Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Meeting Room 4, County Hall, Ruthin
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Decision: There were no apologies. Minutes: There were no apologies. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Decision: No declaration of interest had been raised. Minutes: No declaration of interest had been raised. |
URGENT MATTERS Notice of items, which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Decision: No urgent matters had been raised. Minutes: No urgent matters had been raised. |
To receive the minutes of the Corporate Governance Committee meeting held on 22 January 2020 (copy enclosed). Decision: Vote taken: 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 22 January 2020 be received and confirmed as a correct
record. Minutes: The minutes of the Corporate Governance and
Audit Committee meeting held on 22 January 2020
were submitted. Matter Arising – ·
Members queried whether the new IT system which
was discussed on Internal Audit of Housing Tenancy had been implemented. The
Chief Internal Auditor informed the committee that she was aware that it was
being implemented, however a follow up report was on the forward work programme
for December to update on the internal audit. Vote taken: 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 22 January 2020 be received and confirmed as a correct
record. |
ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 2019-20 To receive a report by the Chief Internal Auditor (copy
enclosed) on the Annual Governance Statement 2019-20, which provided the committee with the opportunity to
comment on this year’s annual governance statement separately to the Statement of
accounts so that is may be given due consideration. 9:35am – 9:50am Additional documents: Decision: Vote taken: 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED – that the
Corporate Governance and Audit Committee has reviewed and approves the draft
annual governance statement for 2019-20. Minutes: The Chief Internal
Auditor (CIA), introduced the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) 2019-20
(previously circulated) which the Council was required to produce an AGS as
part of its final statement of accounts as per the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations
2018. The report allowed members of the committee with the opportunity to
comment on this year’s annual governance statement separately to the Statement
of accounts. The AGS highlighted
many areas for improvement plan within an action plan, which the Corporate
Governance and Audit Committee would monitor to ensure its implementation. Members were made
aware Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s AGS raises a significant
governance issue to reflect the unprecedented situation the council has needed
to respond to whereby several council meetings were cancelled due to social
distancing requirements imposed by government. Council meetings were gradually
being reinstated as capacity and capability permits with regards to legislative
requirements e.g. simultaneous translations and live web casting. Members were assured that progress against
the previous year’s improvement plan had progressed and that outstanding
actions were carried forward to this year’s improvement plan. Members queried the
meaning of ‘webinars’ within the second principle within the AGS, officers
clarified that it was meant the webcast meetings which were held for meetings
such as full council and planning. Members also
highlighted that why certain items which had been previously discussed and why
they were not included within the action plan, members were reminded that
certain matters were being discussed within the committee’s work programme
however they could be included within the action plan. Wales Audit
officers also reminded the committee that they would be auditing the AGS. Vote taken: 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED – that the
Corporate Governance and Audit Committee has reviewed and approves the draft
annual governance statement for 2019-20. |
INTERNAL AUDIT OF CONTRACT MANAGEMENT To receive a report by the Chief Internal Auditor (copy enclosed) on the recent Internal Audit report of Contract Management that received a ‘Low’ assurance rating. 9:50am – 10:10am. Additional documents: Decision: Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee noted the content of the report,
and that an updated action plan be brought back to the Committee in November. Minutes: The Chief Internal
Auditor presented the Internal Audit of Contract Management (previously
circulated) the audit was carried out jointly by Audit teams in Flintshire
County Council and Denbighshire County Council looking at the robustness of contract
management activity across both Councils. The report had been finalised some
time ago therefore some data will be out of place. A questionnaire was
issued to staff involved in contract management activity across both Councils
and the collective results from the questionnaire were used to scope the audit
and focus the detailed testing. The audit concluded that, overall, contract
management was not being managed well within council services. In general, staff
did not fully understand their roles and responsibilities, key contract
management information was not maintained, monitoring meetings were often not
being documented, and outcomes were not being reported. While contract registers
were being populated with historic contracts, some signed contracts were
difficult to locate. No corporate contract management training had been
