Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: via Zoom
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No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Tony Flynn
Ellie Chard and Meirick LLoyd Davies declared a personal interest in agenda
item 7 - Challenge & intervention framework for schools in financial
difficulty – as they were School Governors. Councillor Barry
Mellor declared a personal interest in agenda item 7 - Challenge & intervention
framework for schools in financial difficulty – as he was Chair of Governors of
a Denbighshire school. Lay Member Paul Whitham declared a personal interest in agenda item 7 - Challenge & intervention framework for schools in financial difficulty – as he had a grandchild at a Denbighshire High School. |
URGENT MATTERS Notice of items, which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: None. |
To receive the minutes of the Corporate Governance Committee meeting held on 18 November 2020 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Corporate Governance Committee held on the 18
November 2020 were submitted. Matters arising – ·
Page 8 – Internal Audit Update – It was confirmed
the Senior Auditor post had been filled. ·
Page 9 – Internal Audit Update – Confirmation that
the proposed audit planned were still on hold. ·
Page 10 - Care
Inspectorate Wales (CIW) Local authority performance review April 2019 - March
2020 – The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed she would enquire if any CIW
reviews had taken place and report back to the committee. ·
Page 14 – Annual Report of Corporate Governance
Committee – The Monitoring Officer confirmed the report had been presented at
County Council. RESOLVED that subject to the above, the minutes of the
Corporate Governance Committee be received and approved as a correct record. |
LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND ELECTIONS (WALES) BILL - PERFORMANCE AND GOVERNANCE PDF 284 KB To recive a report (copy attached) on the consultation on the draft statutory guidance for principal councils, which determines how they should exercise their performance and governance functions as set out in Part 6 of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Bill. Additional documents: Minutes: The Strategic Planning & Performance Team Leader
(SPPTL) presented the report (previously circulated) to members on the
performance and governance aspects of the Local Government and Elections Wales
Bill. It was stressed the importance that the Corporate Governance and Audit
Committee consider the paper. The SPPTL explained the three key implications of the
Draft strategy guidance that justified discussion to be - ·
Self-assessment ·
Annual stakeholder survey ·
Panel performance assessment The SPPTL made reference to the detailed
description of each within section 4 of the cover report. Particular reference was
made to the new power the Auditor
General for Wales would have to initiate a special inspection of principal
councils that may not be meeting their performance requirements, thus providing Welsh Ministers
the power to reconstruct, deconstruct or merge councils. Within the Bill a
requirement had been included that stated the Corporate Governance and Audit
Committee would be required to annually review the self-assessment document and
could make recommendations for changes Members thanked the officer for the detailed report and transparent
introduction. The SPPTL provided further information to members’ questions and
concerns on the following – ·
The annual fieldwork of the Wales Audit Office (WAO)
would continue . It was stipulated they would have less of a role in overall
Council performance. Monthly meetings and communication with WAO would continue
to ensure performance obligations are met. ·
Work had begun to assess the cost of the processes.
A report would be presented to SLT to begin the process and establish how to
progress with the Annual Stakeholders Survey. ·
The SPPTL was confident that the Council had
adopted a transparent reporting process throughout the core functions. Officers
would be able to use determined conclusions from reports to input into a
self-assessment report. ·
It was confirmed by the WAO representative that WAO
have not completed Corporate assessments for a number of years. The Chair thanked the SPPTL for the comprehensive guide through the
report and highlighted the large amount of work that would be required to be
completed by officers. Following the discussions, it was RESOLVED that, members had read and understood the implications of the draft
statutory guidance prepared by Welsh Government. |
LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND ELECTIONS (WALES) BILL 2021 PDF 141 KB To receive a report on the Local Government
and Elections (Wales) Bill 2019 (the Bill) (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Monitoring Officer (MO) introduced the report (previously
circulated) to members. The MO shared a presentation. Members were informed
that the Bill had been awarded Royal Assent the week before and was now an Act.
It had been agreed and passed by the Senedd in November 2020. It was confirmed
that the provisions set out in the Act would be introduced on a staggered
approach. A number of reports would be presented to members when required. The MO provided members with further information on the following
sections- Electoral arrangements -
Confirmation that the Act extended the voting franchise in local
elections to16 and 17 year olds and foreign citizens legally resident in Wales.
The Act enabled councils to choose between the ‘first past the post’ voting
system or the ‘singe transferable vote system’
system. A change to the current system would require a full County
Council decision. The electoral cycle would formally become a five-year cycle.
