Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: |
At this juncture Members of all Political Groups paid
tribute to Ken Hawkins who had recently passed away. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Eryl Williams declared a personal interest in
Item 5 as he owns a self-catering holiday cottage. Councillor Huw Williams declared a personal interest in
Item 9 as he is a grazier on Moel Famau. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent items Question put
forward by councillor Chris Evans – Many residents in my ward, as well as myself, have
concerns that following the first minister, Mark Drakeford
comments, in Wales there will be no more roads projects and Welsh Government
have put a stop to over 50 new projects in Wales. Where does that leave the issue with the Llannerch bridge as we are over three years from when the
bridge was taken in the storms. I am
aware that it is written in the Corporate Plan but what commitment have Welsh
Government to get this project moving in the right direction to link the
villages of Tremierchion and Trefnant.
Democratically this bridge was in much need by the majority of the residents
that I represent with the cost of living of living at all the time high and the
price of fuel still high in many fuel forecourts in the area this link is really much needed. Response by
Councillor Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport – Councillor Mellor thanked Councillor Evans for his
question. Replacing the bridge was an
aspiration in the Corporate Plan. Talks
have taken place with senior officials in the transport division of the Welsh
Government. It is not a case there are
to be no more road projects in Wales, Welsh Government have stated they will
continue to invest in road infrastructure in cases where it is compatible with
the sustainable transport hierarchy and the tests set out in the roads
review. The roads review does not impact
on this project because was focused on the development of new road
structures. Llanerch
Bridge is an existing highway asset and it is my understanding that maintenance
of an existing structure is not affected by the roads review. In terms of Welsh Government commitment to
the project, we have recently received a grant of £380k which enables us to go
to the next phase of this project. We
can now go to the detailed design stage and that would take us to the point
where we have a business case for a replacement bridge. This next phase will span 2 financial years
and we will, therefore, submit a further bid for funding to complete that phase
in 2024/25. Welsh Government have
confirmed this is a multi year scheme and that
further funding to complete the next phase is part of their planning
assumptions of the 2024/25 financial year subject to formal ministerial
approval. Welsh Government are not going
to confirm financial support for reconstruction of the bridge which is likely
to cost in excess of £8million before full business case is available but there
is a commitment to support the development of the full business case Supplementary
question from Councillor Chris Evans - I know the aspiration is there but where is
the demand? With costs of the bridge
going into millions why has WG had £155million which was not spent. It was in the bank account. Why was it not spent? The Monitoring Officer confirmed a written response will
be provided to the supplementary question. Question put
forward by member of the public, Carol Smith – Agenda item 5, Cabinet Meeting of 19th July 2023, considered a
report on legislation introduced by Welsh Government (WG) to increase the
maximum level of council tax premiums for second homes and long-term empty
properties. “The reasoning for the proposals was to increase housing stock in the county and provide more housing for local people” (as stated in the Minutes). How can the Council justify raising the level of premium for private owners when: ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
To receive the minutes of the meetings of County Council held on 4 July 2023 and 20 July 2023 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of Full
Council held on 4 July and 20 July 2023 were submitted. 4 July 2023 Accuracy – Councillor Julie Matthews asked for her
attendance to be noted. Councillor Bobby
Feeley requested that feedback from all Notices of Motions put forward to Full
Council could be provided on an annual basis.
It was agreed this could be provided. Matters Arising – Councillor Mark
Young referred to the Blue Flag status. Planning
applications coming in for pieces of land where there are capacity issues in
the sewage system. There was a recent
application for which there were no objections from NRW or Welsh Water, but
correspondence had recently been received stating that no objection but
unlikely to be sufficient capacity in the sewage system. I understand land is allocated but I would
like a meeting with the relevant officers, Lead Members about how this is
approached from a Planning Committee perspective. The Chief Executive was requested to
facilitate the meeting to which he agreed. RESOLVED
that, subject to the above, the minutes of the Council meetings held on 4 July
and 20 July 2023 be confirmed as a correct record. |
SECOND HOME / LONG-TERM EMPTY COUNCIL TAX PREMIUM To consider a report (copy attached) to seek a decision on an increase to the current Premium rates on properties in Denbighshire. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Eryl Williams
declared a personal interest as he owns a self-catering holiday cottage. Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets introduced the report to seek a decision from members on an increase to the current Premium rates on these properties in Denbighshire. The proposal was presented at Cabinet Briefing on 3 July and to Cabinet on 8th July 2023, who supported the recommendations which had resulted in this report to full council for a decision. The Authority had worked
proactively to raise awareness of the consultation resulting in 2,142 page
views (37 Welsh) on the Council’s page that promoted the consultation to the
general public, with 898 visits directly to the consultation survey. 175
customers completed and submitted a response.