provided to staff in recent years and, as a consequence, staff had relied on
“on-the-job” training. Councillor Julian
Thompson-Hill welcomed the report however suggested to the committee that the
action plan within the report be redone as many dates has slipped due to COVID
19, this would allow the committee to discuss the matters properly and any
issues to be addressed accordingly. The suggestion of reworking the action plan
and bringing it back to the committee was agreed by the Head of Legal, HR and
Democratic Services, and the Head of Finance and property. The committee
agreed the audit was critical as there were many contracts, and concerns with
the lack of notes which recorded the meetings with contractors. Could there be
shared good exercise with other authorities as a form of training, or could
there been written guidance on the matter. There should be objectives within
the business unit, and to see if staff would be carrying out the work. Members agreed for
the report to be brought back in November with an updated action plan. Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee noted the content of the report,
and that an updated action plan be brought back to the Committee in November. |
INTERNAL AUDIT ANNUAL REPORT 2019-20 To receive a report by the Chief Internal Auditor (copy enclosed) on the Internal Audit Annual Report for 2019-20 that provides the Chief Internal Auditor’s overall opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s framework of governance, risk and control during the year that informs the ‘annual governance statement’ 11:10am – 11:25am Additional documents: Decision: Vote taken: 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that the
Corporate Governance and Audit Committee receive the Internal Audit Annual
Report 2019-20 and note its content Minutes: The Chief Internal
Auditor (CIA), introduced Internal Audit Annual Report 2019-20 (previously
circulated) that provided the CIA’s overall opinion on the adequacy and
effectiveness of the Council’s framework of governance, risk and control during
the year that informs the ‘annual governance statement’. The overall
assurance within the report was not completely accurate, however the overall
assurance given was medium. The reasoning the assurance was not completely
accurate was due to the balance was taken with all audits, however these could
not be completed due to COVID-19 pandemic. The assurance was given on the work
which has been carried out by March 2020. There were 7 areas
which were given low assurance ratings, which were higher than previous years,
however this did not cause alarm. The Pandemic has had an effect on the work
which could be carried out on internal audit team. Members were
overall supportive of the report, however did raise concerns with the increase
with low assurances. They understood that the pandemic had caused strains and
difficulties, especially with home working it was highlighted that auditing
could prove challenging in the future. Members reacted positivity to counter
fraud being looked into, however queried how difficult it could be to ensure
tenants who lived alone were being honest and truthful about their situation. Officers responded
that Council tax was audited each year which would identify any residents
living alone who claimed single person discount, Council tax would also sent an
annual letter to Denbighshire residents to allow them to update their records.
However this area would be thoroughly investigated during the last audit of
Council Tax. The Head of Finance and Property Services there were thorough
checks with Council tax especially in regards to the single person discount.
However workloads had changed since pandemic therefore there were not as much
checking carried out. Members queried
with officers whether there were methods in place to identify deliberate and
un-deliberate fraud, and if it was not carried out that the work could be
carried out in future audits, the officers responding it could be something to
investigate during the next audit. Members queried
whether digital records were used to check single person discount, it was
stated that the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) had a database was used. Vote taken: 6 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that the
Corporate Governance and Audit Committee receive the Internal Audit Annual
Report 2019-20 and note its content |
INTERNAL AUDIT STRATEGY 2020- 21 AND AUDIT CHARTER To consider a report by the Chief internal Officer (copy enclosed) providing the committee with the Internal Audit Charter and Strategy for 2020-21. 11:25am – 11:45am Additional documents:
Decision: Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee approves the Internal Audit
Charter and the Internal Audit Strategy 2020-21 Minutes: The Chief Internal
Audit (CIA) presented the Internal Audit Charter and Strategy to the committee
report provided the Committee with the Internal Audit Charter and Strategy for
2020-21. The Charter defines Internal Audit’s purpose, authority and responsibility
in line with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards. The Charter had been
updated to capture recent changes relating to the CIA undertaking temporary
responsibility for the Project Management Team. The audit plan was a
risk based plan and was based on the risk for the Council for each service this
was developed before the Corona Virus, the report was updated from March, which
showed the decline in capacity as audit staff had been moved to other