The removal of Returning Officer fees was included. General power of competence – Local Authorities are currently only able
to act in circumstances where they are expressly permitted to so by
legislation. The general power is intended to allow them to act unless
specifically prohibited from doing so by legislation. Public participation in local government – It was stressed that DCC
would have a duty to engage and encourage local residents to participate in
local government. The final version of the Act included a requirement to
broadcast certain meetings. It was
confirmedthat the flexibility of remote meetings would continue. Democratic governance and leadership – The Act stated that each Local
Authority must appoint a Chief Executive. A number of duties and requirements
would be included with the role relating tofinancial arrangements, risk
management arrangements, resources and staffing. A requirement to include arrangements within the constitution to allow
Council to elect more than one person as a joint Leader and job shares in
Cabinet. The introduction of appointed
assistants to Cabinet had also been included, further guidance was expected. Collaborative Working – The Council will have to have regard to Welsh
Government guidance.. It was confirmed that Welsh Ministers would have the
power to establish Corporate Joint Committees to cover economic wellbeing,
transport, strategic planning and school improvement, although the current
proposals did not include school improvement Performance and governance – The Act states the committee should be named the ‘Governance and
Audit Committee’. Confirmation that there would be a change to the prescribed
membership and Chairing of the committee. The change would include one third of
the committee to be represented by independent lay members and the Chair would
have to be an independent lay member. The date of the change to membership had
not been confirmed. Mergers and restructuring – Confirmation that voluntary merges would still
exist. Within the Act Welsh Ministers could make ‘restructuring regulations’.
Those powers would only be exercised following a special inspection report from the Auditor General Wales or an
abolition request from a council. The MO stated a lot of information was awaited and would flow in the
coming months and updates to the committee would take place as the information
became available. The MO asked for members’ opinions on the creation of a
working group to review the implementation of theAct and the changes that would
be required. Confirmation that information and updates would be relayed to
members when made available. During the ensuing presentation members took
the opportunity to raise questions and discussed various aspects of the report.
The main discussion points focused on the following – · Members agreed it would be beneficial to have an ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
CHALLENGE & INTERVENTION FRAMEWORK FOR SCHOOLS IN FINANCIAL DIFFICULTY (SIFD) PDF 145 KB To receive a report (copy attached) on the progress of the implementation of the Challenge & Intervention Framework for Schools in Financial Difficulty (SIFD) process. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Lead Member for Finance and Efficiency guided members through the
update report (previously circulated). It was confirmed that at present DCC
delegated 85% of school’s budget directly to schools. It was the duty of each
school to provide DCC with a three-year budget plan annually. It was explained
schools at times may experience financial issues, DCC had the provision to
licence a deficit to support schools to return to a surplus budget. Close
working with all schools within DCC had continued. Within the report as Appendix 1, was the challenge and intervention
framework. The Lead member reminded members it had been brought to committee in
November 2017. The report today had been presented to members to demonstrate
how the process had worked. The Head of Finance and Property Services (HFPS) provided information of
the role of DCC and school governing bodies. It was the responsibility of the
school governing bodies to budget the school annual budget. The HFPS confirmed
he was pleased with the process and work that had occurred with schools in
financial difficulty. The Schools Funding Manager confirmed visits to school
three times a year had continued to obtain information and to support schools.
The implementation on the framework had been received positively and was
working well. During discussion the following matters were raised – ·
The definition of a ‘small school’ was very
difficult. Denbighshire County Council’s definition would be a school with 50
pupils or less. ·
The demography adjustment was calculated in
September using the PLASC data provided by schools. It is a detailed calculation
completed every year. ·
Confirmation that DCC had no intention to close
smaller schools. If Welsh Government
directed to do so communication would take place. ·
DCC still received numerous grants for school and
education. It was confirmed that the two main grants received were for PDG
(free school meals) and sixth form grant. ·
The School Funding Manager was not aware of any
available lotto funding. He would enquire any further information and report
back to members. ·
A number of factors had contributed to the
reduction in Prestatyn High School, confirmation that
the number of students attending the school had improved. ·
It was stressed with close working with officers
and action plans in place, schools can still be in control of individual
budgets whilst being in deficit. ·
It was confirmed if officers had concerns that
schools had not listened to finance officers or implemented the plan, it would
be brought to committee to address. If officers felt improvement and the plan
would support the school into surplus, officers would monitor. ·
The new Chris the Word School pupil numbers had
been low for the size of the school. The number of pupils going to the school
was rapidly increasing. The school funding manager was confident that with the
increase in school pupils the school would move out of a deficit. Following the discussion, it was RESOLVED
that members note the contents of the
report. |
At this junction (11:50 a.m.) there was a 10
minute break. Meeting reconvened at 12.00 noon. |
a report by the Head of Finance and Property (copy enclosed) on 1. Treasury Management Strategy Statement
(TMSS) 2021/22 and Prudential indicators 2021/22 to 2023/24 (Appendix1) and; 2.
