Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: via video conference
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item | ||
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Joe Welch. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: No declarations of
interest were raised. |
URGENT MATTERS Notice of items, which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: No urgent matters
were raised. |
To receive the minutes of the Corporate Governance Committee meeting held on 9 June 2021 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes
of the Governance and Audit Committee meeting held on the 9 June 2021 were
submitted. Matters of
accuracy- Page 9 – Item 7 RIPA Inspection 2021 the final paragraph should read ‘Chair’. Matters
arising - None RESOLVED that subject to the above, the minutes of the Governance and Audit Committee be received and approved as a correct record. |
DRAFT STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 2020/21 PDF 145 KB To receive a report by the Head of Finance and Property (copy enclosed) to provide an overview of the draft Statement of Accounts 2019/20 and the process underpinning it. Additional documents: Minutes:
It was confirmed the Draft Statement of Accounts would be presented at the meeting on 22nd September and the Final Statement of Accounts and Audit Wales audit report received at the meeting on 24th November. Confirmation that since the publication of the agenda papers, the finance team had received the signed draft accounts from Denbighshire Leisure Limited to incorporate into the group accounts. The Head of Finance confirmed that communication and regular meetings had taken place to review the timescale for accounts for the upcoming financial years. The Head of Finance and Property offered to produce an update report to be presented to the committee in the new year to update the planning process. Members were in agreement that it would be beneficial to receive an update report in January 2022. It was RESOLVED that ·
note the contents of the report. ·
agreed to include the Draft Statement of Accounts in September 2021 and the
Final Statement of Accounts and Audit Wales Audit Report be included on the
forward work programme for November 2021. ·
progress on the Statement of Accounts process be included in the forward work
programme for January 2022. | |||
ANNUAL TREASURY MANAGEMENT PDF 152 KB To receive a report by the Head of Finance & Property (copy enclosed) on the Annual Treasury Management and Treasury management update about the Council’s investment and borrowing activity during 2020/21. It also provides details of the economic climate during that time and shows how the Council complied with its Prudential Indicators, and the details of the Council’s TM activities during 2021/22 to date. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Lead Member for Finance, Performance and
Strategic Assets presented the Annual Treasury Management (TM) report
(previously circulated). The report provided information on the Council’s
investment and borrowing activity during 2020/21. It also provided details of
the economic climate during that time and showed how the Council complied with
its Prudential Indicators. Included alongside the Annual TM Report 2020/21 (Appendix 1) was the TM Update Report (Appendix 2) which
details of the Council’s TM activities during 2021/22 to date. Confirmation
that the borrowing activity for the year had been slightly less than the
previous year due to paying off historic lending. It was highlighted that the
Council confirmed it had complied with its Prudential Indicators for 2020/21,
which were set in February 2020 as part of the Council’s Treasury Management
Strategy Statement. Members were guided through Annex B which provided details
of the Prudential Indicators (PI). Members were reminded that a number of the
PI’s were presented to County Council as part of the Capital Report, creating a
more focused set of PI’s presented to this committee. The PI’s had addressed
the level of borrowing and how the authority was able to borrow. The Head of Finance and Property provided further information on the information contained within the report. Members were guided to Appendix 2 – Treasury Management update. Members heard regular meetings with an independent TM consultant continued to take place to discuss considered estimates to potential changes in interest rates, the economy, political stance and the international financial position. The authority had been required to spend funds to aid the recovery of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Continued evaluation of borrowing and rates was vital. The HFP expanded on the Medium Term Capital Strategy, stating work had begun to develop a medium term strategy for capital. This would help identify projects that the authority was planning to develop and invest in over a 5 to 10 year period, but had not yet progressed through the approval process. This would have an impact on the level of borrowing that the Council will require to undertake over the coming years. Members were informed a detailed model was currently being developed with our Treasury Management advisers to help inform the decision making process ensuring the correct balance was maintained between the need to invest in our assets and the ability to continue to deliver an ambitious investment programme ensuring the plans remain prudent and affordable. Members thanked the Lead Member and HFP for the detailed reports and noted the list of abbreviations being very useful for members. During the discussion the HFP expanded on members enquiries on the following: · The Non-HRA ratio was borrowing that was set the authority was unable to change for a period of time. Officers considered all assets when looking at borrowing funds. Finding a balance of what was essential for the authority and the level of borrowing the authority held were considered when extra lending was required. The HFP stressed the complex working around this particular PI. · Training had been provided by Arlingclose Ltd prior to the lockdown. The HFP stated he thought the next training session would be following the May2022 elections. He stated the contract with the company did include training, so if members thought a requirement for training was needed it could be asked. · The authority had loaned funds from other local authorities for more short term lending needs. The credit rating of those authorities was taken into account. A broker performed tests and research to recommend the opportunities available for short term borrowing. · Members were informed that officers last March 2020 deemed ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