departments, the mental health audit has been put on hold due to work with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health
Board (BCUHB), and many other areas have been put on hold. Members praised the
report, however highlighted a concern that due to lockdown there would be a
larger strain on mental health. It was queried how joint audit work, worked. It
was enquired whether the audit plan was achievable. The officer responded
that the mental health audit was postponed following a request by the BCUHB due
to additional work load by the COVID pandemic. The officers understood that
there would be far more strain on mental health due to the pandemic. Officer
reassured the committee that they believed the audit plan was achievable. Members queried with
the CIA how long would the responsibilities within the Project Management team
would last. Members were informed the work started in April and would likely
last twelve months. Lay Member Paul
Whitham proposed the report be accepted by Corporate Governance Committee,
which was seconded by Councillor Alan James. Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee approves the Internal Audit
Charter and the Internal Audit Strategy 2020-21 |
DRAFT STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 2019/20 To receive a report by the Head of Finance and Property
(copy enclosed) to provide an overview
of the draft Statement of Accounts 2019/20 and the process underpinning it. 11:45am – 12:05pm Additional documents: Decision: Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the position presented within
the Draft Statement of Accounts 2019/20 Minutes: The Lead Member for
Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets introduced the Draft Statement of
Accounts 2019/20 (previously circulated) the report provided an overview of the
draft Statement of Accounts 2019/20 and the process underpinning it. Presenting
the draft accounts gives an early indication of the council’s financial
position and can highlight any issues in the accounts or the process prior to
the accounts being audited. The report would be
coming back in September for a final agreements. The chair alongside the head
of finance and property thanked the finance team for the hard work and
dedication which was carried out. The Head of finance
and property stated that with the draft statement of accounts there had been no
major changes since the previous years. The lack of fundamental changes this
was due to the Corona Virus pandemic. The deadline of the draft statement was
achieved which was the 15th June. The deadline for the next year was agreed for
the 31st May. Wales Audit informed
the committee that they were hoping to bring the audited statements of accounts
to the committee in September. Members were made aware that finance wanted to
have a slimmed down version of the accounts which was not yet agreed upon. The
public engagement aspect of the statement was hard to carry with the public due
to the pandemic. The statements were
for 2019-20 there was little impact on the accounts from COVID, the under spend
for 2019-20 was good. It was advised that it would be beneficial for members to
read the reports that went to Cabinet in June, which gave a detailed overview
summary of the financial situation. Members were informed
if they wanted to contact the head of finance and property with any finance
queries which they would like to raise about the statements he would happily
respond through email. The committee thanked
for opportunity to email with more queries separately to the report. It was
suggested that any queries which were sent would include all members to ensure
there was no duplication of queries. Councillor Alan James
proposed the draft statement of accounts be approved. Seconded by Councillor
Martyn Holland. Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the position presented within
the Draft Statement of Accounts 2019/20 |
ANNUAL TREASURY MANAGEMENT To receive a report by the Head of Finance & Property (copy enclosed) on the Annual Treasury
Management and Treasury management update about the Council’s investment and
borrowing activity during 2019/20. It also provides details of the economic climate
during that time and shows how the Council complied with its Prudential
Indicators, and the details of the Council’s TM activities during 2020/21 to
date. 12:05pm – 12:25pm Additional documents:
Decision: Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the position presented within
the Draft Statement of Accounts 2019/20 Minutes: The Lead Member for
Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets presented the Annual Treasury
Management report (previously circulated) the report was about the Council’s
investment and borrowing activity during 2019/20. It also provides details of the
economic climate during that time and shows how the Council complied with its
Prudential Indicators. Alongside the Annual Treasury Management report there
was also the Treasury management Report which provided details of the Council’s
TM activities during 2020/21 to date. The Head of Finance
and Property guided the committee through the report, the table on the report
indicated when future reports would be coming to the committee and others for
discussion. It was clarified that covering report was a good summary, however
some things were slightly different due to COVID-19, and that some money was
borrowed in advance, as grants needed to be paid aiding businesses the payments
through the pandemic Members queried
investment advisors not traveling would that be a small saving for the Council.