71 responses out of 175 were received from the second home owners or
long term empty home owner group, and 17 from second home owners that live or
work in Denbighshire. On legal advice, a communication exercise had undertaken to
make over 1,000 second home and long term empty home owners aware of the
consultation. The council were conscious
that proactively engaging this group could have had a disproportionate impact
on the results of the consultation, and so noted the importance of identifying
these groups of customers. The recommendations made by
officers had tried to strike a balance to consider how to effectively
administer the scheme, whilst considering the regional context and wider
legislative factors. During discussions,
the following points were raised – (a)
What measures could be put in
place to show the success or not of the Policy? It was confirmed that the
numbers were within the report showing how the Policy would illustrate
success. Businesses run with higher
occupancy rates were a good thing for the area as they brought in tourists by
utilising less houses. (b)
Within the report there had been
numbers of long term empty and second homes.
There were no numbers showing how many holiday lets may fall foul of the
182 day limit.
Could more information be available?
The Valuation Office would need to take the decisions as to whether a
building was able to go on to business rates.
The Wellbeing Impact Assessment
(WBIA), had not shown information on specifically impacted groups. There seemed to be particular groups who felt
dissatisfied by the Policy and would be useful to receive more information
regarding those, following which the impact as a whole, could be assessed. It was confirmed the information requested
could be included. (d)
The over-arching aim was to
increase affordable housing, and reduce homelessness which was rising in the
area. It would be difficult to separate
the number of second homes directly.
There was a management pack which was monitored monthly showing the
figures but would be difficult to translate the information for homelessness,
and affordable housing but it was part of the Corporate Plan which would
contain performance indicators. It was
confirmed that a report could be put together to review the figures and show
the impact of the Policy which would be presented in 2024. (e)
The validity of the consultation
or survey was questioned. 175 responses
had been received - 88 of which were against the new tax and 87 were in favour.
The question was put forward how few responses had been received out of the
96,000 residents which made it difficult to accept the conclusion that
Denbighshire residents thought there was a need to increase the Council Tax by
150%. Also it was raised that the
recommendation revolved around empty homes rather than holiday homes. The Lead Member ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
At this juncture (12:30 pm) there was a 20 minute break The meeting re-commenced at 12:50 pm |
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL'S SCRUTINY COMMITTEE To consider a report (copy attached) for Council to consider the Annual Report of the Scrutiny Committees for 2022/23. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hugh
Irving introduced the report outlining the activities during 2022/23. The report was
presented to County Council to comply with Section 7.4.4 of the Council’s
Constitution which stipulated that the Authority’s scrutiny committees must
report annually to full Council on
their work and make recommendations for future work programmes and amended
working methods if appropriate. It had been
reported that 2021/22 had been very much a year of adapting to the ‘new normal’
following the pandemic. 2022/23 on the
other hand had been a year of transition.
Transition out of the Covid recovery measures
with service delivery practices having more of familiar feel about them,
although the majority of services had adapted to a greater or lesser extent and
adopted new ways of working. In 2022, 48
councillors were elected to serve on Denbighshire County Council, 23 of whom
were elected for the first time. During the year
Scrutiny continued the practice of engaging with both public and private
partner organisations with a view to effectively working together to improve services
and outcomes for residents. Councillor Emrys
Wynne requested that information be placed in all libraries/One Stop Shops to
encourage public engagement. It was confirmed
that all information was available online but paper copies of the proposal forms
could be made available in libraries to aid public participation. The Chief Executive
agreed public participation was very important and also should encourage
schools to become involved with the scrutiny process for items of particular
interest to them. The Chief Executive
also stated that rather than putting Notices of Motions forward to Full
Council, perhaps consider whether it would more appropriate for the item to be
put to a Scrutiny Committee who could then make recommendations back to Full
Council or Cabinet. The following
training events were to take place which were open for anyone to attend. The training events were facilitated by the
WLGA. Scrutinising
Education – 18 September 2023 Scrutiny Chairing
Skills - 11 October 2023 Scrutiny
Questioning Skills – 3 November 2023 Councillor Huw
Williams as Chair of the Communities Scrutiny Committee offered his thanks I
would like to thank all staff who work behind the scenes and to Rhian Evans and
Karen Evans the Scrutiny Co-ordinators. Councillor Gareth
Sandilands offered his thanks to all staff in Democratic Services who do a
wonderful job and especially Rhian Evans and Karen Evans. It was proposed and
seconded that the report be approved. Following a vote by
a show of hands, it was unanimously agreed to approve the report. RESOLVED that
Council having considered the Annual Report of the Scrutiny Committee for
2022/23, approve its publication. |