Management (TM) Update Report 2020/21 (Appendix2). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Lead Member for Finance and Efficiency introduced the
Annual Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) 2021/22 Report (Appendix 1
- previously circulated) which showed how the Council would manage its
investments and its borrowing for the coming year and sets out the Policies
within which the Treasury Management function operate. The Treasury Management Update Report (appendix 2) provided details of
the Council’s Treasury Management activities during 2020/21. The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s Code of
Practice on Treasury Management (the “CIPFA TM Code”) requires the Council to
approve the TMSS and Prudential Indicators annually. The Corporate Governance
Committee is required to review this report before it is approved by Council on
23 February 2021. The Head of Finance and Property Services (HFPS) highlighted a number of
significant points to the report. These included reference to the investment
and borrowing graphs included in appendix 1 of the papers. A slight peak had
been observed at the start of the year on the investment graph and had been due
to the resolution of business grants payments and rate relief. Communication
with the Welsh Government and Welsh Local Government Association to devise a
package that allowed Denbighshire Finance department to plan the treasury
management cash flow in the best way. It was stressed to members the responsibilities of treasury management
had been, ensuring security of the resources, liquidity and yield from
investment. It was confirmed that at present the focus had been on the security
of the investments. Members were guided to section 4 of appendix 2 regarding a change to the
regulations to PWLB and borrowing rates. Confirmation that no activity of this
nature had taken place. During discussion the following points were raised – ·
Officers confirmed that the level of borrowing was
acceptable at present. Members heard a level of borrowing was set annually.
Parameters were set to officers to professionally manage a set amount of
borrowing. ·
Welsh Government paid a number of schemes up front with
follow up payments later. The revenue support grant had been partially paid up
front aiding the cash flow within the Council. Confirmation that funding had
been reimbursed through the quarterly loss of income claim by Welsh Government. It was stressed that the scheme by Welsh
Government had been vital over the previous months. ·
The HFPS confirmed that penalty clauses for paying
off existing borrowing usually outweighed any benefit in interest rates. RESOLVED, that the Committee note the Treasury Management
Strategy Statement for 2021/22, the Prudential Indicators 2021/22 to 2022/23.
The Committee note the Treasury Management Update Report and confirm it has
read, understood and taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment as part
of its consideration. |
update on the progress in implementing the improvement plan contained within
the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 (copy enclosed). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Internal Auditor introduced the report (previously
circulated). The report provided members with an update to the improvement
actions that had been included in the Annual Governance Statement agreed by the
Committee in July 2020 and was included as part of the Statement of Accounts
present to members in September 2020. An update to the progress of the actions had been included as appendix 1
to the report (previously circulated). It was confirmed that all actions had
made progress. Some of the completion dates had been reviewed. Further updates
would be included in the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 report due to be
presented to the committee in April 2021. Members were pleased to receive the update from the Chief Internal
Auditor and thanked her for the report. It was therefore, RESOLVED
that members note the update report. |
CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AUDIT - REVISED ACTION PLAN PDF 117 KB To receive the updated action plan to the ‘Contract Management’ Internal Audit report (copy enclosed). Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were guided through the report (previously circulated) by the
Chief Internal Auditor. It was explained to the committee, that a low assurance
report had been presented to the committee in July 2020 a number of the actions
had been allocated to the Corporate Support Service Review to implement. Due to
Covid-19 the work stream had been put on hold. It was agreed to examine the
action plan to ensure it was realistic, the action plan was attached as
appendix 1(previously circulated). The report provided named officers to
implement the actions, with a deadline reflective to the action. The dates had
been revised to allow for a realistic timeframe for implementation. The Monitoring Officer offered his thanks to the Audit team and Chief
Financial officer for the work that had been made to the action plan. Members
were informed of the detailed work that had been undertaken. Lay member Paul Whitham stressed the
importance of strong contract management. A request to incorporate all
contracts, construction and non-construction are included in the training
schedule. To ensure all contracts are treated equally. The Monitoring Officer
confirmed that the intention was for all contracts to be treated equally and
for best practices to be shared. It had been impressed upon contractual manager
to upload contracts onto the Proactis model. An issue
had been noted on the availability to upload historic contracts, members were
informed this was being investigated. RESOLVED
that members note the contents of the report
and an update report be included on the forward work programme. |
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME PDF 302 KB To consider the committee’s forward work programme (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Corporate Governance and Audit
Committee’s Forward Work Programme (FWP) was presented for consideration (previously circulated). It was agreed to include the following reports on the committee’s FWP: 17 March 2021 – ·
Follow up report on the Housing Tenancy following a
low assurance report previously reported. ·
Follow up report on Payment Card Industry (PCI DSS)
