Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/11/2012 - Cabinet (Item 5)


To consider a report by Councillor Eryl Williams, Lead Member for Education (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet’s approval to commence informal consultation on the case for change for faith based secondary provision.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the commencement of informal consultation in December 2012 on the case for change for Faith Based Secondary Education be approved.


Councillor Eryl Williams presented the report seeking Cabinet’s approval to commence informal consultation on the case for change for faith based secondary education provision in the county.


Councillor Williams provided some background to the situation referring to Denbighshire’s commitment to delivering significant improvements to schools and school facilities in order to support education.  He referred to a systematic approach to educational reviews within the county highlighting those already undertaken as part of that process.  In terms of the development of faith based provision, members were advised that the Catholic and Church in Wales Diocesan Authorities, together with the respective Bishops and the Trustees of St. Brigid’s had worked with the Council to consider the long term vision for faith-based education and the potential to move towards a single school which could provide joint Catholic and Anglican provision.  The next stage involved consultation to gain the views of parents and stakeholders on future provision and to ascertain whether they shared the opinion that a joint provision would strengthen education.


Councillor Hugh Evans reiterated the importance of providing the best education provision and facilities possible and hoped that the consultation findings would ensure that outcome.  He noted the view that joint working would lead to clear education benefits for pupils and sought confirmation that all parties were in agreement.  The Head of Education advised that discussions had been ongoing with the dioceses and schools and all partners were committed to delivering the best education going forward and accepted the need for review.  Councillor Barbara Smith queried the effectiveness of the consultation during the Christmas period and the Head of Customers and Education Support advised that the consultation period had been extended as a consequence but could be extended further if necessary.


Councillor Williams moved the recommendation detailed within the report and it was –


RESOLVED that the commencement of informal consultation in December 2012 on the case for change for Faith Based Secondary Education be approved.