STANDARDS COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT To consider a report (copy attached) to present the work of the Committee and its findings and observations. Additional documents: Minutes: Julia Hughes, Chair of Standards Committee, introduced the Annual Report of Standards Committee. The Annual Report of Standards Committee covered the calendar year January to December 2022. It was agreed that the Chair would present the report to the Full Council, in order to keep Members informed of trends; issues in respect of compliance with the Members’ Code of Conduct generally across the County and the work of the Committee in driving up standards of behaviour at County level, but also at Town, City and Community levels. Standards Committee main role was to monitor adherence to
the Members Code of Conduct. All members were aware that their Code was founded
(and should be read in conjunction with) the 7 Nolan Principles of Public Life. In Wales there were ten principles namely Selflessness, Honesty, Integrity
and Propriety, Duty to uphold the law, Stewardship, Objectivity in decision
making, Equality and Respect, Openness, Accountability and Leadership. By way of reminder, Standards Committee consists of the following Member types – 2 County Councillors,4 Independent (co-opted) Members, and 1 Community Council Member (who is not also a twin hatted Member). The majority of the Members were therefore not elected, but recruited from members of the public as per the requirements of legislation in Wales. Following the May 2022 elections a new chair and vice chair were in place for the Council term and a new lay member recruited. During 2022 the Committee met on 4 occasions. Training events in respect of
Ethics and the Code of Conduct have been taking place in consultation with Standards
Committee who fully support and encourage attendance by all elected members – via
online and face to face sessions for County Councillors and Town City and
Community Council Members. During the
year in question the established ‘North and Mid Wales Standards Forum’ has been formally replaced by an All Wales ‘National Standards Committee Forum’.
The National Standards Committee Forum met for the first time on the 8th December
2022 in order to agree Terms of Reference
and appoint a Chair and Vice Chair. During 2022 there had been no Standards Committee Determinations (hearings) as to whether there had been a breach of the Code of Conduct. All members approved the Annual Report of Standards Committee and thanked the Chair, Julia Hughes for all her work. RESOLVED that members note the contents of the report. |
To consider a Notice of Motion by Councillor Jon Harland on behalf of the Green Party (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Jon Harland put forward the following Notice of Motion on behalf of the Green Party – This Council: ● Is concerned about
the number of cases reported to the RSPCA each year, regarding pets given as
prizes via fairgrounds, social media, and other channels ● Is concerned for the
welfare of those animals that are being given as prizes ● Recognises that many
cases of pets being as prizes may go unreported each year ● Supports a move to
ban the giving of live animals as prizes, in any form, on Denbighshire land The Council agrees to: ● Ban outright the
giving of live animals as prizes, in any form, on Denbighshire land. ● Write to the UK
Government, urging an outright ban on the giving of live animals as prizes on
both public and private land. A vote took place by a show of hand and members were unanimously in agreement to the Notice of Motion RESOLVED that members agree to the Notice of Motion |
To consider a Notice of Motion by Councillor Huw Williams (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Huw Williams put forward a Notice of Motion – ‘That all dogs are kept on leads on Denbighshire owned and managed Common grazing land excluding sheep dogs owned by grazers’ The Notice of Motion was proposed and seconded. A vote took place by a show of hands and was unanimously approved. RESOLVED that members agree to the Notice of Motion. |
To consider a Notice of Motion by Councillor Hugh Irving (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Hugh Irving put forward the following Notice of Motion – ‘Denbighshire County Council continues to consult with members and the general public on the implementation of the 20 mph default speed limit proposals and officers prepare a report for members on the methodology as to how the decision to only nominate five roads throughout Denbighshire for exemption was made. In particular how the general public were made aware that applications for exemption could be made. The Council confirm that they will closely monitor and keep members informed of the impact the proposals are having on Police and emergency service response times, retained fire fighter call out times and general traffic flows. That the Council confirm that they will engage with Members on these concerns through the Member Area Groups and the Scrutiny process and that requests for further exemptions or consideration of any other issues regarding the new limits are promptly dealt with.’ Councillor Martyn Hogg proposed an amendment that if the
Notice of Motion were to be passed that the wording of the second paragraph be
amended as follows – The Council confirm that they will closely monitor and keep members informed of any impact of the proposals both negative and positive. The amendment was proposed and seconded. A vote took place for the amendment of the Notice of Motion by a show of hands. The majority were in favour and 1 member voted against. The amended Notice of Motion now became the substantive Motion and a vote took place by a show of hands. The majority were in favour and 1 member voted against. RESOLVED that members agree to the amended Notice of Motion. |
COUNTY COUNCIL FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME To consider the Council’s forward work programme (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer introduced the Council’s Forward Work Programme. RESOLVED that the Council’s Forward Work Programme be noted. |