Agenda and draft minutes
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No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were
received from Councillors Justine Evans, Carol Holliday, Merfyn Parry and Elfed
Williams. Apologies from Lay
Member Paul Whitham were received. David Roberts
infomred committee he was present to present agenda item 6 on behalf of Gerry
Lappington who sent his apologies. |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIR To appoint a Vice Chair of the Governance and Audit Committee for the ensuing year. Additional documents: Minutes: Nominations were sought for a Member to
serve as the Committee’s Vice Chair for the ensuing year. Lay Member David
Stewart nominated Councillor Mark Young, seconded by Councillor Ellie Chard. No
other nominations were received and it was therefore; RESOLVED that
Councillor Mark Young be appointed as the Governance and Audit Committee’s Vice
Chair for the ensuing year. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS PDF 116 KB Members to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any business identified to be considered at this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Ellie Chard informed the committee she had been a member on the Council’s Health and Safety committee and Performance Scrutiny Committee both of which are noted in reports within the agenda. The Monitoring Officer confirmed that member’s past committee commitments did not need to be noted as an interest as they were internal committees of the Authority. The Chair, Lay Member David Stewart declared a personal interest as he was also a member of Wrexham Council’s Governance and Audit committee and some of the information may relate to that Authority.
URGENT MATTERS Notice of items, which in the opinion of the Chair should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no
urgent items. |
To receive the minutes of the Corporate Governance Committee meeting held on 27 July 2022 (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes
of the Governance and Audit committee held on 27 July 2022 were submitted. Matter
arising – Page 8 –
Minutes – Internal Audit questionnaires had not yet begun to be issued
quarterly. The internal auditor who issued the surveys was currently on long
term sick. The task would be reallocated to another member of staff if
required. Page 8 –
Minutes – It was confirmed Treasury Management training had been scheduled for
28th October to be presented by Arling
Close. It was confirmed WLGA had provided an e-learning module that related to
the work of the committee. A date would be set for a training session before
the next meeting. Page 11 –
Draft Statement of Accounts – It was confirmed no significant concerns had been
raised during the audit stage of the process. RESOLVED,
subject to the above
that the minutes of the Governance and Audit committee held on 27 July 2022 be
received and approved as a correct record. |
ANNUAL CORPORATE HEALTH AND SAFETY REPORT PDF 95 KB To consider the annual Corporate Health and Safety annual report (copy attached).
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Corporate Health & Safety Advisor
guided members through the annual Corporate Health and Safety report
(previously circulated). The
first section of the report included the assessment of the health and safety performance
in terms of how the culture works, a medium assurance rating had been provided
a continuous improvement track from previous years. Throughout the financial year 2021\2022 only
one RIDDOR incident had been formally investigated by the HSE. This incident related
to four customers of Ruthin leisure centre receiving an electric shock in the
showers. The outcome was fairly minor and the regulator found no fault with DCC
or the utility supplier. Denbighshire County Council continued to be
assessed by Corporate Health & Safety as being an organisation that sits in
the “calculative and proactive” zone. Members were guided through the points to note
during 2021-2022 within the agenda papers.
A breakdown of accidents and incidents was available in Appendix 2 to
the paper. The
Chair thanked the officer for the detailed papers and explanation of the team
and findings over the year. In response to the members
questions, officers expanded on the following: ·
It was confirmed during the year, there were 2 fatalities. Both
had been residents in care homes. The fatalities were not reportable to RIDDOR.
Officers agreed to provide further details on specific
concerns members had. ·
The high number of incidents reported by Denbighshire leisure
were due to Denbighshire Leisure Limited reporting and recording any incident or
accident. A number of the recording were very minor. ·
The report was also presented to the Joint Consultative
Committee for Health and Safety and Employee Relations on a quarterly basis.
