Issue - meetings
Meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 6)
To consider a report by Councillor Gill German, Lead Member for Education, Children and Families (copy enclosed) seeking Cabinet endorsement of the preferred site for the progression of the new build project for Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn.
Additional documents:
- YPB PROJECT - Appendix 1, item 6 PDF 244 KB
- YPB PROJECT - Appendix 2 Denbigh Sites A+B+HS, item 6 PDF 2 MB
- YPB PROJECT - Appendix 3 Well being Impact Assessment, item 6 PDF 113 KB
- YPB PROJECT - Appendix 4 MAG engagement, item 6 PDF 2 MB
- YPB PROJECT - Appendix 5 Open Space Provision, item 6 PDF 1 MB
- YPB PROJECT - Appendix 6 Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn Feasibility Appraisal - summary, item 6 PDF 275 KB
RESOLVED that, by majority vote, Cabinet –
(a) approve the preferred site for the new
build of Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn as the Ystrad Road site, shown as site A on the
plan attached in Appendix 2 to the report and to agree to support progression
via a planning application;
(b) agree that the planning application must
clearly demonstrate that the loss of recreational space through development on
the school playing field will be replaced by alternative outdoor provision of
equivalent or greater community benefit, and
(d) confirms that it had read, understood and
taken account of the Well-being Impact Assessment, as detailed in Appendix 3 to
the report, as part of its consideration.
The project was part of the Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme (Band B) approved in September 2020. The school provided specialist provision for pupils with autism aged 3 – 19 and the proposal was to bring 3 of the 4 current sites together in a purpose-built building and increase capacity to meet demand.
Some background to the project was provided including feasibility works on the new build proposals and consultation with stakeholders on the Ystrad Road site (Site A). Main issues arising from informal planning consultation related to site selection, loss of sporting facilities and highways access, and responses/mitigation for those issues were provided. Whilst supporting the need for improved facilities, Denbigh Member Area Group (MAG) had concerns over Site A and officers were asked to review those concerns and assess alternative sites and locations. Feasibility works were undertaken on an alternative site (Site B) and legal counsel’s advice was provided on the risks to the Council from a planning policy perspective. The Lead Member and officers could not support progression of Site B due to significant planning restrictions to overcome above and beyond those at Site A, and from an educational perspective given the impact on future development plans for Denbigh High School. However, Site B remained the preferred option for Denbigh MAG.
Councillor German highlighted mitigation measures to address concerns over Site A. She drew attention to the Wellbeing Impact Assessment (WBIA) and accepted the overall negative impact on cohesive communities and Denbigh residents and the need for additional mitigation to address all the issues raised. Community impact had been raised by Councillor Martyn Hogg outside of the meeting and assurances had been provided that it would remain a live issue. Work would be carried out to identify opportunities and maximise benefits of other open spaces in the town in addition to the replacement of the sporting facilities. Overall, here was a net positive outcome for the proposal with beneficiaries across Denbighshire.
In closing, Councillor German confirmed that it had been a lengthy process and she had been disappointed that an outcome had not been reached to the satisfaction of all but thanked all those involved for their hard work and decorum. Consequently, she recommended progression of the Ystrad Road site (Site A) for the new build.
Councillor Rhys Thomas raised concerns that the engagement and consultation process, as set out in the School Organisation Code, had not been properly carried out, which he illustrated by drawing attention to documentation from key stakeholders, including Denbigh High School and Denbighshire Leisure Limited, notice of the Council’s intention to apply for planning permission at Site A some twelve months previously, an artist’s impression of the school site some six months before that, and Denbigh MAG not being included in a site meeting with developers. Councillor Emrys Wynne added that there appeared to have been a catalogue of failures over a period of longer than eighteen months and asked whether there was evidence that Denbigh High School’s Governing Body had expressed a view. Councillor Gwyneth Ellis also sought further clarity on issues raised by Councillor Martyn Hogg (which he had emailed to all members) with regard to the WBIA.
The Lead Member and officers responded to the issues raised as follows –
· clarified the role of Cabinet on a strategic level to clearly authorise the submission of a planning application; it would ... view the full minutes text for item 6