Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/07/2013 - Cabinet (Item 7)


To consider a report by Councillor Bobby Feeley, Lead Member for Social Care and Children’s Services (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet’s agreement to change the current arrangements for adult safeguarding.

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RESOLVED that the proposals to change the current arrangements for Adult Safeguarding, in line with each partner across North Wales, to the preferred option of a Two-tiered North Wales Adult Safeguarding Board be approved.


Councillor Bobby Feeley, Lead Member for Social Care and Children’s Services presented the report detailing proposals for future Adult Safeguarding arrangements in line with the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Bill.  Cabinet’s agreement was sought to change the current arrangements for adult safeguarding, in line with each partner across North Wales, to the preferred option of a Two-tiered North Wales Adult Safeguarding Board.


During consideration of the proposals Cabinet sought assurances regarding funding arrangements and management of identified weaknesses, particularly in terms of accountability.  The Head of Adult and Business Services explained there was an expectation that regional collaboration funding would be forthcoming to progress the project.  If the funding bid was unsuccessful the project would still proceed but it would take longer to implement the proposals.  Assurances were provided that arrangements would be overseen by a Board of Social Services Directors together with representatives from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and North Wales Police.  Documentation would be prepared beforehand clearly setting out the responsibilities of both the regional and sub-regional boards.


RESOLVED that the proposals to change the current arrangements for Adult Safeguarding, in line with each partner across North Wales, to the preferred option of a Two-tiered North Wales Adult Safeguarding Board be approved.