following a low assurance report previously reported. 28 April 2021 – ·
Draft Annual Governance Statement 9 June 2021 – ·
Internal Audit Annual report ·
Contract Management update 28 July – ·
Treasury Management ·
Anti-fraud and corruption policy ·
Homelessness Internal Audit Update Members agreed to include The Local Government Act update to be included
under future items, to be included on the agenda when required. RESOLVED that Corporate Governance and Audit
Committee’s forward work programme be noted. |
INTERNAL AUDIT UPDATE PDF 125 KB To consider a report by the Head of Internal Audit (copy enclosed) updating members on Internal Audit progress. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Internal Auditor (CIA) introduced
the report (previously circulated) updating members on the Internal Audit
Team’s progress in terms of its service delivery, assurance provision, reviews
completed, performance and effectiveness in driving improvement. It had also
included an update on progress with the CIPFA Good Practice for Audit
Committees. The internal audit team had continued to
provide advice and support in relation to changes to control arrangements that
the Council had to implement in response to the pandemic. Confirmation that the
planned audits had been prioritised 2020/21 as reported to the committee in
November 2020 and, while engagement from services was generally good, Covid-19
continued to impact on the pace and progression of some of our audits. It was highlighted to members the Audit Plan
remained under regular review, as well as the progress in delivering assurance
work, to gauge if the Chief Internal Auditor can form an Annual Opinion on
governance, risk management and internal control arrangements without any scope
limitations. CIPFA had recently released guidance for providing an Annual
Opinion with Scope Limitations which will be used should it be required. The report provided information on work
carried out by Internal Audit since the last committee meeting. It allowed the
committee to monitor Internal Audit’s performance and progress as well as
providing summaries of Internal Audit reports. Confirmation was provided to
members that the appointment of a new Senior Auditor had been successful.
Confirmation was also received that resource available to the Chief Internal
Auditor will not be reduced, therefore the recruitment process to fill the
vacant Auditor post will be initiated shortly. Confirmation that 6 Audits had been completed since the last committee
meeting. Members were reminded details of each of the audits had been included
as appendix 1 to the report. A brief background of each audit was presented to
the committee - Provision of Homeless
Accommodation Recruitment & Retention Ysgol Pendref
Ethical Culture Queen’s Buildings Data Protection & Freedom of
Information. The CIA confirmed that three
audits had not yet started but had been prioritised to commence in the coming
months. These key audits aided in the progress of delivering internal audit
assurance. These were ·
Denbighshire Leisure Limited ·
ICT Capacity and Resilience ·
Risk Management – corporate risks not covered by
other audits. The training arranged with CIPFA on “How to
be a more effective audit committee” had been put on hold temporarily due to
the coronavirus pandemic. The CIA confirmed communication would continue to
enquire if any remote training would be possible. General discussion – ·
Members requested the self-assessment against the
CIPFA Practical Guidance for Audit Committees be issued as soon as possible. ·
Confirmation that the homelessness audit had been
completed prior to the pandemic. Members
did not agree with the use of hotels and bed and breakfast for the
homelessness. Work was on going into options of offering accommodation to
residents and families. It was confirmed
a number of reports had been presented to Scrutiny to debate the homelessness
provision in Denbighshire. The Monitoring Officer confirmed a report had been
agreed by Chairs and Vice-Chairs to be presented to the Partnerships Scrutiny
in the Autumn term. Members could request a specific detail to be considered by
Chairs and Vice-Chairs by completing the appropriate form. The Monitoring
Officer agreed to communicate with the Scrutiny co-ordinator to include the
audit report as part of the homelessness report presented to scrutiny. · Members heard, that due to certain circumstances such as special environmental needs, domestic violence or other factors a number of residents from other county’s residing in Denbighshire and vice versa. It was also noted that Denbighshire and ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
a report (copy attached) about
the operation of the Council’s Whistleblowing Policy since the last annual
report. Additional documents:
Minutes: EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC In order to address the concerns raised under the Whistle
Blowing policy and discuss of the confidential appendix it was – RESOLVED that under Section 100A of the Local
Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting on the
grounds that it would involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined
in Paragraph 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Act. A confidential report by the Monitoring Officer (MO), which
provided information relating to the operation of the Council’s Whistleblowing
policy. The report had been submitted in accordance with the Council’s
Whistleblowing Policy (WP), which contained a requirement that the MO bring a
report to the Corporate Governance Committee at least once a year on the operation of
the Policy and any changes in practice introduced as a result of concerns
raised under the Policy. The report had been originally scheduled to
come to Committee in March 2020, however it was delayed by the pandemic and the
decision was made to bring a report covering two years, the period 1st November
2018 to 31st December 2020. During this period there have been six new concerns
raised under the Policy. The MO provided members with a brief background to the six
concerns that had been raised. It was pleasing to note people had reported any
concerns as it had demonstrated an understanding of the Whistleblowing policy. RESOLVED, that the Corporate Governance Committee
receive the annual report and note its contents. |
The meeting concluded at 15.00 p.m. Additional documents: |