There would also be a saving through remote meetings. Members raised external
borrowing and that Denbighshire were close to the boundary there was also
borrowing for revenue issues, it was asked whether the Council usually borrow
for Cash flow. External borrowing,
boundary was set by the Council for the report, the Council were always be
close to the boundary. Ordinarily the Council did not borrow for revenue,
however it was an agreed upon in the WLGA. The boundary was set, to ensure that
there was control held by the Welsh Government. We need to manage the cash
flow, having to borrow due to several different aspects. The committee
queried with current circumstances with low interest rates, would the Council
be able to borrow at a lower interest rate to pay older debts with high
interest. Officers responded that it could happen however there would be
financial penalties for paying off the debts earlier. Councillor Alan
James proposed the committee note the position within the Draft Statement of
Accounts, seconded by Councillor Martyn Holland. Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the position presented within
the Draft Statement of Accounts 2019/20 |
FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY A report for information from Audit Wales on the Financial Sustainability Assessment (copy enclosed). 12:25pm – 12:45pm Decision: No formal vote was
taken as the report was for information purposes but the Committee agreed as
follows. RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the Financial Sustainability
Assessment by Welsh Audit. Minutes: The Wales Audit
Officers introduced the Financial Sustainability report (previously circulated)
the report was meant to be discussed in March however due to the pandemic it
could not be discussed. The work which was carried out was between July and
November 2019. Therefore it was clarified that some of the dates within the
report were outdated. The committee were
reminded that there were no recommendations from the report, and there was no
national report due to the effect of COVID 19. Members queried with loans
and grants and whether Welsh Government (WG) would pay the interest rates on
loans. The officers informed the committee WG would pay the interest on loans. No formal vote was
taken as the report was for information purposes. RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the Financial Sustainability
Assessment by Welsh Audit. |
2018-19 ANNUAL AUDIT LETTER - FOR INFORMATION To receive information from Welsh Audit on the Annual Audit Letter for Denbighshire County Council 2019-2020, from Audit Wales (copy enclosed). 12:45pm – 12:55pm Additional documents: Decision: No formal vote was
taken as the report was for information purposes but the Committee agreed as
follows. RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the Annual Audit Letter by
Welsh Audit. Minutes: RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the Annual Audit Letter by
Welsh Audit. |
2020 AUDIT PLAN AND SUPPLEMENTARY COVID-19 LETTER - FOR INFORMATION To receive a report for information from Audit Wales on the 2020 Audit plan and a supplementary Covid 19 letter (copy enclosed) 12:55pm – 1:05pm Additional documents: Decision: No formal vote was
taken as the report was for information purposes but the Committee agreed as
follows. RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the 2020 Audit Plan and
Supplementary Covid-19 Letter by Welsh Audit. Minutes: The Wales Audit
officers presented the 2020 audit plan and the supplementary Covid-19 letter
(previously circulated). No formal vote was
taken as the report was for information purposes the Committee noted the report. RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the 2020 Audit Plan and
Supplementary Covid-19 Letter by Welsh Audit. |
2018-19 GRANTS REPORT - FOR INFORMATION To receive a report for information on the 2018-19 grants report by Audit Wales (copy enclosed) 1:05pm – 1:15pm Decision: No formal vote was
taken as the report was for information purposes but the Committee agreed as
follows. RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the 2018-19 Grants Report by
Welsh Audit. Minutes: The Wales Audit
officers presented the 2018-19 Grants Report (previously circulated). It was
clarified the report was meant to be discussed in March but was postponed due
to COVID-19. The committee were informed that all three recommendations within
the report had been granted. No formal vote was
taken as the report was for information purposes. RESOLVED that
the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee note the 2018-19 Grants Report by
Welsh Audit. |
INTERNAL AUDIT UPDATE - INFORMATION REPORT To consider a report by the Head of Internal Audit (copy enclosed) updating members on Internal Audit progress. 1:15pm – 1:25pm Additional documents: Decision: Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that the Corporate Governance and Audit
Committee receive the Internal Audit update report and note its contents. Minutes: The Chief Internal
Auditor presented the Internal Audit Update (previously circulated) the report
provided an update for Corporate Governance and Audit Committee on Internal
Audit’s latest progress in terms of its service delivery, assurance provision,
reviews completed, performance and effectiveness in driving improvement. The committee were
informed that the pandemic had affected the progress of the work as many of the
internal audit team had been moved to other services to assist during the COVID
response. The committee were assured that although the work was progressing
slightly slower all outstanding work would be completed. Members queried with
officers the upcoming project, capital management, and were uncertain what it
meant. The officers responded that members could receive some training to
understand the matter. Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that the Corporate Governance and Audit
Committee receive the Internal Audit update report and note its contents. |
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME To consider the committee’s forward work programme (copy enclosed). Decision: Vote taken: 6 in
favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions RESOLVED that Corporate Governance and Audit
Committee’s forward work programme be
noted. Minutes: The Corporate Governance and
Audit committee’s Forward Work Programme (FWP) was presented for
consideration (previously circulated). The Head of Legal, HR and
Democratic Services informed the committee that the FWP was not dated too far to
the future as the future meeting dates had not been agreed. The committee were informed
that there would be the financial recovery following COVID to be discussed in
September, the internal audit of Contract Management will be discussed in November. RESOLVED that Corporate Governance and Audit
Committee’s forward work programme be
noted. |