Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/06/2021 - Licensing Committee (Item 7)


To consider a report by the Head of Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services (copy enclosed) seeking a review of the current Licensing Policy relating to Hackney Carriage (Taxi) and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Operators and approval for formal consultation on a draft statement of Licensing Policy.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the Committee –


(a)       approve the review of the current Licensing Policy relating to the Hackney Carriage (Taxi) and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Operators in line with the new Department of Transport Statutory Standards and the Welsh Government’s Harmonisation of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Recommendations, and


(b)       authorise officers to consult with the trade and the wider public (including relevant local organisations) on a draft Statement of Licensing Policy.



The Senior Licensing Officer (NJ) submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking members’ review of the current Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy and Conditions to incorporate the statutory standards published by the Department for Transport and the recommendations published by the Welsh Government, and also sought approval to undertake formal consultation on the draft Licensing Policy.


Some background was provided regarding publication of the Department for Transport’s (DfT) statutory standards in July 2020 (Appendix A to the report) with the focus on protecting children and vulnerable adults and better regulation of the sector together with publication of the Welsh Government’s (WG) recommendations in March 2021 (Appendix B to the report) to provide ‘quick fixes’ to improve the consistency of licensing standards and increase public safety.  In terms of legislative jurisdiction it was clarified that DfT standards had effect in Wales even though responsibility for taxi and private hire policy had been devolved to the WG.  However if the WG introduced legislation to regulate those issues the DfT standards would cease to apply.  As the DfT standards had been considered in the drafting of the WG recommendations it was proposed the existing Licensing Policy and Conditions encompass all other supplementary policies and conditions relating to taxi and private hire licensing, and that a four week consultation be undertaken on that draft with a final policy submitted to the Licensing Committee for approval.


During consideration of the report the views of officers were sought on the comprehensive documents and questions were raised regarding the proposed consultation process with a view to maximising engagement from the licensed trade and stakeholders and ensuring a good understanding of the impact of any potential changes to the current policy.  Officers confirmed they had no concerns regarding the proposed policy changes given that they had been designed to improve public safety, increase consistency and improve customer experience, with many of the WG’s recommendations having already been included in the Council’s existing policy.  Assurances were given that the main policy changes would be highlighted during the consultation however it was important that those affected had sight of the whole document and understood it and any implications.  Details were provided on the consultation which would include the licensed trade, relevant groups, City, Town and Community Councils and the wider public and would broadly be undertaken in line with previous consultations (written consultation and workshop sessions held at varying times in different geographical locations within the county) subject to being Covid safe, with an open invitation for any interested party.  The consultation responses would be taken into account to inform a final policy for submission to the Committee for approval.  Officers agreed to provide members with a summary of the consultation responses and feedback received as part of that process.


RESOLVED that the Committee –


(a)       approve the review of the current Licensing Policy relating to the Hackney Carriage (Taxi) and Private Hire Vehicles, Drivers and Operators in line with the new Department of Transport Statutory Standards and the Welsh Government’s Harmonisation of Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Recommendations, and


(b)       authorise officers to consult with the trade and the wider public (including relevant local organisations) on a draft Statement of Licensing Policy.