AUDIT ENQUIRIES 2020/21 PDF 120 KB To receive a report from the Head of Finance and Property (copy enclosed) introducing the Audit Enquiries Letter and the Council’s response to those enquiries. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Finance and Property (HFP) introduced the report (previously circulated). Members were reminded of the duty to confirm the responses to Audit Wales enquiries. Members heard a number of the issues raised had been included in the Annual Governance Statement and in the Draft and Final Statement of Accounts. The Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee and the HFP would formally agree the response. The report was presented to members for comments. Appendix 1 attached was the letter received from Audit Wales and had been included for reference. The second appendix included detailed the findings from Audit Wales which required discussion. The HFP highlighted the changes that had been made from the responses made in 2019-2020. Further information of the changes was provided: ·
The inclusion of an additional response to
question one, to include ‘current
review of guidance on use of purchasing cards’. Members were informed the additional
response had resulted from an internal audit review. ·
change to the name of the committee within the report to reflect the committee changing
to Governance and Audit committee. ·
to the responses to question 2 to reflect the inclusion of the risk of fraud
within the Corporate Risk Register. ·
elements had been included in response to question one of ‘Enquiries of those charged with governance – in
relation to fraud’. The inclusion of the role the Governance and Audit
Committee to review the Strategy for the Prevention & Detection of
Fraud, Corruption & Bribery and Fraud Response Plan. Along with Governance
& Audit Committee to maintain an oversight of the Corporate Risk Register
which included a corporate risk relating to fraud had been added to the
response column. It was confirmed
once agreed by the committee a formal response to Audit Wales would be made. Members were
pleased to note the inclusion of Internal Audit findings had been taken into
consideration when addressing the responses to Audit Wales questions. The report was
to ensure the Statement of Accounts had no financial misstatements. To ensure
robust governance arrangements were in place. The Monitoring Officer confirmed that
an Internal Audit of Governance arrangements between Denbighshire Leisure
Limited and the authority had taken place. The term ‘related
parties’ referred to any relationship with any individual who had a
transactional relationship with the council. The term related party was a
technical term. RESOLVED
that the title of the committee to be amended within the recommendation and
all members were in agreement for the Chair to formally confirm the responses
included in Appendix 2 to the report. |
To receive
the report by the Chief Internal Auditor (copy enclosed) setting out the Council’s commitment to
preventing, detecting and deterring fraud and corruption. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Internal Officer (CIA) presented the report to the committee (previously circulated). The report had been written by the CIA and included input from the Monitoring Officer and The Head of Finance and Property. The CIA informed members that the Strategy for the Prevention & Detection of Fraud, Corruption and Bribery (SPDFCB) was an existing strategy that had been reviewed and updated. The updated report had considered the Local Government Strategy – Fighting Fraud and Corruption Locally 2020. Confirmation
was provided that the Strategy was not only concerned with operational activity
to detect and investigate fraud and corruption, but also set out objectives for
pro-active actions to deter and prevent fraud and corruption. The Fraud
Response Plan (appendix 2) had been revised to reflect existing processes and
to strengthen arrangements to ensure that all relevant parties were involved at
key points and to include greater alignment with the authorities HR policies,
in particular the disciplinary policy. To
ensure investigations follow the correct procedures and go through the correct
channels. The CIA
informed members the key changes made to the SPDFCB had been highlighted in red (appendix 1). Members
were guided through the changes proposed. The CIA highlighted the responsibilities
of elected members that had been amended within the strategy. The strategy would
be reviewed as part of the Annual Governance Statement. Within the SPDFCB an action plan (appendix A) had been included to illustrate the intended outcomes of each action. A guide for employees (appendix B) had been included to provide information to staff on what they need to do if they suspect and fraud. A list of the Fraud risks had also been included (appendix C). Members thanked the CIA for the detailed report and felt the changes made in red made the changes easier to note. During the discussion,
officers expanded upon the following- · The CIA confirmed that the word ‘expects’ in the amended version of the Scope and Definitions could be altered to emphasise the requirement stronger. · It was the responsibility of the Head of Service to determine if any action from an employee expressing a business or personal interest and follow the correct procedure if any action is required. · The authority had not had any fraud concerns or reports from contractors, funding recipients and partners. · The term ‘elected members’ was a generic term for members of the authority. Included were co-opted members of the authority as those members are bound by the code of conduct and the responsibilities of elected members would refer to them also. · Certain staff are required to annually complete the annual declaration return form. The arrangements around this area did need to improve. Following the discussion it was, RESOLVED, that members note the contents of the report and agree the report to be
referred to Cabinet for approval. |
