Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Ruthin and by video conference
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
URGENT MATTERS AS AGREED BY THE CHAIR Notice of items which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
To note the civic engagements undertaken by the Chairman of the Council (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair of the Council,
Councillor Pete Prendergast, reported on the civic events he and the Vice-Chair
had attended. RESOLVED that the Chairman’s diary be noted. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting of County Council held on 9 May 2023 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of Full Council held on 9 May 2023 were
submitted. Matters Arising – Item 11, Page 13 – had further discussions taken place
with North Wales Police. It was
confirmed a meeting had taken place the previous week and a further meeting was
due to take place with the Chief Constable later in the week. Item 12, Page 16 – had a meeting taken place with Alex
Angels regarding the health and social care in the county. It was confirmed a meeting had taken place on
22 May 2023. RESOLVED that, subject to the above, the minutes of the Council meeting held on
9 May 2023 be confirmed as a correct record. |
GOVERNANCE FOR DELIVERY AND OVERSIGHT OF THE CORPORATE PLAN, AND OTHER COUNCIL WORK PDF 133 KB To consider a report by the Interim Head of Corporate Support Services: Performance, Digital and Assets (copy attached) for members to be aware of the arrangements for delivering against the Corporate Plan themes. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead
Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets, introduced the report
(previously circulated) to ensure Members were aware of the governance
arrangements for delivery of the themes in the Corporate Plan, and mechanisms
for oversight and scrutiny for members.
The report also clarified how Members could engage with wider Council
activity. Iolo McGregor, the Strategic
Planning and Performance Team Leader summarised the report. Quarterly reports were to be
made available and all members would have sight of those reports. The themes for the Corporate
Plan were as follows – (i)
A Denbighshire of Quality Housing that meets
people’s needs (ii)
A prosperous Denbighshire (iii)
A healthier, happier, caring Denbighshire (iv)
A learning, growing Denbighshire (v)
A better connected Denbighshire (vi)
A greener Denbighshire (vii)
A fairer, safer more equal Denbighshire (viii) A
Denbighshire of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language, and (ix)
A well-run, high performing Council. Issues regarding wifi
connectivity in rural areas was raised and it was confirmed that Openreach were
responsible for the wifi connectivity and not the council. Rather than discuss the issue during full
Council, it was agreed the Chief Executive would speak to the Digital Officer
and relay the outcome of the meeting to all Members. The contact details of the digital officer
would be circulated to all Members following the meeting. The Monitoring Officer confirmed that
Openreach would be attending Performance Scrutiny Committee in January 2024. Following the summary of the governance and oversight of
the Corporate Plan, it was unanimously – RESOLVED that: (i)
confirmed it had understood the governance arrangements, including when and how
updates on progress against its Corporate Plan would be received and options
for further input and scrutiny; (ii)
confirmed it had understood options for engaging with business in the wider
Council portfolio |
COUNCIL PERFORMANCE SELF-ASSESSMENT 2022 TO 2023 PDF 226 KB To consider a report by the Planning and Performance Officer (copy attached) for Council to approve the Performance Self-Assessment 2022 to 2023. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Gwyneth Ellis, Lead Member for Finance,
Performance and Strategic Assets, introduced the report (previously
circulated). The report accompanied the
council’s Performance Self-Assessment for 2022 to 2023. The reports provided the end of year analysis
of progress and challenges with the key performance objectives (ie: Corporate
Plan themes), and, for the first time, presented data against the new Corporate
Plan’s performance management framework. Regular reporting was an essential monitoring requirement
of the council’s performance management framework and statutory duties in
relation to the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, the Equality
Act 2010 and Wales Measure 2022, and the council’s contributions to the
Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. Quarterly reports were taken to Scrutiny and Cabinet
meetings and the Executive Summary provided an evaluative statement of the
council’s progress. Iolo McGregor, the Strategic
Planning and Performance Team Leader summarised the report and at this juncture
expressed his gratitude to Emma Horan, the Planning and Performance Officer for
producing such a comprehensive report. The report had previously been
presented at Scrutiny Committee and Governance and Audit Committee. There had been no formal recommendations from
the Governance and Audit Committee. During discussions the
following points were raised – (i)
Equality and Diversity – how would this affect
both staff and elected members. It was
clarified that equality training was part of the members training and also
members undertook code of conduct training.
Staff were encouraged to undertake equality and diversity training and
to treat each other with respect. There
were no issued within Denbighshire County Council but everyone were still
required to be vigilant. Managers
received training regarding all the council’s policies and there is work
evolving regarding a Diversity Champion. (ii)
Members were pleased work was ongoing to improve
Ysgol Christ the Word and it was looking a lot more positive. (iii)
Links around Dementia had ceased but it was
confirmed that work would continue with Dementia within the community. (iv)
Councillor Chris Evans raised the issue of
Mental Health as the mental health of staff and members was essential. More training would put forward to
members and ensuring Managers were aware
of any staff with mental health issues.