This meeting was robust and offered challenge to the figures and health and
safety. The reports were also forwarded to the senior leadership team. The
corporate risk register was also reported to the Corporate Executive Team. ·
Internal Audit would conduct an audit of the service as part
of its programme of works. The Chair thanked the officers for all the detailed
papers and the response to members questions. RESOLVED that, the Governance and
Audit Committee receive the report, note its contents and endorse the Corporate
Health and Safety Team Work plan for 2021/22. |
the findings of the ‘follow up’ inspection of the Intake and Intervention
Service that sits within Education and Children’s Services (copy attached). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Children’s Services introduced the report to members (previously circulated) stating an assurance check had been conducted by CIW in June/ July 2021. In that review a number of positive findings had been reported there was also a number of areas for improvement. An action plan was created to improve on those areas of concern. The follow
up inspection highlighted some areas of improvement, but recognised
the impact of a high number of vacancies across the service that impacted the
improvement journey. Staff retention and recruitment was seen as a national
concern. Regular
meetings with CIW to review the actions taken in line with the action plan
continued. Officers recognised there was still work that was required to
improve the area within service. Confirmation
that staff training in all aspects of the area continued. It was felt that
although the department had staffing concerns training was always prioritised. During the
discussion the officers provided further explanation on the following: ·
house training on ‘real life’ situations had taken place. These were weekly
‘practice and improvement sessions’ to discuss different services available for
staff in the area. ·
and retention had been escalated to be included on the Corporate Risk in
Denbighshire. Regular meetings to address the issue took place. As an employer
Denbighshire had looked at the offers for working for the authority. A lot of
behind the work scenes was taking place both regionally and within
Denbighshire. A national pay structure had been called for. ·
thanked the officers for the continued dedication and hard work. ·
child protection referrals has continued. A number of social workers across
over areas of the department had been called in to support the area. The
gateway team (initial team) had been strengthened which had subsequently
reduced the number of caseload slightly. ·
authority across the region had been experiencing difficulties to fulfil
statutory duties. Officers priority had been to ensure the statutory duties of
Denbighshire where met, supporting children and vulnerable adult’s resident in
Denbighshire. It was noted the pandemic had created a more flexible working
approach for social workers. It was noted that Denbighshire social workers
continued to meet with individuals and families in the community. ·
and retention was a regular item of discussion at the Corporate Executive Team
meetings. An internal group had been set up to address recruitment and
retention in the care sector. It was also highlighted a report had been
presented to Performance Scrutiny around sickness and turnover statistics as an
authority as a whole. Members were informed a recruitment specialist had been
recruitment in HR to aid social care recruitment. ·
future report on recruitment and retention would be beneficial for members to
monitor recruitment and retention as an authority as a whole. It was confirmed
an internal audit report was scheduled for the last quarter. ·
suggested an overarching report be presented at the earliest convenience on
workforce planning at the January committee meeting. ·
information report on the challenges of recruitment in Social Care was agreed
to be presented at the November committee meeting. Members of
the committee thanked the officers for the detailed report. RESOLVED
that the Committee considers the CIW findings letter and understands the areas
for improvement. It was agreed to receive an information report on recruitment
and retention in the social care sector in November. Members also agreed to receive
a report on workforce planning in January. Members also noted the Internal
Audit report on Retention that would be presented in the new year.
AUDIT WALES REPORT - DELIVERING SUSTAINED PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PDF 124 KB To consider the Audit Wales Delivering Sustained Performance Improvement report and subsequent management response (copy attached). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Lead Member for Finance, Performance and
Strategic Assets along with the Interim Head of Head of Business Improvement and Modernisation introduced the Audit
Wales report (previously circulated). Members were
informed included in the papers was the Audit Wales report included
recommendations made by Audit Wales and the responses by officers of the
actions to be taken against those recommendations. Audit Wales
took an in-depth review of the Authorities performance in 2021. It was
explained they had looked at systems and processes in place with a deeper look
at the arrangements for education and young people and environmental services
both which were linked to corporate priorities at the time. Overall the
conclusion was that Denbighshire had effective arrangements in place for its
performance management. Members were
guided through the recommendations suggested by Audit Wales and the manager
response that had been included in the agenda papers including the timescale
for each recommendation. The Audit
Wales representative drew attention to recommendation 3, improving the
availability of performance information to members and the public. It was noted
the difficulties services had seen during the Covid
19 pandemic and it was hoped following the ease of restrictions this would be improved.
the introduction, the following was discussed in further detail: ·
report was published by Audit Wales in January 2022, although officers would
have hoped to present to committee at an earlier opportunity due to the
pandemic it had been delayed. Members were reminded the Council election had
taken place which had also contributed to the delay. Audit Wales had no concern
with the timescale. ·
HR are
responsible for 1:1. There is a template for managers to follow and complete.
It was a thorough template that included work objectives and general wellbeing
of employees. The minimum requirement for the vast majority of staff was three
to be completed during a year, this target was often exceeded by managers and
offered more regularly. HR issued reports for managers to address any concerns.
The reports are created monthly. ·
It was
often logging of the 1:1 on the system that was not completed. ·
importance of comparative information nationally and regionally was stressed. Comparative
information shared nationally had been suspended during the pandemic. It was
hoped this would be reinstated so the authority could compare its performance
against other authorities. ·
marking had declined during the pandemic it was hoped this would increase going
forward and allow services to compare to other authority’s performance. RESOLVED
that; i.
The Committee confirmed it had read,
understood and taken account of the content and recommendations in the Audit
Wales report on Delivering Sustained Performance Improvement and; ii.
That the Committee noted the agreed actions
in the management response. |
At this
juncture (11.20 a.m.) there was a 10 minute comfort
break. The meeting reconvened at 11.30 am. |
INTERNAL AUDIT UPDATE PDF 142 KB To consider a report by the Chief Internal Auditor (copy enclosed) updating members on Internal Audit progress. Additional documents: Minutes: The Lead Member for Finance, Performance and Strategic Assets
along with the Chief Internal Auditor (CIA) introduced the
report (previously circulated). Members were updated on the Internal Audit
Team’s progress in terms of its service delivery, assurance provision, reviews
completed, performance and effectiveness in driving improvement. The report provided information on work carried out by Internal
Audit since the last committee meeting. It allowed the committee to monitor
Internal Audit’s performance and progress as well as providing summaries of
Internal Audit reports. Also included was a summary of the changes to the
structure of Internal Audit for members reference. Confirmation that 8 Audits had been completed since the last
committee meeting. The completed audits had all received a high or medium assurance. There had been two follow up reviews
completed since the last update and summaries were included for information.
