Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/09/2013 - Cabinet (Item 7)


To consider a report by Councillor Bobby Feeley (copy enclosed) on a process to enable the Council to take fair and balanced decisions about the location of “supported housing”.

Additional documents:


Councillor Bobby Feeley presented the report, circulated previously, which set out a process to enable the Council to take fair and balanced decisions about the location of “supported housing” (SH).


RESOLVED - that Cabinet agrees:-


(a)  the adoption of the protocol attached as Appendix 1.

(b)  the operation of the protocol and Panel be monitored and reviewed after a period of twelve months with the outcome of the review reported to Cabinet, and

(c)  an audit of the number and location of supported housing schemes which currently exist in Denbighshire be conducted.



Councillor Bobby Feeley presented the report, circulated previously, which set out a process to enable the Council to take fair and balanced decisions about the location of “supported housing”.


Councillors R.L. Feeley and H.C. Irving respectively introduced and provided a detailed summary of the report.  It was explained that a decision had been required on the adoption of the protocol, Appendix 1.  Members were informed that SH could provide schemes for a wide range of groups which included:-


·                     Frail older people

·                     People with medical conditions

·                     Young people not yet ready for independent living

·                     People fleeing domestic violence

·                     Those leaving institutions, including ex-offenders, and

·                     Those with alcohol and drug related issues

Details of bodies entitled to submit proposals for SH had been outlined in the report and included external bodies such as the Bail Accommodation and Support Service, Probation or BCUHB.  Confirmation was provided that in all cases supported housing would be for local people.  Members concurred with the views expressed by Councillor Feeley that the operation of the protocol and Panel be monitored and reviewed after a period of twelve months with the outcome of the review reported to Cabinet.


Finding suitable locations for SH could be highly contentious in local communities for a range of reasons.  It could cause conflict, lead to distrust of the Council and to behaviours which were discriminatory, including against groups protected by the Equalities Act 2010.  The need for suitable accommodation for local vulnerable individuals was emphasised together with the consequences of not meeting the needs.


The CDMW confirmed that there was currently no formal system for the Council to consider all perspectives and take a reasoned decision about a proposed location.  The protocol, Appendix 1 had been developed by officers in conjunction with the two relevant Lead Members, representatives of the political groups and the Homelessness Champion.  A similar protocol developed in Wigan had been utilised but had been based on the experience of Denbighshire officers and Members over a number of years and through both straightforward and highly contentious proposals.


The protocol set out a carefully considered approach to making decisions about the proposed location of supported housing.  Key features included:-


·                     defining what information would be shared with whom and at what stage.

·                     a structured approach to collating information about a particular site proposed and its strengths and weaknesses.

·                     a structured approach identifying any planning issues at an early stage.

·                     clear approach identifying the potential “sensitivity” of a potential scheme in the interests of ensuring fair and considered treatment for all involved.

·                     recommended approaches for sharing information about schemes with those most affected.

·                     the establishment of a “Supported Housing Panel”, reporting to Cabinet, which would make recommendations on a proposed location having considered all information and perspectives.


Details of costs, the consultation process undertaken and the risks and measures implemented to address them had been included in the report.  A copy of the Equality Impact Assessment had been included as an Appendix to the report.


Members concurred with the views expressed by Councillor Feeley that the operation of the protocol and Panel be monitored and reviewed after a period of twelve months with the outcome of the review reported to Cabinet.


Councillor J. Butterfield explained that the Rhyl Member Area Group (RMAG) had        considered and opposed the scheme, expressing the view that the Rhyl residents and Elected Members had limited involvement in the formation of the scheme and its eventual implementation.  She explained that the West End of Rhyl already had an excessive number of housing schemes which included a large number of houses of multiple occupancy.  Councillor Butterfield acknowledged the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7