Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/04/2013 - Cabinet (Item 5)


To consider a report by Councillor Julian Thompson-Hill, Lead Member for Finance and Assets (copy to follow) detailing the latest financial position and progress against the agreed budget strategy.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:- that Cabinet notes the progress against the agreed budget strategy.



Councillor J. Thompson Hill presented the report, circulated previously, which detailed the Council’s revenue budget and savings as agreed for 2012/13 as at the end of March 2013, and provided a summary update of the Capital Plan, Housing Revenue Account and Housing Capital Plan.


He explained that the latest revenue budget forecast had been presented as Appendix 1 and indicated an under spend across service and corporate budgets of £994k, £1.1m last month, which represented a variance of 0.86% across the total net budget. Approximately £849k had been committed to fund expenditure early in 2013/14 or had been proposed for use by services next year, with the available under spend being potentially only £111k.  The position for schools forecasts positive net movement on balances of £294k, £306k last month, on delegated budgets and £176k on non-delegated school budgets, £161k last month.  The movement on non-delegated budgets related to the number of CRB checks required during the year being fewer than planned.  The Housing Revenue Account summary had also been included in Appendix 1 for information, but this was not part of the Council’s main revenue budget.


The Council included a net saving target for the year of £3.443m in the 2012/13 budget and 99.3% of the savings had either been achieved or replaced amounting to £3.418m. The remaining £25k related to the printer rationalisation project which had been deferred to next year.  


The narrative supporting services forecasts in the last three finance reports had referred to several proposals to make contributions to reserves or to carry funding forward to 2013/14.  In many cases the timing of expenditure had been the issue.  The final outturn report to Council in June would formally approve transfers to or from reserves or balances, including carry-forwards.  Appendix 2 provided a summary of the items discussed in previous cabinet reports for information. 


Details of notable service variances had been included in the report and were summarised for Members, the key areas and issues included:-


Adult & Business Services - Outturn was currently break-even with any in year over-spend being funded from the Supporting People reserve.


Highways & Environment Services – Under spend had increased by £12k to £205k due a number of small increases in projected income levels.  The Highways and Infrastructure under spend had decreased by £116k to £58k with change details being included in the report.


The following responses were provided in reply to questions from the Leader:-


-               The increase in income levels had not resulted from an increase in charges but had been based on forecasts of income received.

-               As a result of the severe weather conditions experienced the Winter Maintenance budget would be utilised and this would be offset by the general maintenance budget.  Confirmation was provided that, in conjunction with neighbouring Authorities, a bid would be submitted for emergency funding.  Councillor D.I. Smith explained that all North Wales Authorities would be seeking financial support from Welsh Government to repair the damage caused to the road network by the severe weather conditions.  Councillor Smith agreed to convey the concerns expressed by Councillor Feeley regarding the standard of work undertaken by the jetpatcher.  The Chief Executive highlighted the importance of increasing the budget available for highway maintenance works. 


Councillor E.W. Williams referred to areas of the County, particularly rural areas, where the condition of the roads had deteriorated drastically as a result of the severe weather conditions.  He requested that the areas in question be noted and included in the highways forward work programme, and a copy of the programme be circulated to all Members.  Councillor D.I. Smith explained that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5