Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

Chair and Vice-Chair of Standards Committee

Meeting: 13/07/2012 - Standards Committee (Item 9)

Chair and Vice-Chair of Standards Committee

To receive a verbal report on the arrangements for appointing a Chair and Vice-Chair of the Standards Committee.


The MO gave an update to the Committee to advise of the measures that needed to be taken to appoint two new independent members of the Standards Committee when the terms of office for the Chair, Mr Clive Halliday, and the Vice-Chair, Mr Geraint Roberts, each conclude in September. Mrs Paula White’s term would be ending but the MO confirmed that she was eligible to serve another term. Councillor David Jones’s term of office would run in accordance with the town and community council election timeframe, but he was also eligible to serve another term subject to confirmation by the town and community councils.


The two positions would be advertised as soon as possible with a view to confirming recruitment arrangements at County Council on 11th September. It was intended that interviews would be conducted by an Advisory Selection Panel, with appointments to be formally confirmed by County Council at their meeting on 9th October. The MO clarified that the separate roles of Chair and Vice-Chair of the Standards Committee would also need to be appointed to, with an election to take place from within the membership of the Standards Committee rather than the County Council.


Members noted the relatively close time frame for the recruitment of two new independent members but the MO gave assurances that the appointments would be finalised in time.


RESOLVED – that the Committee approved the arrangements to appoint two new independent members to the Standards Committee.