One of the follow ups was presented to the Partnership Scrutiny Committee July
2022. A National Fraud Incentive review had also been completed by the audit
team. Details of
the team and its make up were provided to the committee. It was hoped that
approval to appoint a senior auditor would be approved and go out to
recruitment. The team had also had a member of staff on long term absence. The Chair
thanked the Lead Member and Chief Internal Officer for the detailed introduction. During the
discussion – ·
It was confirmed an audit of revenues
and benefits for 2022/23 was due to commence. ·
In regards to the Equalities report it stated
within reason the council was compliant. Included had been three actions to be addressed.
Once the three actions had been resolved the audit team would be satisfied. The
actions had been given a timescale to be completed before a follow up review.
The findings of follow up reviews would be included in update reports presented
to Governance and Audit committee. ·
Confirmation that the first meeting of Equality
forum was due to take place the end of October 2022. A national report had been
produced by Audit Wales on Equality of impact assessments, identifying issues
found locally are also found nationally. ·
to the Audit team staff for quick responses to members
questions was highlighted. Members wanted to thank the team for providing
feedback on concerns outside of the meeting. ·
The work programme was constantly
reviewed. Not having a full complement of staff has impacted the number of
audits completed. Reviews of how to work more effectively going forward was
being conducted. Audits are reviewed and the order of completion is prioritised
in order of importance. ·
Audit of City, Town and Community Councils
are beneficial for the authority. ·
Audit Wales congratulated Internal
audit for the work completed in schools and community councils. It was felt to
be an important piece of work. ·
Reference numbers could be included on
the report. ·
A number of areas fall under the
Financial Services area such as payroll and treasury management. ·
Members were pleased to note the
process of recovering the overpayments
found on the NFI had begun. ·
Officers felt North & Mid Wales Audit Partnership
sub-group where very beneficial. It allowed discussions on possibilities and
ways to prevent fraud. It was hoped the group would help share experiences and
expertise. ·
A review of the guidance documents for
project management had been conducted. The importance of establishing boards very
early in a project was stressed. Confirmation that a planned audit of Christ the Word Catholic
School in Rhyl was scheduled following the recent Estyn
review. Audit would review and go through the action plan that has been agreed
by the Education department. RESOLVED that, ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
GOVERNANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME PDF 264 KB To consider the committee’s forward work programme (copy enclosed). Additional documents: Minutes: The Governance and Audit Committee’s Forward Work Programme (FWP) was presented for consideration (previously
circulated). The
Monitoring Officer confirmed the committee was responsible for receiving the Annual
panel assessment report and Complaints report. He stated he would discuss with
relevant officers for when it was best for the committee to receive the reports.
The Chair requested if any changes to the forward work programme are made before the meeting if he could be informed. The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed a report including Audit reports including external regulatory reports was to be submitted to CET. It would include progress against any recommendations. He confirmed he could share the report on an information basis to members. The Chair informed members the Annual Fire Safety report was scheduled for the September committee meeting. Due to the meeting being rescheduled officers were unable to attend the new meeting date. If members were in agreement the report could be circulated via email to members. The Monitoring Officer encouraged members to raise any matters with the report author. Members were all in agreement to receive the report via email. The Monitoring Officer confirmed the ‘Draft Annual report’ would be presented to the committee in November for consideration. An officer would prepare a draft report for committee to confirm they agree the contents before it is presented to Full Council. He stated it was standard practice the Chair of the Committee along with Lead Officer would present the report to County Council. Members had agreed a report in January 2023 on Workforce Planning Recruitment and Retention be included on the forward work programme. It was also agreed an information report from Nicola Stubbins on the challenges in recruitment and retention found in Social Care be included on the November meeting. RESOLVED that, subject to the inclusion of the above addition the Governance and Audit Committee’s forward work programme be noted. |
FOR INFORMATION Additional documents: |
ESTYN INSPECTION REPORT - CHRIST THE WORD CATHOLIC SCHOOL PDF 235 KB To receive for information a recent Inspection report conducted by Estyn on Christ the Word Catholic School, Rhyl (Copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: The Corporate
Director: Governance and Business, Monitoring Officer introduced the Estyn Inspection report for Christ the Word Catholic School
(previously circulated). The Chair asked the
direction of the report and if the committee would receive assurance from
future reports on the progress of actions. Members were informed the report was in the Performance Scrutiny’s forward work programme to be scrutinised. A representative from GwE would be invited to that meeting along with the Catholic diocese head of education, the school head teacher and Chair of the school’s governing body. The scrutiny committee will receive and debate the response action plan and establish a regular monitoring plan. The Governance and Audit committee will receive updates through the work of Internal Audit but if they felt necessary could call a report back to the committee. The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed he would inform the committee following future Estyn reports and his internal audit work. RESOLVED that the Governance and Audit committee note the information report. |
The meeting concluded at 12.28 p.m. Additional documents: |