INTERNAL AUDIT UPDATE PDF 117 KB To consider a report by the Chief Internal Auditor (copy enclosed) updating members on Internal Audit progress. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Internal Auditor (CIA) introduced the report (previously circulated) updating members on the Internal Audit Team’s progress in terms of its service delivery, assurance provision, reviews completed, performance and effectiveness in driving improvement. The report provided information on work carried out by Internal Audit since the last committee meeting. It allowed the committee to monitor Internal Audit’s performance and progress as well as providing summaries of Internal Audit reports. Confirmation that 9
Audits and 2 follow up reviews had been completed since the last committee
meeting. It was highlighted that none of the 9 completed audits had received a
low assurance and the 2 follow up reports had been included on the agenda as separate
agenda items. Members were reminded details of each of the audits had been
included as appendix 1 to the report. A brief background of each audit was
presented to the committee. During the discussion
– ·
It was
noted an increase in alerts from the
National Anti-Fraud Network (NAFN) had been observed. The CIA confirmed she
passed on any concerns to management within the authority. ·
raised a concern on the staff resource within the authority. The MO confirmed a
workforce planning exercise had been scheduled to take place later in the year
to review any staffing issues including recruitment and retention of staff. The
impact of the last 18months would be taken into consideration. The CIA added
that an audit of workforce planning was scheduled to take place. ·
were disappointed that the staffing resource within Internal Audit had not been
resolved. The CIA confirmed it was difficult to appoint a qualifies auditor. ·
Governance Board meeting had been well attended. The meeting was virtual and
better attendance had been noted since being held remotely. ·
was unsure of the date of the project closure report for the contract management
of SC2. She confirmed she would find the answer and let members know. ·
raised the need for a training session to be arranged for members. It was felt
an effective audit training session would be beneficial. The CIA stated she would
discuss with Democratic Services. Members thanked the CIA for the detailed response to member’s questions. It was therefor; RESOLVED that, members note the Internal
Audit’s progress and performance. |
At this juncture (11.25 a.m.) members agreed to a 10 minute comfort break. The meeting reconvened at 11.35 a.m. |
The Chief Internal Auditor provided members and observers with an update on the SC2 Audit report agreed date. An agreed date for completion of the closure report was end of August 2021.
INTERNAL AUDIT FOLLOW UP - PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF QUEEN'S BUILDING PDF 120 KB To receive an update (copy enclosed) on progress in implementing the action plan that accompanied the Internal Audit report on the Project Management of Queen’s Building, which was presented to this committee in January 2021. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Internal Auditor (CIA) guided
members through the follow up report (previously circulated). The report
provided members with an update on the progress in implementing the action plan
that accompanied the Internal Audit report on the Project Management of Queen’s
Building dated January 2021 which was presented to this committee in January
2021. Confirmation that 8 of the 12 agreed actions
had been completed. The remaining actions were all in progress. The CIA stated
she was pleased with the work that had completed. Members were guided through
the action points and further information was provided. Based on the results of
the follow up review, a medium assurance rating had been provided. A further follow up report was scheduled to take
place in December 2021 to review the outstanding action points progress. The CIA confirmed the VERTO system contract
had ended and the tendering process had begun. It was understood the VERTO
system would continue to be used. The term access levels referred to the access
to the VERTO system. The issue was raised to review individuals access and
ensure employees have access they require. It was; RESOLVED that the committee note the follow up report
and a further follow up on Project Management of Queen’s building be included
within the internal Audit report, following the next Internal Audit follow up. |
INTERNAL AUDIT FOLLOW UP OF CONTRACT MANAGEMENT PDF 123 KB To receive an update report (copy enclosed) on progress in implementing the action plan that accompanied the Internal Audit report on Contract Management. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Internal Auditor (CIA) along with the Senior Auditor (SA) guided members through the follow up report (previously circulated). This report
provided members with an update on progress in executing the action plan that accompanied
the Internal Audit report on Contract Management. The review of Contract
Management had originally received a low assurance rating. The CIA provided
background information reminding members that the committee had identified that
the original action plan contained actions which were no longer feasible given
the suspension of Corporate Support Services Review at the height of the
Covid-19 pandemic. A revised action plan had been agreed at Governance and
Audit Committee in January 2021 to provide assurance that suitable actions had
been devised to address the issues identified in the original report. The
follow up review had been based on the actions of the revised action plan. The SA
informed members a large number of actions had been raised at the initial
review and revised action plan. 14 actions were raised in the revised action plan;
7 actions had not been implemented and 3 had not been due. Revised action dates
had been agreed for 31st October 2021. Officers noted that limited progress
had been made of the actions set out in the revised action plan agreed in
January 2021. The full implementation of a number of the actions had been dependent
on the approval by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) of the Contract Management
Framework (CMF). At the time of the review, the draft framework had not been to
SLT for comment and endorsement. The CMF sets out how to score and categorize contracts
in to three groups. The framework provided detailed criteria for how to score
