conduct training was scheduled to take place following the meeting in the
Council Chamber, Ruthin for members who had not the training previously. It was noted
the Council Workshop Forward Work Programme had been included in the pack. It
listed the suggested reports for members discussion. Members were encouraged to
feedback to officers any suggested amendments. Members were
reminded that County Council meetings were a decision making body, therefor
items that require a decision should be presented before members for discussion
and a resolution. Council
Workshops were scheduled to allow members the opportunity for an in-depth discussion
and context on the relevant topic. RESOLVED
that, subject to the
above, the Council and Council Workshop Forward Work Programme be approved and
noted. |
The meeting concluded at 12.25 p.m. Additional documents: |