It was confirmed in the 1:1’s the first question was “how are you
?”. This question would also need to be
asked of members. There are Mental
Health First Aiders and a Mental Health Champion in each service. All present
thanked Councillor Chris Evans for his input regarding mental health. (v)
It was confirmed that the purpose of the report
was it was an important tool to hold officers to account and options available
to members. Following discussions, it was
unanimously – RESOLVED that, subject to the above, Council approve
the Performance Self-Assessment 2022-2023. |
COUNCIL POLICY ON MEMBER TRAINING PDF 149 KB To consider a report by the Democratic Services Manager (copy attached) to seek Council’s views and directions on the requirements for member training. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Julie Matthews, Lead Member for Corporate Strategy, Policy and Equalities, introduced the report (previously circulated) and requested Members views and directions on the requirements for member training. At this juncture, Councillor Matthews thanked Steve Price, Democratic Services Manager and the Democratic Services team for helping Members in their roles. The Democratic Services Manager summarised the report. During discussions the following items were raised as training – (i) Councillor Hugh Irving proposed Licensing training be included in the recommendation 3.1 as mandatory together with the Code of Conduct and Planning training. Seconded by Councillor Bobby Feeley and unanimously agreed by a show of hands vote. (ii) Equality training to have specific training regarding Gypsy and Travellers. (iii) Safeguarding training. Legislation provided opportunity for personal development review (PDR) but in the past the update of the PDR’s had been low. (iv) Where mandatory training was required by members, it was proposed attendance figures be reported to Group Leaders. (v) Councillor Andrea Tomlin proposed mandatory training for Chair and Vice-Chairs. No seconder for the proposal. It was agreed that Member Training be added to the next Group Leaders meeting and then be brought back to a future Council meeting. Proposed and Seconded. RESOLVED that Member Training be added to the Group Leaders meeting,
following which be added to the Full Council Forward Work Programme. |
COMMITTEE TIMETABLE 2024 PDF 123 KB To consider a report by the Democratic Services Manager and the Senior Committee Administrator (copy attached) to approve a Committee Timetable for 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Julie Matthews, Lead Member for Corporate
Strategy, Policy and Equalities, introduced the report (previously circulated). It was necessary for Council to approve a timetable for
2024 to enable meeting arrangements and resources to be confirmed, to publicise
the timetable and to populate the Members’ diaries. The Leader and the Democratic Manager expressed his
thanks to Kath Jones, Senior Committee Officer, for preparing the schedule and
liaising with officers, as it required extremely careful organisation. RESOLVED that Council unanimously approved the draft Committee Timetable 2024. |
To consider a motion submitted by Councillor Mark Young in respect of achieving Blue Flag status for Rhyl. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Mark Young presented a Notice of Motion
(previously circulated) in respect of Rhyl Beach receiving the award of the
Blue Flag which is one of the
voluntary awards for beaches, marinas and sustainable tourism
boats. Councillor Barry Mellor responded by thanking Councillor
Young for putting forward Notice of Motion.
It needed to be recognised this would require a significant amount of
work and for the council to work with other partners such as Natural Resources
Wales and Welsh Water to identify improvements required. Councillor Mellor supported the Notice of
Motion and suggested a report be presented at Scrutiny Committee during 2025. Councillor Gareth Sandilands proposed an amendment. As a Committee Member of the Plastic Free
Prestatyn Group, and also the Surfers against Sewerage connected to Prestatyn
PROPOSED an amendment to the Notice of Motion as follows – “The council will actively be working to retain and regain
all Denbighshire’s beaches including Rhyl and Prestatyn enjoyed all year round
by tens of thousands of residents and visitors to Denbighshire.” SECONDED by Councillor Win Mullen-James. A vote took place and the amendment was unanimously
approved. A vote was then requested for the substantive Notice of
Motion as follows – “that council officers continue to work proactively with
the relevant agencies to retain and regain blue flag status for all beaches in
Denbighshire”. It was unanimously agreed and, therefore, RESOLVED Council Officers continue to work proactively with the relevant
agencies to retain and regain blue flag status for all beaches in Denbighshire. |
To consider a Notice of Motion by Councillor Justine Evans on behalf of the Conservative Group in respect of the Rhyl promenade kiosk buildings. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Justine Evans presented a Notice of Motion (previously
circulated) in respect of Rhyl Central Promenade Kiosks. Councillor Barry Mellor responded by thanking Justine
Evans for the Notice of Motion. It
would be necessary to remove the kiosks as the promenade in that area would be
raised a substantial amount to create the new sea defences. It was also clarified that closure of the
kiosks had been negotiated with the tenants and had their full agreement. Although there were currently no proposals to
build new kiosks on the promenade neither had it been ruled out as this could
be considered in the future. If this
were the case the previous tenants, under certain circumstances, would have
first refusal to run them. Therefore,
it may not be necessary to undertake a procurement process to appoint new
tenants. In the future consideration would be taken as to whether
kiosks would be required to be sited on the promenade. The central Rhyl Flood Scheme was due to be
completed by October 2025. Councillor Mellor PROPOSED an amendment to the Notice of Motion
as follows – “that the report is taken to Scrutiny Committee in spring
2025 to consider an updated masterplan for the Rhyl Promenade including the
option of creating the new kiosks”. SECONDED by Councillor Kelly Clewett. Councillor Brian Jones stated that the Notice of Motion
had been brought forward due to the outcry of local residents. Councillors Joan Butterfield and Alan James responded
that, as ward members, they had not received any complaints from local
residents regarding the proposed removal of the promenade kiosks. The Monitoring Officer confirmed a vote needed to take
place on the amendment. The vote took place and a majority voted in favour of the
amendment with 1 vote against. Therefore, a vote took place on the substantive Notice of
Motion which was unanimously agreed and it was – RESOLVED that the report be taken to Scrutiny Committee in spring 2025 to
consider an updated masterplan for the Rhyl Promenade including the option of
creating the new kiosks. |
COUNTY COUNCIL FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME PDF 323 KB To consider the Council’s forward work programme (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer introduced the Council’s Forward
Work Programme (previously circulated). RESOLVED that the Council’s Forward Work Programme be noted. |