contracts and set out the tasks and responsibilities based on the categorisation
of the contract. It was noted
that an ongoing capacity pressure and lack of dedicated contract management
resource had also restricted the ability to provide the required contract
management oversight, training and guidance. The assurance
remained as a low assurance rating concluding in a further follow review
scheduled for later in the year. The Monitoring
Officer (MO) thanked the Internal Audit officers for the report and the
assistance they provided in the initial stages of the action plan. The MO took
full responsibility for the delay in presenting the CMF to SLT. Confirmation a
draft framework had been created earlier in the year to be presented. SLT had
since received the draft CMF and endorsed the framework as a concept and a way
of working going forward. The framework ensured the risk associated with the
contract would be correctly assessed and scored at the outset. Clear roles and
responsibilities had been included in the CMF for contract managers to adhere
to. It was envisaged that procurement would produce monthly reports for Heads
of Services to review contracts and any actions to be conducted. It was hoped
more bespoke training on the CMF would be produced for contract management and
users. The Chair
and members of the committee thanked the MO for the transparent background to
the CMF. In response
to member’s questions, officers expanded on the following: ·
procurement team was not resourced to be contract managers. Procurement had provided
generic training and guidance for the module on proactis. The responsibility lay
with the services to manage contracts. The framework would ensure consistency throughout
the authority. It would also provide guidance and support to all managers
across the authority. · The community benefits hub was an initiative introduced to ensure a consistent approach to service and advise when procuring contracts. The community benefits was fully ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
To receive a report by the Head of Business Improvement and Modernisation (copy enclosed) which details breaches of the data protection act and complaints relating to Freedom of Information Legislation. Additional documents: Minutes: The Lead Member for the Economy and Corporate Governance
presented the annual SIRO report (previously circulated) providing members with
information on breaches of data protection act that had been subject to
investigation during the period between April 2020 and March 31st
2021. During the period there were 22
data incidents involving personal data, an increase on last year when there
were 13. It was highlighted the inclusion of school of data of breaches had
been included in the report. The Head of Business Improvement &
Modernisation (HBIM) provided background information to members. Members heard
the importance of the oversight by Governance and Audit committee to ensure
data is managed safely within the authority. It was stressed the impact data protection and breaches may
have on individuals not just the reputation of the council. The HBIM stated a
large increase of breaches had been recorded in the timeframe. Included in the report
was a breakdown of the breaches. Each case had been investigated fully. It was felt the reason for the increase in breaches had
been due to staff not working in normal circumstances or environments. Work to
address the incidents to prevent further breaches had begun, including work
with Microsoft when sending emails. Data Protection training had been completed
by all staff. The online training package had been reviewed and a new section
to include the dangers of homeworking to include elements to reduce the number
of errors made. The roll out of the new training had begun for all staff to
complete. Work with services had been positive and well received. Confirmation that the work around the GDPR had been
completed. Members were informed Freedom of Information Requests and Subject Access
Requests levels had reduced this last year with an increase in Environmental
Information Requests observed. The HBIM stated he was pleased that no incidents had been
reported to the Information Commissioners Office for investigation during the
timeframe. Members thanked the Lead Member and HBIM for the comprehensive report
and detailed brief. During the discussion members raised the following: ·
of Information Requests targeted at Councillor information, the applicant asking
for information would remain blind as the request is for information and not
against an individual Councillor. ·
The Information Governance Group
included Education and School’s representatives. One objective of the group had
been to share good practice between schools and the authority. ·
Members were in favour of the inclusion of data breaches
in schools be included in future reports. The Committee requested that schools
be assured the authority was there to support and offer guidance. The HBIM
stated he would ask the school connection officer to feedback to schools. The Chair thanked the Officer and Lead
Member for the report and detailed responses to members raised. RESOLVED – that the Governance
and Audit Committee receive and note the contents of the report. |
GOVERNANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME PDF 307 KB To consider the committee’s forward work programme (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Governance and Audit
Committee’s Forward Work Programme (FWP) was presented for consideration (previously circulated). It was agreed to
amend the FWP as following: ·
An update
from Internal Audit be presented in November 2021 on Contract Management. ·
An update
by Internal Audit on the Queens Market be included with the Internal Audit
Report in January 2022. ·
Quarterly review from Audit Wales be presented to committee in September 2021. ·
Statement of Accounts be included at the November 2021 meeting. ·
Statement of Accounts added to the September 2021 FWP. ·
report on the timetable for close down in January 2022. ·
Annual Health and Safety and Fire Risk report be included on the FWP. ·
report on Complaints as per the Local Government and Elections Act be added to
the FWP. RESOLVED that, subject to the inclusion of the above additions the Governance and Audit Committee’s forward work programme be noted. |
The meeting concluded at 12.45 p.m. Additional documents: |